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Afrika Birliğinin Askeri Önlemlere Başvurma Hakkı

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4, 21 - 34, 31.10.2016


Afrika Birliği Kurucu Andlaşması’nın 4 (h)- ve 4(j) maddelerinde, örgütün müdahale hakkı düzenlenmiştir. Kurucu Andlaşma’nın söz konusu hükümlerinde, Birleşmiş Milletler Andlaşması’na herhangi bir atıf bulunmamaktadır. Oysa Birleşmiş Milletler Andlaşması’nın 53. maddesi uyarınca bölgesel örgütlerin Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyinin izni olmaksızın hiçbir askeri eyleme girişemeyeceği ifade edilmektedir. Çalışmada Afrika Birliğinin askeri önlemlere başvurma hakkı incelenmiştir.
Articles 4(h) and 4(j) of the Constitutive Act of the African Union regulates the right of intervention of the Union. There is no link between the related articles of the Constituttive Act and United Nations Charter. However Article 53 of the Charter states that no enforcement action shall be taken by regional agencies without the authorization of the Security Council. This paper analyses the right of the African Union to take military measures.


  • ABASS, Ademola/ BADARIN A. Mashood, “Towards Effective Collective Security and Human Rights Protection in Africa: An Assessment of the Constitutive Act of the New African Union” , 49 (1) Netherlands International Law Review, 2002, 1-38.
  • DEKKER, Ige/ MYJER, Eric, “Air Strikes on Bosnian Positions: Is NATO Also Legally the Proper Instrument of the UN?”, 9 (2) Leiden Journal of International Law, 1996, 411-416.
  • DE WET, Erika, “Regional Organizations and Arrangements: Authorization, Ratification, or Independent Action” in Marc Weller (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015, 314-328.
  • EKŞİ ATEŞ, Canan “Birleşmiş Milletler Andlaşması Çerçevesinde Uluslararası Barış ve Güvenliğin Korunmasında Bölge Anlaşmaları veya Örgütlerinin Rolü” in Refet Yinanç, Hakan Taşdemir (eds.) Uluslararası Güvenlik Sorunları ve Türkiye, Seçkin, Ankara, 2002, 15-54.
  • FRANCK, Thomas, Recourse to Force: State Action Against Threats and Armed Attacks”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
  • GÖKÇE, Gülise/ GÖKÇE, Orhan, “Suriye Sorunu: ‘Başarısız veya Çöken Devlet’ Modeli Türkiye için Suriye Politikasında Uluslararası Kamuoyunu Harekete Geçirmenin Bir Aracı Olabilir mi?”, 23 Selçuk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2012, 179-200.
  • GÜNDÜZ, Aslan, Milletlerarası Hukuk, Reşat Volkan Günel ed. Beta, İstanbul, 2013.
  • HUMMER, Waldemar/ SCHWEITZER, Michael, “Article 52” in Bruno Simma (ed.) The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume I, Oxford University Press, 2002, 807-853.
  • KESKİN, Funda, Uluslararası Hukukta Kuvvet Kullanma: Savaş, Karışma ve Birleşmiş Milletler, Mülkiyeliler Birliği Vakfı Yayınları: 20, Ankara, 1998.
  • NOLTE, Georg, “Article 2(7)” in Bruno Simma; Daniel Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume I, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 280-311.
  • ÖZALP, Osman N., “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Başarısız Devletler Sorunsalı ve Bu Sorunsalın Uluslararası Hukuka Etkileri”, 72 (1) İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2014, 349-362.
  • RANDELZHOFER, Albrecht/ DÖRR, Oliver, “Article 2(4)” in Bruno Simma; Daniel Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume I, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 200-234.
  • STAHEN¸ Carsten, “Responsibility to Protect: Politicial, Rhetoric or Emerging Legal Norm”, 101 (1) American Journal of International Law, 2007, 99–120.
  • SYNMAN, Anel Ferreira , “Intervention with Specific Reference to the Relationship between the United Nations Security Council and the African Union”, 43 (2) Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, 2010, 139-172.
  • ULUSOY HALATÇI, Ülkü, “Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Libya ve Suriye Örneğinde Koruma Sorumluluğu”, 4(14) Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, 2013, 269-297.
  • VASHAKMADZE, Vindia, “Responsibility to Protect” in Bruno Simma; Daniel Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume I, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 1201-1236.
  • WALLENDER, Celeste, “Institutional Assets and Adaptability: NATO After the Cold War”, 54(4) International Organization, 2000, 705-735.
  • WALTER, Christian, “Introduction to Chapter VIII” in Bruno Simma; Daniel Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume II, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 1429-1444.
  • WALTER, Christian, “Article 52” in Bruno Simma; Daniel Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume II, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 1445-1477.
  • Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17 Paragraph 2 of the Charter), Advisory Opinion, of 20 July 1962, ICJ Reports 1962, 151.
  • Charter of the Organization of African Unity, 25.05.1963, 479 UNTS 39, No. 6947.
  • Constitutive Act of the African Union, 11.07.2000, 2158 UNTS 3, No. 37733.
  • Declaration of Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States, A/RES/36/103 (1981)
  • Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty, A/RES/2131/XX (1965)
  • Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation AMong States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, A/RES/2625/X (1970)
  • Definition of Agression, A/RES/3314 (1974)
  • In Larger Freedom’, A/59/2005.
  • Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) Jurisdiction and Admissibility, Judgment, ICJ Reports 1984, 392.
  • Report of the International Comission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS), The Responsibility to Protoect, December 2001.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1244 (1999)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1386 (2001)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1545 (2004)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1590 (2005)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution S/RES/1769 (2007)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1744 (2007)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1973 (2011)
  • World Summit Outcome, A/RES/60/1 (2005)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)

The Right of the African Union to Recourse to Military Measures

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4, 21 - 34, 31.10.2016


Afrika Birliği Kurucu Andlaşması’nın 4 (h)- ve 4(j) maddelerinde, örgütün müdahale hakkı düzenlenmiştir. Kurucu Andlaşma’nın söz konusu hükümlerinde, Birleşmiş Milletler Andlaşması’na herhangi bir atıf bulunmamaktadır. Oysa Birleşmiş Milletler Andlaşması’nın 53. maddesi uyarınca bölgesel örgütlerin Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyinin izni olmaksızın hiçbir askeri eyleme girişemeyeceği ifade edilmektedir. Çalışmada Afrika Birliğinin askeri önlemlere başvurma hakkı incelenmiştir.
Articles 4(h) and 4(j) of the Constitutive Act of the African Union regulates the right of intervention of the Union. There is no link between the related articles of the Constituttive Act and United Nations Charter. However Article 53 of the Charter states that no enforcement action shall be taken by regional agencies without the authorization of the Security Council. This paper analyses the right of the African Union to take military measures.


  • ABASS, Ademola/ BADARIN A. Mashood, “Towards Effective Collective Security and Human Rights Protection in Africa: An Assessment of the Constitutive Act of the New African Union” , 49 (1) Netherlands International Law Review, 2002, 1-38.
  • DEKKER, Ige/ MYJER, Eric, “Air Strikes on Bosnian Positions: Is NATO Also Legally the Proper Instrument of the UN?”, 9 (2) Leiden Journal of International Law, 1996, 411-416.
  • DE WET, Erika, “Regional Organizations and Arrangements: Authorization, Ratification, or Independent Action” in Marc Weller (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015, 314-328.
  • EKŞİ ATEŞ, Canan “Birleşmiş Milletler Andlaşması Çerçevesinde Uluslararası Barış ve Güvenliğin Korunmasında Bölge Anlaşmaları veya Örgütlerinin Rolü” in Refet Yinanç, Hakan Taşdemir (eds.) Uluslararası Güvenlik Sorunları ve Türkiye, Seçkin, Ankara, 2002, 15-54.
  • FRANCK, Thomas, Recourse to Force: State Action Against Threats and Armed Attacks”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
  • GÖKÇE, Gülise/ GÖKÇE, Orhan, “Suriye Sorunu: ‘Başarısız veya Çöken Devlet’ Modeli Türkiye için Suriye Politikasında Uluslararası Kamuoyunu Harekete Geçirmenin Bir Aracı Olabilir mi?”, 23 Selçuk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2012, 179-200.
  • GÜNDÜZ, Aslan, Milletlerarası Hukuk, Reşat Volkan Günel ed. Beta, İstanbul, 2013.
  • HUMMER, Waldemar/ SCHWEITZER, Michael, “Article 52” in Bruno Simma (ed.) The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume I, Oxford University Press, 2002, 807-853.
  • KESKİN, Funda, Uluslararası Hukukta Kuvvet Kullanma: Savaş, Karışma ve Birleşmiş Milletler, Mülkiyeliler Birliği Vakfı Yayınları: 20, Ankara, 1998.
  • NOLTE, Georg, “Article 2(7)” in Bruno Simma; Daniel Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume I, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 280-311.
  • ÖZALP, Osman N., “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Başarısız Devletler Sorunsalı ve Bu Sorunsalın Uluslararası Hukuka Etkileri”, 72 (1) İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2014, 349-362.
  • RANDELZHOFER, Albrecht/ DÖRR, Oliver, “Article 2(4)” in Bruno Simma; Daniel Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume I, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 200-234.
  • STAHEN¸ Carsten, “Responsibility to Protect: Politicial, Rhetoric or Emerging Legal Norm”, 101 (1) American Journal of International Law, 2007, 99–120.
  • SYNMAN, Anel Ferreira , “Intervention with Specific Reference to the Relationship between the United Nations Security Council and the African Union”, 43 (2) Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, 2010, 139-172.
  • ULUSOY HALATÇI, Ülkü, “Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Libya ve Suriye Örneğinde Koruma Sorumluluğu”, 4(14) Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, 2013, 269-297.
  • VASHAKMADZE, Vindia, “Responsibility to Protect” in Bruno Simma; Daniel Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume I, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 1201-1236.
  • WALLENDER, Celeste, “Institutional Assets and Adaptability: NATO After the Cold War”, 54(4) International Organization, 2000, 705-735.
  • WALTER, Christian, “Introduction to Chapter VIII” in Bruno Simma; Daniel Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume II, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 1429-1444.
  • WALTER, Christian, “Article 52” in Bruno Simma; Daniel Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Volume II, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 1445-1477.
  • Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17 Paragraph 2 of the Charter), Advisory Opinion, of 20 July 1962, ICJ Reports 1962, 151.
  • Charter of the Organization of African Unity, 25.05.1963, 479 UNTS 39, No. 6947.
  • Constitutive Act of the African Union, 11.07.2000, 2158 UNTS 3, No. 37733.
  • Declaration of Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States, A/RES/36/103 (1981)
  • Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty, A/RES/2131/XX (1965)
  • Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation AMong States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, A/RES/2625/X (1970)
  • Definition of Agression, A/RES/3314 (1974)
  • In Larger Freedom’, A/59/2005.
  • Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) Jurisdiction and Admissibility, Judgment, ICJ Reports 1984, 392.
  • Report of the International Comission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS), The Responsibility to Protoect, December 2001.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1244 (1999)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1386 (2001)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1545 (2004)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1590 (2005)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution S/RES/1769 (2007)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1744 (2007)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/RES/1973 (2011)
  • World Summit Outcome, A/RES/60/1 (2005)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
  • (21.04.2016)
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk
Bölüm Makaleler

Berat Lale Akkutay

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Eylül 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Akkutay, B. L. (2016). Afrika Birliğinin Askeri Önlemlere Başvurma Hakkı. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(4), 21-34.
AMA Akkutay BL. Afrika Birliğinin Askeri Önlemlere Başvurma Hakkı. AndHD. Ekim 2016;2(4):21-34.
Chicago Akkutay, Berat Lale. “Afrika Birliğinin Askeri Önlemlere Başvurma Hakkı”. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 2, sy. 4 (Ekim 2016): 21-34.
EndNote Akkutay BL (01 Ekim 2016) Afrika Birliğinin Askeri Önlemlere Başvurma Hakkı. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 2 4 21–34.
IEEE B. L. Akkutay, “Afrika Birliğinin Askeri Önlemlere Başvurma Hakkı”, AndHD, c. 2, sy. 4, ss. 21–34, 2016.
ISNAD Akkutay, Berat Lale. “Afrika Birliğinin Askeri Önlemlere Başvurma Hakkı”. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 2/4 (Ekim 2016), 21-34.
JAMA Akkutay BL. Afrika Birliğinin Askeri Önlemlere Başvurma Hakkı. AndHD. 2016;2:21–34.
MLA Akkutay, Berat Lale. “Afrika Birliğinin Askeri Önlemlere Başvurma Hakkı”. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 2, sy. 4, 2016, ss. 21-34.
Vancouver Akkutay BL. Afrika Birliğinin Askeri Önlemlere Başvurma Hakkı. AndHD. 2016;2(4):21-34.
