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Yangın olguları ve adli antropoloji

Yıl 2018, , 63 - 81, 30.06.2018


Yangınlar, adli bilimler açısından önemli yere sahip olgular içermektedir. Bu tür
olgularda interdisipliner çalışmalar aracılığıyla olay yerinden elde edilen bulgular
değerlendirilmeli ve laboratuvar analizleriyle karşılaştırılmalıdır. Böylece vaka
analizleridaha güvenilir şekilde yapılmakta ve kimliklendirme çalışmalarına katkıda
Kemik ve dişler diğer iskelet bileşenlerine göre termal etkenlere karşı daha
dayanıklıdır. Bu nedenle yangın olgularında temel olarak adli antropoloji ve adli
odontoloji yaklaşımlarından yararlanılmaktadır. Adli antropoloji, termal etkenlerin
vücutta yarattığı değişimleri adli tıp ve adli patoloji gibi bilim dallarından yardım
alarak tanımlamaktadır. Buna ek olarak iskeletlerdeki travma tiplerini tanımlayarak
yangın olgusunun kasıtlı olup olmadığını belirlemeye yardımcı olmaktadır. Ayrıca
adli antropoloji, iskelet üzerinde kimliklendirmeye yardımcı olabilecek patoloji,
anomali ve varyasyon gibi göstergeleri belirlemekte; yaş ve cinsiyet gibi ölçütleri
değerlendirerek biyolojik profil oluşturulmasını sağlamaktadır.
Kemikler, yangın olgularında ulaşılabilen temel kalıntılardan olduğu için adli
antropolojinin bu tür olgularda aktif bir biçimde yer alması gerekmektedir. Adli
antropoloji, yangın olgularında adli bilimlerin farklı disiplinleriyle birlikte
çalışmalı, farklı nitelikteki yangın olguları için çeşitli teknikler test edilerek daha
güvenilir sonuçlar için örnek modeller oluşturulmalıdır


  • Arora, A.K., Gupta, P., Kapoor, S.S. ve Mahajan, S. (2010). An Analytic Review of Burnt Bones in Medicolegal Sciences, Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 10, 31-36.
  • Baby, R. S. (1954).Hopewell cremation practices. Columbus: Ohio Historical Society.
  • Black, S. ve Ferguson, E. (2011).Forensic Anthropology: 2000 to 2010. CRC Press.
  • Bytheway, J. A., Larison, N. C. ve Ross, A. H. (2014). Recognition of Atypical Burn Patterns and Pre-cremation Blunt Force Trauma Observed on Human Remains in Two Forensic Cases in the United States, Anthropology,2,136.
  • Dirkmaat, D. C. ve Adovasio, J. M. (1997).“The Role of Archaeology in the Recovery and Interpretation of Human Remains an Outdoor Forensic Setting”. Forensic Taphonomy: The Postmortem Fate of Human Remains. W. D. Haglund ve M. H. Sorg (Ed.), pp. 39-64, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Dirkmaat, D. C. (1998).Forensic Anthropological Recovery and Interpretation of the Fire Victim.50th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. San Francisco, CA.
  • Efford,M. (2016). The Implications of Thermogenic ModiŞcation for Anthropological Recovery of Burned Bone, The Arbutus Review, 7, 1.
  • Fairgrieve, S. I. (2007).Forensic Cremation Recovery and Analysis. CRC Press.
  • Haglund, W. D. ve Sorg, M. H. (2001).Advances in Forensic Taphonomy: Method, Theory and Archaelogical Perspectives. CRC Press.
  • Houck, M. M. ve Siegel, J. A. (2016).Adli Bilimlerin Temelleri, İkinci Basımdan Çeviri. Y. Doğan (Çev. Ed.), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Imaizumi, K. (2015).Forensic Investigation of Burnt Human Remains.Research and Reports in Forensic Medical Science, 5,67-74.
  • İşcan, M. Y. ve Steyn, M. (2013).The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine, Third Edition. Charles C Thomas.
  • King, C. G. ve King, S. (1989).The Archaeology of Fire Investigation.Fire Engineering, 142(6), 70-74.
  • Krogman, W. B. ve İşcan, M. Y. (1986). The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine, Second Edition. Charles C Thomas.
  • Maples, W. R. (1997). Forensic Anthropology. Forensic Dentistry.P. Stimson ve C. A. Mertz (Ed.), pp. 66-81, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Maples, W. R. ve Browning, M. (2004). Dead Men Do Tell Tales: The Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthropologist. Saga Publications.
  • Porta, D., Poppa, P., Regazzola, V., Gibelli, D., Schillaci, D. R., Amadasi, A., Magli, F. ve Cattaneo, C. (2013). The importance of an anthropological scene of crime investigation in the case of burnt remains in vehicles: 3 case studies, The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 34(3), 195-200.
  • Shipman, P., Foster, G. ve Schoeninger, M. (1984). Burnt bones and teeth: an experimental study of color, morphology, crystal structure and shrinkage.Journal of Archaeological Science,2, 307 – 325.
  • Symes, S. A., Smith, O. C., Berryman, H. E., Peters, C., Rochhold, L., Haun,S., Francisco, J. ve Sutton, T. (1996). Bones: Bullets, burns, bludgeons, blunders and why, Bone trauma workshop. 48th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Nashville, TN. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Colorado Springs.
  • Symes, S. A., Rainwater, C. W., Chapman, E. M., Gipson, D. R. ve Piper, A. L. (2008). “Patterned thermal destruction of human remains in a forensic setting”. The analysis of burned human remains. C. W. Schmidt ve S. A. Symes (Ed.), pp. 15-54, London, Academic Press.
  • Thomas, P. (2003).Forensic Anthropology: The Growing Science of Talking Bones. Facts On File Inc.
  • Thompson, T. J. U. (2009).“Burned human remains”. Handbook of forensic anthropology and archaeology. S. Blau veD. H. Ubelaker (Ed.), pp. 295-303, Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.
  • Ubelaker, D. H. (1989).Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation, Second Edition. Taraxacum, Washington, D.C.
  • Ubelaker, D. H. (2009). The forensic evaluation of burned skeletal remains: A synthesis, Forensic Science International, 183, 1-5.

Cases of Fire and Forensic Anthropology

Yıl 2018, , 63 - 81, 30.06.2018


The fires include facts which have important points in terms of forensic sciences.In
such cases, findings obtained from the site through interdisciplinary studies should
be assessed and compared with laboratory analyses.Thus, the cases are analyzed
more reliably and they contribute to identification studies.
Bones and teeth are more resistant to thermal effects than other skeletal
components. For this reason, forensic anthropology and forensic odontology
approaches are mainly used in fire cases. Forensic anthropology describes the
changes in the body caused by thermal factors with the help of scientific branches,
such as forensic medicine and forensic pathology. Additionaly, this subdiscipline
identifies trauma types in skeletons to help determine whether the emergence of a
fire is deliberate. It also defines indicators such as pathology, anomaly and
variation that can help to identify the skeleton and it provides help for composing a
biological profile by evaluating criteria such as age and sex.
Bones are among the basic remnants that can be reached in fire cases. For this
reason, forensic anthropology should be actively considered in such cases. Forensic
anthropology should work with different disciplines of forensic sciences. Various
techniques should be tested for different types of fire cases. In addition, sample
models should be created for more reliable result


  • Arora, A.K., Gupta, P., Kapoor, S.S. ve Mahajan, S. (2010). An Analytic Review of Burnt Bones in Medicolegal Sciences, Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 10, 31-36.
  • Baby, R. S. (1954).Hopewell cremation practices. Columbus: Ohio Historical Society.
  • Black, S. ve Ferguson, E. (2011).Forensic Anthropology: 2000 to 2010. CRC Press.
  • Bytheway, J. A., Larison, N. C. ve Ross, A. H. (2014). Recognition of Atypical Burn Patterns and Pre-cremation Blunt Force Trauma Observed on Human Remains in Two Forensic Cases in the United States, Anthropology,2,136.
  • Dirkmaat, D. C. ve Adovasio, J. M. (1997).“The Role of Archaeology in the Recovery and Interpretation of Human Remains an Outdoor Forensic Setting”. Forensic Taphonomy: The Postmortem Fate of Human Remains. W. D. Haglund ve M. H. Sorg (Ed.), pp. 39-64, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Dirkmaat, D. C. (1998).Forensic Anthropological Recovery and Interpretation of the Fire Victim.50th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. San Francisco, CA.
  • Efford,M. (2016). The Implications of Thermogenic ModiŞcation for Anthropological Recovery of Burned Bone, The Arbutus Review, 7, 1.
  • Fairgrieve, S. I. (2007).Forensic Cremation Recovery and Analysis. CRC Press.
  • Haglund, W. D. ve Sorg, M. H. (2001).Advances in Forensic Taphonomy: Method, Theory and Archaelogical Perspectives. CRC Press.
  • Houck, M. M. ve Siegel, J. A. (2016).Adli Bilimlerin Temelleri, İkinci Basımdan Çeviri. Y. Doğan (Çev. Ed.), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Imaizumi, K. (2015).Forensic Investigation of Burnt Human Remains.Research and Reports in Forensic Medical Science, 5,67-74.
  • İşcan, M. Y. ve Steyn, M. (2013).The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine, Third Edition. Charles C Thomas.
  • King, C. G. ve King, S. (1989).The Archaeology of Fire Investigation.Fire Engineering, 142(6), 70-74.
  • Krogman, W. B. ve İşcan, M. Y. (1986). The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine, Second Edition. Charles C Thomas.
  • Maples, W. R. (1997). Forensic Anthropology. Forensic Dentistry.P. Stimson ve C. A. Mertz (Ed.), pp. 66-81, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Maples, W. R. ve Browning, M. (2004). Dead Men Do Tell Tales: The Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthropologist. Saga Publications.
  • Porta, D., Poppa, P., Regazzola, V., Gibelli, D., Schillaci, D. R., Amadasi, A., Magli, F. ve Cattaneo, C. (2013). The importance of an anthropological scene of crime investigation in the case of burnt remains in vehicles: 3 case studies, The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 34(3), 195-200.
  • Shipman, P., Foster, G. ve Schoeninger, M. (1984). Burnt bones and teeth: an experimental study of color, morphology, crystal structure and shrinkage.Journal of Archaeological Science,2, 307 – 325.
  • Symes, S. A., Smith, O. C., Berryman, H. E., Peters, C., Rochhold, L., Haun,S., Francisco, J. ve Sutton, T. (1996). Bones: Bullets, burns, bludgeons, blunders and why, Bone trauma workshop. 48th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Nashville, TN. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Colorado Springs.
  • Symes, S. A., Rainwater, C. W., Chapman, E. M., Gipson, D. R. ve Piper, A. L. (2008). “Patterned thermal destruction of human remains in a forensic setting”. The analysis of burned human remains. C. W. Schmidt ve S. A. Symes (Ed.), pp. 15-54, London, Academic Press.
  • Thomas, P. (2003).Forensic Anthropology: The Growing Science of Talking Bones. Facts On File Inc.
  • Thompson, T. J. U. (2009).“Burned human remains”. Handbook of forensic anthropology and archaeology. S. Blau veD. H. Ubelaker (Ed.), pp. 295-303, Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.
  • Ubelaker, D. H. (1989).Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation, Second Edition. Taraxacum, Washington, D.C.
  • Ubelaker, D. H. (2009). The forensic evaluation of burned skeletal remains: A synthesis, Forensic Science International, 183, 1-5.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Antropoloji
Diğer ID JA48TH94TJ
Bölüm Değerlendirme (Derleme) Makaleleri

Özlem Mehder

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Nisan 2018
Kabul Tarihi 11 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Mehder, Ö. (2018). Yangın olguları ve adli antropoloji. Anthropology(35), 63-81.


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