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Deleuzecü-Guattarici Posthümanizm Aracılığıyla Doğa-Yaşam Etkileşimi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 1 - 28, 13.02.2025


Bu makale, doğanın materyalliğine ilişkin teorik bir yeniden kavramsallaştırmayı analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla, bu çalışma özellikle bir kavram olarak doğanın iki politik sorununu gündeme getirmektedir. İlk sorun, doğanın materyalliğini mekanik bir kavram olarak tasvir eden ve doğanın tahakküm altına alınmasıyla sonuçlanan modern doğa kavramıdır. İkinci sorun ise, doğanın materyalliğini söylemin bir işlevi olarak sunan postmodern doğa kavramıdır. Bu açıdan doğa diye bir şey yoktur; doğa politiktir. Bu makale, Deleuze ve Guattari'nin Kapitalizm ve Şizofreni adlı eserlerine dayanan eleştirel bir posthümanist perspektiften türetilen bir panzehir sunmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, posthümanist yaklaşımdan hareketle doğayı bir yaşam üretim süreci olarak gören bir içkinlik etiği oluşturan yeni bir doğa materyalliğini savunuyorum. Doğa, tüm yaşamın ortaya çıktığı, dinamik bir üretim sürecini temsil eden bir düzlemdir.


  • Adorno, T. Theodor and Max Horkheimer (1997), Dialectic of Enlightenment (London: Verso) (Trans. John Cumming).
  • Ansell-Pearson, Keith (2017), “Deleuze and New Materialism: Naturalism, Norms, and Ethics”, Ellenzweig, Sarah and John H. Zammito (Eds.), The New Politics of Materialism: History, Philosophy, Science (London: Routledge): 88-108.
  • Ansell-Pearson, Keith and John Protevi (2016), “Naturalism in the Continental Tradition”, Clark, Kelly James (Ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism (West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.): 34-48.
  • Barad, Karen (2007), Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning (United Kingdom: Duke University Press).
  • Biro, Andrew (2005), Denaturalizing Ecological Politics: Alienation from nature from Rousseau to the Frankfurt School and beyond (Toronto: University of Toronto Press).
  • Braidotti, Rosi (2013), The Posthuman (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  • Buchanan, Ian (2008), Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus: A Reader’s Guide (London: Continuum).
  • Butler, Judith (1993), Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of “sex” (United Kingdom: Routledge).
  • Colebrook, Claire (2010), Deleuze and the Meaning of Life (United Kingdom: Continuum).
  • Colebrook, Claire (2015), “Who Comes after the Post-human?”, Roffe, Jon and Hannah Stark (Eds.), Deleuze and the Non/Human (London: Palgrave Macmillan): 217-234.
  • Coole, Diana and Samantha Frost (2010), “Introducing the New Materialisms”, Coole, Diana and Samantha Frost (Eds.), New Materialism: Ontology, Agency, and Politics (United Kingdom: Duke University Press): 1-43.
  • Daigle, Christine and Terrance H. McDonald (2022), “Introduction: Posthumanisms through Deleuze and Guattari”, Daigle, Christine and Terrance H. McDonald (Eds.), From Deleuze and Guattari to Posthumanism (London: Bloomsbury Publishing): 1-20.
  • De Lucia, Vito (2020), “Rethinking the Encounter Between Law and Nature in the Anthropocene: From Biopolitical Sovereignty to Wonder”, Law and Critique, 31 (3): 329-349.
  • Deleuze, Gilles (1990), The Logic of Sense (New York: Columbia University Press) (Trans. Mark Lester, Charles Stivale).
  • Deleuze, Gilles (1997), “Immanence: A Life…”, Theory, Culture & Society, 14 (3): 3-7.
  • Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari (1983), Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press) (Trans. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, Helen R. Lane).
  • Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari (1987), A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (London: University of Minnesota Press) (Trans. Brian Massumi).
  • Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari (1994), What is Philosophy? (New York: Columbia University Press) (Trans. Hugh Tomlinson, Graham Burchell).
  • Descartes, René (2006), A Discourse on the Method of Correctly Conducting One’s Reason and Seeking Truth in the Science (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (Trans. Ian Maclean).
  • Descartes, René (2008), Meditations on First Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (Trans. Michael Moriarty).
  • Dingler, Johannes (2005), “The discursive nature of nature: Towards a post-modern concept of nature”, Journal of Environmental Policy &Planning, 7 (3): 209-225.
  • Dobson, Andrew (2007), Green Political Thought (London: Routledge).
  • Ducarme, Frédéric and Denis Couvet (2020), “What does ‘nature’ mean?”, Palgrave Communications, 6 (1): 1-8.
  • Ellis, Brian (2014), The Philosophy of Nature: A Guide to the New Essentialism (London, Routledge).
  • Engert, Kornelia and Christiane Schürkmann (2021), “Introduction: Posthuman? Nature and Culture in Renegotiation”, Nature and Culture, 16 (1): 1-10.
  • Favier, Killian (2023), “Materialism in the Anthropocene: A Critique of the ‘Domination of Nature’ in the Frankfurt School”, Emancipations: A Journal of Critical Social Analysis, 2 (1): 1-34.
  • Foucault, Michel (1998), The Will to Knowledge (United Kingdom: Penguin Books) (Trans. Robert Hurley).
  • Foucault, Michel (2003), “Society Must Be Defended”: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1975-1976 (United States: Picador) (Trans. David Macey).
  • Foucault, Michel (2007), Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France 1977–1978 (United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan) (Trans. Graham Burchell).
  • Foucault, Michel (2008), The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the Collège de France 1978–1979 (United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan) (Trans. Graham Burchell).
  • Fox, Nick J. and Pam Alldred (2018), “New Materialism”, Atkinson, Paul A., Sara Delamont, M. A. Hardy, M. Williams (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Methods (London: SAGE).
  • Gamble, Christopher N., Joshua S. Hanan and Thomas Nail (2019), “What is New Materialism?”, Angelaki, 24 (6): 111-134.
  • Gare, Arran (1995), Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis (London: Routledge).
  • Gaukroger, Stephen (2004), Francis Bacon and the Transformation of Early-Modern Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Goh, Irving (2008), “‘Strange Ecology’ in Deleuze/Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus”, Herzogenrath, Bernd (Ed.), An [Un]Likely Alliance: Thinking Environment[s] with Deleuze/Guattari (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing): 196-215.
  • Halsey, Mark (2005), “Ecology and machinic thought”, Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 10 (3): 33-55.
  • Haraway, Donna (2003), The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness (Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press).
  • Herzogenrath, Bernd (2009), “Nature/Geophilosophy/Machinics/Ecosophy”, Herzogenrath, Bernd (Ed.), Deleuze/Guattari & Ecology (London: Palgrave Macmillan): 1-22.
  • Hornborg, Alf (2021), “Beyond the image of COVID-19 as Nature’s revenge: Understanding Globalized Capitalism through an Epidemiology of Money”, Sustainability, 13 (9): 1-11
  • Krause, Sharon R. (2016), “Politics beyond Persons: Political Theory and the Non-human”, Political Theory, 1-13.
  • Koslicki, Kathrin and Michael J. Raven (2024), The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy (New York: Routledge).
  • Latour, Bruno (2017), Facing Gaia: Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime (Cambridge: Polity Press) (Trans. Catherine Porter).
  • Leiss, William (1994), Domination of Nature (London: McGill-Queen’s University Press).
  • Lemke, Thomas (2010), “From state biology to the government of life: Historical dimensions and contemporary perspectives of ‘biopolitics’”, Journal of Classical Sociology, 10 (4): 421-438.
  • Lemm, Vanessa (2010), “Critical theory and affirmative biopolitics: Nietzsche and the domination of nature in Adorno/Horkheimer”, Journal of Power, 3 (1): 75-95.
  • Lemm, Vanessa (2020), Homo Natura: Nietzsche, Philosophical Anthropology and Biopolitics (United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press).
  • Lewis, Simon L. and Mark A. Maslin (2015), “Defining the Anthropocene”, Nature, 519 (7542): 171-180.
  • Malssen, Tom Van (2015), The Political Philosophy of Francis Bacon: On the Unity of Knowledge (Albany: State University of New York Press).
  • Merchant, Carolyn (1990), The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution (San Francisco: Harper & Row).
  • Meyer, John M. (2001), Political Nature: Environmentalism and the Interpretation of Western Thought (Cambridge: MIT Press).
  • Morton, Timothy (2013), Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
  • Papastephanou, Marianna (1999), “Prospects for thinking reconstruction postmetaphysically: Postmodernism minus the quote-marks”, Journal for Cultural Research, 3 (3): 291-303.
  • Pattberg, Philipp (2007), “Conquest, Domination and Control: Europe’s Mastery of Nature in Historic Perspective”, Journal of Political Ecology, 14 (1): 1-9.
  • Phelan, Shane (1992), “Intimate distance: the dislocation of nature in modernity”, Western Political Quarterly, 45 (2): 385-402.
  • Protevi, John (2001), “The organism as the judgement of God: Aristotle, Kant and Deleuze on nature (that is, on biology, theology and politics)”, Bryden, Mary (Ed.), Deleuze and Religion (London: Routledge): 30-41.
  • Protevi, John (2012), “Deleuze and life”, Smith, W. Daniel and Henry Somers-Hall (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Deleuze (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 239-264.
  • Plumwood, Val (1993), Feminism and the Mastery of Nature (London: Routledge).
  • Richard, Sam L. (2015), “From Quotation, through Collage, to Parody: Postmodernism’s Relationship with Its Past”, Perspectives of New Music, 53 (1): 77-97.
  • Roffe, Jon and Hannah Stark (2015), “Introduction: Deleuze and the Non/Human”, Roffe, Jon and Hannah Stark (Eds.), Deleuze and the Non/Human (London: Palgrave Macmillan): 1-16.
  • Sellars, John (1999), “The point of view of the cosmos: Deleuze, romanticism, Stoicism”, Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, 8: 1-24.
  • Smith, Neil (2008), Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space (Athens: University of Georgia Press).
  • Soper, Kate (1995), What is Nature? Culture, Politics and the Non-human (Cambridge: Blackwell)
  • Tillman, Rachel (2015), “Toward a new materialism: Matter as dynamic”, Minding Nature, 8 (1): 30-35.
  • Tynan, Aidan (2014), “Reading Anti-Oedipus: Literature, Schizophrenia, and Universal History”, Ardoin, Paul, S. E. Gontarski, and Laci Mattison (Eds.), Understanding Deleuze, Understanding Modernism (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing): 48-60.
  • Voss, Daniela (2023), “On Anti-Oedipus: Deleuze and Guattari’s Spinozism”, La Deleuziana, 1: 154-168.
  • Williams, Raymond (1980), Problems in Materialism and Culture: Selected Essays (United Kingdom: Verso).
  • Wisniowska, Magdalena (2022), “Calculating Selfishness: A Reading of Deleuze and Guattari’s Concept of the Plane of Nature”, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 18 (1): 1-26.

Nature-Life Fusion Through Deleuzian-Guattarian Posthumanism

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 1 - 28, 13.02.2025


This article aims to analyze a theoretical reconceptualization of the materiality of nature. To this end, this study raises two political problems of nature, specifically as a concept. The first problem is the modern concept of nature, which depicts its materiality as a mechanical concept, resulting in the domination of nature. On the other hand, the second problem is the postmodern concept of nature, which presents its materiality as a function of discourse. In this respect, there is no nature; it is political. This article presents an antidote derived from a critical posthumanist perspective based on the works of Deleuze and Guattari, Capitalism and Schizophrenia. In this context, I advocate a new materiality of nature that constitutes an ethics of immanence and sees nature as a process of life production from the posthumanist approach. Nature is a plane where all life emerges, representing a dynamic production process.

Etik Beyan

Ethics committee approval was not required for this article.


This article has been derived from Özgür BOZAN’s ongoing PhD dissertation at Istanbul Technical University, Department of Political Studies, Political and Social Thought PhD Program.


  • Adorno, T. Theodor and Max Horkheimer (1997), Dialectic of Enlightenment (London: Verso) (Trans. John Cumming).
  • Ansell-Pearson, Keith (2017), “Deleuze and New Materialism: Naturalism, Norms, and Ethics”, Ellenzweig, Sarah and John H. Zammito (Eds.), The New Politics of Materialism: History, Philosophy, Science (London: Routledge): 88-108.
  • Ansell-Pearson, Keith and John Protevi (2016), “Naturalism in the Continental Tradition”, Clark, Kelly James (Ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism (West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.): 34-48.
  • Barad, Karen (2007), Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning (United Kingdom: Duke University Press).
  • Biro, Andrew (2005), Denaturalizing Ecological Politics: Alienation from nature from Rousseau to the Frankfurt School and beyond (Toronto: University of Toronto Press).
  • Braidotti, Rosi (2013), The Posthuman (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  • Buchanan, Ian (2008), Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus: A Reader’s Guide (London: Continuum).
  • Butler, Judith (1993), Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of “sex” (United Kingdom: Routledge).
  • Colebrook, Claire (2010), Deleuze and the Meaning of Life (United Kingdom: Continuum).
  • Colebrook, Claire (2015), “Who Comes after the Post-human?”, Roffe, Jon and Hannah Stark (Eds.), Deleuze and the Non/Human (London: Palgrave Macmillan): 217-234.
  • Coole, Diana and Samantha Frost (2010), “Introducing the New Materialisms”, Coole, Diana and Samantha Frost (Eds.), New Materialism: Ontology, Agency, and Politics (United Kingdom: Duke University Press): 1-43.
  • Daigle, Christine and Terrance H. McDonald (2022), “Introduction: Posthumanisms through Deleuze and Guattari”, Daigle, Christine and Terrance H. McDonald (Eds.), From Deleuze and Guattari to Posthumanism (London: Bloomsbury Publishing): 1-20.
  • De Lucia, Vito (2020), “Rethinking the Encounter Between Law and Nature in the Anthropocene: From Biopolitical Sovereignty to Wonder”, Law and Critique, 31 (3): 329-349.
  • Deleuze, Gilles (1990), The Logic of Sense (New York: Columbia University Press) (Trans. Mark Lester, Charles Stivale).
  • Deleuze, Gilles (1997), “Immanence: A Life…”, Theory, Culture & Society, 14 (3): 3-7.
  • Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari (1983), Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press) (Trans. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, Helen R. Lane).
  • Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari (1987), A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (London: University of Minnesota Press) (Trans. Brian Massumi).
  • Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari (1994), What is Philosophy? (New York: Columbia University Press) (Trans. Hugh Tomlinson, Graham Burchell).
  • Descartes, René (2006), A Discourse on the Method of Correctly Conducting One’s Reason and Seeking Truth in the Science (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (Trans. Ian Maclean).
  • Descartes, René (2008), Meditations on First Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (Trans. Michael Moriarty).
  • Dingler, Johannes (2005), “The discursive nature of nature: Towards a post-modern concept of nature”, Journal of Environmental Policy &Planning, 7 (3): 209-225.
  • Dobson, Andrew (2007), Green Political Thought (London: Routledge).
  • Ducarme, Frédéric and Denis Couvet (2020), “What does ‘nature’ mean?”, Palgrave Communications, 6 (1): 1-8.
  • Ellis, Brian (2014), The Philosophy of Nature: A Guide to the New Essentialism (London, Routledge).
  • Engert, Kornelia and Christiane Schürkmann (2021), “Introduction: Posthuman? Nature and Culture in Renegotiation”, Nature and Culture, 16 (1): 1-10.
  • Favier, Killian (2023), “Materialism in the Anthropocene: A Critique of the ‘Domination of Nature’ in the Frankfurt School”, Emancipations: A Journal of Critical Social Analysis, 2 (1): 1-34.
  • Foucault, Michel (1998), The Will to Knowledge (United Kingdom: Penguin Books) (Trans. Robert Hurley).
  • Foucault, Michel (2003), “Society Must Be Defended”: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1975-1976 (United States: Picador) (Trans. David Macey).
  • Foucault, Michel (2007), Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France 1977–1978 (United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan) (Trans. Graham Burchell).
  • Foucault, Michel (2008), The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the Collège de France 1978–1979 (United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan) (Trans. Graham Burchell).
  • Fox, Nick J. and Pam Alldred (2018), “New Materialism”, Atkinson, Paul A., Sara Delamont, M. A. Hardy, M. Williams (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Methods (London: SAGE).
  • Gamble, Christopher N., Joshua S. Hanan and Thomas Nail (2019), “What is New Materialism?”, Angelaki, 24 (6): 111-134.
  • Gare, Arran (1995), Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis (London: Routledge).
  • Gaukroger, Stephen (2004), Francis Bacon and the Transformation of Early-Modern Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Goh, Irving (2008), “‘Strange Ecology’ in Deleuze/Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus”, Herzogenrath, Bernd (Ed.), An [Un]Likely Alliance: Thinking Environment[s] with Deleuze/Guattari (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing): 196-215.
  • Halsey, Mark (2005), “Ecology and machinic thought”, Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 10 (3): 33-55.
  • Haraway, Donna (2003), The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness (Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press).
  • Herzogenrath, Bernd (2009), “Nature/Geophilosophy/Machinics/Ecosophy”, Herzogenrath, Bernd (Ed.), Deleuze/Guattari & Ecology (London: Palgrave Macmillan): 1-22.
  • Hornborg, Alf (2021), “Beyond the image of COVID-19 as Nature’s revenge: Understanding Globalized Capitalism through an Epidemiology of Money”, Sustainability, 13 (9): 1-11
  • Krause, Sharon R. (2016), “Politics beyond Persons: Political Theory and the Non-human”, Political Theory, 1-13.
  • Koslicki, Kathrin and Michael J. Raven (2024), The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy (New York: Routledge).
  • Latour, Bruno (2017), Facing Gaia: Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime (Cambridge: Polity Press) (Trans. Catherine Porter).
  • Leiss, William (1994), Domination of Nature (London: McGill-Queen’s University Press).
  • Lemke, Thomas (2010), “From state biology to the government of life: Historical dimensions and contemporary perspectives of ‘biopolitics’”, Journal of Classical Sociology, 10 (4): 421-438.
  • Lemm, Vanessa (2010), “Critical theory and affirmative biopolitics: Nietzsche and the domination of nature in Adorno/Horkheimer”, Journal of Power, 3 (1): 75-95.
  • Lemm, Vanessa (2020), Homo Natura: Nietzsche, Philosophical Anthropology and Biopolitics (United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press).
  • Lewis, Simon L. and Mark A. Maslin (2015), “Defining the Anthropocene”, Nature, 519 (7542): 171-180.
  • Malssen, Tom Van (2015), The Political Philosophy of Francis Bacon: On the Unity of Knowledge (Albany: State University of New York Press).
  • Merchant, Carolyn (1990), The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution (San Francisco: Harper & Row).
  • Meyer, John M. (2001), Political Nature: Environmentalism and the Interpretation of Western Thought (Cambridge: MIT Press).
  • Morton, Timothy (2013), Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
  • Papastephanou, Marianna (1999), “Prospects for thinking reconstruction postmetaphysically: Postmodernism minus the quote-marks”, Journal for Cultural Research, 3 (3): 291-303.
  • Pattberg, Philipp (2007), “Conquest, Domination and Control: Europe’s Mastery of Nature in Historic Perspective”, Journal of Political Ecology, 14 (1): 1-9.
  • Phelan, Shane (1992), “Intimate distance: the dislocation of nature in modernity”, Western Political Quarterly, 45 (2): 385-402.
  • Protevi, John (2001), “The organism as the judgement of God: Aristotle, Kant and Deleuze on nature (that is, on biology, theology and politics)”, Bryden, Mary (Ed.), Deleuze and Religion (London: Routledge): 30-41.
  • Protevi, John (2012), “Deleuze and life”, Smith, W. Daniel and Henry Somers-Hall (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Deleuze (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 239-264.
  • Plumwood, Val (1993), Feminism and the Mastery of Nature (London: Routledge).
  • Richard, Sam L. (2015), “From Quotation, through Collage, to Parody: Postmodernism’s Relationship with Its Past”, Perspectives of New Music, 53 (1): 77-97.
  • Roffe, Jon and Hannah Stark (2015), “Introduction: Deleuze and the Non/Human”, Roffe, Jon and Hannah Stark (Eds.), Deleuze and the Non/Human (London: Palgrave Macmillan): 1-16.
  • Sellars, John (1999), “The point of view of the cosmos: Deleuze, romanticism, Stoicism”, Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, 8: 1-24.
  • Smith, Neil (2008), Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space (Athens: University of Georgia Press).
  • Soper, Kate (1995), What is Nature? Culture, Politics and the Non-human (Cambridge: Blackwell)
  • Tillman, Rachel (2015), “Toward a new materialism: Matter as dynamic”, Minding Nature, 8 (1): 30-35.
  • Tynan, Aidan (2014), “Reading Anti-Oedipus: Literature, Schizophrenia, and Universal History”, Ardoin, Paul, S. E. Gontarski, and Laci Mattison (Eds.), Understanding Deleuze, Understanding Modernism (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing): 48-60.
  • Voss, Daniela (2023), “On Anti-Oedipus: Deleuze and Guattari’s Spinozism”, La Deleuziana, 1: 154-168.
  • Williams, Raymond (1980), Problems in Materialism and Culture: Selected Essays (United Kingdom: Verso).
  • Wisniowska, Magdalena (2022), “Calculating Selfishness: A Reading of Deleuze and Guattari’s Concept of the Plane of Nature”, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 18 (1): 1-26.
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Siyasal Teori ve Siyaset Felsefesi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Özgür Bozan 0000-0002-7145-5059

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozan, Ö. (2025). Nature-Life Fusion Through Deleuzian-Guattarian Posthumanism. Alternatif Politika, 17(1), 1-28.
AMA Bozan Ö. Nature-Life Fusion Through Deleuzian-Guattarian Posthumanism. Altern. Polit. Şubat 2025;17(1):1-28. doi:10.53376/ap.2025.01
Chicago Bozan, Özgür. “Nature-Life Fusion Through Deleuzian-Guattarian Posthumanism”. Alternatif Politika 17, sy. 1 (Şubat 2025): 1-28.
EndNote Bozan Ö (01 Şubat 2025) Nature-Life Fusion Through Deleuzian-Guattarian Posthumanism. Alternatif Politika 17 1 1–28.
IEEE Ö. Bozan, “Nature-Life Fusion Through Deleuzian-Guattarian Posthumanism”, Altern. Polit., c. 17, sy. 1, ss. 1–28, 2025, doi: 10.53376/ap.2025.01.
ISNAD Bozan, Özgür. “Nature-Life Fusion Through Deleuzian-Guattarian Posthumanism”. Alternatif Politika 17/1 (Şubat 2025), 1-28.
JAMA Bozan Ö. Nature-Life Fusion Through Deleuzian-Guattarian Posthumanism. Altern. Polit. 2025;17:1–28.
MLA Bozan, Özgür. “Nature-Life Fusion Through Deleuzian-Guattarian Posthumanism”. Alternatif Politika, c. 17, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 1-28, doi:10.53376/ap.2025.01.
Vancouver Bozan Ö. Nature-Life Fusion Through Deleuzian-Guattarian Posthumanism. Altern. Polit. 2025;17(1):1-28.