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Türkiye Kırında Yeni Tarımsal Burjuvazi: Yeni Köylüler

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 143 - 164, 13.02.2025


Bu yazıda, kentten kıra göç ederek tarıma başlayan 83 "yeni köylü" ile yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerin sonuçları paylaşılmaktadır. Araştırma, bu yeni köylülerin Türkiye tarımsal yapısındaki konumunu anlamaya çalışmıştır. Bulgular, yeni köylülerin Marmara ve Ege bölgelerinde yoğunlaştığını ve üretim modellerini "doğal tarım" üzerine kurduklarını göstermektedir. Yoğunlaşma, bu yeni köylülerin diğer yeni köylülerle yakın yaşama ve sosyal-siyasi kutuplaşmadan kaçınma arzularıyla açıklanmaktadır. Araştırma, bu yeni köylülerin, tarımı kâr odaklı yapan bir "tarım burjuvazisi" olarak kırsalda sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel farklılaşmayı derinleştirebileceğini öne sürmektedir.


  • “5216 Sayılı Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kanunu” (23 Temmuz 2004) (Ankara: Başbakanlık Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü).
  • Altieri, Miguel ve Clara Nichols (2017), “Agroecology: a brief account of its origins and currents of thought in Latin America”, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 41 (3-4): 231-237.
  • Aydın, Zülküf (2010), “Neoliberal Transformation of Turkish Agriculture”, Journal of Agrarian Change, 10 (2): 149-187.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre (1986), The Forms of Capital, In J. Richardson, Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education (Westport, CT: Greenwood): 241-258.
  • Cengiz, Kurtuluş, Önder Küçükural ve Hande Gür (2023), Türkiye'de Spiritüel Arayışlar: Deizm, Yoga, Budizm, Meditasyon, Reiki, vb. (İstanbul: İletişim).
  • Chevalier, Michel (1993), “Neo-rural phenomena”, Espace geographique, 175-191.
  • Darling, Eliza (2005), “The city in the country: wilderness gentrification and the rent gap”, Environment and Planning A, 37 (6): 1015-1032.
  • Deng, Shenrui, Byron Marlowe ve Robert J. Harrington (2022), “Wine tourism gentrification: Transforming rural agricultural regions in the USA”, Kumar Dixit, Saurabh (Der.), Routledge Handbook of Wine Tourism (London: Routledge).
  • Dourian, Tara (2021), “New farmers in the south of Italy: Capturing the complexity of contemporary strategies and networks”, Journal of Rural Studies, 84: 63-75.
  • Drozda, Łukasz (2023), “Gentrification in a Post-Socialist Rural Context: The Case of Polish Vineyards”, Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 43-55.
  • Espelt, Ricard (2020), “Agroecology prosumption: The role of CSA networks”, Journal of Rural Studies, 79: 269-275.
  • Ghose, Rina (2004), Big sky or big sprawl? Rural gentrification and the changing cultural landscape of Missoula, Montana, Urban Geography, 25(6), 528-549.
  • Giraldo, Omar Felipe ve Peter Michael Rosset (2022), “Emancipatory agroecologies: social and political principles”, The Journal of Peasant Studies.
  • Gkartzios, Menelaos (2013), “Leaving Athens”: narratives of counterurbanisation in times of crisis”, Journal of Rural Studies, (32): 158-167.
  • Gliessman, Steve (2018), “Defining Agroecology”, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 42 (6): 599-600.
  • Guimond, Laurie ve Myriam Simard (2010), “Gentrification and neo-rural populations in the Quebec countryside: Representations of various actors”, Journal of Rural Studies, 26: 449-464.
  • Gunderson, Ryan (2014), “Problems with the defetishization thesis: ethical consumerism, alternative food systems, and commodity fetishism”, Agriculture & Human Values, (31): 109-117.
  • Gürel, Burak. (2011), “Agrarian Change and Labour Supply in Turkey, 1950-1980”, Journal of Agrarian Change, 11 (2): 195-219.
  • Gürel, Burak. (2014), “Türkiye’de Kırda Sınıf Mücadelelerinin Tarihsel Gelişimi”, Savran, Sungur, K. Tanyılmaz & E. A. Tonak (Der.), Marksizm ve Sınıflar – Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Sınıflar ve Mücadeleleri (İstanbul: Yordam): 303-385.
  • Güreşçi, Ertuğrul (2010), “Türkiye'de Kentten-Köye Göç Olgusu”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 11 (1): 77-86.
  • Hennink, Monique ve Bonnie Kaiser (2019), Saturation in Qualitative Research, Atkinson, Paul, Sara Delamont, Alexandry Cernat ve Joseph W. Sakshaug (Der.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations (Sage Publications).
  • İnan, Gizem (2019), Tersine Göç Olgusunun Nedenleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi) (Çanakkale: Çanakkale 18 Mart Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • İslamoğlu, Emel, Sinem Yıldırımalp ve Abdurrahman Benli (2014), “Türkiye'de Tersine Göç ve Tersine Göçü Teşvik Eden Uygulamalar: İstanbul Örneği”, Sakarya İktisat Dergisi, 68-93.
  • Kepenek, Emek Barış ve Tülay Uğuzman (2018), “Haydi, Köyümüze Geri Dönelim! Tersine Göçün Sosyoekonomik Etkileri: Yeniyol Köyü Örneği”, Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 40 (2): 11-36.
  • Keyder, Çağlar ve Zafer Yenal (2011), “Agrarian Change Under Globalization: Markets and Insecurity in Turkish Agriculture”, Journal of Agrarian Change, 11 (1): 60-86.
  • Keyder, Çağlar ve Zafer Yenal (2014a), “Değişen Köyler ve Tarım Tartışmaları”, Keyder, Çağlar ve Zafer Yenal, Bildiğimiz Tarımın Sonu: Küresel İktidar ve Köylülük (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları): 169-190.
  • Keyder, Çağlar ve Zafer Yenal (2014b), “Tarımsal Dönüşüm ve Proleterleşme Süreçleri: Tarihsel Bir Bakış”, Keyder, Çağlar ve Zafer Yenal, Bildiğimiz Tarımın Sonu: Küresel İktidar ve Köylülük (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları): 137-168.
  • Kolarova, Marta (2023), “Permaculture and back-to-the-land migration: Pursuing self-sufficiency in Czech rural areas”, Sociologia Ruralis, 63: 865-885.
  • Köymen, Oya (2009), “Kapitalizm ve Köylülük: Ağalar - Üretenler – Patronlar”, Mülkiye, XXXIII (262): 25-39.
  • Milone, Pierluigi ve Flaminia Ventura (2019), “New generation farmers: Rediscovering the peasantry”, Journal of Rural Studies, 65: 43-52.
  • Monllor i Rico, Neus ve Anthony Fuller (2016), “Newcomers to farming: towards a new rurality in Europe”, Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 62 (3): 531-551.
  • Monllor, Neus (2012), Farm Entry: A Comparative Analysis of Young Farmers, Their Pathways, Attitudes and Practices in Ontario (Canada) and Catalunya (Spain) Final Report, Access to Land: A European Network for Grassroots Organisations Securing Land for Agroecological Farming.
  • Öztürk, Murat, Joost Jongerden ve Andy Hilton (2018), “The (re)production of the new peasantry in Turkey”, Journal of Rural Studies, 61: 244-254.
  • Özuğurlu, Murat, (2013), Küçük Köylülüğün Sermaye Kapanı: Türkiye'de Tarım Çalışmaları ve Köylülük Üzerine Gözlemler (Ankara: NotaBene).
  • Ploeg, Jan Douwe van der (2021), “The political economy of agroecology”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 48 (2): 274-297.
  • Ploeg, Jan Douwe van der, Dominique Barjolle, Janneke Bruil, Gianluca Brunori, Livia Maria Costa Madureira, Joost Dessein, Zbigniew Drąg, Andrea Fink-Kessler, Pierre Gasselin, Manuel Gonzalez de Molina, Krzysztof Gorlach, Karin Jürgens, Jim Kinsella, James Kirwan, Karlheinz Knickel, Veronique Lucas, Terry Marsden, Damian Maye, Paola Migliorini, Pierluigi Milone Egon Noe, Piotr Nowak, Nicholas Parrott, Alain Peeters, Adanella Rossi, Markus Schermer, Flaminia Ventura, Marjolein Visser ve Alexander Wezel (2019), “The economic potential of agroecology: Empirical evidence from Europe”, Journal of Rural Studies, 71: 46-61.
  • Rosset, Peter ve Maria Elena Martinez-Torres (2012), “Rural Social Movements and Agroecology: Context, Theory, and Process”, Ecology and Society, 17 (3).
  • Saunders, Benjamin, Julius Sim, Tom Kingstone, Shula Baker, Jackie Waterfield, Bernadette Bartlam, Heather Burroughs ve Clare Jinks (2018), “Saturation in qualitative research: exploring its conceptualization and operationalization”, Quality & Quantity, 52: 1893-1907.
  • Smith, Michael ve Richard Krannich (2009), “‘Culture Clash’ Revisited: Newcomer and Longer-Term Residents' Attitudes Toward Land Use, Development, and Environmental Issues in Rural Communities in the Rocky Mountain West”, Rural Sociology, 65 (3): 396-421.
  • Smith, Neil (1979), “Toward a theory of gentrification: a back to the city movement of capital, not people”, Journal of American Planning Association, 45: 538-548.
  • Snikersproge, Ieva (2022), “Capitalism, Subsistence Farming, and the (New) Peasantries from the Perspective of the French Neorural Movement”, Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment, 44 (1): 53-62.
  • Solana-Solana, Miguel (2010), “Rural gentrification in Catalonia, Spain: A case study of migration, social change and conflicts in the Empordanet area”, Geoforum, 41 (3): 508-517.
  • Sürmeli, İpek (2017), “Türkiye’de İç Göçün Değişim ve Dönüşümü: Kentten Kıra Yöneliş”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 275-286.
  • Tomay, Kyra ve Emese Tuboly (2023), “The role of social capital and trust in the success of local wine tourism and rural development”, Sociologia Ruralis, 63 (1): 200-222.
  • Türkkan, Candan (2019), “Clean foods, motherhood and alternative food networks in contemporary Istanbul”, Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 26 (2): 181-202.
  • Türkkan, Candan (2023), “What is the 'alternative'? Insights from Istanbul's food networks”, Food, Culture & Society, 26 (2): 265-285
  • Türkkan, Candan (2025a), “Entrepreneurial back-to-landers: Neo-farmers in Turkey”, Journal of Rural Studies, 113: 103503.
  • Türkkan, Candan (2025b), “Entrepreneurial back-to-landers: How Neo-Farmers in Turkey Choose Where to Settle”, Population, Space and Place, 31 (1): e2863.
  • Willis, Scott ve Hugh Campbell (2004), “The Chestnut Economy: The Praxis of Neo-Peasantry in Rural France”, Sociologia Ruralis, 44 (3): 317-331.

Neo-Farmers: Emergence of a New Agrarian Bourgeois in Rural Turkey

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 143 - 164, 13.02.2025


This paper discusses the emergence of a new type of agrarian bourgeois in rural Turkey. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with 83 ‘neo-farmers’, the paper shows that, unlike other urban-to-rural and lifestyle migrants, neo-farmers migrate to enter farming. Although they farm commercially, they prefer clean farming practices or agroecology. The paper also shows that neo-farmers are primarily concentrated in the Marmara and the Aegean regions. They prefer these regions, however, not because they provide easy access to urban amenities, but because neo-farmers perceive them as politically progressive and tolerant of diversity.

Etik Beyan

Bu araştırma projesi, Özyeğin Üniversitesi İnsan Araştırmaları Etik Kurulu tarafından 20.07.2020 tarihli ve 2020/12/01 sayılı toplantıda değerlendirilmiş ve etik açıdan uygun bulunmuştur.


  • “5216 Sayılı Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kanunu” (23 Temmuz 2004) (Ankara: Başbakanlık Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü).
  • Altieri, Miguel ve Clara Nichols (2017), “Agroecology: a brief account of its origins and currents of thought in Latin America”, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 41 (3-4): 231-237.
  • Aydın, Zülküf (2010), “Neoliberal Transformation of Turkish Agriculture”, Journal of Agrarian Change, 10 (2): 149-187.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre (1986), The Forms of Capital, In J. Richardson, Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education (Westport, CT: Greenwood): 241-258.
  • Cengiz, Kurtuluş, Önder Küçükural ve Hande Gür (2023), Türkiye'de Spiritüel Arayışlar: Deizm, Yoga, Budizm, Meditasyon, Reiki, vb. (İstanbul: İletişim).
  • Chevalier, Michel (1993), “Neo-rural phenomena”, Espace geographique, 175-191.
  • Darling, Eliza (2005), “The city in the country: wilderness gentrification and the rent gap”, Environment and Planning A, 37 (6): 1015-1032.
  • Deng, Shenrui, Byron Marlowe ve Robert J. Harrington (2022), “Wine tourism gentrification: Transforming rural agricultural regions in the USA”, Kumar Dixit, Saurabh (Der.), Routledge Handbook of Wine Tourism (London: Routledge).
  • Dourian, Tara (2021), “New farmers in the south of Italy: Capturing the complexity of contemporary strategies and networks”, Journal of Rural Studies, 84: 63-75.
  • Drozda, Łukasz (2023), “Gentrification in a Post-Socialist Rural Context: The Case of Polish Vineyards”, Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 43-55.
  • Espelt, Ricard (2020), “Agroecology prosumption: The role of CSA networks”, Journal of Rural Studies, 79: 269-275.
  • Ghose, Rina (2004), Big sky or big sprawl? Rural gentrification and the changing cultural landscape of Missoula, Montana, Urban Geography, 25(6), 528-549.
  • Giraldo, Omar Felipe ve Peter Michael Rosset (2022), “Emancipatory agroecologies: social and political principles”, The Journal of Peasant Studies.
  • Gkartzios, Menelaos (2013), “Leaving Athens”: narratives of counterurbanisation in times of crisis”, Journal of Rural Studies, (32): 158-167.
  • Gliessman, Steve (2018), “Defining Agroecology”, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 42 (6): 599-600.
  • Guimond, Laurie ve Myriam Simard (2010), “Gentrification and neo-rural populations in the Quebec countryside: Representations of various actors”, Journal of Rural Studies, 26: 449-464.
  • Gunderson, Ryan (2014), “Problems with the defetishization thesis: ethical consumerism, alternative food systems, and commodity fetishism”, Agriculture & Human Values, (31): 109-117.
  • Gürel, Burak. (2011), “Agrarian Change and Labour Supply in Turkey, 1950-1980”, Journal of Agrarian Change, 11 (2): 195-219.
  • Gürel, Burak. (2014), “Türkiye’de Kırda Sınıf Mücadelelerinin Tarihsel Gelişimi”, Savran, Sungur, K. Tanyılmaz & E. A. Tonak (Der.), Marksizm ve Sınıflar – Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Sınıflar ve Mücadeleleri (İstanbul: Yordam): 303-385.
  • Güreşçi, Ertuğrul (2010), “Türkiye'de Kentten-Köye Göç Olgusu”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 11 (1): 77-86.
  • Hennink, Monique ve Bonnie Kaiser (2019), Saturation in Qualitative Research, Atkinson, Paul, Sara Delamont, Alexandry Cernat ve Joseph W. Sakshaug (Der.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations (Sage Publications).
  • İnan, Gizem (2019), Tersine Göç Olgusunun Nedenleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi) (Çanakkale: Çanakkale 18 Mart Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • İslamoğlu, Emel, Sinem Yıldırımalp ve Abdurrahman Benli (2014), “Türkiye'de Tersine Göç ve Tersine Göçü Teşvik Eden Uygulamalar: İstanbul Örneği”, Sakarya İktisat Dergisi, 68-93.
  • Kepenek, Emek Barış ve Tülay Uğuzman (2018), “Haydi, Köyümüze Geri Dönelim! Tersine Göçün Sosyoekonomik Etkileri: Yeniyol Köyü Örneği”, Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 40 (2): 11-36.
  • Keyder, Çağlar ve Zafer Yenal (2011), “Agrarian Change Under Globalization: Markets and Insecurity in Turkish Agriculture”, Journal of Agrarian Change, 11 (1): 60-86.
  • Keyder, Çağlar ve Zafer Yenal (2014a), “Değişen Köyler ve Tarım Tartışmaları”, Keyder, Çağlar ve Zafer Yenal, Bildiğimiz Tarımın Sonu: Küresel İktidar ve Köylülük (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları): 169-190.
  • Keyder, Çağlar ve Zafer Yenal (2014b), “Tarımsal Dönüşüm ve Proleterleşme Süreçleri: Tarihsel Bir Bakış”, Keyder, Çağlar ve Zafer Yenal, Bildiğimiz Tarımın Sonu: Küresel İktidar ve Köylülük (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları): 137-168.
  • Kolarova, Marta (2023), “Permaculture and back-to-the-land migration: Pursuing self-sufficiency in Czech rural areas”, Sociologia Ruralis, 63: 865-885.
  • Köymen, Oya (2009), “Kapitalizm ve Köylülük: Ağalar - Üretenler – Patronlar”, Mülkiye, XXXIII (262): 25-39.
  • Milone, Pierluigi ve Flaminia Ventura (2019), “New generation farmers: Rediscovering the peasantry”, Journal of Rural Studies, 65: 43-52.
  • Monllor i Rico, Neus ve Anthony Fuller (2016), “Newcomers to farming: towards a new rurality in Europe”, Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 62 (3): 531-551.
  • Monllor, Neus (2012), Farm Entry: A Comparative Analysis of Young Farmers, Their Pathways, Attitudes and Practices in Ontario (Canada) and Catalunya (Spain) Final Report, Access to Land: A European Network for Grassroots Organisations Securing Land for Agroecological Farming.
  • Öztürk, Murat, Joost Jongerden ve Andy Hilton (2018), “The (re)production of the new peasantry in Turkey”, Journal of Rural Studies, 61: 244-254.
  • Özuğurlu, Murat, (2013), Küçük Köylülüğün Sermaye Kapanı: Türkiye'de Tarım Çalışmaları ve Köylülük Üzerine Gözlemler (Ankara: NotaBene).
  • Ploeg, Jan Douwe van der (2021), “The political economy of agroecology”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 48 (2): 274-297.
  • Ploeg, Jan Douwe van der, Dominique Barjolle, Janneke Bruil, Gianluca Brunori, Livia Maria Costa Madureira, Joost Dessein, Zbigniew Drąg, Andrea Fink-Kessler, Pierre Gasselin, Manuel Gonzalez de Molina, Krzysztof Gorlach, Karin Jürgens, Jim Kinsella, James Kirwan, Karlheinz Knickel, Veronique Lucas, Terry Marsden, Damian Maye, Paola Migliorini, Pierluigi Milone Egon Noe, Piotr Nowak, Nicholas Parrott, Alain Peeters, Adanella Rossi, Markus Schermer, Flaminia Ventura, Marjolein Visser ve Alexander Wezel (2019), “The economic potential of agroecology: Empirical evidence from Europe”, Journal of Rural Studies, 71: 46-61.
  • Rosset, Peter ve Maria Elena Martinez-Torres (2012), “Rural Social Movements and Agroecology: Context, Theory, and Process”, Ecology and Society, 17 (3).
  • Saunders, Benjamin, Julius Sim, Tom Kingstone, Shula Baker, Jackie Waterfield, Bernadette Bartlam, Heather Burroughs ve Clare Jinks (2018), “Saturation in qualitative research: exploring its conceptualization and operationalization”, Quality & Quantity, 52: 1893-1907.
  • Smith, Michael ve Richard Krannich (2009), “‘Culture Clash’ Revisited: Newcomer and Longer-Term Residents' Attitudes Toward Land Use, Development, and Environmental Issues in Rural Communities in the Rocky Mountain West”, Rural Sociology, 65 (3): 396-421.
  • Smith, Neil (1979), “Toward a theory of gentrification: a back to the city movement of capital, not people”, Journal of American Planning Association, 45: 538-548.
  • Snikersproge, Ieva (2022), “Capitalism, Subsistence Farming, and the (New) Peasantries from the Perspective of the French Neorural Movement”, Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment, 44 (1): 53-62.
  • Solana-Solana, Miguel (2010), “Rural gentrification in Catalonia, Spain: A case study of migration, social change and conflicts in the Empordanet area”, Geoforum, 41 (3): 508-517.
  • Sürmeli, İpek (2017), “Türkiye’de İç Göçün Değişim ve Dönüşümü: Kentten Kıra Yöneliş”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 275-286.
  • Tomay, Kyra ve Emese Tuboly (2023), “The role of social capital and trust in the success of local wine tourism and rural development”, Sociologia Ruralis, 63 (1): 200-222.
  • Türkkan, Candan (2019), “Clean foods, motherhood and alternative food networks in contemporary Istanbul”, Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 26 (2): 181-202.
  • Türkkan, Candan (2023), “What is the 'alternative'? Insights from Istanbul's food networks”, Food, Culture & Society, 26 (2): 265-285
  • Türkkan, Candan (2025a), “Entrepreneurial back-to-landers: Neo-farmers in Turkey”, Journal of Rural Studies, 113: 103503.
  • Türkkan, Candan (2025b), “Entrepreneurial back-to-landers: How Neo-Farmers in Turkey Choose Where to Settle”, Population, Space and Place, 31 (1): e2863.
  • Willis, Scott ve Hugh Campbell (2004), “The Chestnut Economy: The Praxis of Neo-Peasantry in Rural France”, Sociologia Ruralis, 44 (3): 317-331.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kırsal Sosyoloji
Bölüm Gıda Politikası Dosyası

Candan Türkkan 0000-0002-7814-3146

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 24 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Türkkan, C. (2025). Türkiye Kırında Yeni Tarımsal Burjuvazi: Yeni Köylüler. Alternatif Politika, 17(1), 143-164.
AMA Türkkan C. Türkiye Kırında Yeni Tarımsal Burjuvazi: Yeni Köylüler. Altern. Polit. Şubat 2025;17(1):143-164. doi:10.53376/ap.2025.06
Chicago Türkkan, Candan. “Türkiye Kırında Yeni Tarımsal Burjuvazi: Yeni Köylüler”. Alternatif Politika 17, sy. 1 (Şubat 2025): 143-64.
EndNote Türkkan C (01 Şubat 2025) Türkiye Kırında Yeni Tarımsal Burjuvazi: Yeni Köylüler. Alternatif Politika 17 1 143–164.
IEEE C. Türkkan, “Türkiye Kırında Yeni Tarımsal Burjuvazi: Yeni Köylüler”, Altern. Polit., c. 17, sy. 1, ss. 143–164, 2025, doi: 10.53376/ap.2025.06.
ISNAD Türkkan, Candan. “Türkiye Kırında Yeni Tarımsal Burjuvazi: Yeni Köylüler”. Alternatif Politika 17/1 (Şubat 2025), 143-164.
JAMA Türkkan C. Türkiye Kırında Yeni Tarımsal Burjuvazi: Yeni Köylüler. Altern. Polit. 2025;17:143–164.
MLA Türkkan, Candan. “Türkiye Kırında Yeni Tarımsal Burjuvazi: Yeni Köylüler”. Alternatif Politika, c. 17, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 143-64, doi:10.53376/ap.2025.06.
Vancouver Türkkan C. Türkiye Kırında Yeni Tarımsal Burjuvazi: Yeni Köylüler. Altern. Polit. 2025;17(1):143-64.