Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2024, , 1 - 16, 30.06.2024



  • Abidin, Z. Z., Omar, N., Radiah, D., Biak, A., Yaakob, Man, C., Nordalila Omar, F., Man, Y. C. (2016). Alternative for Rapid Detection and Screening of Pork, Chicken, and Beef Using Dielectric Properties in the Frequency of 0.5 to 50 GHz. International Journal of Food Properties, 19(5), 1127–1138.
  • Akgündüz, A. (2012). Helal Gıda Meselesi: Avrupa’da Helal Gıda Problemleri ve Çözüm Yolları. Helal Sertifikası Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 1-14.
  • Alina, A R., Illiyin Nur, M.A., Juriani, J., Salmah, Y., Siti Mashitoh , A., Imtinan, A. K. (2012). Detection of Non-Halal Plasma Transglutaminase in Selected Surimi-Based Products by using Sandwich ELISA Method. World Applied Sciences Journal 17, 39-44.
  • Amaral, J. S., Santos, G., Beatriz, M., Oliveira, P. P., Mafra, I. (2016). Quantitative detection of pork meat by EvaGreen real-time PCR to assess the authenticity of processed meat products. Food Control, 72, 53-61.
  • Azir, M., Abbasiliasi, S., Tengku Ibrahim, T., Manaf, Y., Sazili, A., Mustafa, S. (2017). Detection of Lard in Cocoa Butter—Its Fatty Acid Composition, Triacylglycerol Profiles, and Thermal Characteristics. Foods, 6(11), 98.
  • Batu, A. (2012). Türkiye ’ de Helal ( Mahzursuz ) Gıda ve Helal Belgelendirme Sistemi. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 7(1), 51–61.
  • Çallı, Y. D. (2014). Etnik Pazarlamada Helal Kavramının Kullanımı ''Almanya'da Yayınlanan Gıda Reklamları Üzerine Bir İnceleme''. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(4), 43-56.
  • Can, A. (2019). SPSS ile Bilimsel Araştırma Sürecinde Nicel Veri Analizi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, 27-30.
  • Cebi, N. (2018). Helal Gıda Kapsamında Yumuşak Şekerlemelerde Jelatin Kökeninin Tespitinde Spektroskopik ve Kromotografik Yöntemlerin Geliştirilmesi ve Metot Validasyonu.Doktora Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Cebi, N., Dogan, C. E., Develioglu, A., Yayla, M. E. A., Sagdic, O. (2017). Detection of L-Cysteine in wheat flour by Raman microspectroscopy combined chemometrics of HCA and PCA. Food Chemistry, 228, 116–124.
  • Chiş, L.-M., Vodnar, D. C. (2019). Detection of the Species of Origin for Pork, Chicken and Beef in Meat Food Products by Real-Time PCR. Safety, 5(4), 83.
  • Çuhadar, M. (2015). Kahramanmaraş i̇li̇ kent merkezi̇nde helal gida konusunda tüketi̇ci̇ davranişlari. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kahramanmaraş.
  • Demirhan, Y., Ulca, P., Senyuva, H. Z. (2012). Detection of porcine DNA in gelatine and gelatine-containing processed food products-Halal/Kosher authentication. Meat Science, 90(3), 686–689.
  • El Sheikha, A. F., Mokhtar, N. F. K., Amie, C., Lamasudin, D. U., Isa, N. M., Mustafa, S. (2017). Authentication technologies using DNA-based approaches for meats and halal meats determination. In Food Biotechnology (Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp. 281–315). Taylor and Francis Inc.
  • Ermiş, E., Salleh, H. M. (2020). Gıda bileşenlerinin orijin tespiti analizlerinde kullanılan yöntemler. Journal of Halal and Ethical Research, 2(1), 50–63.
  • Erwanto, Y., Abidin, S, R. (2012). Pig species identification in meatballs using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism for Halal authentication. In International Food Research Journal (Vol. 19, Issue 3).
  • Fischer, J. (2012). Branding halal: A photographic essay on global Muslim markets. Anthropology Today, 28(4), 18–21.
  • Genç, A. T., Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2015). Helal Serti̇fi̇kasini Tüketi̇ci Terci̇hleri Üzeri̇ndeki Etki̇si̇: Sakarya İli̇ Örneği̇. I. Uluslararası Ekonomi, Finans ve Ekonometri Öğrenci Sempozyumu (EFEOS), 530–544.
  • He, Z., Yang, H. (2018). Colourimetric detection of swine-specific DNA for halal authentication using gold nanoparticles. Food Control, 88, 9–14.
  • İnan, İ. E. (2018). Gıda Sektöründe Faaliyet Gösteren Kobilerin Helal Gıda Sertifikasına Yönelik Algılarının İncelenmesi: TR 82 Bölgesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kastamonu.
  • İçer, M.A., Karadağ, M.(2023). Tüketicilerin Helal Gıdaya Yönelik Bilgi, Tutum ve Tercihleri: Gözlemsel Tanımlayıcı Bir Çalışma. Bes Diy Derg, 2023;51(1):39-49.
  • Karaman, H. (2012). Helal gıda (1-2). Gıda Hareketi.
  • Kızılkaya, B. (2017). Türkiye’de Helal Gıda Konusundaki Tüketici Eğilimlerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Muğla.
  • Kurt, A. (2017). Helal Gıda Analizlerinde Yeni Teknolojiler ve Yöntemler. 1. International Halal Tourism Congress. Nisan, 1166-1173
  • Kurtoğlu, R., Çiçek, B. (2013). Tüketicilerin Helal Ürünler Hakkındaki Algılama, Tutum ve Beklentilerini Tespit Etmeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 8(3), 181–205.
  • Kuswandi, B., Gani, A. A., Ahmad, M. (2017). Immuno strip test for detection of pork adulteration in cooked meatballs. Food Bioscience, 19(19), 1–6.
  • Mandli, J., EL Fatimi, I., Seddaoui, N., Amine, A. (2018). Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA/immunosensor) for a sensitive detection of pork adulteration in meat. Food Chemistry, 255, 380–389.
  • Meral, Y., Şahin, A. (2013). Tüketicilerin Coğrafi İşaretli Ürün Algısı : Gemlik Zeytini Örneği. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(4), 16-24.
  • Montowska, M., Fornal, E. (2018). Detection of peptide markers of soy, milk and egg white allergenic proteins in poultry products by LC-Q-TOF-MS/MS. LWT, 87, 310–317.
  • Mursyidi, A. (2013). The Role of Chemical Analysis in the Halal Authentication of Food and Pharmaceutical Products. J.Food Pharm.Sci., 1(2013), 1–4.
  • Musa, M.S., Kuretake, T., Harada, F., Hori, F., Uno, S. (2014). Electrochemical Detection of Alcohol using Enzyme Sensor with Chromatography Paper and its Potential Application as halal Sensor. TechConnect Briefs.
  • Nikzad, J., Shahhosseini, S., Tabarzad, M., Nafissi-Varcheh, N., Torshabi, M. (2017). Simultaneous detection of bovine and porcine DNA in pharmaceutical gelatin capsules by duplex PCR assay for Halal authentication. DARU, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 25(1).
  • Nurjuliana, M., Che Man, Y. B., Mat Hashim, D., Mohamed, A. K. S. (2011). Rapid identification of pork for halal authentication using the electronic nose and gas chromatography mass spectrometer with headspace analyzer. Meat Science, 88(4), 638–644.
  • Ordoudi, S. A., Staikidou, C., Kyriakoudi, A., Tsimidou, M. Z. (2018). A stepwise approach for the detection of carminic acid in saffron with regard to religious food certification. Food Chemistry, 267, 410–419.
  • Özturk, A.(2022). The effect of halal product knowledge, halal awareness, perceived psychological risk and halal product attitude on purchasing intention. Business and Economics Research Journal. 2022;13(1):127-41.
  • Özçelik, D. (2019). Helal gıda tüketimine yönelik tutumların satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi (Adıyaman örneği). Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adıyaman Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Adıyaman.
  • Özgen, Işıl., Hazarhun, E. (2019). Gıda Etiketlerindeki E-kodlu Katkı Maddelerinin Helal Gıda Kapsamında İncelenmesi. Balıkesir University The Journal of Social Sciences Institute.
  • Park, S., Kim, J. C., Lee, H. S., Jeong, S. W., Shim, Y. S. (2016). Determination of five alcohol compounds in fermented Korean foods via simple liquid extraction with dimethyl-sulfoxide followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for Halal food certification. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 74, 563–570.
  • Park, S. W., Lee, S. J., Sim, Y. S., Choi, J. Y., Park, E. Y., Noh, B. S. (2017). Analysis of ethanol in soy sauce using electronic nose for halal food certification. Food Science and Biotechnology, 26(2), 311–317.
  • Picariello, G., Di Stasio, L., Mamone, G., Iacomino, G., Venezia, A., Iannaccone, N., Ferranti, P., Coppola, R., Addeo, F. (2018). Identification of enzyme origin in dough improvers: DNA-based and proteomic approaches. Food Research International, 105, 52–58.
  • Safdar, M., Junejo, Y., Arman, K., Abasiyanik, M. F. (2014). A highly sensitive and specific tetraplex PCR assay for soybean, poultry, horse and pork species identification in sausages: Development and validation. Meat Science, 98(2), 296–300.
  • Slattery, W. J., Sinclair, A. J. (1983). Differentiation of meat according to species by the electrophoretic separation of muscle lactate dehydrogenase and esterase isoenzymes and isoelectric focusing of soluble muscle proteins. Australian Veterinary Journal, 60(2), 47–51.
  • Song, K. Y., Hwang, H. J., Kim, J. H. (2017). Ultra-fast DNA-based multiplex convection PCR method for meat species identification with possible on-site applications. Food Chemistry, 229, 341–346.
  • Sultana, S., Hossain, M. A. M., Zaidul, I. S. M., Ali, M. E. (2018). Multiplex PCR to discriminate bovine, porcine, and fish DNA in gelatin and confectionery products. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 92, 169–176.
  • Swanson, M. C., Boiano, J. M., Galson, S. K., Grauvogel, L. W., Reed, C. E. (1992). Hygiene immunochemical quantification and particle size distribution of airborne papain in a meat portioning facility. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 53(1), 1–5.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, (2020). , Alıntı Tarihi: 29.08.2020.
  • Varinli, İ., Erdem, E. (2015). Kayseri ’ deki Tüketicilerin Helal Gıda Sertifikalı Ürünlere Yönelik Farkındalıklarını Ve Algılamalarını Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma. 3. Kayseri Ekonomi Sempozyumu, 399-414.
  • Von Bargen, C., Rg Dojahn, J., Waidelich, D., Humpf, H.-U., Brockmeyer, J. (2013). New Sensitive High-Performance Liquid Chromatography−Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Detection of Horse and Pork in Halal Beef. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61, 11986–11994.
  • Wielogorska, E., Chevallier, O., Black, C., Galvin-King, P., Delêtre, M., Kelleher, C. T., Haughey, S. A., Elliott, C. T. (2018). Development of a comprehensive analytical platform for the detection and quantitation of food fraud using a biomarker approach. The oregano adulteration case study. Food Chemistry, 239, 32–39.
  • Witjaksono, G., Saputra, I., Latief, M., Jaswir, I., Akmeliawati, R., Abdelkreem, A., Rabih, S. (2017). Non-Halal biomarkers identification based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Gas Chromatography-Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy (GC-TOF MS) techniques; Non-Halal biomarkers identification based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscop. Reprod. Nutr. Dev, 162, 109–118.
  • Yener, D. (2011). Tüketi̇ci̇leri̇n helâl serti̇fi̇kali ürünlere karşi tutumlarini etki̇leyen faktörler ve ri̇sk algisi. Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul

Halal Food Analysis Methods and Research on Consumer Trends: Malatya Example

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 16, 30.06.2024


Halal food is defined as food in which all processes are carried out in accordance with Islamic rules, from production to consumption, that is, from the place where the product is produced to the table. While certain conclusions can be made about whether many products are halal or haram, more information is needed for products with questionable status. For this, high-sensitivity analysis methods have been developed. In this study, a ques tionnaire was conducted to determine the attitudes and expectations about halal food of consumers living in Malatya about halal food. The questionnaire form consists of three parts. In the first part, the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the consumers were questioned. In the last part, questions were asked to learn the attitudes and expectations of consumers. Data were otained from 430 consumers living in the city center of Malatya. The obtained data were analyzed with SPSS 25.0 program. According to the result of the ques tionnaire; 51.4% of the respondents were women, 80.5% of them were married. Also 37.9% of respondents are undergraduates, 26.7% of them are housewives and 18.6% have an income level of minimum wage or below. While it has been determined that 76% of the respondents have knowledge about halal food, but just 27.9% of them pay attention to the halal food certificate of the products they buy. In addition, it has been determined that the majority of consumers question the halal food certificate when purchasing animal food products. According to these results, it is necessary to increase more information on products in order to be more involved in the halal food market.

Etik Beyan

Etik izin alınmıştır

Destekleyen Kurum

İnönü Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Bilimsel araştırma ve Yayın Etik Kurulundan 2020/1 sayı ve 27.01.2020 tarihli etik kurul onayı alınmıştı


Thanks to İnönü Üniveristesi Scientific Research Unit to support with this work with FYL-2020-2037 project


  • Abidin, Z. Z., Omar, N., Radiah, D., Biak, A., Yaakob, Man, C., Nordalila Omar, F., Man, Y. C. (2016). Alternative for Rapid Detection and Screening of Pork, Chicken, and Beef Using Dielectric Properties in the Frequency of 0.5 to 50 GHz. International Journal of Food Properties, 19(5), 1127–1138.
  • Akgündüz, A. (2012). Helal Gıda Meselesi: Avrupa’da Helal Gıda Problemleri ve Çözüm Yolları. Helal Sertifikası Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 1-14.
  • Alina, A R., Illiyin Nur, M.A., Juriani, J., Salmah, Y., Siti Mashitoh , A., Imtinan, A. K. (2012). Detection of Non-Halal Plasma Transglutaminase in Selected Surimi-Based Products by using Sandwich ELISA Method. World Applied Sciences Journal 17, 39-44.
  • Amaral, J. S., Santos, G., Beatriz, M., Oliveira, P. P., Mafra, I. (2016). Quantitative detection of pork meat by EvaGreen real-time PCR to assess the authenticity of processed meat products. Food Control, 72, 53-61.
  • Azir, M., Abbasiliasi, S., Tengku Ibrahim, T., Manaf, Y., Sazili, A., Mustafa, S. (2017). Detection of Lard in Cocoa Butter—Its Fatty Acid Composition, Triacylglycerol Profiles, and Thermal Characteristics. Foods, 6(11), 98.
  • Batu, A. (2012). Türkiye ’ de Helal ( Mahzursuz ) Gıda ve Helal Belgelendirme Sistemi. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 7(1), 51–61.
  • Çallı, Y. D. (2014). Etnik Pazarlamada Helal Kavramının Kullanımı ''Almanya'da Yayınlanan Gıda Reklamları Üzerine Bir İnceleme''. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(4), 43-56.
  • Can, A. (2019). SPSS ile Bilimsel Araştırma Sürecinde Nicel Veri Analizi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, 27-30.
  • Cebi, N. (2018). Helal Gıda Kapsamında Yumuşak Şekerlemelerde Jelatin Kökeninin Tespitinde Spektroskopik ve Kromotografik Yöntemlerin Geliştirilmesi ve Metot Validasyonu.Doktora Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Cebi, N., Dogan, C. E., Develioglu, A., Yayla, M. E. A., Sagdic, O. (2017). Detection of L-Cysteine in wheat flour by Raman microspectroscopy combined chemometrics of HCA and PCA. Food Chemistry, 228, 116–124.
  • Chiş, L.-M., Vodnar, D. C. (2019). Detection of the Species of Origin for Pork, Chicken and Beef in Meat Food Products by Real-Time PCR. Safety, 5(4), 83.
  • Çuhadar, M. (2015). Kahramanmaraş i̇li̇ kent merkezi̇nde helal gida konusunda tüketi̇ci̇ davranişlari. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kahramanmaraş.
  • Demirhan, Y., Ulca, P., Senyuva, H. Z. (2012). Detection of porcine DNA in gelatine and gelatine-containing processed food products-Halal/Kosher authentication. Meat Science, 90(3), 686–689.
  • El Sheikha, A. F., Mokhtar, N. F. K., Amie, C., Lamasudin, D. U., Isa, N. M., Mustafa, S. (2017). Authentication technologies using DNA-based approaches for meats and halal meats determination. In Food Biotechnology (Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp. 281–315). Taylor and Francis Inc.
  • Ermiş, E., Salleh, H. M. (2020). Gıda bileşenlerinin orijin tespiti analizlerinde kullanılan yöntemler. Journal of Halal and Ethical Research, 2(1), 50–63.
  • Erwanto, Y., Abidin, S, R. (2012). Pig species identification in meatballs using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism for Halal authentication. In International Food Research Journal (Vol. 19, Issue 3).
  • Fischer, J. (2012). Branding halal: A photographic essay on global Muslim markets. Anthropology Today, 28(4), 18–21.
  • Genç, A. T., Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2015). Helal Serti̇fi̇kasini Tüketi̇ci Terci̇hleri Üzeri̇ndeki Etki̇si̇: Sakarya İli̇ Örneği̇. I. Uluslararası Ekonomi, Finans ve Ekonometri Öğrenci Sempozyumu (EFEOS), 530–544.
  • He, Z., Yang, H. (2018). Colourimetric detection of swine-specific DNA for halal authentication using gold nanoparticles. Food Control, 88, 9–14.
  • İnan, İ. E. (2018). Gıda Sektöründe Faaliyet Gösteren Kobilerin Helal Gıda Sertifikasına Yönelik Algılarının İncelenmesi: TR 82 Bölgesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kastamonu.
  • İçer, M.A., Karadağ, M.(2023). Tüketicilerin Helal Gıdaya Yönelik Bilgi, Tutum ve Tercihleri: Gözlemsel Tanımlayıcı Bir Çalışma. Bes Diy Derg, 2023;51(1):39-49.
  • Karaman, H. (2012). Helal gıda (1-2). Gıda Hareketi.
  • Kızılkaya, B. (2017). Türkiye’de Helal Gıda Konusundaki Tüketici Eğilimlerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Muğla.
  • Kurt, A. (2017). Helal Gıda Analizlerinde Yeni Teknolojiler ve Yöntemler. 1. International Halal Tourism Congress. Nisan, 1166-1173
  • Kurtoğlu, R., Çiçek, B. (2013). Tüketicilerin Helal Ürünler Hakkındaki Algılama, Tutum ve Beklentilerini Tespit Etmeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 8(3), 181–205.
  • Kuswandi, B., Gani, A. A., Ahmad, M. (2017). Immuno strip test for detection of pork adulteration in cooked meatballs. Food Bioscience, 19(19), 1–6.
  • Mandli, J., EL Fatimi, I., Seddaoui, N., Amine, A. (2018). Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA/immunosensor) for a sensitive detection of pork adulteration in meat. Food Chemistry, 255, 380–389.
  • Meral, Y., Şahin, A. (2013). Tüketicilerin Coğrafi İşaretli Ürün Algısı : Gemlik Zeytini Örneği. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(4), 16-24.
  • Montowska, M., Fornal, E. (2018). Detection of peptide markers of soy, milk and egg white allergenic proteins in poultry products by LC-Q-TOF-MS/MS. LWT, 87, 310–317.
  • Mursyidi, A. (2013). The Role of Chemical Analysis in the Halal Authentication of Food and Pharmaceutical Products. J.Food Pharm.Sci., 1(2013), 1–4.
  • Musa, M.S., Kuretake, T., Harada, F., Hori, F., Uno, S. (2014). Electrochemical Detection of Alcohol using Enzyme Sensor with Chromatography Paper and its Potential Application as halal Sensor. TechConnect Briefs.
  • Nikzad, J., Shahhosseini, S., Tabarzad, M., Nafissi-Varcheh, N., Torshabi, M. (2017). Simultaneous detection of bovine and porcine DNA in pharmaceutical gelatin capsules by duplex PCR assay for Halal authentication. DARU, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 25(1).
  • Nurjuliana, M., Che Man, Y. B., Mat Hashim, D., Mohamed, A. K. S. (2011). Rapid identification of pork for halal authentication using the electronic nose and gas chromatography mass spectrometer with headspace analyzer. Meat Science, 88(4), 638–644.
  • Ordoudi, S. A., Staikidou, C., Kyriakoudi, A., Tsimidou, M. Z. (2018). A stepwise approach for the detection of carminic acid in saffron with regard to religious food certification. Food Chemistry, 267, 410–419.
  • Özturk, A.(2022). The effect of halal product knowledge, halal awareness, perceived psychological risk and halal product attitude on purchasing intention. Business and Economics Research Journal. 2022;13(1):127-41.
  • Özçelik, D. (2019). Helal gıda tüketimine yönelik tutumların satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi (Adıyaman örneği). Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adıyaman Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Adıyaman.
  • Özgen, Işıl., Hazarhun, E. (2019). Gıda Etiketlerindeki E-kodlu Katkı Maddelerinin Helal Gıda Kapsamında İncelenmesi. Balıkesir University The Journal of Social Sciences Institute.
  • Park, S., Kim, J. C., Lee, H. S., Jeong, S. W., Shim, Y. S. (2016). Determination of five alcohol compounds in fermented Korean foods via simple liquid extraction with dimethyl-sulfoxide followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for Halal food certification. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 74, 563–570.
  • Park, S. W., Lee, S. J., Sim, Y. S., Choi, J. Y., Park, E. Y., Noh, B. S. (2017). Analysis of ethanol in soy sauce using electronic nose for halal food certification. Food Science and Biotechnology, 26(2), 311–317.
  • Picariello, G., Di Stasio, L., Mamone, G., Iacomino, G., Venezia, A., Iannaccone, N., Ferranti, P., Coppola, R., Addeo, F. (2018). Identification of enzyme origin in dough improvers: DNA-based and proteomic approaches. Food Research International, 105, 52–58.
  • Safdar, M., Junejo, Y., Arman, K., Abasiyanik, M. F. (2014). A highly sensitive and specific tetraplex PCR assay for soybean, poultry, horse and pork species identification in sausages: Development and validation. Meat Science, 98(2), 296–300.
  • Slattery, W. J., Sinclair, A. J. (1983). Differentiation of meat according to species by the electrophoretic separation of muscle lactate dehydrogenase and esterase isoenzymes and isoelectric focusing of soluble muscle proteins. Australian Veterinary Journal, 60(2), 47–51.
  • Song, K. Y., Hwang, H. J., Kim, J. H. (2017). Ultra-fast DNA-based multiplex convection PCR method for meat species identification with possible on-site applications. Food Chemistry, 229, 341–346.
  • Sultana, S., Hossain, M. A. M., Zaidul, I. S. M., Ali, M. E. (2018). Multiplex PCR to discriminate bovine, porcine, and fish DNA in gelatin and confectionery products. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 92, 169–176.
  • Swanson, M. C., Boiano, J. M., Galson, S. K., Grauvogel, L. W., Reed, C. E. (1992). Hygiene immunochemical quantification and particle size distribution of airborne papain in a meat portioning facility. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 53(1), 1–5.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, (2020). , Alıntı Tarihi: 29.08.2020.
  • Varinli, İ., Erdem, E. (2015). Kayseri ’ deki Tüketicilerin Helal Gıda Sertifikalı Ürünlere Yönelik Farkındalıklarını Ve Algılamalarını Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma. 3. Kayseri Ekonomi Sempozyumu, 399-414.
  • Von Bargen, C., Rg Dojahn, J., Waidelich, D., Humpf, H.-U., Brockmeyer, J. (2013). New Sensitive High-Performance Liquid Chromatography−Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Detection of Horse and Pork in Halal Beef. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61, 11986–11994.
  • Wielogorska, E., Chevallier, O., Black, C., Galvin-King, P., Delêtre, M., Kelleher, C. T., Haughey, S. A., Elliott, C. T. (2018). Development of a comprehensive analytical platform for the detection and quantitation of food fraud using a biomarker approach. The oregano adulteration case study. Food Chemistry, 239, 32–39.
  • Witjaksono, G., Saputra, I., Latief, M., Jaswir, I., Akmeliawati, R., Abdelkreem, A., Rabih, S. (2017). Non-Halal biomarkers identification based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Gas Chromatography-Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy (GC-TOF MS) techniques; Non-Halal biomarkers identification based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscop. Reprod. Nutr. Dev, 162, 109–118.
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Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Pınar Güler 0000-0003-2965-3622

Sibel Uluata 0000-0002-7451-9791

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 27 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Güler, P., & Uluata, S. (2024). Halal Food Analysis Methods and Research on Consumer Trends: Malatya Example. Academic Platform Journal of Halal Lifestyle, 6(1), 1-16.

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