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Yıl 2008, Sayı: 78, 59 - 70, 01.01.2008



  • Appianos, Syriake Appianos, H is to ria Romana (=Appian's Roman H is to ry ) ed. T.E. Page (Loeb) London 1960.
  • Athenaios, üeipnosophistai Athenaios, üeipnosophistai (=Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae X I-X II, X III-X IV 653b. İngilizceye çeviren C.B.Gulick) (Harvard University Pres) London 1933
  • Catullus Catullus, The Poems o f Catullus (İngilizceye çev. G.Lee) Oxford-New York 1991.
  • Diodoros, Bibliotheke Diodoros, Bibliotheke (=Diodorus, Diodorus o f Sicily) ed. C.H. Oldfather (Loeb) London 1933­ 1967.
  • Kallimakhos Kallimakhos (=Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams Lycophron Aratus. İngilizceye çev. A.W.Mair &G.R. Mair) (Loeb) London 1921.
  • Pausanias, Perihegesis Pausanias, Perihegesis tes Hellados (=Guide to G reece İngilizceye çev. P.Levi) (Penguin) Hormondsworth, Middlesex 1971.
  • Plinius, N a tu ra ls H is to ria P l i n i u s , N a tu ra l is H is to ria (=Pliny, N a tu ra l H istory. XXXVI-XXXVII İngilizceye çev. D.E. Eichholz) (Harvard University Press) London 1971.
  • Polybios, H is to rie s P o l y b i o s , H is to ria i (=Polybios, The H istories. İngilizceye çev. E.S. Shuckburg) London, New York 1889.
  • Strabon, Geographika Strabon, Geographika (=Strabo, TheGeography o f S trab o XVI. İngilizceye çev. H.L. Jones) ( Harvard University Press) London 1966.
  • Strabon, Geographika Strabon, Geographika (= A n tik Anadolu Coğrafyası X II-X IIIX IV . Çev. A.Pekman) İstanbul 1987
  • Theokritos, Eidyllion Theokritos, Eidyllion (= The Id y lls o f Theokritos. İngilizceye çev. B.Mills)USA 1963
  • Bevan 1968 E.Bevan, The House o f Ptolemy. A H is to ry H ellenistic Egypt Under The Ptolemaic Empire. Chicago 1968.
  • Bosworth 2005 A.B.Bosworth, Büyük İskend er'in Yaşamı ve F e tih le ri.F e tih ve im paratorluk. (Türkçeye çev. H.Çalışkan) 2005.
  • Bosworth 1998 A.B. Bosworth, "Antigonus the One-eyed" Şurada: The Oxford Companian to Classical Civilization (Oxford New York 1998), 44.
  • Bosworth 1998 A.B. Bosworth, "Lysimachus" The Oxford Companian to Classical Civilization (Oxford New York 1998), 435.
  • Bowman 1996 A.K.Bowman, Egypt a f t e r the Pharaohs.332 BC-AD 642. London 1996.
  • Cerny 1954 J . C e r n y , "Consanguineous Marriges in Pharonic Egypt". JEA 40 (1954) 23-29.
  • Heinen 2003 H.Heinen "The SyrianEgyptian Wars and The New Kingdoms of Asia Minor" Şurada: C A H V II/1 (2003),412- 445.
  • Hornung 2004 E.Hornung, M ıs ır Tarihi, Türkçeye çev. Z.Aksu Yılmazer, 2004.
  • Hölbl 2001 G.Hölbl, A H is to ry o f the Ptolemaic Empire. İngilizceye çev. T. Saavedra. London 2001.
  • Macurdy 1932 G.H. Macurdy, H ellenistic Queens. A S tu d y o f Women Power in Macedonia, Seleukid S yria and Ptolemaic Egypt, Chicago 1932.
  • Pomeroy 1990 S.Pomeroy, Women in H ellenistic Egypt. From A lexander to Cleopatra, Michigan 1990.
  • Rostovtzeff 1964 M.Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic H is to ry o f the H ellenistic W o rld I - I I I , London 1964. 70
  • Rowlandson 1998 Women& S ociety in G reek Egypt. A Source Book. Ed. J.Rowlandson. Cambridge 1998.
  • Stanwick 2002 P.E.Stanwick, P o rtra its o f the Ptolemies. G reek Kings as Egyptian Pharaohs, Texas 2002.
  • Tarn 1930 W.W..Tarn, H ellenistic Civilization, London 1930.
  • Thompson 1973 D.B.Thompson, Aspects o f the Ruler Cult, Oxford 1973.
  • Thompson 1998 D.B.Thompson, "Egypt Ptolemaic" Şurada: The Oxford Companian to Classical Civilization. (Oxford New York 1998) 243-252.
  • Thompson 1998 D.B. Th om ps on, "Cleopatra V II" Şurada: The Oxford Companian to Classical Civilization. (Oxford New York 1998) 171-172.
  • Turner 2003 E.Turner, "Ptolemaic Egypt", Şurada C A H V II/1 (2003), 118-174.
  • Walbank 2003 F.W. Walbank, "Monarchies and Monarchic ideas" Şurada C A H V II/1 (2003) 62-100.
  • Walters 1980 C.Walters, "Ptolemaic Egypt" Şurada: The Penguin Encylopedia of Ancient Civilizations. London 1980, 46-52.
  • Wessely 1975 C.Wesseley, A rsinoite Nomus, Milano 1975.
  • Will 2003 E.Will, "The Succession to Alexander" Şurada: C A H V II/1 (2003), 23­ 61.
Yıl 2008, Sayı: 78, 59 - 70, 01.01.2008


Arsinoe I I , born in 316 BC, as the oldest child of Ptolemaios I and Berenike I, was the chief active female ruler figure in the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Arsinoe I I first got married Lysimakhos who was one of the friends and diadokhos of Alexander the Great like her father Ptolemaios Soter I. Secondly she married her step brother Ptolemaios Kerauno, the son of her father's first wife Eurydike. Arsinoe's last husband was her full brother Ptolemaios I I . Arsinoe I I was the queen that was worthy of every kind honourings during her life and afte r her death. Some of these honourings were to name newly founded cities as Arsinoe, to arrange festivals fo r her name, to build Arsinoe Temples called Arsinoeion, to leave offerings in the temples in the care of Arsinoe's personal cult, to take taxes named apomoira after her death and to name Fayum region as the A rsinoite Nomus. The Queen Arsinoe I I to whom the Egyptian priests gave a cartouche and a throne-name which were never given before to none of the Ptolemaic queen died in July, 270 BC


  • Appianos, Syriake Appianos, H is to ria Romana (=Appian's Roman H is to ry ) ed. T.E. Page (Loeb) London 1960.
  • Athenaios, üeipnosophistai Athenaios, üeipnosophistai (=Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae X I-X II, X III-X IV 653b. İngilizceye çeviren C.B.Gulick) (Harvard University Pres) London 1933
  • Catullus Catullus, The Poems o f Catullus (İngilizceye çev. G.Lee) Oxford-New York 1991.
  • Diodoros, Bibliotheke Diodoros, Bibliotheke (=Diodorus, Diodorus o f Sicily) ed. C.H. Oldfather (Loeb) London 1933­ 1967.
  • Kallimakhos Kallimakhos (=Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams Lycophron Aratus. İngilizceye çev. A.W.Mair &G.R. Mair) (Loeb) London 1921.
  • Pausanias, Perihegesis Pausanias, Perihegesis tes Hellados (=Guide to G reece İngilizceye çev. P.Levi) (Penguin) Hormondsworth, Middlesex 1971.
  • Plinius, N a tu ra ls H is to ria P l i n i u s , N a tu ra l is H is to ria (=Pliny, N a tu ra l H istory. XXXVI-XXXVII İngilizceye çev. D.E. Eichholz) (Harvard University Press) London 1971.
  • Polybios, H is to rie s P o l y b i o s , H is to ria i (=Polybios, The H istories. İngilizceye çev. E.S. Shuckburg) London, New York 1889.
  • Strabon, Geographika Strabon, Geographika (=Strabo, TheGeography o f S trab o XVI. İngilizceye çev. H.L. Jones) ( Harvard University Press) London 1966.
  • Strabon, Geographika Strabon, Geographika (= A n tik Anadolu Coğrafyası X II-X IIIX IV . Çev. A.Pekman) İstanbul 1987
  • Theokritos, Eidyllion Theokritos, Eidyllion (= The Id y lls o f Theokritos. İngilizceye çev. B.Mills)USA 1963
  • Bevan 1968 E.Bevan, The House o f Ptolemy. A H is to ry H ellenistic Egypt Under The Ptolemaic Empire. Chicago 1968.
  • Bosworth 2005 A.B.Bosworth, Büyük İskend er'in Yaşamı ve F e tih le ri.F e tih ve im paratorluk. (Türkçeye çev. H.Çalışkan) 2005.
  • Bosworth 1998 A.B. Bosworth, "Antigonus the One-eyed" Şurada: The Oxford Companian to Classical Civilization (Oxford New York 1998), 44.
  • Bosworth 1998 A.B. Bosworth, "Lysimachus" The Oxford Companian to Classical Civilization (Oxford New York 1998), 435.
  • Bowman 1996 A.K.Bowman, Egypt a f t e r the Pharaohs.332 BC-AD 642. London 1996.
  • Cerny 1954 J . C e r n y , "Consanguineous Marriges in Pharonic Egypt". JEA 40 (1954) 23-29.
  • Heinen 2003 H.Heinen "The SyrianEgyptian Wars and The New Kingdoms of Asia Minor" Şurada: C A H V II/1 (2003),412- 445.
  • Hornung 2004 E.Hornung, M ıs ır Tarihi, Türkçeye çev. Z.Aksu Yılmazer, 2004.
  • Hölbl 2001 G.Hölbl, A H is to ry o f the Ptolemaic Empire. İngilizceye çev. T. Saavedra. London 2001.
  • Macurdy 1932 G.H. Macurdy, H ellenistic Queens. A S tu d y o f Women Power in Macedonia, Seleukid S yria and Ptolemaic Egypt, Chicago 1932.
  • Pomeroy 1990 S.Pomeroy, Women in H ellenistic Egypt. From A lexander to Cleopatra, Michigan 1990.
  • Rostovtzeff 1964 M.Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic H is to ry o f the H ellenistic W o rld I - I I I , London 1964. 70
  • Rowlandson 1998 Women& S ociety in G reek Egypt. A Source Book. Ed. J.Rowlandson. Cambridge 1998.
  • Stanwick 2002 P.E.Stanwick, P o rtra its o f the Ptolemies. G reek Kings as Egyptian Pharaohs, Texas 2002.
  • Tarn 1930 W.W..Tarn, H ellenistic Civilization, London 1930.
  • Thompson 1973 D.B.Thompson, Aspects o f the Ruler Cult, Oxford 1973.
  • Thompson 1998 D.B.Thompson, "Egypt Ptolemaic" Şurada: The Oxford Companian to Classical Civilization. (Oxford New York 1998) 243-252.
  • Thompson 1998 D.B. Th om ps on, "Cleopatra V II" Şurada: The Oxford Companian to Classical Civilization. (Oxford New York 1998) 171-172.
  • Turner 2003 E.Turner, "Ptolemaic Egypt", Şurada C A H V II/1 (2003), 118-174.
  • Walbank 2003 F.W. Walbank, "Monarchies and Monarchic ideas" Şurada C A H V II/1 (2003) 62-100.
  • Walters 1980 C.Walters, "Ptolemaic Egypt" Şurada: The Penguin Encylopedia of Ancient Civilizations. London 1980, 46-52.
  • Wessely 1975 C.Wesseley, A rsinoite Nomus, Milano 1975.
  • Will 2003 E.Will, "The Succession to Alexander" Şurada: C A H V II/1 (2003), 23­ 61.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ayşe Füruzan Caman Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Sayı: 78

Kaynak Göster

APA Caman, A. F. (2008). II. ARSİNOE PHİLADELPHOS. Türk Arkeoloji Ve Etnografya Dergisi(78), 59-70.

Türk Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Dergisi

Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü

Bilimsel, Hakemli dergi. Basılı ve elektronik olarak yılda iki sayı çıkar


ISSN : 1302-9231

E-ISSN: 2791-8394