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The relationship between debt maturity and tax avoidance: An application on BIST

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 110 - 119, 31.12.2024


The study aims to determine the effect of tax avoidance on the debt maturities of enterprises. For this purpose, an analysis was carried out using the financial statement data published at the end of the period by enterprises operating in the BIST Food Index between the years 2014-2023. In determining the debt maturity levels of enterprises, the ratio of short-term and long-term foreign funds to total foreign funds was taken into account. In calculating the tax avoidance of enterprises, the Cash Effective Tax Rate (CETR) formulation was used. The research was structured on two models. In the first model, the effect of tax avoidance on the short-term debt structure was examined, while in the second model, the effect of tax avoidance on the long-term debt structure was addressed. According to the results, it was determined that tax avoidance did not have a significant effect on the short-term and long-term debt structures of enterprises. No study on this subject was found in the national literature. In this respect, the study is original and also aims to contribute to the very limited literature in the international field.


  • Akın, F. (2012). Gıda ürünleri ve içecek sanayinin ekonomik özellikleri. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(3), 17-70.
  • Atawnah, N., Zaman, R., Liu, J., Atawnah, T. ve Maghyereh, A. (2023). Does foreign competition affect corporate debt maturity structure? Evidence from import penetration. International Review of Financial Analysis, 86, 1-15.
  • Barakalı, O. C. ve Öndeş, T. (2021). İşletmelerin borç yapılarının aktif kârlılıkları üzerine etkisi: Borsa İstanbul'da bir araştırma. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(4), 295-312.
  • Chen, X., Hu, N., Wang, X. ve Tang, X. (2014). Tax avoidance and firm value: Evidence from China. Nankai Business Review International, 5(1), 25-42.
  • Ernawati, S., Chandrarin, G. ve Respati, H. (2019). Analysis of the effect of profitability, company size and leverage on tax avoidance. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, 5(10), 74-80.
  • Firmansyah, A. ve Muliana, R. (2018). The effect of tax avoidance and tax risk on corporate risk. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 22(4), 643-656.
  • Hong, C. Y., Hou, K. ve Nguyen, T. T. (2023). Debt maturity structure and corporate investment. Fisher College of Business Working Paper. Retrieved from
  • Khurana, I. K., Moser, W. J. ve Raman, K. K. (2018). Tax avoidance, managerial ability, and investment efficiency. Abacus, 54(4), 547-575.
  • Lanis, R. ve Richardson, G. (2015). Is corporate social responsibility performance associated with tax avoidance? Journal of Business Ethics, 127, 439-457.
  • Minh Ha, N., Phuong Trang, T. T. ve Vuong, P. M. (2022). Relationship between tax avoidance and institutional ownership over business cost of debt. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10(1), 1-11.
  • Ngelo, A. A., Permatasari, Y., Harymawan, I., Anridho, N. ve Kamarudin, K. A. (2022). Corporate tax avoidance and investment efficiency: Evidence from the enforcement of tax amnesty in Indonesia. Economies, 10(10), 1-22.
  • Pamungkas, P. A., Firmansyah, A., Qadri, R. A. ve Dinarjito, A. (2022). Tax aggressiveness, fair value accounting, debt maturity: Does integrated reporting matter? Jurnal Akuntansi, 26(1), 23-43.
  • Platikanova, P. (2017). Debt maturity and tax avoidance. European Accounting Review, 26(1), 97-124.
  • Putra, D. M. ve Kirana, A. P. (2023). Impact of leverage, capital intensity, inventory intensity, cash effective tax rate on tax avoidance: Assessment for energy sector corporate. Atestasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi, 6(2), 419-433.
  • Rımaz, M. ve Ayanoğlu, Y. (2020). Sermaye yapısı-serbest nakit akışları ilişkisi: BİST 100'deki imalat sektörü işletmeleri üzerinde bir inceleme. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, 20(60), 19-36.
  • Richardson, G. ve Lanis, R. (2007). Determinants of the variability in corporate effective tax rates and tax reform: Evidence from Australia. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 26(6), 689-704.
  • Rudyanto, A. ve Pirzada, K. (2021). The role of sustainability reporting in shareholder perception of tax avoidance. Social Responsibility Journal, 17(5), 669-685.
  • Sánchez, J. P. ve Yagüe, J. (2024). Tax avoidance and debt maturity in SMEs. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, 35, 429-464.
  • Shin, H. J. ve Woo, Y. S. (2017). The effect of tax avoidance on cost of debt capital: Evidence from Korea. South African Journal of Business Management, 48(4), 83-89.
  • Soemarsono, P. N., Alkausar, B., Firmandani, W., Nugroho, Y. ve Tjaraka, H. (2024). Tax avoidance and firm performance: Empirical evidence of benefits and risks of company tax planning. Jurnal Akademi Akuntansi, 7(3), 456-467.
  • Suciarti, C., Suryani, E. ve Kurnia, K. (2020). The effect of leverage, capital intensity and deferred tax expense on tax avoidance. Journal of Accounting Auditing and Business, 3(2), 76-83.
  • Sunarto, S., Widjaja, B. ve Oktaviani, R. M. (2021). The effect of corporate governance on tax avoidance: The role of profitability as a mediating variable. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(3), 217-227.
  • Tepeli, Y. ve Kahraman, Y. E. (2023). Firmalarda borçlanma yapısının finansal başarı üzerindeki etkisi: BIST Tüm Endeksi şirketlerinde bir araştırma. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 100, 1-18.
  • Wooldridge, J. M. (2013). Introductory econometrics: A modern approach (5th ed.). South-Western.
  • Yorke, S. M., Amidu, M. ve Agyemin-Boateng, C. (2016). The effects of earnings management and corporate tax avoidance on firm value. International Journal of Management Practice, 9(2), 112-131.
  • Zhou, M., Huang, Z. ve Jiang, K. (2024). Environmental, social, and governance performance and corporate debt maturity in China. International Review of Financial Analysis, 95, 1-20.

Borçlanma vadesi ile vergiden kaçınma arasındaki ilişki: BİST’te bir uygulama

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 110 - 119, 31.12.2024


Çalışmada işletmelerin borçlanma vadeleri üzerinde vergiden kaçınmanın etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla 2014-2023 yılları arasında BIST Gıda Endeksinde faaliyet gösteren işletmelerin dönem sonu yayımladıkları finansal tablo verileri kullanılarak veriler panel regresyon analizi ile test edilmiştir. İşletmelerin borçlanma vade düzeylerinin belirlenmesinde kısa ve uzun vadeli yabancı kaynakların toplam yabancı kaynaklar içerisindeki oranı dikkate alınmıştır. İşletmelerin vergiden kaçınmalarının hesaplanmasında ise nakit etkin vergi oranı formülasyonu kullanılmıştır. Araştırma iki model üzerinden kurgulanmıştır. Birinci modelde kısa vadeli borç yapısı üzerinde vergiden kaçınmanın etkisi incelenirken, ikinci modelde uzun vadeli borç yapısı üzerinde vergiden kaçınmanın etkisi ele alınmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre işletmelerin kısa ve uzun vadeli borç yapıları üzerinde, vergiden kaçınmanın anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Ulusal literatürde bu konu üzerine yapılmış herhangi bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu açıdan çalışma özgün nitelikte olup, ayrıca uluslararası alanda çok sınırlı olan literatüre de katkı sunmayı hedeflemektedir.


  • Akın, F. (2012). Gıda ürünleri ve içecek sanayinin ekonomik özellikleri. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(3), 17-70.
  • Atawnah, N., Zaman, R., Liu, J., Atawnah, T. ve Maghyereh, A. (2023). Does foreign competition affect corporate debt maturity structure? Evidence from import penetration. International Review of Financial Analysis, 86, 1-15.
  • Barakalı, O. C. ve Öndeş, T. (2021). İşletmelerin borç yapılarının aktif kârlılıkları üzerine etkisi: Borsa İstanbul'da bir araştırma. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(4), 295-312.
  • Chen, X., Hu, N., Wang, X. ve Tang, X. (2014). Tax avoidance and firm value: Evidence from China. Nankai Business Review International, 5(1), 25-42.
  • Ernawati, S., Chandrarin, G. ve Respati, H. (2019). Analysis of the effect of profitability, company size and leverage on tax avoidance. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, 5(10), 74-80.
  • Firmansyah, A. ve Muliana, R. (2018). The effect of tax avoidance and tax risk on corporate risk. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 22(4), 643-656.
  • Hong, C. Y., Hou, K. ve Nguyen, T. T. (2023). Debt maturity structure and corporate investment. Fisher College of Business Working Paper. Retrieved from
  • Khurana, I. K., Moser, W. J. ve Raman, K. K. (2018). Tax avoidance, managerial ability, and investment efficiency. Abacus, 54(4), 547-575.
  • Lanis, R. ve Richardson, G. (2015). Is corporate social responsibility performance associated with tax avoidance? Journal of Business Ethics, 127, 439-457.
  • Minh Ha, N., Phuong Trang, T. T. ve Vuong, P. M. (2022). Relationship between tax avoidance and institutional ownership over business cost of debt. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10(1), 1-11.
  • Ngelo, A. A., Permatasari, Y., Harymawan, I., Anridho, N. ve Kamarudin, K. A. (2022). Corporate tax avoidance and investment efficiency: Evidence from the enforcement of tax amnesty in Indonesia. Economies, 10(10), 1-22.
  • Pamungkas, P. A., Firmansyah, A., Qadri, R. A. ve Dinarjito, A. (2022). Tax aggressiveness, fair value accounting, debt maturity: Does integrated reporting matter? Jurnal Akuntansi, 26(1), 23-43.
  • Platikanova, P. (2017). Debt maturity and tax avoidance. European Accounting Review, 26(1), 97-124.
  • Putra, D. M. ve Kirana, A. P. (2023). Impact of leverage, capital intensity, inventory intensity, cash effective tax rate on tax avoidance: Assessment for energy sector corporate. Atestasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi, 6(2), 419-433.
  • Rımaz, M. ve Ayanoğlu, Y. (2020). Sermaye yapısı-serbest nakit akışları ilişkisi: BİST 100'deki imalat sektörü işletmeleri üzerinde bir inceleme. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, 20(60), 19-36.
  • Richardson, G. ve Lanis, R. (2007). Determinants of the variability in corporate effective tax rates and tax reform: Evidence from Australia. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 26(6), 689-704.
  • Rudyanto, A. ve Pirzada, K. (2021). The role of sustainability reporting in shareholder perception of tax avoidance. Social Responsibility Journal, 17(5), 669-685.
  • Sánchez, J. P. ve Yagüe, J. (2024). Tax avoidance and debt maturity in SMEs. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, 35, 429-464.
  • Shin, H. J. ve Woo, Y. S. (2017). The effect of tax avoidance on cost of debt capital: Evidence from Korea. South African Journal of Business Management, 48(4), 83-89.
  • Soemarsono, P. N., Alkausar, B., Firmandani, W., Nugroho, Y. ve Tjaraka, H. (2024). Tax avoidance and firm performance: Empirical evidence of benefits and risks of company tax planning. Jurnal Akademi Akuntansi, 7(3), 456-467.
  • Suciarti, C., Suryani, E. ve Kurnia, K. (2020). The effect of leverage, capital intensity and deferred tax expense on tax avoidance. Journal of Accounting Auditing and Business, 3(2), 76-83.
  • Sunarto, S., Widjaja, B. ve Oktaviani, R. M. (2021). The effect of corporate governance on tax avoidance: The role of profitability as a mediating variable. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(3), 217-227.
  • Tepeli, Y. ve Kahraman, Y. E. (2023). Firmalarda borçlanma yapısının finansal başarı üzerindeki etkisi: BIST Tüm Endeksi şirketlerinde bir araştırma. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 100, 1-18.
  • Wooldridge, J. M. (2013). Introductory econometrics: A modern approach (5th ed.). South-Western.
  • Yorke, S. M., Amidu, M. ve Agyemin-Boateng, C. (2016). The effects of earnings management and corporate tax avoidance on firm value. International Journal of Management Practice, 9(2), 112-131.
  • Zhou, M., Huang, Z. ve Jiang, K. (2024). Environmental, social, and governance performance and corporate debt maturity in China. International Review of Financial Analysis, 95, 1-20.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mali Tablo Analizi, Vergilendirme Muhasebesi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yusuf Kurt 0000-0002-1071-4205

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kurt, Y. (2024). Borçlanma vadesi ile vergiden kaçınma arasındaki ilişki: BİST’te bir uygulama. Ardahan Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(2), 110-119.