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Agile Leadership Characteristic of Hakkari University Managers in Perspective of VUCA-RR

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 44 - 55, 25.03.2024


The aim of the study is to investigate the agile leadership characteristics of managers working at Hakkari University. Data was collected from 22 managers working at Hakkari University. Data was collected from 22 managers and analyzed in the Nvivo12 qualitative analysis program. Analysis results show that managers act result-oriented by motivating employees and by example. Managers stated that they attach importance to teamwork and also that they act in the direction of making joint decisions in the organization. It has been determined that the managers support the activities that will help the development of the employees such as training and seminars, and make an effort to acquire and use technological competence. Finally, it has been determined that the managers exhibit agile leadership characteristics by acting flexible and fast.


  • Abbasi, S. and Ruf, T. (2020), Reduction of the Fluctuation Rate in Multi-project Organizations through Agile Leadership, Management Studies, 8(2), p.128-133.
  • Ahmed, J., Mrugalska, B. and Akkaya, B. (2022), "Agile Management and VUCA 2.0 (VUCA-RR) During Industry 4.0", Akkaya, B., Guah, M.W., Jermsittiparsert, K., Bulinska-Stangrecka, H. and Kaya, Y. (Ed.) Agile Management and VUCA-RR: Opportunities and Threats in Industry 4.0 towards Society 5.0, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 13-26.
  • Akkaya, B. and Ahmed, J. (2022), “VUCA-RR Toward Industry 5.0", Akkaya, B., Guah, M.W., Jermsittiparsert, K., Bulinska-Stangrecka, H. and Kaya, Y. (Ed.) Agile Management and VUCA-RR: Opportunities and Threats in Industry 4.0 towards Society 5.0, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 1-11.
  • Akkaya, B., Kayalıdere, U., A., K., Aktaş, R. ve Karğın, S. (2020), Çevik Liderlik Yaklaşımı ve Çevik Lider Davranışlarını Ölçmeye Yönelik bir Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12 (2), p.1605-1621.
  • Almeida, F. and Carneiro, P. (2023), Perceived Importance of Metrics for Agile Scrum Environments, Information, p.14, 327.
  • Arifin, R. and Purwanti, H. (2023), Examining the Influence of Leadership Agility, Organizational Culture, and Motivation on Organizational Agility: A Comprehensive Analysis, Golden Ratio Human Ratio Management, 3(1), p.33-54.
  • Baran, B.E. and Woznyj, H.M. (2020), Managing VUCA: The Human Dynamics of Agility. Organizational Dynamics.
  • Bennett, N. and Lemoine, G. J. (2014), What a Difference a Word Makes: Understanding Threats to Performance in a VUCA World, Business Horizons, 57(3), p.311-317.
  • Beytekin, O.F. and Özkanlı, A. (2020), Halk Eğitimi Merkezi Öğretmenlerinin VUCA Koşullarında Yeni Liderlik Becerilerinin İncelenmesi, Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(12), p.95-112.
  • Bir, Y. and Koç, M. (2022), VUCA Ortamında Çalışanların Çevik Liderlik Becerisi Algısı: Bir Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması ve Saha Araştırması, Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 18(4), p.1270-1307.
  • Crocitto, M. and Youssef, M. (2003), The Human Side of Organizational Agility, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 103(6), p.388–397.
  • Fachrunnisa, O., Adhiatma, A., Lukman, N. and Ab., Majid, M.N. (2020), Towards SMEs’ Digital Transformation: The Role of Agile Leadership and Strategic Flexibility, Journal of Small Business Strategy, 30(3), p.65-85.
  • Fernández, J.A. (2005), The Agile Leader: Conditions for Succeeding in China, (Eds.: W.H. Mobley and E. Weldon), Advances in Global Leadership, p.255-275, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Horney, N., Pasmore B. and O’Shea T. (2010), Leadership Agility: A Business Imperative for a VUCA World, People and Strategy, 33(4), p.32-38.
  • Joiner, B. (2017), Bringing “Leadership Agility” to Agile, Cutter Business Technology Journal, 30(8), p.3-8.
  • Joiner, B. (2009), Creating a Culture of Agile Leaders: A Developmental Approach, People & Strategy, 32(4), p.29-35.
  • Joiner, B. and Josephs, S. (2007a), Leadership Agility; Five Levels of Mastery for Anticipating and Initiating Change, Jossey-Bass.
  • Joiner, B. and Josephs, S. (2007b), Developing Agile Leaders, Industrial and Commercial Training, 39(1), p.35-42.
  • Kırpık, G. (2020), COVID-19 Pandemisinin İnsan Kaynakları Üzerindeki Etkisinin Akademi, Medya ve İş Dünyası Perspektifinden İncelenmesi. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(4), p.2394-2406.
  • Kostrad, D.A. (2019), The Role of Leadership Agility and Organizational Commitment toward Organizational Readiness for Changes in Public Islamic Universities of Central Java in Conditions of VUCA Era, RJOAS, 7(91), p.206-211.
  • KPMG (2019), Agile Transformation,, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.08.2023).
  • Lawrence K. (2013), Developing Leaders in a VUCA Environment. UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School., (Erişim Tarihi: 10.09.2023).
  • McKenzie, J. and Aitken, P. (2012), Learning to Lead the Knowledgeable Organization: Developing Leadership Agility. Strategic HR Review, 11(6), p.329-334.
  • McPherson, B. (2016), Agile, Adaptive Leaders, Human Resource Management International Digest, 24(2), p.1–3.
  • Moccia, S., Garcia, M.R. and Tomic, I. (2021). Fintech Strategy: e-Raputation. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 11(1), p.35-53.
  • Mukerjee, S. (2014), Agility: A Crucial Capability for Universities in Times of Disruptive Change and Innovation, Australian Universities’ Review, 56(1), p.56-60.
  • Medinilla, A. (2012), Agile Management: Leadership in An Agile Environment, Springer.
  • Parker, D. W., Holesgrove, M. and Pathak, R. (2015), Improving Productivity with Selforganised Teams and Agile Leadership. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 64(1), p.112-128.
  • Petrescu, M. and Sterca, A. (2022), Agile Methodology in Online Learning and how it can Improve Communication. A Case Study. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies, 542–549. Isbn:978-989-758-588-3 issn:2184-2833
  • Thoren, P.M. (2023), Çevik İnsanlar, (Çev.: G. Arıkan), Sola Unitas. (Orijinal eserin basım tarihi 2019).
  • Torres, R., Reeves, M., and Love, C. (2013), Adaptive Leadership, The Boston Consulting Group, 33–39.
  • Wooten, L.P., and James, E.H. (2008), Linking Crisis Management and Leadership Competencies: The Role of Human Resource Development. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 10(3), p.352-379.
  • Yasbay Kobal, H. (2022), Çevik Liderliğin Örgütsel Çeviklikteki Rolünün Değerlendirilmesi, Ege 4. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Muğla, Türkiye.

VUCA-RR Perspektifinden Hakkari Üniversitesi Yöneticilerinin Çevik Liderlik Özellikleri

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 44 - 55, 25.03.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı; Hakkari Üniversitesi’nde görev yapan yöneticilerin çevik liderlik özelliklerinin araştırılmasıdır. 22 yöneticiden veri toplanarak elde edilen veriler Nvivo12 nitel analiz programında analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçları yöneticilerin çalışanları motive ederek ve örnek olarak sonuç odaklı davrandıklarını göstermektedir. Yöneticiler takım çalışmasına önem verdiklerini ve ayrıca örgütte ortak karar alma yönünde davrandıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Yöneticilerin eğitim, seminer gibi çalışanların gelişimine yardımcı olacak faaliyetlere destek verdikleri, teknolojik yetkinliğin edinilmesi ve kullanılması yönünde çaba gösterdikleri saptanmıştır. Son olarak yöneticilerin esnek ve hızlı hareket ederek çevik liderlik özellikleri sergiledikleri belirlenmiştir.


  • Abbasi, S. and Ruf, T. (2020), Reduction of the Fluctuation Rate in Multi-project Organizations through Agile Leadership, Management Studies, 8(2), p.128-133.
  • Ahmed, J., Mrugalska, B. and Akkaya, B. (2022), "Agile Management and VUCA 2.0 (VUCA-RR) During Industry 4.0", Akkaya, B., Guah, M.W., Jermsittiparsert, K., Bulinska-Stangrecka, H. and Kaya, Y. (Ed.) Agile Management and VUCA-RR: Opportunities and Threats in Industry 4.0 towards Society 5.0, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 13-26.
  • Akkaya, B. and Ahmed, J. (2022), “VUCA-RR Toward Industry 5.0", Akkaya, B., Guah, M.W., Jermsittiparsert, K., Bulinska-Stangrecka, H. and Kaya, Y. (Ed.) Agile Management and VUCA-RR: Opportunities and Threats in Industry 4.0 towards Society 5.0, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 1-11.
  • Akkaya, B., Kayalıdere, U., A., K., Aktaş, R. ve Karğın, S. (2020), Çevik Liderlik Yaklaşımı ve Çevik Lider Davranışlarını Ölçmeye Yönelik bir Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12 (2), p.1605-1621.
  • Almeida, F. and Carneiro, P. (2023), Perceived Importance of Metrics for Agile Scrum Environments, Information, p.14, 327.
  • Arifin, R. and Purwanti, H. (2023), Examining the Influence of Leadership Agility, Organizational Culture, and Motivation on Organizational Agility: A Comprehensive Analysis, Golden Ratio Human Ratio Management, 3(1), p.33-54.
  • Baran, B.E. and Woznyj, H.M. (2020), Managing VUCA: The Human Dynamics of Agility. Organizational Dynamics.
  • Bennett, N. and Lemoine, G. J. (2014), What a Difference a Word Makes: Understanding Threats to Performance in a VUCA World, Business Horizons, 57(3), p.311-317.
  • Beytekin, O.F. and Özkanlı, A. (2020), Halk Eğitimi Merkezi Öğretmenlerinin VUCA Koşullarında Yeni Liderlik Becerilerinin İncelenmesi, Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(12), p.95-112.
  • Bir, Y. and Koç, M. (2022), VUCA Ortamında Çalışanların Çevik Liderlik Becerisi Algısı: Bir Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması ve Saha Araştırması, Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 18(4), p.1270-1307.
  • Crocitto, M. and Youssef, M. (2003), The Human Side of Organizational Agility, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 103(6), p.388–397.
  • Fachrunnisa, O., Adhiatma, A., Lukman, N. and Ab., Majid, M.N. (2020), Towards SMEs’ Digital Transformation: The Role of Agile Leadership and Strategic Flexibility, Journal of Small Business Strategy, 30(3), p.65-85.
  • Fernández, J.A. (2005), The Agile Leader: Conditions for Succeeding in China, (Eds.: W.H. Mobley and E. Weldon), Advances in Global Leadership, p.255-275, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Horney, N., Pasmore B. and O’Shea T. (2010), Leadership Agility: A Business Imperative for a VUCA World, People and Strategy, 33(4), p.32-38.
  • Joiner, B. (2017), Bringing “Leadership Agility” to Agile, Cutter Business Technology Journal, 30(8), p.3-8.
  • Joiner, B. (2009), Creating a Culture of Agile Leaders: A Developmental Approach, People & Strategy, 32(4), p.29-35.
  • Joiner, B. and Josephs, S. (2007a), Leadership Agility; Five Levels of Mastery for Anticipating and Initiating Change, Jossey-Bass.
  • Joiner, B. and Josephs, S. (2007b), Developing Agile Leaders, Industrial and Commercial Training, 39(1), p.35-42.
  • Kırpık, G. (2020), COVID-19 Pandemisinin İnsan Kaynakları Üzerindeki Etkisinin Akademi, Medya ve İş Dünyası Perspektifinden İncelenmesi. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(4), p.2394-2406.
  • Kostrad, D.A. (2019), The Role of Leadership Agility and Organizational Commitment toward Organizational Readiness for Changes in Public Islamic Universities of Central Java in Conditions of VUCA Era, RJOAS, 7(91), p.206-211.
  • KPMG (2019), Agile Transformation,, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.08.2023).
  • Lawrence K. (2013), Developing Leaders in a VUCA Environment. UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School., (Erişim Tarihi: 10.09.2023).
  • McKenzie, J. and Aitken, P. (2012), Learning to Lead the Knowledgeable Organization: Developing Leadership Agility. Strategic HR Review, 11(6), p.329-334.
  • McPherson, B. (2016), Agile, Adaptive Leaders, Human Resource Management International Digest, 24(2), p.1–3.
  • Moccia, S., Garcia, M.R. and Tomic, I. (2021). Fintech Strategy: e-Raputation. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 11(1), p.35-53.
  • Mukerjee, S. (2014), Agility: A Crucial Capability for Universities in Times of Disruptive Change and Innovation, Australian Universities’ Review, 56(1), p.56-60.
  • Medinilla, A. (2012), Agile Management: Leadership in An Agile Environment, Springer.
  • Parker, D. W., Holesgrove, M. and Pathak, R. (2015), Improving Productivity with Selforganised Teams and Agile Leadership. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 64(1), p.112-128.
  • Petrescu, M. and Sterca, A. (2022), Agile Methodology in Online Learning and how it can Improve Communication. A Case Study. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies, 542–549. Isbn:978-989-758-588-3 issn:2184-2833
  • Thoren, P.M. (2023), Çevik İnsanlar, (Çev.: G. Arıkan), Sola Unitas. (Orijinal eserin basım tarihi 2019).
  • Torres, R., Reeves, M., and Love, C. (2013), Adaptive Leadership, The Boston Consulting Group, 33–39.
  • Wooten, L.P., and James, E.H. (2008), Linking Crisis Management and Leadership Competencies: The Role of Human Resource Development. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 10(3), p.352-379.
  • Yasbay Kobal, H. (2022), Çevik Liderliğin Örgütsel Çeviklikteki Rolünün Değerlendirilmesi, Ege 4. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Muğla, Türkiye.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kamu Sektörü Organizasyonu ve Yönetimi, Liderlik, Organizasyon, Strateji, Yönetim ve Örgütsel Davranış (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hava Yaşbay Kobal 0000-0002-2589-785X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Mart 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 27 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yaşbay Kobal, H. (2024). Agile Leadership Characteristic of Hakkari University Managers in Perspective of VUCA-RR. Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(1), 44-55.
AMA Yaşbay Kobal H. Agile Leadership Characteristic of Hakkari University Managers in Perspective of VUCA-RR. ASBİ. Mart 2024;24(1):44-55. doi:10.11616/asbi.1391246
Chicago Yaşbay Kobal, Hava. “Agile Leadership Characteristic of Hakkari University Managers in Perspective of VUCA-RR”. Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 24, sy. 1 (Mart 2024): 44-55.
EndNote Yaşbay Kobal H (01 Mart 2024) Agile Leadership Characteristic of Hakkari University Managers in Perspective of VUCA-RR. Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 24 1 44–55.
IEEE H. Yaşbay Kobal, “Agile Leadership Characteristic of Hakkari University Managers in Perspective of VUCA-RR”, ASBİ, c. 24, sy. 1, ss. 44–55, 2024, doi: 10.11616/asbi.1391246.
ISNAD Yaşbay Kobal, Hava. “Agile Leadership Characteristic of Hakkari University Managers in Perspective of VUCA-RR”. Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 24/1 (Mart 2024), 44-55.
JAMA Yaşbay Kobal H. Agile Leadership Characteristic of Hakkari University Managers in Perspective of VUCA-RR. ASBİ. 2024;24:44–55.
MLA Yaşbay Kobal, Hava. “Agile Leadership Characteristic of Hakkari University Managers in Perspective of VUCA-RR”. Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 24, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 44-55, doi:10.11616/asbi.1391246.
Vancouver Yaşbay Kobal H. Agile Leadership Characteristic of Hakkari University Managers in Perspective of VUCA-RR. ASBİ. 2024;24(1):44-55.