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FİFA Dünya Kupası Eleme Turlarında Turu Geçen ve Elenen Takımları Ayırt Eden Oyun-İçi İstatistiklerin Belirlenmesi: 2010-2022 Yılları Arasında Düzenlenen Dünya Kupası Organizasyonları Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2023, , 273 - 281, 29.10.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, FİFA Dünya Kupasında grup aşamalarından sonra yer alan eleme turlarındaki takımları ayırt eden oyun içi istatistiklerinin ve futbolda bu istatistiklerin yıldan yıla nasıl değiştiğinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışmada 2010, 2014, 2018 ve 2022 yıllarında gerçekleştirilen son dört Dünya Kupası organizasyonlarında oynanan son 16 turu, çeyrek final, yarı final ve final karşılaşmaları incelenmiştir. Veriler resmî FİFA ve Sofascore web sitelerinden toplanmıştır. Takımlar “turu geçen” ve “elenen” olarak iki gruba ayrılmış ve penaltılara giden müsabakalar analize dahil edilmemiştir. Toplanan veriler SPSS 26 programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin tanımlayıcı istatistikleri belirlenmiş, turu geçen ve elenen takımlar arasındaki ayırt edici değişkenleri belirlemek için ise diskriminant analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma bulgularına göre eleme turlarında ilk golü atmanın, ikinci yarıda atılan gol sayısının, toplam şutların (ceza sahası içi-dışı), kornerlerin, faul sayısının, kaleci kurtarışlarının, ikili mücadele kazanma sayısının, pas sayısının, başarılı uzun topun ve top sürme değişkenlerinin turu geçen ve elenen takımları ayırt edici oyun içi istatistikler olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçları, Dünya Kupası’nda her yıl takımların başarısındaki ayırt edici değişkenlerin farklılaştığını, dolayısı ile futbol anlayışının yıldan yıla değiştiğini ve genel itibari ile ilk golü atan takımların eleme turlarında daha başarılı olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Acar, M. F., Yapicioglu, B., Arikan, N., Yalcin, S., Ates, N., ve Ergun, M. (2008). Analysis of goals scored in the 2006 World Cup. In Science and football VI (pp. 261-268). Routledge.
  • Allister, A., Byrne, P. J., Nulty, C. D., ve Jordan, S. (2018). Game-related statistics which discriminate elite senior Gaelic football teams according to game outcome and final score difference. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 18(4), 622-632.
  • Armatas, V., Yiannakos, A., Papadopoulou, S., ve Skoufas, D. (2009). Evaluation of goals scored in top ranking soccer matches: Greek “Super League” 2006-07. Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences, 3(1), 39-43.
  • Bilgin, S., ve Müniroğlu, R. S. (2022). 2018 dünya kupası maçlarının teknik, taktik ve hareket zaman ilişkisinin istatistiksel analizi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 20 (2), 105-116. DOI: 10.33689/spormetre.1088717
  • Bilgin, S., Özer, U., ve Müniroğlu, R. S. (2020). 2014-2018 dünya kupası grup sonrası yapılan maçlardaki seçilmiş futbol verilerinin kazanma ve kaybetme durumlarına göre karşılaştırılması. Journal Of International Social Research, 13(75).
  • Bloomfield, J. R., Polman, R. C. J., ve O’Donoghue, P. G. (2005). Effects of score-line on team strategies in FA Premier League Soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(2), 192–193.
  • Broich, H., Mester, J., Seifriz, F., ve Yue, Z. (2014). Statistical analysis for the First Bundesliga in the current soccer season. Progress in Applied Mathematics, 7(2), 1-8.
  • Carling, C., Williams, A. M., ve Reilly, T. (2005). Handbook of soccer match analysis: A systematic approach to improving performance. (1st Edition). Psychology Press.
  • Casal, C. A., Maneiro, R., Ardá, T., Losada, J. L., ve Rial, A. (2015). Analysis of corner kick success in elite football. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 15(2), 430-451.
  • Cengiz, D., ve Kılınç, B. (2007). The ranking of soccer teams attended to the world cup 2006 by factor analysis. Marmara University Journal of IIBF, 23(2), 51-370.
  • Clemente, F., Couceiro, M., Martins, F., ve Mendes R. (2012).Team’s performance on FIFA U17 World Cup 2011: study based on notational analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 12(1),13-17.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Second Edition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
  • García-Rubio, J., Gómez, M. Á., Lago-Peñas, C., ve Ibáñez, J. S. (2015). Effect of match venue, scoring first and quality of opposition on match outcome in the UEFA Champions League. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 15(2), 527-539.
  • González-Rodenas, J., Aranda-Malavés, R., Tudela-Desantes, A., Calabuig Moreno, F., Casal, C. A., ve Aranda, R. (2019). Effect of match location, team ranking, match status and tactical dimensions on the offensive performance in Spanish ‘La Liga’soccer matches. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2089.
  • Gözübüyük, T., ve Karaç, Y. (2021). UEFA avrupa liginde müsabakalardan galip ve mağlup ayrılan takımların bazı parametreler açısından karşılaştırmalı analizi. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(1), 154-161.
  • Gürkan, O., Yüksel, Y., ve Ertetik, G. (2020). UEFA şampiyonlar liginde galibiyet, mağlubiyet ve beraberlikle sonuçlanan müsabakaların bazı parametreler açısından karşılaştırmalı analizi. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 649-660.
  • Hughes, M., ve Lovell, T. (2019). Transition to attack in elite soccer. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(1), 236-253. doi:
  • Hughes, M., Robertson, K., ve Nicholson, A. (1988). Comparison of patterns of play of successful and unsuccessful team. In T. Reilly, A. Lees, K. Davids, and W. Murphy (Eds.), Science and Football (pp. 373-376). London: E and F Spon.
  • İmamoğlu, R., Bostancı, Ö., Kabadayı, M., ve İmamoğlu, M. (2015). 2012-2013 sezonu Türkiye spor toto süper liginde mücadele eden takımların yaptıkları maç sonuçlarının farklı parametrelere göre incelenmesi. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 3(Special Issue 4), 159-166.
  • İnan, T., Çetin, B., ve Güngörür, O. (2019). The effect of the first goal on match score in football for the home field advantage. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 7(8), 62-66.
  • James, N. (2006). Notational analysis in soccer: past, present and future. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 6(2), 67-81.
  • Jones, S., James, N., ve Mellalieu, S. D. (2004). Possession as a performance indicator in soccer. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 4(1), 98-102.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2018). Faktör Analizi, Kalaycı Ş. (Ed.) içinde SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri, 8. Baskı. Ankara: Dinamik Akademi.
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Nobel Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Lago, C. (2009). The influence of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on possession strategies in professional association football. Journal of sports sciences, 27(13), 1463-1469.
  • Lago-Ballesteros, J., ve Lago-Peñas, C. (2010). Performance in team sports: Identifying the keys to success in soccer. Journal of Human Kinetics, 25(1), 85-91.
  • Lago-Peñas, C., ve Dellal, A. (2010). Ball possession strategies in elite soccer according to the evolution of the match-score: The influence of situational variables. Journal of Human Kinetics, 25, 93-100. doi:10.2478/v10078-010-0010-2.
  • Lago-Peñas, C., ve Lago-Ballesteros, J. (2011). Game location and team quality effects on performance profiles in professional soccer. Journal of Sports Science ve Medicine, 10(3), 465.
  • Lago-Peñas, C., Gómez-Ruano, M., Megías-Navarro, D., ve Pollard, R. (2016). Home advantage in football: Examining the effect of scoring first on match outcome in the five major European leagues. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 16(2), 411-421.
  • Lago-Penas, C., Lago-Ballesteros, J., Dellal, A., ve Gómez, M. (2010). Games-related statistics that discriminated winning, drawing and losing teams from the Spanish soccer league. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 9, 288-293.
  • Lames, M., ve McGarry, T. (2007). On the search for reliable performance indicators in game sports. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 7(1), 62-79.
  • Leite, W. (2015). The influence of the first goal on the final result of the football match. Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 3(98).
  • Liu, H., Gómez, M. A., ve Lago-Peñas, C. (2015). Match performance profiles of goalkeepers of elite football teams. International Journal of Sports Science ve Coaching, 10(4), 669-682.
  • Liu, H., Gomez, M. Á., Lago-Peñas, C., ve Sampaio, J. (2015). Match statistics related to winning in the group stage of 2014 Brazil FIFA World Cup. Journal of sports sciences, 33(12), 1205-1213.
  • Liu, H., Hopkins, W. G., ve Gómez, M. A. (2016). Modelling relationships between match events and match outcome in elite football. European journal of sport science, 16(5), 516-525.
  • Liu, H., Hopkins, W. G., Gómez, M. A., ve Molinuevo, J. S. (2013). Inter-operator reliability of live football match statistics from OPTA Sportsdata. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 13(3), 803-821. doi:10.1080/24748668.2013.11868658.
  • Liu, T., García-de-Alcaraz, A., Wang, H., Hu, P., ve Chen, Q. (2021). Impact of scoring first on match outcome in the Chinese Football Super League. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 662-708.
  • Mao, L., Peng, Z., Liu, H., ve Gómez, M. A. (2016). Identifying keys to win in the Chinese professional soccer league. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 16(3), 935-947.
  • Memmert, D., Lemmink, K. A., ve Sampaio, J. (2017). Current approaches to tactical performance analyses in soccer using position data. Sports Medicine, 47(1), 1-10.
  • Mızrak, M. A. (2019). 2010-2014-2018 FIFA Dünya kupaları müsabakalarının çeşı̇tlı̇ parametreler bakımından görüntülü analiz yöntemiyle incelenmesi̇, Yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hareket ve Antrenman Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Muhamad, S., Norasrudin, S., ve Rahmat, A. (2013). Differences in goal scoring and passing sequences between winning and losing team in UEFA-EURO Championship 2012. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 332-337.
  • Özdamar, K. (2010), Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi. (2. Baskı.). Eskişehir: Nisan Kitabevi.
  • Pollard, R. (2006). Home advantage in soccer: variations in its magnitude and a literature review of the inter-related factors associated with its existence. Journal of Sport Behavior, 29(2), 169.
  • Pollard, R., ve Reep, C. (2002). Measuring the effectiveness of playing strategies at soccer. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician), 46(4), 541–550.
  • Rampinini, E., Coutts, A. J., Castagna, C., Sassi, R., ve Impellizzeri, F. M. (2007). Variation in top level soccer match performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 28(12), 1018-1024.
  • Sánchez-Murillo, P., Antúnez, A., Rojas-Valverde, D., ve Ibáñez, S. J. (2021). On-Match Impact and Outcomes of Scoring First in Professional European Female Football. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 12009.
  • Sarıçam, H., ve Yüksel, R. (2018). The impact of successful passes on match outcome in the 2016-2017 Turkish Super League season. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 18(2), 573-578. doi: 10.7752/jpes.2018.02105
  • Sarmento, H., Marcelino, R., Anguera, M. T., Campaniço, J., ve Leitão, J. C. (2014). Match analysis in football: a systematic review. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(20), 1831-1843. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2014.898852
  • Simiyu, W.W. N. (2014) Timing of goals scored in selected european and south american football leagues, fıfa and uefa tournaments and the critical phases of a match. Health and Kinesiology Faculty Publications and Presentations. Paper 6.
  • Taylor, J. B., Mellalieu, S. D., James, N., ve Shearer, D. A. (2008). The influence of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on technical performance in professional association football. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26(9), 885-895.
  • Vergonis, A., Michailidis, Y., Mikikis, D., Semaltianou, E., Mavrommatis, G., Christoulas, K., ve Metaxas, T. (2019). Technical and tactical analysis of goal scoring patterns in the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(2), 181-193.

An Investigation into In-Game Statistics Distinguishing Teams Advancing and Eliminated in FIFA World Cup Qualifying Rounds: A Study on World Cup Tournaments Organized between 2010-2022

Yıl 2023, , 273 - 281, 29.10.2023


The purpose of this study is to determine the in-game statistics that differentiate teams in the elimination rounds of the FIFA World Cup after the group stage, and how these statistics change from year to year in football. The round of 16, quarterfinals, semifinals, and final matches played in the last four World Cup events held in 2010, 2014, 2018, and 2022 were analyzed. The data was collected from official FIFA and Sofascore websites. The teams were divided into two groups, "advancing" and "eliminated," and penalty shootouts were not included in the analysis. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 26 program. The descriptive statistics of the obtained data were determined, and discriminant analysis was used to identify the differentiating variables between the advancing and eliminated teams. According to the study findings, the first goal scored, goals scored in the second half, total shots (inside and outside the penalty area), corners, fouls, goalkeeper saves, duels won, passes, successful long balls, and dribbling were found to be the in-game statistics that differentiate the advancing and eliminated teams in the elimination rounds. The study results show that the differentiating variables for teams' success in the World Cup vary from year to year, indicating a change in football understanding, and overall, teams that score the first goal are more successful in the elimination rounds.


  • Acar, M. F., Yapicioglu, B., Arikan, N., Yalcin, S., Ates, N., ve Ergun, M. (2008). Analysis of goals scored in the 2006 World Cup. In Science and football VI (pp. 261-268). Routledge.
  • Allister, A., Byrne, P. J., Nulty, C. D., ve Jordan, S. (2018). Game-related statistics which discriminate elite senior Gaelic football teams according to game outcome and final score difference. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 18(4), 622-632.
  • Armatas, V., Yiannakos, A., Papadopoulou, S., ve Skoufas, D. (2009). Evaluation of goals scored in top ranking soccer matches: Greek “Super League” 2006-07. Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences, 3(1), 39-43.
  • Bilgin, S., ve Müniroğlu, R. S. (2022). 2018 dünya kupası maçlarının teknik, taktik ve hareket zaman ilişkisinin istatistiksel analizi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 20 (2), 105-116. DOI: 10.33689/spormetre.1088717
  • Bilgin, S., Özer, U., ve Müniroğlu, R. S. (2020). 2014-2018 dünya kupası grup sonrası yapılan maçlardaki seçilmiş futbol verilerinin kazanma ve kaybetme durumlarına göre karşılaştırılması. Journal Of International Social Research, 13(75).
  • Bloomfield, J. R., Polman, R. C. J., ve O’Donoghue, P. G. (2005). Effects of score-line on team strategies in FA Premier League Soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(2), 192–193.
  • Broich, H., Mester, J., Seifriz, F., ve Yue, Z. (2014). Statistical analysis for the First Bundesliga in the current soccer season. Progress in Applied Mathematics, 7(2), 1-8.
  • Carling, C., Williams, A. M., ve Reilly, T. (2005). Handbook of soccer match analysis: A systematic approach to improving performance. (1st Edition). Psychology Press.
  • Casal, C. A., Maneiro, R., Ardá, T., Losada, J. L., ve Rial, A. (2015). Analysis of corner kick success in elite football. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 15(2), 430-451.
  • Cengiz, D., ve Kılınç, B. (2007). The ranking of soccer teams attended to the world cup 2006 by factor analysis. Marmara University Journal of IIBF, 23(2), 51-370.
  • Clemente, F., Couceiro, M., Martins, F., ve Mendes R. (2012).Team’s performance on FIFA U17 World Cup 2011: study based on notational analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 12(1),13-17.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Second Edition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
  • García-Rubio, J., Gómez, M. Á., Lago-Peñas, C., ve Ibáñez, J. S. (2015). Effect of match venue, scoring first and quality of opposition on match outcome in the UEFA Champions League. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 15(2), 527-539.
  • González-Rodenas, J., Aranda-Malavés, R., Tudela-Desantes, A., Calabuig Moreno, F., Casal, C. A., ve Aranda, R. (2019). Effect of match location, team ranking, match status and tactical dimensions on the offensive performance in Spanish ‘La Liga’soccer matches. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2089.
  • Gözübüyük, T., ve Karaç, Y. (2021). UEFA avrupa liginde müsabakalardan galip ve mağlup ayrılan takımların bazı parametreler açısından karşılaştırmalı analizi. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(1), 154-161.
  • Gürkan, O., Yüksel, Y., ve Ertetik, G. (2020). UEFA şampiyonlar liginde galibiyet, mağlubiyet ve beraberlikle sonuçlanan müsabakaların bazı parametreler açısından karşılaştırmalı analizi. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 649-660.
  • Hughes, M., ve Lovell, T. (2019). Transition to attack in elite soccer. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(1), 236-253. doi:
  • Hughes, M., Robertson, K., ve Nicholson, A. (1988). Comparison of patterns of play of successful and unsuccessful team. In T. Reilly, A. Lees, K. Davids, and W. Murphy (Eds.), Science and Football (pp. 373-376). London: E and F Spon.
  • İmamoğlu, R., Bostancı, Ö., Kabadayı, M., ve İmamoğlu, M. (2015). 2012-2013 sezonu Türkiye spor toto süper liginde mücadele eden takımların yaptıkları maç sonuçlarının farklı parametrelere göre incelenmesi. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 3(Special Issue 4), 159-166.
  • İnan, T., Çetin, B., ve Güngörür, O. (2019). The effect of the first goal on match score in football for the home field advantage. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 7(8), 62-66.
  • James, N. (2006). Notational analysis in soccer: past, present and future. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 6(2), 67-81.
  • Jones, S., James, N., ve Mellalieu, S. D. (2004). Possession as a performance indicator in soccer. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 4(1), 98-102.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2018). Faktör Analizi, Kalaycı Ş. (Ed.) içinde SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri, 8. Baskı. Ankara: Dinamik Akademi.
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Nobel Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Lago, C. (2009). The influence of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on possession strategies in professional association football. Journal of sports sciences, 27(13), 1463-1469.
  • Lago-Ballesteros, J., ve Lago-Peñas, C. (2010). Performance in team sports: Identifying the keys to success in soccer. Journal of Human Kinetics, 25(1), 85-91.
  • Lago-Peñas, C., ve Dellal, A. (2010). Ball possession strategies in elite soccer according to the evolution of the match-score: The influence of situational variables. Journal of Human Kinetics, 25, 93-100. doi:10.2478/v10078-010-0010-2.
  • Lago-Peñas, C., ve Lago-Ballesteros, J. (2011). Game location and team quality effects on performance profiles in professional soccer. Journal of Sports Science ve Medicine, 10(3), 465.
  • Lago-Peñas, C., Gómez-Ruano, M., Megías-Navarro, D., ve Pollard, R. (2016). Home advantage in football: Examining the effect of scoring first on match outcome in the five major European leagues. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 16(2), 411-421.
  • Lago-Penas, C., Lago-Ballesteros, J., Dellal, A., ve Gómez, M. (2010). Games-related statistics that discriminated winning, drawing and losing teams from the Spanish soccer league. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 9, 288-293.
  • Lames, M., ve McGarry, T. (2007). On the search for reliable performance indicators in game sports. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 7(1), 62-79.
  • Leite, W. (2015). The influence of the first goal on the final result of the football match. Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 3(98).
  • Liu, H., Gómez, M. A., ve Lago-Peñas, C. (2015). Match performance profiles of goalkeepers of elite football teams. International Journal of Sports Science ve Coaching, 10(4), 669-682.
  • Liu, H., Gomez, M. Á., Lago-Peñas, C., ve Sampaio, J. (2015). Match statistics related to winning in the group stage of 2014 Brazil FIFA World Cup. Journal of sports sciences, 33(12), 1205-1213.
  • Liu, H., Hopkins, W. G., ve Gómez, M. A. (2016). Modelling relationships between match events and match outcome in elite football. European journal of sport science, 16(5), 516-525.
  • Liu, H., Hopkins, W. G., Gómez, M. A., ve Molinuevo, J. S. (2013). Inter-operator reliability of live football match statistics from OPTA Sportsdata. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 13(3), 803-821. doi:10.1080/24748668.2013.11868658.
  • Liu, T., García-de-Alcaraz, A., Wang, H., Hu, P., ve Chen, Q. (2021). Impact of scoring first on match outcome in the Chinese Football Super League. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 662-708.
  • Mao, L., Peng, Z., Liu, H., ve Gómez, M. A. (2016). Identifying keys to win in the Chinese professional soccer league. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 16(3), 935-947.
  • Memmert, D., Lemmink, K. A., ve Sampaio, J. (2017). Current approaches to tactical performance analyses in soccer using position data. Sports Medicine, 47(1), 1-10.
  • Mızrak, M. A. (2019). 2010-2014-2018 FIFA Dünya kupaları müsabakalarının çeşı̇tlı̇ parametreler bakımından görüntülü analiz yöntemiyle incelenmesi̇, Yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hareket ve Antrenman Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Muhamad, S., Norasrudin, S., ve Rahmat, A. (2013). Differences in goal scoring and passing sequences between winning and losing team in UEFA-EURO Championship 2012. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 332-337.
  • Özdamar, K. (2010), Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi. (2. Baskı.). Eskişehir: Nisan Kitabevi.
  • Pollard, R. (2006). Home advantage in soccer: variations in its magnitude and a literature review of the inter-related factors associated with its existence. Journal of Sport Behavior, 29(2), 169.
  • Pollard, R., ve Reep, C. (2002). Measuring the effectiveness of playing strategies at soccer. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician), 46(4), 541–550.
  • Rampinini, E., Coutts, A. J., Castagna, C., Sassi, R., ve Impellizzeri, F. M. (2007). Variation in top level soccer match performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 28(12), 1018-1024.
  • Sánchez-Murillo, P., Antúnez, A., Rojas-Valverde, D., ve Ibáñez, S. J. (2021). On-Match Impact and Outcomes of Scoring First in Professional European Female Football. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 12009.
  • Sarıçam, H., ve Yüksel, R. (2018). The impact of successful passes on match outcome in the 2016-2017 Turkish Super League season. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 18(2), 573-578. doi: 10.7752/jpes.2018.02105
  • Sarmento, H., Marcelino, R., Anguera, M. T., Campaniço, J., ve Leitão, J. C. (2014). Match analysis in football: a systematic review. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(20), 1831-1843. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2014.898852
  • Simiyu, W.W. N. (2014) Timing of goals scored in selected european and south american football leagues, fıfa and uefa tournaments and the critical phases of a match. Health and Kinesiology Faculty Publications and Presentations. Paper 6.
  • Taylor, J. B., Mellalieu, S. D., James, N., ve Shearer, D. A. (2008). The influence of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on technical performance in professional association football. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26(9), 885-895.
  • Vergonis, A., Michailidis, Y., Mikikis, D., Semaltianou, E., Mavrommatis, G., Christoulas, K., ve Metaxas, T. (2019). Technical and tactical analysis of goal scoring patterns in the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(2), 181-193.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Egzersiz ve Spor Bilimleri
Bölüm Arşiv

Alp Kaan Kilci 0000-0001-6445-6400

Serhat Yalçıner 0000-0002-9888-4777

Gökhan Aydın 0000-0001-5575-3200

Nahit Özdayı 0000-0002-5534-3153

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 19 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Mayıs 2023
Kabul Tarihi 28 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Kilci, A. K., Yalçıner, S., Aydın, G., Özdayı, N. (2023). FİFA Dünya Kupası Eleme Turlarında Turu Geçen ve Elenen Takımları Ayırt Eden Oyun-İçi İstatistiklerin Belirlenmesi: 2010-2022 Yılları Arasında Düzenlenen Dünya Kupası Organizasyonları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science, 6(1-Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılı Özel Sayısı), 273-281.

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