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Futbolcuların Oynadıkları Mevkilere Göre Görsel Reaksiyon Sürelerinin Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 180 - 192, 28.04.2021


Reaksiyon süresi sporcuların görsel bir uyarana ne kadar hızlı tepki verdiğiyle ilişkilidir ve sportif performansta başarı için önemlidir. Futbolcularda mevkilere göre hem ayak-göz hem de el-göz reaksiyon sürelerinin karşılaştırıldığı çalışma sayısı literatürde sınırlıdır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmanın amacı; futbolcuların oynadıkları mevkilere göre görsel reaksiyon sürelerinin karşılaştırılmasıdır. Çalışmaya bölgesel amatör ligde oynayan 7 kaleci, 16 defans, 21 orta saha ve 8 forvetten oluşan toplam 52 futbolcu (26,265,29 yıl, 178,545,54 cm, 75,196,44 kg, 23,551,37 kg/cm2) gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Tüm futbolcular el-göz ve ayak-göz koordinasyon testlerine katılmışlar ve testler Blazepod antrenman sistemi (İsrail) ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Test protokolü önce el sonra ayak ile uygulanmış, görsel uyarana karşı motor reaksiyon görevi içeren 10 seriden oluşmuş ve her seri 22 reaksiyon içermiştir. Çalışma bulgularında mevkiler arasında el-göz reaksiyon testi toplam set süreleri, ayak-göz reaksiyon testi toplam set süreleri, el-göz reaksiyon testi reaksiyon süreleri ve ayak-göz reaksiyon testi reaksiyon süreleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farka rastlanmamıştır. Ek olarak; futbolcuların el-göz reaksiyon testlerinde 1. ve 10. set toplam süreleri arasında (p=0.000) ve el-göz reaksiyon testlerinde 1. ve 10. set reaksiyon süreleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farka rastlanmıştır (p=0.001). Bu farkın orta saha oyuncularından kaynaklandığı ortaya konulmuştur. Sonuçlara bağlı olarak; reaksiyon sürelerinin futbolcularda mevkisel karakterlerin ortaya konulmasında yetersiz kalacağı söylenebilmekle birlikte; bu tip çalışmalara antrenman programlarında daha fazla yer verilmesi önerilebilir.


  • • Aksoy, Y., & Agaoglu, S. A. (2017). The Comparison Of Sprint Reaction Time And Anaerobic Power Of Young Football Players, Volleyball Players And Wrestlers. Kinesiologia Slovenica, 23(2), 5-14.
  • • Akyüz, M., Uzaldi, B. B., Akyüz, Ö., & Dogru, Y. (2017). Comparison Of Sprint Reaction And Visual Reaction Times Of Athletes İn Different Branches. Journal Of Education And Training Studies, 5(1), 94-100.
  • • Ando, S., Kida, N., & Oda, S. (2002). Practice Effects On Reaction Time For Peripheral And Central Visual Fields. Perceptual And Motor Skills, 95(3), 747-751.
  • • Bańkosz, Z., Nawara, H., & Ociepa, M. (2013). Assessment Of Simple Reaction Time İn Badminton Players. TRENDS İn Sport Sciences . 1(20): 54-61
  • • El-Gizawy, H., & Akl, A. R. (2014). Relationship Between Reaction Time And Deception Type During Smash İn Badminton. J Sport Res, 1, 49-56.
  • • Göral, K., Sayın, Ö., Babayiğit İrez, G. (2012). Profesyonel Futbolcuların Oynadıkları Mevkilere Göre Görsel Ve İşitsel Reaksyion Sürelerinin İncelenmesi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 14(1): 5-11
  • • Hasdemir, S., Gündüz, N., & Müniroğlu, S. (2003). Bayan Hentbolcuların Görsel Ve İşitsel Reaksiyon Zaman Farklılıklarının İncelenmesi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 49-52.
  • • Karia, R. M., Ghuntla, T. P., Mehta, H. B., Gokhale, P. A., & Shah, C. J. (2012). Effect Of Gender Difference On Visual Reaction Time: A Study On Medical Students Of Bhavnagar Region. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy, 2(3), 452-454.
  • • Kartal, A., Kartal, R., Babayiğit İrez, G. (2016). Futbolcuların Oynadıkları Mevkilere Göre Bazı Motorik Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması. 11(1): 55-62.
  • • Kirschen DG, Laby DL. (2011). The Role Of Sports Vision İn Eye Care Today. Eye & Contact Lens, 37(3): 127-130.
  • • Kuan YM, Zuhairi NA, Manan FA, Knight VF, Omar R. (2018). Visual Reaction Time And Visual Anticipation Time Between Athletes And Non-Athletes. Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicinespecial İssue 1: 135-141.
  • • Luce RD. (1986) Response Times: Their Role İn Inferring Elementary Mental Organization. Oxford University Press, 3(8).
  • • Meng KY, Zuhairi NA, Manan FA, Knight VF, Padri MNA, Omar R. (2015). Role Of Gender, Age And Ethnicities On Visual Reaction Time And Visual Anticipation Time Of Junior Athletes. Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences, 9(5): 129-134.
  • • Montés-Micó, R., Bueno, I., Candel, J., & Pons, A. M. (2000). Eye-Hand And Eye-Foot Visual Reaction Times Of Young Soccer Players. Optometry (St. Louis, Mo.), 71(12), 775-780.
  • • Mori S, Ohtani Y, Imanaka K. (2002). Reaction Times And Anticipatory Skills Of Karate Athletes. Human Movement Science, 21(2): 213-230.
  • • Örs, B.S., Cantas, F., Gungor, E. O., & Sımsek, D. (2019). Assessment And Comparison Of Visual Skills Among Athletes. Spor Ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(3), 231-241.
  • • Paśko, W., Śliż, M., Paszkowski, M., Zieliński, J., Polak, K., Huzarski, M., & Przednowek, K. (2021). Characteristics Of Cognitive Abilities Among Youths Practicing Football. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 18(4), 1371.
  • • Paterson G. (2010). Visual-Motor Response Times İn Athletes And Non-Athletes (Doctoral Dissertation, Stellenbosch: University Of Stellenbosch),
  • • Pesce, C., Tessitore, A., Casella, R., Pirritano, M., & Capranica, L. (2007). Focusing Of Visual Attention At Rest And During Physical Exercise İn Soccer Players. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 25(11), 1259-1270.
  • • SORATE, B. A. (2019). Assessment Of Visual Skills Impact On Motor Performance Of Soccer Players İn Ethiopian Youth Sport Academy. Türk Spor Ve Egzersiz Dergisi, 21(3), 422-427.
  • • Spierer, D. K., Petersen, R. A., & Duffy, K. (2011). Response Time To Stimuli İn Division I Soccer Players. The Journal Of Strength & Conditioning Research, 25(4), 1134-1141.
  • • Senel, O., & Eroglu, H. (2006). Correlation Between Reaction Time And Speed İn Elite Soccer Players. Age, 21, 3-32.
  • • Vera J, Jiménez R, Cárdenas D, Redondo B, García JA. (2020). Visual Function, Performance, And Processing Of Basketball Players Versus Sedentary İndividuals. Journal Of Sport And Health Science. 9:587-594.
  • • Vonderheide, M. (2015). Soccer Soundscape: How Fan Chants Impact Match Atmosphere,Https://Sites.Duke.Edu/Soundscapes/2015/11/23/Soccer-Soundscape-How-Fan-Chants-İmpact-Match-Atmosphere/
  • • Zwierko T, Florkiewicz B, Fogtman S, Kszak-Krzyżanowska A. (2014). The Ability To Maintain Attention During Visuomotor Task Performance İn Handball Players And Non-Athletes. Central European Journal Of Sport Sciences And Medicine, 3(7): 99-106.

Comparison of Visual Reaction Times According to the Playing Positions of Soccer Players

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 180 - 192, 28.04.2021


Reaction time is related about to how quickly athletes react to a visual stimulus and is very important about the success. While comparing to study according on soccer players both hand-eye coordination studies are very limited. Therefore the aim of this study was comparing the soocer players hand-eye reaction times on playing positions. 7 defence players, 16 defence players, 21 midifield players and 8 striker totally 52 players (26,265,29 year, 178,545,54 cm, 75,196,44 kg, 23,551,37 kg/cm2) was voluunteery participated the on this study. All players are join to both hand-eye and foot-eye reactin time test, Blazepod reaction time test was used for measrument players reaction times. Protocol was used first for hand and second for foot. 10 series with 22 repetation was used for test. No significant found for hand-eye and foot-eye reaction time between players positions. However when comparing to players 1st and 10th reaction time series have significant different found betweeb reaction times (p<0.01). Different was found on midilfield players. As a result of reaction times insufficent to reveal the positional characters on footbal players but it should be include training programs by the trainers.


  • • Aksoy, Y., & Agaoglu, S. A. (2017). The Comparison Of Sprint Reaction Time And Anaerobic Power Of Young Football Players, Volleyball Players And Wrestlers. Kinesiologia Slovenica, 23(2), 5-14.
  • • Akyüz, M., Uzaldi, B. B., Akyüz, Ö., & Dogru, Y. (2017). Comparison Of Sprint Reaction And Visual Reaction Times Of Athletes İn Different Branches. Journal Of Education And Training Studies, 5(1), 94-100.
  • • Ando, S., Kida, N., & Oda, S. (2002). Practice Effects On Reaction Time For Peripheral And Central Visual Fields. Perceptual And Motor Skills, 95(3), 747-751.
  • • Bańkosz, Z., Nawara, H., & Ociepa, M. (2013). Assessment Of Simple Reaction Time İn Badminton Players. TRENDS İn Sport Sciences . 1(20): 54-61
  • • El-Gizawy, H., & Akl, A. R. (2014). Relationship Between Reaction Time And Deception Type During Smash İn Badminton. J Sport Res, 1, 49-56.
  • • Göral, K., Sayın, Ö., Babayiğit İrez, G. (2012). Profesyonel Futbolcuların Oynadıkları Mevkilere Göre Görsel Ve İşitsel Reaksyion Sürelerinin İncelenmesi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 14(1): 5-11
  • • Hasdemir, S., Gündüz, N., & Müniroğlu, S. (2003). Bayan Hentbolcuların Görsel Ve İşitsel Reaksiyon Zaman Farklılıklarının İncelenmesi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 49-52.
  • • Karia, R. M., Ghuntla, T. P., Mehta, H. B., Gokhale, P. A., & Shah, C. J. (2012). Effect Of Gender Difference On Visual Reaction Time: A Study On Medical Students Of Bhavnagar Region. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy, 2(3), 452-454.
  • • Kartal, A., Kartal, R., Babayiğit İrez, G. (2016). Futbolcuların Oynadıkları Mevkilere Göre Bazı Motorik Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması. 11(1): 55-62.
  • • Kirschen DG, Laby DL. (2011). The Role Of Sports Vision İn Eye Care Today. Eye & Contact Lens, 37(3): 127-130.
  • • Kuan YM, Zuhairi NA, Manan FA, Knight VF, Omar R. (2018). Visual Reaction Time And Visual Anticipation Time Between Athletes And Non-Athletes. Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicinespecial İssue 1: 135-141.
  • • Luce RD. (1986) Response Times: Their Role İn Inferring Elementary Mental Organization. Oxford University Press, 3(8).
  • • Meng KY, Zuhairi NA, Manan FA, Knight VF, Padri MNA, Omar R. (2015). Role Of Gender, Age And Ethnicities On Visual Reaction Time And Visual Anticipation Time Of Junior Athletes. Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences, 9(5): 129-134.
  • • Montés-Micó, R., Bueno, I., Candel, J., & Pons, A. M. (2000). Eye-Hand And Eye-Foot Visual Reaction Times Of Young Soccer Players. Optometry (St. Louis, Mo.), 71(12), 775-780.
  • • Mori S, Ohtani Y, Imanaka K. (2002). Reaction Times And Anticipatory Skills Of Karate Athletes. Human Movement Science, 21(2): 213-230.
  • • Örs, B.S., Cantas, F., Gungor, E. O., & Sımsek, D. (2019). Assessment And Comparison Of Visual Skills Among Athletes. Spor Ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(3), 231-241.
  • • Paśko, W., Śliż, M., Paszkowski, M., Zieliński, J., Polak, K., Huzarski, M., & Przednowek, K. (2021). Characteristics Of Cognitive Abilities Among Youths Practicing Football. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 18(4), 1371.
  • • Paterson G. (2010). Visual-Motor Response Times İn Athletes And Non-Athletes (Doctoral Dissertation, Stellenbosch: University Of Stellenbosch),
  • • Pesce, C., Tessitore, A., Casella, R., Pirritano, M., & Capranica, L. (2007). Focusing Of Visual Attention At Rest And During Physical Exercise İn Soccer Players. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 25(11), 1259-1270.
  • • SORATE, B. A. (2019). Assessment Of Visual Skills Impact On Motor Performance Of Soccer Players İn Ethiopian Youth Sport Academy. Türk Spor Ve Egzersiz Dergisi, 21(3), 422-427.
  • • Spierer, D. K., Petersen, R. A., & Duffy, K. (2011). Response Time To Stimuli İn Division I Soccer Players. The Journal Of Strength & Conditioning Research, 25(4), 1134-1141.
  • • Senel, O., & Eroglu, H. (2006). Correlation Between Reaction Time And Speed İn Elite Soccer Players. Age, 21, 3-32.
  • • Vera J, Jiménez R, Cárdenas D, Redondo B, García JA. (2020). Visual Function, Performance, And Processing Of Basketball Players Versus Sedentary İndividuals. Journal Of Sport And Health Science. 9:587-594.
  • • Vonderheide, M. (2015). Soccer Soundscape: How Fan Chants Impact Match Atmosphere,Https://Sites.Duke.Edu/Soundscapes/2015/11/23/Soccer-Soundscape-How-Fan-Chants-İmpact-Match-Atmosphere/
  • • Zwierko T, Florkiewicz B, Fogtman S, Kszak-Krzyżanowska A. (2014). The Ability To Maintain Attention During Visuomotor Task Performance İn Handball Players And Non-Athletes. Central European Journal Of Sport Sciences And Medicine, 3(7): 99-106.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Arşiv

Esin Ergin 0000-0002-9645-1863

Alper Kartal 0000-0001-5209-5134

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Nisan 2021
Kabul Tarihi 21 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ergin, E., & Kartal, A. (2021). Futbolcuların Oynadıkları Mevkilere Göre Görsel Reaksiyon Sürelerinin Karşılaştırılması. Akdeniz Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 180-192.

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