Investigation of the Effect of Pilates Exercises as Recreational Activity on Functional Movement Screen Scores in Women
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 72 - 82, 28.03.2022
Ayşenur Kurt
Özgün Miraç Özçilingir
Hüseyin Can İkizler
Yavuz Öntürk
Atakan Çağlayan
In this study, It was aimed to examine the effect of recreational Pilates exercises on functional movement analysis scores in women. 34 sedentary women volunteers participated in the study in a private gym located in Turkey-Istanbul. In our study, within the scope of pre and post-test; Anthropometric measurements and functional movement screen test battery were applied. After the pre-tests obtained from the participants before the study, the participants in the study group (SG) continued their Pilates exercises for 60 minutes, 3 days a week for 8 weeks, while the control group (CG) continued their program with moderate-intensity fixed resistance exercises in the gym. SPSS 21.0 package program was used for statistical analysis. According to the results of the statistical analysis, both dominant and non-dominant pre-post-test within-group development differences of the study and control groups were found to be statistically significant (p˂0.01). In the intergroup comparison of the total FMS pre- and post-test change scores of the Study and Control Groups, the difference in development between the Study and Control groups was found to be statistically significant in favor of the Study Group (p=0.001). As a result, besides the positive effects on fat and muscle ratios of female participating in recreational pilates exercises, it was determined that the content of pilates exercises was compatible with functional movement screen and improved functional movement screen results. It is foreseen that possible injuries will be prevented and an increase in performance will be achieved by examining one and both sides and eliminating asymmetries.
- Referans1
Ahmadi, F., Safari Variani, A., Saadatian, A. et al. The impact of 10 weeks of Pilates exercises on the thoracic and lumbar curvatures of female college students. Sport Sci Health 17, 989–997 (2021).
- Referans2
Akkoç, O., Kırandı, Ö. (2019). Investigation of the Effect of Long-Term Pilates and Step Aerobic Exercises on Functional Movement Screening Scores. Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 7, No. 6
- Referans3
Almeida, I.d., Andrade, L.d., Mochizuki, L. et al. Effect of three different Pilates sessions on energy expenditure and aerobic metabolism in healthy females. Sport Sci Health 17, 223–231 (2021).
- Referans4
Bagherian, S., Ghasempoor, K., Rahnama, N. ve Wikstrom, E. A. (2018). The effect of core stability training on functional movement patterns in collegiate athletes. J Sport Rehabil, 1-22. doi:10.1123/jsr.2017-0107
- Referans5
Bastık., C. ve Cicioğlu., İ. (2021). Investıgatıon of the effect of Pilates Exercıses on the Functıonal Parameters of Middle Age Sedantery Women. P J M H S Vol. 15, NO. 7, DOI:
- Referans6
Boguszewski D., Jakubowska K., Adamczyk J.G.,Białoszewski D. (2015). The Assessment of Movement Patterns of Children Practicing Karate Using the Functional Movement Screen Test, Journal of Combat Sports and Martial Arts, Vol. 6, 21-26 DOI: 10.5604/20815735.1174227
- Referans7
Chorba RS, Chorba DJ, Bouillon LE, Overmyer CA, Landis JA, 2010, Use of a functional movement screening tool to determine injury risk in female collegiate athletes. North Am. J. Sports Phys. Ther. NAJSPT 2010; 5: 47.
- Referans8
Clark, M. A., Lucett, S. C., McGill, E., Montel, I. ve Sutton, B. (Eds.). (2018). NASM Essentials of personal fitness training. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- Referans9
Clark, S. C., Rowe, N. D., Adnan, M., Brown, S. M., & Mulcahey, M. K. (2022). Effective Interventions for Improving Functional Movement Screen Scores Among "High-Risk" Athletes: A Systematic Review. International journal of sports physical therapy, 17(2), 131–138.
- Referans10
Cook, G., Burton, L., Hoogenboom, B. (2006). Pre-participation screening: the use of fundamental movements as an assessment of function—part 1. N Am J Sports Phys. Ther., 1(2), 62-72.
- Referans11
Çolak H. ve Yiğit Z.(2017). Investigating the Changes on Body Composition in Women Regularly Exercise, Journal of Current Researches on Health Sector, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, doi: 10.26579.
- Referans12
Kalron, A.,Rosenblum, U.,Frid, L., Achiron, A. (2017).Pilates exercise training vs. physical therapy for improving walking and balance in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial.Clinical rehabilitation, 31(3), 319-328.
- Referans13
Kiesel, K., Plisky, P., Butler, R. (2011). Functional movement test scores improve following a standardized off-season intervention program in professional football players. Scand J Med Sci Sport. 21(2):287-292.
- Referans14
Kocadağ, M. (2014). 8 Haftalık Futbol Antrenmanlarının 14-16 Yaş Grubundaki Öğrencilerin Fiziksel ve Fizyolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri, Harran Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Anabilim Dalı, Şanlıurfa, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
- Referans15
Lata, P. (2010). Physical inactivity as a global risk factor for chronic diseases in women British Journal of Sports Medicine;44:i64.
- Referans16
Laws, A., Williams, S., Wilson, C. (2017). The Effect of clinical Pilates on functional movement in recreational runners. Int J Sports Med. 38:776–780.
- Referans17
Lim, E.J., Park, J.E. (2019). The effects of Pilates and yoga participant’s on engagement in functional movement and individual health level. J Exerc Rehabil. 15(4): 553–559.
- Referans18
Martin, C., Olivier, B., Benjamin, N. (2016). The functional movement screen in the prediction of injury in adolescent cricket pace bowlers: an observational study. J. Sport Rehabil. 1–30.
- Referans19
Mokha, M., Sprague, P. A., Gatens, D.R. (2016). Predicting Musculoskeletal Injury in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Athletes From Asymmetries and Individual-Test Versus Composite Functional Movement Screen Scores. Journal of Athletic Training, 51(4), 276-282.
- Referans20
Ransdell, L., Murray, T. (2016). Functional movement screening: An important tool for female athletes. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 38(2), 40-48.
- Referans21
Roh SY. (2019). A functional movement screening of college students performing Pilates exercise. J Cosmet Med;3:33-37.
- Referans22
Segal, N.A., Hein, J., Basford, J.R. (2004). The Effects of Pilates Training on Flexibility and Body Composition: An Observational Study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.85: 1977-81.
- Referans23
Thompson, W. (2019) Worldwide Survey of Fitness trends for 2019. ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, 22(6) 10-17.
- Referans24
Yeon, R.S. (2019). A functional movement screening of college students performing Pilates exercise. 대한미용의학회지,년 3권 1호 p.33 ~ 37.
Rekreatif Aktivite Olarak Pilates Egzersizlerinin Kadınlarda Fonksiyonel Hareket Analizi Skorları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 72 - 82, 28.03.2022
Ayşenur Kurt
Özgün Miraç Özçilingir
Hüseyin Can İkizler
Yavuz Öntürk
Atakan Çağlayan
Çalışmada, kadınlarda rekreatif olarak yapılan pilates egzersizlerinin fonksiyonel hareket analizi skorlarına etkisini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya Türkiye-İstanbul İl’inde bulunan özel bir spor salonunda sedanter 34 kadın gönüllü katılmıştır. Çalışmamızda ön ve son test kapsamında; antropometrik ölçümler ve fonksiyonel hareket analizi test bataryası uygulanmıştır. Çalışma öncesi katılımcılardan elde edilen ön testlerden sonra çalışma grubunda yer alan katılımcılar (ÇG) 8 hafta boyunca haftada 3 gün 60 dakika pilates çalışmalarına devam ederken, kontrol grubu (KG) spor salonunda orta düzey şiddette sabit direnç egzersizleri ile programlarına devam etmişlerdir. İstatistiksel analizler için SPSS 21.0 paket programı kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel analiz sonuçlarına göre Çalışma ve kontrol gruplarının hem dominant, hem de non-dominant ön-son test grup içi gelişim farkları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı tespit edilmiştir (p˂0,01). Çalışma ve Kontrol Grubunun total FMS ön ve son test değişim skorlarının gruplar arası karşılaştırılmasında ise Çalışma ve kontrol grubu arasındaki gelişim farkı Çalışma Grubu lehinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olarak tespit edilmiştir (p=0,001). Sonuç olarak rekreatif pilates egzersizlerine katılım sağlayan kadınların yağ ve kas oranları üzerinde olumlu etkiler görülmesinin yanı sıra pilates egzersizlerinin içeriği, fonksiyonel hareket analizi ile uyumlu olup fonksiyonel hareket analizi sonuçlarında gelişim sağladığı tespit edilmiştir. Tek ve çift taraflı olarak incelenmesi ve asimetrilerin giderilmesiyle olası yaralanmaların önüne geçileceği ve performans anlamında artış sağlayacağı öngörülmektedir.
- Referans1
Ahmadi, F., Safari Variani, A., Saadatian, A. et al. The impact of 10 weeks of Pilates exercises on the thoracic and lumbar curvatures of female college students. Sport Sci Health 17, 989–997 (2021).
- Referans2
Akkoç, O., Kırandı, Ö. (2019). Investigation of the Effect of Long-Term Pilates and Step Aerobic Exercises on Functional Movement Screening Scores. Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 7, No. 6
- Referans3
Almeida, I.d., Andrade, L.d., Mochizuki, L. et al. Effect of three different Pilates sessions on energy expenditure and aerobic metabolism in healthy females. Sport Sci Health 17, 223–231 (2021).
- Referans4
Bagherian, S., Ghasempoor, K., Rahnama, N. ve Wikstrom, E. A. (2018). The effect of core stability training on functional movement patterns in collegiate athletes. J Sport Rehabil, 1-22. doi:10.1123/jsr.2017-0107
- Referans5
Bastık., C. ve Cicioğlu., İ. (2021). Investıgatıon of the effect of Pilates Exercıses on the Functıonal Parameters of Middle Age Sedantery Women. P J M H S Vol. 15, NO. 7, DOI:
- Referans6
Boguszewski D., Jakubowska K., Adamczyk J.G.,Białoszewski D. (2015). The Assessment of Movement Patterns of Children Practicing Karate Using the Functional Movement Screen Test, Journal of Combat Sports and Martial Arts, Vol. 6, 21-26 DOI: 10.5604/20815735.1174227
- Referans7
Chorba RS, Chorba DJ, Bouillon LE, Overmyer CA, Landis JA, 2010, Use of a functional movement screening tool to determine injury risk in female collegiate athletes. North Am. J. Sports Phys. Ther. NAJSPT 2010; 5: 47.
- Referans8
Clark, M. A., Lucett, S. C., McGill, E., Montel, I. ve Sutton, B. (Eds.). (2018). NASM Essentials of personal fitness training. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- Referans9
Clark, S. C., Rowe, N. D., Adnan, M., Brown, S. M., & Mulcahey, M. K. (2022). Effective Interventions for Improving Functional Movement Screen Scores Among "High-Risk" Athletes: A Systematic Review. International journal of sports physical therapy, 17(2), 131–138.
- Referans10
Cook, G., Burton, L., Hoogenboom, B. (2006). Pre-participation screening: the use of fundamental movements as an assessment of function—part 1. N Am J Sports Phys. Ther., 1(2), 62-72.
- Referans11
Çolak H. ve Yiğit Z.(2017). Investigating the Changes on Body Composition in Women Regularly Exercise, Journal of Current Researches on Health Sector, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, doi: 10.26579.
- Referans12
Kalron, A.,Rosenblum, U.,Frid, L., Achiron, A. (2017).Pilates exercise training vs. physical therapy for improving walking and balance in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial.Clinical rehabilitation, 31(3), 319-328.
- Referans13
Kiesel, K., Plisky, P., Butler, R. (2011). Functional movement test scores improve following a standardized off-season intervention program in professional football players. Scand J Med Sci Sport. 21(2):287-292.
- Referans14
Kocadağ, M. (2014). 8 Haftalık Futbol Antrenmanlarının 14-16 Yaş Grubundaki Öğrencilerin Fiziksel ve Fizyolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri, Harran Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Anabilim Dalı, Şanlıurfa, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
- Referans15
Lata, P. (2010). Physical inactivity as a global risk factor for chronic diseases in women British Journal of Sports Medicine;44:i64.
- Referans16
Laws, A., Williams, S., Wilson, C. (2017). The Effect of clinical Pilates on functional movement in recreational runners. Int J Sports Med. 38:776–780.
- Referans17
Lim, E.J., Park, J.E. (2019). The effects of Pilates and yoga participant’s on engagement in functional movement and individual health level. J Exerc Rehabil. 15(4): 553–559.
- Referans18
Martin, C., Olivier, B., Benjamin, N. (2016). The functional movement screen in the prediction of injury in adolescent cricket pace bowlers: an observational study. J. Sport Rehabil. 1–30.
- Referans19
Mokha, M., Sprague, P. A., Gatens, D.R. (2016). Predicting Musculoskeletal Injury in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Athletes From Asymmetries and Individual-Test Versus Composite Functional Movement Screen Scores. Journal of Athletic Training, 51(4), 276-282.
- Referans20
Ransdell, L., Murray, T. (2016). Functional movement screening: An important tool for female athletes. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 38(2), 40-48.
- Referans21
Roh SY. (2019). A functional movement screening of college students performing Pilates exercise. J Cosmet Med;3:33-37.
- Referans22
Segal, N.A., Hein, J., Basford, J.R. (2004). The Effects of Pilates Training on Flexibility and Body Composition: An Observational Study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.85: 1977-81.
- Referans23
Thompson, W. (2019) Worldwide Survey of Fitness trends for 2019. ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, 22(6) 10-17.
- Referans24
Yeon, R.S. (2019). A functional movement screening of college students performing Pilates exercise. 대한미용의학회지,년 3권 1호 p.33 ~ 37.