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Boulder Spor Tırmanışı Yapan Aktif Sporcuların Akciğer Hacim Kapasitelerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 1171 - 1182, 28.12.2022


Bu araştırma, boulder spor tırmanışçı sporcuların akciğer solunum hacim kapasiteleri cinsiyet göre tamamen farklı mıdır, yoksa sadece bazı parametrelerde mi bir farklılık söz konusudur şeklindeki sorunsal sürece cevap aramaktadır. Çalışma gençler boulder spor tırmanış Türkiye şampiyonasında 12 erkek ve 13 kadın boulder spor tırmanışı yapan sporcu ile sürdürüldü. Çalışma katılacak sporcuların antrenman geçmişleri ve fiziksel özellikleri ile ilgili ön değerlendirme yapılarak en az 2 yıldan daha fazla antrenman geçmişine sahip sporcular çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Sporcular hakkında yaş, cinsiyet gibi demogafik bilgiler kayıt edilerek homojen bir grup olması açısından boy, kilo ve BMI (beden kitle indeks) düzeyleri tespit edildi. Fiziksel olarak benzer özelliklere sahip sporcular çalışmaya kabul edildi. Boulder spor tırmanışçıların akciğer solunum kapasiteleri MIR Spirolab 4 spirometre cihazı ile ölçüldü. Ölçümler her sporcuya en az 3 kez yaptırıldı ve en iyi değeri kaydedildi. Spirometrik ölçümler esnasında sporcular oturur pozisyonda, rahat kıyafet içerisinde ve hava sızıntısını önlemek için sporcuların burunlarına yaylı kıskaçlar takıldı. Ölçüm esnasında hava sıcaklığı 18-22 ℃ ve nem 30-60% aralığındaydı. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 22.0 paket programda analiz edildi ve şekilsel ifadeler için yedi günlük ücretsiz GraphPad Prism 8 deneme sürümü kullanıldı. Verilerin normalliğini belirlemek için; Kolmogorov Smirnnov, histogram grafikleri, basıklık ve diklik, q-q plot, dal yaprak grafiklerine bakıldı ve dağılım normaldi. İki grup arasındaki farklılığın belirlenmesi için Independent Samples t testi kullanıldı. Anlamlılık düzeyi p<0.05 olarak kabul edildi. Boulder spor tırmanışçı sporcuların FEV1/FVC, VT, ERV, IRV, IC, MVV, MVT hacim kapasiteleri erkek ve kadın sporcularda benzer düzeydeydi. Ancak VC, PEF, MEF %75 anlamlı düzeyde, PEF%25-75, MEF%50 yüksek düzeyde, FEV1 ve MEF%25 ise çok yüksek düzeyde farklıydı. Bu farklılık erkek boulder spor tırmanışçı sporcuların lehineydi. Kadın sporcuların akciğer hacim kapasiteleri erkek sporculara göre daha düşüktür şeklindeki beklentinin aksine, boulder spor tırmanışçılar sporcuların bazı akciğer hacim kapasiteleri erkek ve kadın sporcularda benzer düzeydeyken bazı parametrelerde erkek sporcuların lehine olduğu görüldü.


  • 1. Şerifoğlu, H., Çetinkaya, C., & Kayatekin, B. M. (2021). Sağlıklı Bireylerde Yapılan, Aletli Solunum Egzersizleri ile Aletsiz Solunum Egzersizlerinin Akciğer Hacim ve Kapasitelerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 19(1), 127-136.
  • 2. Pine M., Watsford M. (2005). Specific respiratory muscle training for athletic performance. Sports Coach. 27(4), 1–4.
  • 3. Wanger J, Clausen JL, Coates A, Pedersen OF, Brusasco V, Burgos F, et al. Standardisation of the measurement of lung volumes. Eur Respir J. 2005 Sep 1;26(3):511–22.
  • 4. Hopkins, E., & Sharma, S. (2022). Physiology, Functional Residual Capacity. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  • 5. Bellemare F, Jeanneret A, Couture J. Göğüs boyutları ve konfigürasyonunda cinsiyet farklılıkları. J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003 Ağustos 01; 168 (3):305-12.
  • 6. Delgado, B. J., & Bajaj, T. (2021). Physiology, Lung Capacity. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  • 7. Lofrese, J. J., Tupper, C., Denault, D., & Lappin, S. L. (2021). Physiology, Residual Volume. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  • 8. Dominelli, P. B., Molgat-Seon, Y., & Sheel, A. W. (2019). Sex differences in the pulmonary system influence the integrative response to exercise. Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 47(3), 142-150.
  • 9. Kubesch, N. J., De Nazelle, A., Westerdahl, D., Martinez, D., Carrasco-Turigas, G., Bouso, L., & Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J. (2015). Respiratory and inflammatory responses to short-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution with and without moderate physical activity. Occupational and environmental medicine, 72(4), 284-293.
  • 10. Schwarz, L., Dorscht, L., Book, S., Stelzer, E. M., Kornhuber, J., & Luttenberger, K. (2019). Long-term effects of bouldering psychotherapy on depression: benefits can be maintained across a 12-month follow-up. Heliyon, 5(12), e02929.
  • 11. Haddad, M., & Sharma, S. (2021). Physiology, Lung. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  • 12. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology / Edition 14. Editör John E. Hall, Michael E. Hall, s497-556, 2020.
  • 13. Melekoğlu, T., Ali, I. Ş. I. N., & Gürcan, Ü. N. L. Ü. (2018). Antrenmanın 13-14 yaş adölesanlarda solunum sistemi üzerine etkileri. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(1), 1-7.
  • 14. Vignesh, P., Preetha, S., & Gayatri Devi, R. (2018). Assessment of pulmonary function test in athletes. Drug Invention Today, 10(12).
  • 15. Minaeifar, A. A., Rasekh, F., & Karirmi, M. (2020). The Comparıson Of Pulmonary Parameters Between Athlete And Non-Athlete Workers In Tıle Factorıes (A Case Study). Studies in Medical Sciences, 31(8), 588-596.
  • 16. Azam, M., Rahayu, S. R., Rumini, Y. W., Fibriana, A. I., Soedjatmiko, H. S., Saefurrohim, M. Z., ... & Ayubi, N. A. T. (2021). Determinants of Pulmonary Function Parameters. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sports, Health, and Physical Education, 28-29, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
  • 17. Saputri, N. K. D., Mayangsari, A. S. M., & Subanada, I. B. (2018). Lung function in athletes and non-athletes aged 13-15 years. Paediatrica Indonesiana, 58(4), 170-4.
  • 18. Tartibian, B., & Khayat, S. M. A. (2018). High-Intensity Interval Training/Resistance Exercise Lead to Greater Lung Function: Improvement of FEV 1/FVC% and FEF25-75%. Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 17.
  • 19. Wu, X., Gao, S., & Lian, Y. (2020). Effects of continuous aerobic exercise on lung function and quality of life with asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 12(9), 4781.
  • 20. Mazic, S., Lazovic, B., Djelic, M., Suzic-Lazic, J., Djordjevic-Saranovic, S., Durmic, T., . . . Zugic, V. (2015). Respiratory parameters in elite athletes–does sport have an influence? Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition), 21(4), 192-197.
  • 21. Adkins, D., Boychuk, J., Remple, M. and Kleim, J. (2006). Motor training induces experience specific patterns of plasticity across motor cortex and spinal cord. J Appl Physiol,
  • 22. Hillman, C.H., Erickson, K.I. and Kramer, A.F. (2008). Be smart, exercise your heart: Exercise effects on brain and cognition. Nat Rev Neurosci, 9(1), 58-65.
  • 23. Chang, D. V., Tiller, C. J., Kisling, J. A., Case, J., Mund, J. A., Haneline, L. S., ... & Tepper, R. S. (2014). Membrane and capillary components of lung diffusion and pro-angiogenic cells in infants. European Respiratory Journal, 43(2), 497-504.
  • 24. Zimmermann, S. C., Tonga, K. O., & Thamrin, C. (2019). Dismantling airway disease with the use of new pulmonary function indices. European Respiratory Review, 28(151).
  • 25. Lutfi, M. F. (2017). The physiological basis and clinical significance of lung volume measurements. Multidisciplinary respiratory medicine, 12(1), 1-12.
  • 26. Moradians, V., Rahimi, A., & Moosavi, S. A. J. (2016). Effect of eight-week aerobic, resistive, and interval exercise routines on respiratory parameters in non-athlete women. Tanaffos, 15(2), 96.
  • 27. Koç, M. (2017). Adölesan Taekwondocularda Solunum Kas Eğitiminin Aerobik ve Anaerobik Dayanıklılığa Etkisi (Master's thesis, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü).

Determining Lung Volume Capacities of Active Bouldering Sport Athletes

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 1171 - 1182, 28.12.2022


Aim: This study sought answers to the problem of whether the lung respiratory volume capacities of boulder sport climber athletes are completely different by gender, or if there is a difference only in some parameters. The study was carried out with 12 male and 13 female athletes competing in the youth boulder sports climbing Turkish championships. Athletes with a training history of more than two years were included in the study with a preliminary evaluation of their training histories and physical characteristics. Demographic information such as the age and gender of the athletes were recorded, and their height, weight, and BMI (body mass index) levels were determined to form a homogeneous group. Athletes with physically similar characteristics were included in the study. The lung breathing capacities of the boulder sport climbers were measured using the MIR Spirolab 4 spirometer device. These measurements were conducted at least three times on each athlete, and their best values were recorded. During the spirometry measurements, the athletes were seated and dressed in comfortable clothing. Additionally, spring nose clips were attached to the athletes' noses to prevent air leakage. At the time of the measurements, the air temperature was in the range of 18-22 °C and humidity was 30-60%. The data obtained were analyzed in the SPSS 22.0 package software, and a free seven-day trial version of GraphPad Prism 8 was used for presenting the figures. To determine the normality of the data, the Kolmogorov Smirnov test, histogram charts, skewness and kurtosis, q-q plot, and stem-leaf plots were examined, and the distribution was observed to be normal. Independent samples t-test was used to determine the difference between the two groups. The level of significance was considered as p<0.05. The FEV1/FVC, VT, ERV, IRV, IC, MVV, and MVT volume capacities of the boulder sport climbers were similar in male and female athletes. However, VC, PEF, and MEF 75% were significantly different, PEF 25-75% and MEF 50% were highly different, and FEV1 and MEF 25% were at very highly different levels. These differences were in favor of male boulder sport climbers. Contrary to expectations that female athletes had lower lung volume capacities than male athletes, it was determined that while some lung volume capacities of the bouldering athletes were similar in male and female athletes, in other parameters they were in favor of male athletes.


  • 1. Şerifoğlu, H., Çetinkaya, C., & Kayatekin, B. M. (2021). Sağlıklı Bireylerde Yapılan, Aletli Solunum Egzersizleri ile Aletsiz Solunum Egzersizlerinin Akciğer Hacim ve Kapasitelerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 19(1), 127-136.
  • 2. Pine M., Watsford M. (2005). Specific respiratory muscle training for athletic performance. Sports Coach. 27(4), 1–4.
  • 3. Wanger J, Clausen JL, Coates A, Pedersen OF, Brusasco V, Burgos F, et al. Standardisation of the measurement of lung volumes. Eur Respir J. 2005 Sep 1;26(3):511–22.
  • 4. Hopkins, E., & Sharma, S. (2022). Physiology, Functional Residual Capacity. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  • 5. Bellemare F, Jeanneret A, Couture J. Göğüs boyutları ve konfigürasyonunda cinsiyet farklılıkları. J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003 Ağustos 01; 168 (3):305-12.
  • 6. Delgado, B. J., & Bajaj, T. (2021). Physiology, Lung Capacity. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  • 7. Lofrese, J. J., Tupper, C., Denault, D., & Lappin, S. L. (2021). Physiology, Residual Volume. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  • 8. Dominelli, P. B., Molgat-Seon, Y., & Sheel, A. W. (2019). Sex differences in the pulmonary system influence the integrative response to exercise. Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 47(3), 142-150.
  • 9. Kubesch, N. J., De Nazelle, A., Westerdahl, D., Martinez, D., Carrasco-Turigas, G., Bouso, L., & Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J. (2015). Respiratory and inflammatory responses to short-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution with and without moderate physical activity. Occupational and environmental medicine, 72(4), 284-293.
  • 10. Schwarz, L., Dorscht, L., Book, S., Stelzer, E. M., Kornhuber, J., & Luttenberger, K. (2019). Long-term effects of bouldering psychotherapy on depression: benefits can be maintained across a 12-month follow-up. Heliyon, 5(12), e02929.
  • 11. Haddad, M., & Sharma, S. (2021). Physiology, Lung. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  • 12. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology / Edition 14. Editör John E. Hall, Michael E. Hall, s497-556, 2020.
  • 13. Melekoğlu, T., Ali, I. Ş. I. N., & Gürcan, Ü. N. L. Ü. (2018). Antrenmanın 13-14 yaş adölesanlarda solunum sistemi üzerine etkileri. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(1), 1-7.
  • 14. Vignesh, P., Preetha, S., & Gayatri Devi, R. (2018). Assessment of pulmonary function test in athletes. Drug Invention Today, 10(12).
  • 15. Minaeifar, A. A., Rasekh, F., & Karirmi, M. (2020). The Comparıson Of Pulmonary Parameters Between Athlete And Non-Athlete Workers In Tıle Factorıes (A Case Study). Studies in Medical Sciences, 31(8), 588-596.
  • 16. Azam, M., Rahayu, S. R., Rumini, Y. W., Fibriana, A. I., Soedjatmiko, H. S., Saefurrohim, M. Z., ... & Ayubi, N. A. T. (2021). Determinants of Pulmonary Function Parameters. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sports, Health, and Physical Education, 28-29, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
  • 17. Saputri, N. K. D., Mayangsari, A. S. M., & Subanada, I. B. (2018). Lung function in athletes and non-athletes aged 13-15 years. Paediatrica Indonesiana, 58(4), 170-4.
  • 18. Tartibian, B., & Khayat, S. M. A. (2018). High-Intensity Interval Training/Resistance Exercise Lead to Greater Lung Function: Improvement of FEV 1/FVC% and FEF25-75%. Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 17.
  • 19. Wu, X., Gao, S., & Lian, Y. (2020). Effects of continuous aerobic exercise on lung function and quality of life with asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 12(9), 4781.
  • 20. Mazic, S., Lazovic, B., Djelic, M., Suzic-Lazic, J., Djordjevic-Saranovic, S., Durmic, T., . . . Zugic, V. (2015). Respiratory parameters in elite athletes–does sport have an influence? Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition), 21(4), 192-197.
  • 21. Adkins, D., Boychuk, J., Remple, M. and Kleim, J. (2006). Motor training induces experience specific patterns of plasticity across motor cortex and spinal cord. J Appl Physiol,
  • 22. Hillman, C.H., Erickson, K.I. and Kramer, A.F. (2008). Be smart, exercise your heart: Exercise effects on brain and cognition. Nat Rev Neurosci, 9(1), 58-65.
  • 23. Chang, D. V., Tiller, C. J., Kisling, J. A., Case, J., Mund, J. A., Haneline, L. S., ... & Tepper, R. S. (2014). Membrane and capillary components of lung diffusion and pro-angiogenic cells in infants. European Respiratory Journal, 43(2), 497-504.
  • 24. Zimmermann, S. C., Tonga, K. O., & Thamrin, C. (2019). Dismantling airway disease with the use of new pulmonary function indices. European Respiratory Review, 28(151).
  • 25. Lutfi, M. F. (2017). The physiological basis and clinical significance of lung volume measurements. Multidisciplinary respiratory medicine, 12(1), 1-12.
  • 26. Moradians, V., Rahimi, A., & Moosavi, S. A. J. (2016). Effect of eight-week aerobic, resistive, and interval exercise routines on respiratory parameters in non-athlete women. Tanaffos, 15(2), 96.
  • 27. Koç, M. (2017). Adölesan Taekwondocularda Solunum Kas Eğitiminin Aerobik ve Anaerobik Dayanıklılığa Etkisi (Master's thesis, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü).
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Egzersiz Fizyolojisi
Bölüm Arşiv

Yavuz Yasul 0000-0002-9458-1664

Salih Öner 0000-0002-6643-7665

Faruk Akçınar 0000-0003-2751-1743

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Ekim 2022
Kabul Tarihi 24 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yasul, Y., Öner, S., & Akçınar, F. (2022). Determining Lung Volume Capacities of Active Bouldering Sport Athletes. Akdeniz Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(4), 1171-1182.

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