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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 8, 106 - 118, 21.10.2019


Bu araştırmanın temel amacı perakende sektöründe Nesnelerin
İnternetin’i geniş bir perspektifte incelemektir. Ayrıca, bu teknolojinin
faydalarını, vaatlerini ve perakendeciliğin dijital dönüşümü üzerindeki rolünü
tartışmaktır. Çalışmada, öncelikle Nesnelerin İnterneti’nin ortaya çıkışı ve
gelişimi açıklanmıştır. Daha sonra dünyada perakende sektöründeki uygulamaları
ve vaatleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan
ikincil veri analizi kullanılmıştır.
Bu çalışma, perakende sektöründeki büyük değişikliklerin
Nesnelerin İnterneti'nin benimsenmesinin bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıktığı
sonucuna varmıştır. Ayrıca, sektöre pek çok fayda ve vaatler sağladığı da
tespit edilmiştir.


  • Albert, M (2015). 7 Things to Know about the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0. https://www.mmsonline.com/articles/7-things-to-know-about-the-internet-of-things-and-industry-40 Altunışık, R., Coşkun, R., Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yıldırım, E. (2012). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri (7.Baskı), Sakarya: Sakarya Yayıncılık. Armentia, J., C.-Mansilla, D., Ipiña, D. L., 2012. Fighting against Vampire Appliances through Eco-aware Things. Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services, Ubiquitous Computing. Ashton, K. (2009). That 'Internet of Things' Thing. RFID Journal https://www.rfidjournal.com/articles/pdf?4986 Aziez, M., Benharzallah, S. & Bennoui, H. (2019). “A Full Comparison Study of Service Discovery Approaches for Internet of Things”. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 15 (1), 30-56. Banger, G. (2017). Endüstri 4.0 Ekstra (1.Baskı), Ankara: Dorlion Yayıncılık. Beck, N., & Rygl, D. (2015). “Categorization of Multiple Channel Retailin in Multi-, Cross-, and Omni-Channel Retailing for Retailers and Retailing”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 27, 170-178. Birgelen, M., Jong, A., & Ruyter, K. (2006). “Multi-channel Service Retailing: The Effect of Channel Performance Statisfaction on Behavioral Intentions”. Journal of Retailing, 82 (4), 367-377. Brynjolfsson, E., Hu, Y.J., & Rahman, M.S. (2013). “Competing in the Age of Omnichannel Retailing”. MIT Sloan Management Review, 54 (5), 23-30. Capgemini (2017). IoT for the Consumer Goods and Retail Businesses: What Are the Benefits and Where Should One Start?. Deloitte (2015). Global Power of Retailing 2015: Embracing Innovation. https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/Consumer-Business/gx-cb-global-powers-of-retailing.pdf Forbes (2018). “Logistics 4.0: How IoT Is Transforming The Supply Chain”, https://www.forbes.com/sites/insights-inteliot/2018/06/14/logistics-4-0-how-iot-is-transforming-the-supply-chain/#549787b7880f Gartner (2017). Leading the IoT. https://www.gartner.com/imagesrv/books/iot/iotEbook_digital.pdf Ghaffari, K., Lagzian, M., Kazemi, M. & Malekzadeh, G. (2019). “A Socio-Technical Analysis of Internet of Things Development: An Interplay of Technologies, Tasks, Structures and Actors”. Foresight. Gökrem, L. ve Bozuklu, M. (2016). “Nesnelerin İnterneti: Yapılan Çalışmalar ve Ülkemizdeki Mevcut Durum”. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi, 13,47-68. Gregory, J. (2015). The Internet of Things: Revolutionizing the Retail Industry. https://www.accenture.com/_acnmedia/accenture/conversion-assets/dotcom/documents/global/pdf/dualpub_14/accenture-the-internet-of-things.pdf Grewal, D., Levy, M., & Kumar, V. (2009). “Customer Experience Management in Retailing: An Organizing Framework”. Journal of Retailing, 85 (1), 1-14. Gülşen, İ. ve Özdemir, Ş. (2018). “Perakendecilikte Teknolojik Yenilikler ve Uygulamalar”. Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 4 (1), 103-138. Gülşen, İ. ve Özdemir, Ş. (2019). “Mobil Teknolojinin Perakendecilik Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 14 (2), 421-440. https://www.capgemini.com/wp content/uploads/2017/07/making_the_connection-how_internet_of_things_engages_consumers_and_benefits_business.pdf Laudon, K.C. & Traver, C.G. (2018). E-commerce (13.Baskı), England: Pearson. Levy, M. & Weitz, B.A. (2012). Retailing Management (8.Baskı), New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Lovelock, C. & Wirtz, J. (2004). Service Marketing (5. Baskı), New Jersey: Pearson Education. Metalloa, Agrifogliob, Schiavonec & Muellere (2018). “Understanding Business Model in the Internet of Things Industry”. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 136, 298–306. Murphy, Paul R.; Knemeyer, A. Michael (2018), Contemporary Lojistics, 12th Ed., England: Pearson Education. MÜSİAD (2017), “Endüstri 4.0 ve Geleceğin Lojistiği: 2017 Lojistik Sektör Raporu”, http://www.mu-siad.org.tr/F/Root/Pdf/lojistik_raporlari_2017_12_25.PDF Özdemir, Şenel (2017), “Endüstri 4.0, Lojistik Sektörünü Nasıl Etkileyecek?”, https://www.utikad.org.tr/haber-ler/?id=14666 Puccinelli, N.M., Goodstein, R.C., Grewal, D., Price, R., Raghubir, P., & Stewart, D. (2009). “Customer Experience Management in Retailing: Understanding the Buying Process”. Journal of Retailing, 85 (1), 15-30. RetailPro (2016). The Internet of Things Is Transforming Retail. https://www.retailpro.com/News/blog/index.php/2015/07/29/the-internet-of-things-is-transforming-retail/ Schmitt, B.H. (2003). Customer Experience Management: A Revolutionary Approach to Connecting with Your Customers. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Tek, Ö.B. ve Özgül, E. (2013). Modern Pazarlama İlkeleri (4.Baskı). İzmir: Birleşik Matbaacılık Torlak, Ö., Altunışık, R., ve Özdemir, Ş. (2006). Yeni Müşteri. İstanbul: Hayat Yayıncılık. Ugo, R. (2016). How the Internet of Things Will Change Shopping Forever. https://risnews.com/how-internet-things-will-change-shopping-forever#close-olyticsmodal Venkatesan, R., Kumar, V., & Ravishanker, N. (2007). “Multichannel Shopping: Causes and Consequences”. Journal of Marketing, 71, 114-132. Verhoef, P.C., Lemon K.N., Parasuraman, A., Roggeveen, A., Tsiros, M., & Schlesinger, L. A. (2009). “Customer Experience Creation: Determinants, Dynamics and Management Strategies”. Journal of Retailing, 85 (1), 31-41. Yousuf, O. & Mir, R.N. (2019). “A Survey on the Internet of Things Security: State-of-Art, Architecture, Issues and Countermeasures”. Information & Computer Security, 27 (2), 292-323.
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 8, 106 - 118, 21.10.2019



  • Albert, M (2015). 7 Things to Know about the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0. https://www.mmsonline.com/articles/7-things-to-know-about-the-internet-of-things-and-industry-40 Altunışık, R., Coşkun, R., Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yıldırım, E. (2012). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri (7.Baskı), Sakarya: Sakarya Yayıncılık. Armentia, J., C.-Mansilla, D., Ipiña, D. L., 2012. Fighting against Vampire Appliances through Eco-aware Things. Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services, Ubiquitous Computing. Ashton, K. (2009). That 'Internet of Things' Thing. RFID Journal https://www.rfidjournal.com/articles/pdf?4986 Aziez, M., Benharzallah, S. & Bennoui, H. (2019). “A Full Comparison Study of Service Discovery Approaches for Internet of Things”. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 15 (1), 30-56. Banger, G. (2017). Endüstri 4.0 Ekstra (1.Baskı), Ankara: Dorlion Yayıncılık. Beck, N., & Rygl, D. (2015). “Categorization of Multiple Channel Retailin in Multi-, Cross-, and Omni-Channel Retailing for Retailers and Retailing”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 27, 170-178. Birgelen, M., Jong, A., & Ruyter, K. (2006). “Multi-channel Service Retailing: The Effect of Channel Performance Statisfaction on Behavioral Intentions”. Journal of Retailing, 82 (4), 367-377. Brynjolfsson, E., Hu, Y.J., & Rahman, M.S. (2013). “Competing in the Age of Omnichannel Retailing”. MIT Sloan Management Review, 54 (5), 23-30. Capgemini (2017). IoT for the Consumer Goods and Retail Businesses: What Are the Benefits and Where Should One Start?. Deloitte (2015). Global Power of Retailing 2015: Embracing Innovation. https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/Consumer-Business/gx-cb-global-powers-of-retailing.pdf Forbes (2018). “Logistics 4.0: How IoT Is Transforming The Supply Chain”, https://www.forbes.com/sites/insights-inteliot/2018/06/14/logistics-4-0-how-iot-is-transforming-the-supply-chain/#549787b7880f Gartner (2017). Leading the IoT. https://www.gartner.com/imagesrv/books/iot/iotEbook_digital.pdf Ghaffari, K., Lagzian, M., Kazemi, M. & Malekzadeh, G. (2019). “A Socio-Technical Analysis of Internet of Things Development: An Interplay of Technologies, Tasks, Structures and Actors”. Foresight. Gökrem, L. ve Bozuklu, M. (2016). “Nesnelerin İnterneti: Yapılan Çalışmalar ve Ülkemizdeki Mevcut Durum”. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi, 13,47-68. Gregory, J. (2015). The Internet of Things: Revolutionizing the Retail Industry. https://www.accenture.com/_acnmedia/accenture/conversion-assets/dotcom/documents/global/pdf/dualpub_14/accenture-the-internet-of-things.pdf Grewal, D., Levy, M., & Kumar, V. (2009). “Customer Experience Management in Retailing: An Organizing Framework”. Journal of Retailing, 85 (1), 1-14. Gülşen, İ. ve Özdemir, Ş. (2018). “Perakendecilikte Teknolojik Yenilikler ve Uygulamalar”. Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 4 (1), 103-138. Gülşen, İ. ve Özdemir, Ş. (2019). “Mobil Teknolojinin Perakendecilik Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 14 (2), 421-440. https://www.capgemini.com/wp content/uploads/2017/07/making_the_connection-how_internet_of_things_engages_consumers_and_benefits_business.pdf Laudon, K.C. & Traver, C.G. (2018). E-commerce (13.Baskı), England: Pearson. Levy, M. & Weitz, B.A. (2012). Retailing Management (8.Baskı), New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Lovelock, C. & Wirtz, J. (2004). Service Marketing (5. Baskı), New Jersey: Pearson Education. Metalloa, Agrifogliob, Schiavonec & Muellere (2018). “Understanding Business Model in the Internet of Things Industry”. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 136, 298–306. Murphy, Paul R.; Knemeyer, A. Michael (2018), Contemporary Lojistics, 12th Ed., England: Pearson Education. MÜSİAD (2017), “Endüstri 4.0 ve Geleceğin Lojistiği: 2017 Lojistik Sektör Raporu”, http://www.mu-siad.org.tr/F/Root/Pdf/lojistik_raporlari_2017_12_25.PDF Özdemir, Şenel (2017), “Endüstri 4.0, Lojistik Sektörünü Nasıl Etkileyecek?”, https://www.utikad.org.tr/haber-ler/?id=14666 Puccinelli, N.M., Goodstein, R.C., Grewal, D., Price, R., Raghubir, P., & Stewart, D. (2009). “Customer Experience Management in Retailing: Understanding the Buying Process”. Journal of Retailing, 85 (1), 15-30. RetailPro (2016). The Internet of Things Is Transforming Retail. https://www.retailpro.com/News/blog/index.php/2015/07/29/the-internet-of-things-is-transforming-retail/ Schmitt, B.H. (2003). Customer Experience Management: A Revolutionary Approach to Connecting with Your Customers. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Tek, Ö.B. ve Özgül, E. (2013). Modern Pazarlama İlkeleri (4.Baskı). İzmir: Birleşik Matbaacılık Torlak, Ö., Altunışık, R., ve Özdemir, Ş. (2006). Yeni Müşteri. İstanbul: Hayat Yayıncılık. Ugo, R. (2016). How the Internet of Things Will Change Shopping Forever. https://risnews.com/how-internet-things-will-change-shopping-forever#close-olyticsmodal Venkatesan, R., Kumar, V., & Ravishanker, N. (2007). “Multichannel Shopping: Causes and Consequences”. Journal of Marketing, 71, 114-132. Verhoef, P.C., Lemon K.N., Parasuraman, A., Roggeveen, A., Tsiros, M., & Schlesinger, L. A. (2009). “Customer Experience Creation: Determinants, Dynamics and Management Strategies”. Journal of Retailing, 85 (1), 31-41. Yousuf, O. & Mir, R.N. (2019). “A Survey on the Internet of Things Security: State-of-Art, Architecture, Issues and Countermeasures”. Information & Computer Security, 27 (2), 292-323.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

İzzet Gülşen

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster

APA Gülşen, İ. (2019). NESNELERİN İNTERNETİ: VAATLERİ VE FAYDALARI. Avrasya Sosyal Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(8), 106-118.