Araştırma Makalesi
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Cities are the
social, economic, political, psychological and religious centre of gravity of
society. It is also the centre of technical infrastructure such as health,
education, energy, communication, which is critical for the country. This
situation is an important motivation for terrorist organizations to perform the
attacks in the city centre. Nowadays, the terrorist organizations are
performing the ambush and suicide attacks with the Improvised Explosive Devices
(IED), the Vehicle Borne IED (VBIED), rocket, the vehicle ramming, and firearms
conflict methods in the urban.

In the
terrorist attacks carried out in cities after the Arab Spring, hand-made bombs
are more common than the previous periods. The IED attacks’ methods the distribution between the 2011-2014 years were 58% of the vehicles were bombed,
36% were suicide attacks and 6% of them were carried out with other methods.
The first Vehicle Borne IED attack in Turkey was made on February 14, 1991.
Between 01 January 1991 and 17 December 2016, the total of 89 vehicle bomb
attacks were carried out in the cities. The main reasons for targeting cities
are to give the feeling of insecurity to the society, to disrupt the economic
and social life, to give the expectation of the second attack following the
first terrorist attack in the society, to create political pressure on
government with the civilian casualties.

There is a
confusion on the term of “Vehicle Borne IED” and “Bomb Vehicle” in the
literature. As a type of Improvised Explosive Devices, the Vehicle Borne IED
contains the detonator and trigger systems, electronic components, wires,
batteries, cables and explosive substance in the interior of the vehicle, in
the trunk or in the trailer. The Bomb Vehicle is a vehicle that is targeted to
the people in the vehicle or vehicle and where a hand-built bomb is placed for
this purpose. According to the characteristics of the target, the vehicle of
VBIED can be in a wide range from bikes to trucks. The destruction force of IED
is determined by the power of the explosive substance in the TNT equivalent, the
amount of the explosive material, the amount of the shrapnel load, the nature
of the container, the nature of the medium to which it is placed, and the
manner in which the explosive material is placed.

In this study,
the information about the measures to reduce the destruction and damage of the
VBIED to the cities/urban areas and the measures for the prediction of the
VBIED are given.


  • Bielecki, Z., Janucki, J., Kawalec, A., Mikołajczyk, J., Pałka, N., Pasternak, M., Tadeusz, P., Tadeusz, S., Wojtas, J. (2012). “Sensors And Systems For The Detection Of Explosive Devices – An Overview”. Metrology And Measurement Systems, 19 (1), 3-28.
  • Bosher L. S., Dainty A. R. J., Carrillo P. M., Glass J. ve Price A. D. F. (2007). “Integrating Disaster Risk Management into Construction: A UK perspective”. Building Research & Information, 35 (2), 163–177.
  • Bunker, R. (2016). “Daesh/IS Armored Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (AVBIEDs): Insurgent Use and Terrorism Potentials”. Claremont Graduate University Trends Research & Advisory. Claremont: Claremont Graduate University.
  • Caygill, J., Davis, F., & Higson, S. (2012). “Current Trends In Explosive Detection Techniques”. Talanta, 88, 14-29.
  • Coaffee, J. (2009). “Protecting the Urban The Dangers of Planning for Terrorism Theory”. Culture & Society, 26 (7–8), 343–355.
  • Coaffee, J. C. (2008). “Resilient Design For Community Safety And Terror-Resistant Cities”. Proceedings of the ICE: Municipal Engineer, 161 (2), 103-110.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2003). Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings FEMA-426. Washington DC: Department of Homeland Security.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2005). Risk Assessment A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings FEMA-452. Washington DC: Department of Homeland Security.
  • Homeland Security Research. (2018). “Standoff IED, VBIED, PBIED, Weapon & Explosives Detection Market & Technologies – 2016 – 2020”., (Erişim Tarihi:10.03.2018)
  • Johnson, R. (2013). Antiterrorism and Threat Response Planning and Implementation. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • JIDO. (2019). “Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization, Defense Threat Reduction Agency”. (Erişim Tarihi: 12.01.2019)
  • Johnson, R. (2013). Antiterrorism and Threat Response Planning and Implementation. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Kaaman, H. (2017). “The History and Adaptability of the Islamic State Car Bomb, Open-Source Research on SVBIED Design and Tactics”. (Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2019).
  • Laska, P. (2016). Bombs, IEDs, and Explosives; Identification, Investigation, and Disposal Techniques. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Nance, M. (2008). Terrorist Recognition Handbook. Roca Bocco: CRC.
  • Öğünç, G. İ. (2018). “Yeni Dönem Terör Saldırıları Çerçevesinde Meskûn Mahal İmarı ve Yapı Tasarımı”. X. Uluslararası Uludağ Uluslararası İlişkiler. 8-12 Ekim 2018, Bursa.
  • Özçelik, N. (2016). The PKK and Car Bomb Attacks. Ankara: SETA.
  • Özdemir, C., Apaydın, K., Paltacı, Y. (2004). Patlayıcı Maddeler. İstanbul: Lebib Yalkın Yayımları ve Basım.
  • Rak, L., Drozd, J., Flasar, Z., (2017). “Selected Aspects of Vehicle Born Improvized Explosive Devices”, International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization, 15-17 Haziran 2017, Bükreş.
  • Revill, J. (2016). IEDs in “New Wars”. Improvised Explosive Devices: The Paradigmatic Weapon of New Wars (149-155). Brighton, İngiltere: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ronczkowski, M. (2018). Terrorism and Organized Hate Crime; Intelligence Gathering, Analysis, and Investigations. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Sabah (2016). “Bomba Yüklü Araç Yakalandı” (04.13.2016). (Erişim Tarihi: 03.03.2019)
  • Simon, J. (2013). “The Forgotten Terrorists: Lessons from the History of Terrorism”. Terrorism and Political Violence, 20(2), 195-214
  • SKYNews (2016). “Exclusive: Inside an Islamic State Terror Weapons Lab” (01.05.2016). (Erişim Tarihi: 21.02.2019)
  • Thurman, J. (2017). Practical Bomb Scene Investigation. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • University of Maryland (2018). “VBIED in Turkey” Global Terrorism Database: (Erişim Tarihi: 01.11.2018).




Kentler, toplumun sosyal, ekonomik, siyasi, psikolojik ve
dini ağırlık merkezi konumundadır. Ayrıca, ülke için kritik öneme haiz sağlık,
eğitim, enerji, haberleşme gibi teknik alt yapılarında merkezidir. Bu durum
terör örgütlerinin kent merkezinde saldırılar düzenlemeleri için önemli bir
gerekçedir. Günümüzde kentlerde terör örgütleri tarafından el yapısı bomba,
araç bomba, bombalı araç, ateşli silah, roket, havan, motorlu araç ve insansız
araçlar kullanılarak pusu, tuzak veya intihar saldırıları

Arap Baharı sonrasında kentlerde gerçekleştirilen terör
saldırılarında el yapısı bombaların önceki dönemlere oranla daha yaygın olduğu
görülmektedir. 2011-2014 yılları arasında gerçekleştirilen el yapısı bomba ile
gerçekleştirilen saldırılar incelendiğinde 58% oranında araç bomba, 36% intihar
saldırısı ve 6%’sı diğer yöntemler ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.

Türkiye’de ilk araç bomba saldırısı 14 Şubat 1991 tarihinde
gerçekleştirilmiştir. 01 Ocak 1991 ile 17 Aralık 2016 tarihleri arasında
kentlerde toplam 89 adet araç bomba saldırısı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kentlerin
hedef alınmasının temel nedenleri topluma güvensizlik duygusunu vermek,
ekonomik ve sosyal hayatı sekteye uğratmak, toplumda ilk terör saldırısının
ardından ikinci saldırının beklentisini doğurmak, sivil kayıplar ile hükümetler
üzerinde siyasi baskı oluşturmak olarak sıralanabilir.

Literatürde araç bomba ve bombalı araç kavramları
birbirlerine karıştırılmaktadır. Araç Bomba, aracın iç kısımlarına, bagajına
veya araç ile çekilen römorka patlayıcı madde ile ateşleme sisteminin
yerleştirildiği, aracın bombanın taşıyıcı kabı haline getirildiği bir El Yapısı
Bomba türüdür. Bombalı araç ise, aracın veya araç içerisindeki kişilerin hedef
alındığı ve bu amaçla el yapısı bomba yerleştirilmiş araçlardır. Araç bomba
saldırında hedefin özelliğine göre bisikletten kamyona kadar uzanan geniş
yelpazedeki taşıyıcı araçlar kullanılabilmektedir.

Bir el yapısı bombanın tahrip gücünü; patlayıcı maddenin TNT
denkliğindeki gücü, patlayıcı maddenin miktarı, şarapnel yükü miktarı, taşıyıcı
kabın özelliği, yerleştirildiği ortamın özelliği ve patlayıcı maddenin
yerleştirilme şekli belirler.

Bu çalışmada, araç bomba saldırılarında patlayıcı madde miktarına
bağlı olarak meydana getirmesi muhtemel tahribat ve kentlerde tahribatı
azaltacak tedbirler ile araç bombaların önceden tespit edilmesine yönelik
tedbirler üzerine bilgilere yer verilmiştir.


  • Bielecki, Z., Janucki, J., Kawalec, A., Mikołajczyk, J., Pałka, N., Pasternak, M., Tadeusz, P., Tadeusz, S., Wojtas, J. (2012). “Sensors And Systems For The Detection Of Explosive Devices – An Overview”. Metrology And Measurement Systems, 19 (1), 3-28.
  • Bosher L. S., Dainty A. R. J., Carrillo P. M., Glass J. ve Price A. D. F. (2007). “Integrating Disaster Risk Management into Construction: A UK perspective”. Building Research & Information, 35 (2), 163–177.
  • Bunker, R. (2016). “Daesh/IS Armored Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (AVBIEDs): Insurgent Use and Terrorism Potentials”. Claremont Graduate University Trends Research & Advisory. Claremont: Claremont Graduate University.
  • Caygill, J., Davis, F., & Higson, S. (2012). “Current Trends In Explosive Detection Techniques”. Talanta, 88, 14-29.
  • Coaffee, J. (2009). “Protecting the Urban The Dangers of Planning for Terrorism Theory”. Culture & Society, 26 (7–8), 343–355.
  • Coaffee, J. C. (2008). “Resilient Design For Community Safety And Terror-Resistant Cities”. Proceedings of the ICE: Municipal Engineer, 161 (2), 103-110.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2003). Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings FEMA-426. Washington DC: Department of Homeland Security.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2005). Risk Assessment A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings FEMA-452. Washington DC: Department of Homeland Security.
  • Homeland Security Research. (2018). “Standoff IED, VBIED, PBIED, Weapon & Explosives Detection Market & Technologies – 2016 – 2020”., (Erişim Tarihi:10.03.2018)
  • Johnson, R. (2013). Antiterrorism and Threat Response Planning and Implementation. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • JIDO. (2019). “Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization, Defense Threat Reduction Agency”. (Erişim Tarihi: 12.01.2019)
  • Johnson, R. (2013). Antiterrorism and Threat Response Planning and Implementation. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Kaaman, H. (2017). “The History and Adaptability of the Islamic State Car Bomb, Open-Source Research on SVBIED Design and Tactics”. (Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2019).
  • Laska, P. (2016). Bombs, IEDs, and Explosives; Identification, Investigation, and Disposal Techniques. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Nance, M. (2008). Terrorist Recognition Handbook. Roca Bocco: CRC.
  • Öğünç, G. İ. (2018). “Yeni Dönem Terör Saldırıları Çerçevesinde Meskûn Mahal İmarı ve Yapı Tasarımı”. X. Uluslararası Uludağ Uluslararası İlişkiler. 8-12 Ekim 2018, Bursa.
  • Özçelik, N. (2016). The PKK and Car Bomb Attacks. Ankara: SETA.
  • Özdemir, C., Apaydın, K., Paltacı, Y. (2004). Patlayıcı Maddeler. İstanbul: Lebib Yalkın Yayımları ve Basım.
  • Rak, L., Drozd, J., Flasar, Z., (2017). “Selected Aspects of Vehicle Born Improvized Explosive Devices”, International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization, 15-17 Haziran 2017, Bükreş.
  • Revill, J. (2016). IEDs in “New Wars”. Improvised Explosive Devices: The Paradigmatic Weapon of New Wars (149-155). Brighton, İngiltere: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ronczkowski, M. (2018). Terrorism and Organized Hate Crime; Intelligence Gathering, Analysis, and Investigations. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Sabah (2016). “Bomba Yüklü Araç Yakalandı” (04.13.2016). (Erişim Tarihi: 03.03.2019)
  • Simon, J. (2013). “The Forgotten Terrorists: Lessons from the History of Terrorism”. Terrorism and Political Violence, 20(2), 195-214
  • SKYNews (2016). “Exclusive: Inside an Islamic State Terror Weapons Lab” (01.05.2016). (Erişim Tarihi: 21.02.2019)
  • Thurman, J. (2017). Practical Bomb Scene Investigation. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • University of Maryland (2018). “VBIED in Turkey” Global Terrorism Database: (Erişim Tarihi: 01.11.2018).
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makale

Gökhan İbrahim Öğünç 0000-0003-0344-9818

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Eylül 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ağustos 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Öğünç, G. İ. (2019). KENT GÜVENLİĞİNDE ARAÇ BOMBA SALDIRISI TEHDİDİ. ASSAM Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi401-416.

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