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The Effect Of Training, Chronogical and Biological Age On Performance İn Adolescent Male Basketball Players

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 92 - 114, 29.06.2023


The aim of this study is to estimate the effect of age on sprint and agility performances of male basketball players between the ages of 11-14. For this purpose, 34 volunteer basketball players between the ages of 11-14 and 21 volunteer sedentary adolescent child participated in this study. After recording the training backgrounds, biological maturation and bone ages of the children, 10 metres sprint, 15m sprint and 5-0-5 test performances were observed. Anova test is performed and no statistically significant difference was found between the 10m sprint and 5-0-5 test performance means with the confidence interval of 0,05 (p=0,05). The 15m sprint test performance means were seen to be significantly different between the ages of 12-13 and 12-14 (12-13; 0,015<0,05, p=0,015, 12-14; 0,008<0,05, p=0,008). But, because this difference was not observed between the ages of 11-14, it couldn't be stated that age has an effect on 15m sprint performance. Training background seemed to has a statistically significant effect on 5-0-5 test performance (0,048<0,05, p=0,048). Biological maturation has no effect on 10m and 15m sprint performances when considered alone. But biological maturation has a statistically significant effect on 10m sprint performance when training effect was eliminated (0,041<0,05, p=0,041). Furthermore, training has a significant effect on performance tests (10m sprint; 0<0,05, p=0; 15m sprint; 0<0,05, p=0; 505 agility; 0,04<0,05, p=0,04). Altough training background and biological maturation has no significant effect on the selection status of the players, 15m sprint performance has a significant effect on selection status (0,017<0,05, p=0,017).


  • 1. Asimakidis N.D., Daşamitros A.A., Riberio J., Lola A.C., Manou V. (2022). Μaturation stage does not affect change of direction asymmetries in young soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 36(12): 3440–3445, 2022.
  • 2. Beunen G, Malina R.M. (1996). Growth and Biological Maturation: Relevance to Athletic Performance. in Bar-Or (ed) the child and adolescent athlete, 3-24.
  • 3. Carlos E.B. Gonçalves, Luis M.L. Rama, and Antonio B. Figueiredo. (2012). Talent İdentification and Specialization in Sport: An Overview of Some Unanswered Questions. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 7, 390-393.
  • 4. Gastin B. P., Bennett G. ve Cook J. (2013). Biological maturity influences running performance in junior Australian footbal. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 16, 140-145.
  • 5. Gobbi, B., Kokubun E., Teresa, L., Pauli, R. J., Barbieri, A. F., Pittoli, M. E. T. (2010). Brazillian soccer players and noplayers adolescents: Effect of the maturity status on the physical capacity components performance. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. Vol: 5 No:2 280-287.
  • 6. Gryko K., Adamczyk G.J., Kopiczko A., Calvo L.J., Calvo L.A., Mikolajec K. (2022). Does predicted age at peak height velocity explain physical performance in U13-U15 basketball female players? BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation volume 14, Article number: 21
  • 7. İstvan Balyi., Richard Way. (2009). The Role of Monitoring Growth in Long-Term Athlete Development. Canadian Sports For Life.
  • 8. Lauren B. Sherar, Adam D. G. Baxter-Jones, Robert A. Faulkner & Keith W. Russell. (2007). Do physical maturity and birth date predict talent in male youth ice hockey players. Journal of Sports Sciences, pages 879-886.
  • 9. Malina R.M., Bouchards C, Bar-Or, O. (2004). Growth,Maturation and Physical Activity. Champaign, IL:Human Kinetics Publishers.
  • 10. Mujika I., Vaeyens R., Mattys S.P.J., Santiseban J., Goiriena J., Philippaerts R. (2009). The Relative Age Effect in a Professional Football Club Setting. Journal of Sport Sciences, Vol: 27(11), s. 1153-1158.
  • 11. Parr J., Winwood K., Hodson-Tole E., Deconinck J.A.F, Hill P.J., Teunissen W.J., P. Cumming P.S. (2020). The Main and Interactive Effects of Biological Maturity and Relative Age on Physical Performance in Elite Youth Soccer Players. Journal of Sports Medicine, Article ID 1957636 12. Philippaerts R.M., Vaeyens R., Janssens M., Rentergham B., Mattys D., Craen R., Bourgois J., Vrijens J., Beunen G., Malina R.M. (2006). The Relationship Between Peak Height Velocity and Physical Performance in Youth Soccer Players. Journal of Sports Sciences. Vol: 24(3), s. 221-230.
  • 13. Radnor M. J., Staines J., Bevan J., Cumming, P. S., Kelly L.A., Lloyd S.R., Oliver L.J. (2021). Maturity Has a Greater Association than Relative Age with Physical Performance in English Male Academy Soccer Players. Sports 2021, 9(12).
  • 14. Rumpf, C. M., Cronin, B. J., Oliver J. L. ve Hughes, M. (2011). Pediatric Exercise Science, Human Kinetics, 23, 442-467
  • 15. Schorer, J., Cobley, S., Busch, D., Brautigam, H., & Baker, J. (2009). Influences of competition level, gender, player nationality, career stage and playing position on relative age effects. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 19(5), 720-730.
  • 16. Sherar L.B., Baxter-Jones A.D.G.,Faulkner R.A., Russell K.W. (2007). Do Physical Maturity and Birth Date Predict Talent in Male Youth İce Hockey Players. Journal of Sports Sciences. Vol: 25(8), s.879-886.
  • 17. Tanner J. M. (1962). Growth at adolescence, 2nd Edition. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford
  • 18. Valente-dos- Santos J.,Coelho-e-Silva M.J., Martins R.A., Figueiredo A.J., Cyrino E.S., Sherar L.B.,Vaeyens R., Hujisen B.C.H., Elferink-Gemser M.T., Malina R.M. (2012). Modelling Developmental Changes in Repeated -Sprint Abilityby Chronological and Skeletal Ages in Young Soccer Players. International Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol: 33, s.773-780.
  • 19. Vandendriessche J.B., Vaeyens R., Vandorpe B., Lenoir M., Lefevre J.,Philappaerts R.M. (2012). Biological Maturation, Morphology, Fitness, and Motor Coordination as Part of a Selection Strategy in the search for International Youth Soccer Players (age 15-16 Years). Journal of Sports Sciences. Vol: 30 (15), s.1695-1703.
  • 20. Weir, P. L., Smith, K. L., Paterson, C., & Horton, S. (2010). Canadian Women's Ice Hockey - Evidence of a Relative Age Effect. Talent Development and Excellence, 2(2), 209- 217.

Adolesan Erkek Basketbol Oyuncularında Biyolojik, Kronolojik ve Antrenman Yaşlarının, Performans Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 92 - 114, 29.06.2023


Çalışma, 11-14 yaşları arasındaki erkek basketbol oyuncularında yaşın, sprint ve çabukluk performansı üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi amacı ile gerçekleştirildi. Çalışmaya 34 basketbol oyuncusu, 21 sedanter adolesan olmak üzere toplam 55 erkek birey dahil edildi. Oyuncuların kronolojik yaşları doğum tarihlerine göre, biyolojik yaşları kemik yaşı ile, antrenman yaşları ise spora başlama zamanına göre belirlendikten sonra süratleri 10m ve 15m sprint tesleri ile, çeviklikleri ise 5-0-5 testi ile belirlendi. 10m sprint ve 5-0-5 testleri ortalamaları arasındaki fark yapılan tek yönlü varyans analizi ile 0,05 (p=0,05) güven aralığında incelendi ve anlamlı bir fark gözlenmedi. 15m sprint testi ortalamaları arasında ise 12-13 ve 12-14 yaşları arasındaki fark anlamlı bulunurken (12-13; 0,015<0,05, p=0,015, 12-14; 0,008<0,05, p=0,008), bu farkın 11 ve 14 yaşları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı saptandı (p>0.05). Antrenman geçmişinin 5-0-5 testi üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu saptandı (0,048<0,05, p=0,048). Biyolojik gelişimin 10 ve 15 m sprint performansı üzerinde tek başına etkisinin olmadığı görüldü. Biyolojik gelişimin, antrenman etkisi elimine edildiğinde 10m sprint performansı üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu belirlendi (10 metre sprint; 0,041<0,05, p=0,041). Bunlara ek olarak, antrenmanın performans testi sonuçları üzerinde anlamlı etkisi olduğu belirlendi (10m sprint; 0<0,05, p=0; 15m sprint; 0<0,05, p=0; 5-0-5 testi; 0,04<0,05, p=0,04). Ayrıca 11-14 yaşları arasındaki erkek basketbolcularda antrenman geçmişi ve biyolojik gelişimin seçilme durumu üzerine etkisi olmadığı bulundu. 15 metre sprint performansının ise seçilme durumu üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu saptandı (0,017<0,05, p=0,017).


  • 1. Asimakidis N.D., Daşamitros A.A., Riberio J., Lola A.C., Manou V. (2022). Μaturation stage does not affect change of direction asymmetries in young soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 36(12): 3440–3445, 2022.
  • 2. Beunen G, Malina R.M. (1996). Growth and Biological Maturation: Relevance to Athletic Performance. in Bar-Or (ed) the child and adolescent athlete, 3-24.
  • 3. Carlos E.B. Gonçalves, Luis M.L. Rama, and Antonio B. Figueiredo. (2012). Talent İdentification and Specialization in Sport: An Overview of Some Unanswered Questions. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 7, 390-393.
  • 4. Gastin B. P., Bennett G. ve Cook J. (2013). Biological maturity influences running performance in junior Australian footbal. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 16, 140-145.
  • 5. Gobbi, B., Kokubun E., Teresa, L., Pauli, R. J., Barbieri, A. F., Pittoli, M. E. T. (2010). Brazillian soccer players and noplayers adolescents: Effect of the maturity status on the physical capacity components performance. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. Vol: 5 No:2 280-287.
  • 6. Gryko K., Adamczyk G.J., Kopiczko A., Calvo L.J., Calvo L.A., Mikolajec K. (2022). Does predicted age at peak height velocity explain physical performance in U13-U15 basketball female players? BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation volume 14, Article number: 21
  • 7. İstvan Balyi., Richard Way. (2009). The Role of Monitoring Growth in Long-Term Athlete Development. Canadian Sports For Life.
  • 8. Lauren B. Sherar, Adam D. G. Baxter-Jones, Robert A. Faulkner & Keith W. Russell. (2007). Do physical maturity and birth date predict talent in male youth ice hockey players. Journal of Sports Sciences, pages 879-886.
  • 9. Malina R.M., Bouchards C, Bar-Or, O. (2004). Growth,Maturation and Physical Activity. Champaign, IL:Human Kinetics Publishers.
  • 10. Mujika I., Vaeyens R., Mattys S.P.J., Santiseban J., Goiriena J., Philippaerts R. (2009). The Relative Age Effect in a Professional Football Club Setting. Journal of Sport Sciences, Vol: 27(11), s. 1153-1158.
  • 11. Parr J., Winwood K., Hodson-Tole E., Deconinck J.A.F, Hill P.J., Teunissen W.J., P. Cumming P.S. (2020). The Main and Interactive Effects of Biological Maturity and Relative Age on Physical Performance in Elite Youth Soccer Players. Journal of Sports Medicine, Article ID 1957636 12. Philippaerts R.M., Vaeyens R., Janssens M., Rentergham B., Mattys D., Craen R., Bourgois J., Vrijens J., Beunen G., Malina R.M. (2006). The Relationship Between Peak Height Velocity and Physical Performance in Youth Soccer Players. Journal of Sports Sciences. Vol: 24(3), s. 221-230.
  • 13. Radnor M. J., Staines J., Bevan J., Cumming, P. S., Kelly L.A., Lloyd S.R., Oliver L.J. (2021). Maturity Has a Greater Association than Relative Age with Physical Performance in English Male Academy Soccer Players. Sports 2021, 9(12).
  • 14. Rumpf, C. M., Cronin, B. J., Oliver J. L. ve Hughes, M. (2011). Pediatric Exercise Science, Human Kinetics, 23, 442-467
  • 15. Schorer, J., Cobley, S., Busch, D., Brautigam, H., & Baker, J. (2009). Influences of competition level, gender, player nationality, career stage and playing position on relative age effects. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 19(5), 720-730.
  • 16. Sherar L.B., Baxter-Jones A.D.G.,Faulkner R.A., Russell K.W. (2007). Do Physical Maturity and Birth Date Predict Talent in Male Youth İce Hockey Players. Journal of Sports Sciences. Vol: 25(8), s.879-886.
  • 17. Tanner J. M. (1962). Growth at adolescence, 2nd Edition. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford
  • 18. Valente-dos- Santos J.,Coelho-e-Silva M.J., Martins R.A., Figueiredo A.J., Cyrino E.S., Sherar L.B.,Vaeyens R., Hujisen B.C.H., Elferink-Gemser M.T., Malina R.M. (2012). Modelling Developmental Changes in Repeated -Sprint Abilityby Chronological and Skeletal Ages in Young Soccer Players. International Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol: 33, s.773-780.
  • 19. Vandendriessche J.B., Vaeyens R., Vandorpe B., Lenoir M., Lefevre J.,Philappaerts R.M. (2012). Biological Maturation, Morphology, Fitness, and Motor Coordination as Part of a Selection Strategy in the search for International Youth Soccer Players (age 15-16 Years). Journal of Sports Sciences. Vol: 30 (15), s.1695-1703.
  • 20. Weir, P. L., Smith, K. L., Paterson, C., & Horton, S. (2010). Canadian Women's Ice Hockey - Evidence of a Relative Age Effect. Talent Development and Excellence, 2(2), 209- 217.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği, Antrenman
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Kemal Sanıvar 0000-0003-2529-6509

Caner Açıkada 0000-0002-5816-6594

Berkiye Kırmızıgil Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2389-7880

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sanıvar, K., Açıkada, C., & Kırmızıgil, B. (2023). Adolesan Erkek Basketbol Oyuncularında Biyolojik, Kronolojik ve Antrenman Yaşlarının, Performans Üzerine Etkileri. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches, 4(1), 92-114.
AMA Sanıvar K, Açıkada C, Kırmızıgil B. Adolesan Erkek Basketbol Oyuncularında Biyolojik, Kronolojik ve Antrenman Yaşlarının, Performans Üzerine Etkileri. ASUJSHR. Haziran 2023;4(1):92-114. doi:10.54152/asujshr.1261661
Chicago Sanıvar, Kemal, Caner Açıkada, ve Berkiye Kırmızıgil. “Adolesan Erkek Basketbol Oyuncularında Biyolojik, Kronolojik Ve Antrenman Yaşlarının, Performans Üzerine Etkileri”. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches 4, sy. 1 (Haziran 2023): 92-114.
EndNote Sanıvar K, Açıkada C, Kırmızıgil B (01 Haziran 2023) Adolesan Erkek Basketbol Oyuncularında Biyolojik, Kronolojik ve Antrenman Yaşlarının, Performans Üzerine Etkileri. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches 4 1 92–114.
IEEE K. Sanıvar, C. Açıkada, ve B. Kırmızıgil, “Adolesan Erkek Basketbol Oyuncularında Biyolojik, Kronolojik ve Antrenman Yaşlarının, Performans Üzerine Etkileri”, ASUJSHR, c. 4, sy. 1, ss. 92–114, 2023, doi: 10.54152/asujshr.1261661.
ISNAD Sanıvar, Kemal vd. “Adolesan Erkek Basketbol Oyuncularında Biyolojik, Kronolojik Ve Antrenman Yaşlarının, Performans Üzerine Etkileri”. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches 4/1 (Haziran 2023), 92-114.
JAMA Sanıvar K, Açıkada C, Kırmızıgil B. Adolesan Erkek Basketbol Oyuncularında Biyolojik, Kronolojik ve Antrenman Yaşlarının, Performans Üzerine Etkileri. ASUJSHR. 2023;4:92–114.
MLA Sanıvar, Kemal vd. “Adolesan Erkek Basketbol Oyuncularında Biyolojik, Kronolojik Ve Antrenman Yaşlarının, Performans Üzerine Etkileri”. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches, c. 4, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 92-114, doi:10.54152/asujshr.1261661.
Vancouver Sanıvar K, Açıkada C, Kırmızıgil B. Adolesan Erkek Basketbol Oyuncularında Biyolojik, Kronolojik ve Antrenman Yaşlarının, Performans Üzerine Etkileri. ASUJSHR. 2023;4(1):92-114.