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Yıl 2022, , 199 - 216, 31.12.2022


One important theme of China from later 19th century till now is her westernization, including legal westernization, which is a fast and overwhelmingly process. Legal Orientalism may provide an external perspective to describe a National Pygmalion Effect, the combination of the Orientalization and self-Orientalization, but it is not sufficient to address some internal factors driving the progress of the westernization of Chinese law. Therefore, it’s worthy to investigate Chinese Yi-Xia distinction, a Chinese counterpart epistemology of Orientalism, to provide an internal perceptive to explain the westernization of Chinese law. After a comparative investigation between Orientalism and Yi-Xia distinction, it can be discovered that even though there is a dichotomy under both of the two epistemologies. Yi-Xia distinction emphasizes the Orthopraxy tradition supported by a more conservative feature of “Yi-Xia Major Defense”, while the Orientalism being more expansive and supporting to tame the Orient by implementing the Orientalization. By contrast, the Sinicization under Yi-Xia distinction were more limited due to the doctrine that “Yi-Di shall not be ruled”. The reverse Yi-Xia distinction in Qing dynasty further changed the substance of Yi-Xia distinction and cause the termination of Orthopraxy. The mix of all these external and internal factors jointly promoted the fast and thorough westernization of Chinese law, a nationalism process implemented by westernization.


  • Alford, William P. "Law, Law, What Law?: Why Western Scholars of Chinese History and Society Have Not Had More to Say about Its Law." Modern China 23, No. 4 (1997): 398-419.
  • Bishop, Crawford M. "American Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in China." The American Journal of International Law 20, No. 2 (1926): 281-99.
  • Cassel, Pär Kristoffer. Grounds of Judgment : Extraterritoriality and Imperial Power in Nineteenth-century China and Japan. Oxford Studies in International History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Chan, Phil C. W. "China's Approaches to International Law since the Opium War." Leiden Journal of International Law 27, No. 4 (2014): 859-92.
  • Chen,Li. Baihutong shuzheng (Bai Hu Tong with Interpretations). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1994.
  • Ch’en,Fang-ming. “Songdai zhengtonglun xingcheng de Beijing ji neirong (The Background and Content of the Theories of Legitimacy in Sung Dynasty)”. Shihuo yuekan (Shiwu Monthly) 8, No.1 (1971):418-430.
  • Chen, Yaping. “Renewed Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Britain and China and Legal Reform in the late Qing.” Studies in Qing History 1 (2004):58-65.
  • Coendet, Thomas. "Critical Legal Orientalism: Rethinking the Comparative Discourse on Chinese Law." The American Journal of Comparative Law 67, No. 4 (2019): 775-824.
  • Department of State. Report of the Commission on Extraterritoriality in China. Washington Government Printing Office,1926.
  • Dirlik, Arif. "Chinese History and the Question of Orientalism." History and Theory :Studies in the Philosophy of History 35, No. 4 (1996): 96-118.
  • Elliott,Mark C. “Manchus as Ethnographic Subject in the Qing”. In Empire, Nation and Beyond, ed.Joseph W.Esherick, Wen-hsin Yeh, and Madeleine Zelin. Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, 2006.
  • Emperor Yong Zheng. Dayi Juemilu (A Record of Rightness to Dispel Confusion). Beijing: China City Publishing House,1999.
  • Fan,Ye. Hou Hanshu (Book of the Later Han).Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,2000.
  • Faure, David. 2000. “The Mackay Treaty of 1902 and Its Impact on Chinese Business.” Asia Pacific Business Review 7(2): 79-92.
  • Fu,Leicheng. Hantang Shilun Ji (The Collected Essays on the History of Han and Tang). Taipei: Linking Publishing Company,1977.
  • Ge Zhaoguang. “The prominence of the ‘China’ consciousness in the Song Dynasty--A distant source of nationalism ideology in modern times.” Jorunal of Lierature, History and Philosophy 1 (2004): 5-12.
  • Gu, Yanwu. Rizhilu jishi (Daily Knowledge Records with Collected Interpretations) Vol. 1. Shanghai: Shanghai Classics Publishing House, 2006.
  • Guo,Songtao. Lundun yu bali riji (London and Paris Diary). Changsha: Yuelu Publishing House, 1984.
  • Hao, Jing. Haowenzhong Lingchuan Wenji (The Collected Words of Hao Jing). Taiyuan: Shanxi People's Publishing House, 2006.
  • He Qinhua & Li Xiuqing. Foreign Law and Chinese Law-the Introspection on the China’s Transplantation of Foreign Law in 20th Century. China Politics and Law University Press, 2003.
  • Huang, Yang. 2007. “Orientalism in the Ancient World: Greek and Roman Images of the Orient from Homer to Virgil.” 125.<http://www.waseda.jp/prj-med_inst/bulletin/bull05/05_15hua.pdf>
  • Jin, Xin and Gao, Jiaqi.“Ouyang Xiu' s Thought of Orthodoxy.” Jorunal of Historiography 2 (2005):33-38.
  • Jiang Mei. “Hua-Yi distinction of Song and consciousness of China”. Sociology of Ethnicity 243 (2017): 25-38.
  • Keeton, George W.“The Progress of Law Reform in China.” Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 19 (1937):197-211.
  • Li,Tao. Xu zizhi tongjian changbian (Extended Continuation to Zizhi Tongjian). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2004.
  • Li, Qicheng. “the Relationship Between Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and Judicial Reform in the Perspective of the Commission on Extraterritoriality.” Modern Law Science 28, No.4 (2006): 26-37.
  • Li, Yang. “United States Court for China: An Alternative Mode for Extraterritoriality.” The Jurist 6 (2015): 156-178.
  • Liang, Tianhong. “The Beiyang Government’s Foreign Policy and the Abolition of Extraterritoriality A Historical Exploration Based on the Extraterritoriality Conference.” Modern Chinese History Studies 03 (2005):83-117.
  • Liang Qichao. Lihongzhang zhuan (The Biography of Li Hongzhang). Beijing: The Eastern Publishing,2009.
  • Yinbingshi heji (The Collected Works of Yibingshi) Vol 1. Shanghai: : China Publishing House, 1941a.
  • Yinbingshi heji (The Collected Works of Yibingshi) Vol 4. Shanghai: : China Publishing House,1941b.
  • Kayaoglu, Turan. “Sovereignty, state-building, and the abolition of extraterritoriality.” DPhil thesis, University of Washington (submitted in May 2005).
  • Michiaki FUJII. “The Analysis of the Discourses of ‘China’ and ‘Hua Yi’ Theory by Japanese Yamazaki Ansai School” Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 12, No. 1 (2015): 193-230.
  • Ouyang,Xiu. Ouyangxiu Quanji (The Completed Works of Ouyang Xiu). Vol.2. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2001.
  • Polo, Marco, and Milton Rugoff. The Travels of Marco Polo. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2004.
  • Qian, Shifu. The Political Institutions in the period of Beiyang Government. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1984.
  • Ruskola, Teemu. Legal Orientalism. Harvard University Press, 2013.
  • Said, Edward W. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books, 1978.
  • Said, Edward W. ”Orientalism Reconsidered”. in Literature, Politics and Theory: Papers from the Essex Conference, 1976-1984, ed. Francis Barker et al. Oxford: Routledge, 2003.
  • Su, Shi. Sushi Wenji (The Collected Works of Su Shi) Vol.2. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1986.
  • Sima,Guang. Zizhi Tongjian(Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2011.
  • Shao, Zhize. “Extraterritoriality in Foreign Concessions and its Relation with the Formulation of Press Law in Late Qing China.” Journalism & Communication 2 (2016):100-128.
  • Shen, Jiaben. ‘Law Reform Minister’s Memorial to the throne regarding Criminal and Civil Procedure Law’. The Eastern Miscellany 3, No.9(1906):198-201.
  • Sun,Xidan. Liji Jijie (Book of Rites with Collective Interpretations). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1989.
  • Toner, Jerry. Homer's Turk: How Classics Shaped Ideas of the East. Harvard University Press, 2013.
  • Wang, David Der-Wei. “Sinophone/Xenophone Studies: Toward a Poetics of Wind, Sound, and Changeability.” Modern Literature of China 34 (2018):1-28.
  • Wang,Fuzhi. Du Tongjian Lun (Essays about Tongjian). In Chuanshan Quanshu (The Complete Works of Wang Fuzhi) Vol.10. Changsha: Hunan Yuelu Publishing House Co., Ltd, 2011a.
  • Chunqiu Shilun (Essays on Chunqiu). In Chuanshan Quanshu (The Complete Works of Wang Fuzhi) Vol.5. Changsha: Hunan Yuelu Publishing House Co., Ltd, 2011b.
  • Wei,Shou. Weshu(Book of Wei). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2018.
  • Wittfogel, Karl August & Feng, Chia-sheng, History of Chinese Society: Liao, 907-1125. Macmillan, 1949.
  • Yang Bojun, Chunqiu zuozhuan zhu (The Commentary of Zuo with Notes). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2009.
  • Young, Mary Buck. “Law and Modern State-Building in Early Republican China: the Supreme Court of Peking (1911-1926).” DPhil thesis, Harvard University (submitted in October 2004).
  • Zhang, Shi-ming, “Further discussion on Abolition of Consular Jurisdiction as the State of Law Modification in Late Qing.” Journal of Renmin University of China 3 (2013):128-137.
  • Xiaohengxiangshi Zhuren. Qingchao yeshi daguan (The Collection of Unofficial History of Qing dynasty). Shijiazhuan:Hebei People’s Press, 1997.
  • Xu,Ke. Qingbai leichao (Anthology of Petty Matters in Qing) Vol 4. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1984.
  • Zhu, Yuanzhang. Huangmin zuxun (the Ancestors’ Precepts of Huang Ming) in Siku Quanshu cunmu congshu Shibu (The History Section of The Book Series of Siku Quanshu Cunmu) Vol.264. Tainan: Solemn Culture Business Co., Ltd.165-189, 1996.
  • Zhu Shunshui. Zhu shunshui ji (The Collected Works of Zhu Shunshui). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1981.


Yıl 2022, , 199 - 216, 31.12.2022


One important theme of China from later 19th century till now is her westernization, including legal westernization, which is a fast and overwhelmingly process. Legal Orientalism may provide an external perspective to describe a National Pygmalion Effect, the combination of the Orientalization and self-Orientalization, but it is not sufficient to address some internal factors driving the progress of the westernization of Chinese law. Therefore, it’s worthy to investigate Chinese Yi-Xia distinction, a Chinese counterpart epistemology of Orientalism, to provide an internal perceptive to explain the westernization of Chinese law.

After a comparative investigation between Orientalism and Yi-Xia distinction, it can be discovered that even though there is a dichotomy under both of the two epistemologies. Yi-Xia distinction emphasizes the Orthopraxy tradition supported by a more conservative feature of “Yi-Xia Major Defense”, while the Orientalism being more expansive and supporting to tame the Orient by implementing the Orientalization. By contrast, the Sinicization under Yi-Xia distinction were more limited due to the doctrine that “Yi-Di shall not be ruled”. The reverse Yi-Xia distinction in Qing dynasty further changed the substance of Yi-Xia distinction and cause the termination of Orthopraxy.

The mix of all these external and internal factors jointly promoted the fast and thorough westernization of Chinese law, a nationalism process implemented by westernization.


  • Alford, William P. "Law, Law, What Law?: Why Western Scholars of Chinese History and Society Have Not Had More to Say about Its Law." Modern China 23, No. 4 (1997): 398-419.
  • Bishop, Crawford M. "American Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in China." The American Journal of International Law 20, No. 2 (1926): 281-99.
  • Cassel, Pär Kristoffer. Grounds of Judgment : Extraterritoriality and Imperial Power in Nineteenth-century China and Japan. Oxford Studies in International History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Chan, Phil C. W. "China's Approaches to International Law since the Opium War." Leiden Journal of International Law 27, No. 4 (2014): 859-92.
  • Chen,Li. Baihutong shuzheng (Bai Hu Tong with Interpretations). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1994.
  • Ch’en,Fang-ming. “Songdai zhengtonglun xingcheng de Beijing ji neirong (The Background and Content of the Theories of Legitimacy in Sung Dynasty)”. Shihuo yuekan (Shiwu Monthly) 8, No.1 (1971):418-430.
  • Chen, Yaping. “Renewed Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Britain and China and Legal Reform in the late Qing.” Studies in Qing History 1 (2004):58-65.
  • Coendet, Thomas. "Critical Legal Orientalism: Rethinking the Comparative Discourse on Chinese Law." The American Journal of Comparative Law 67, No. 4 (2019): 775-824.
  • Department of State. Report of the Commission on Extraterritoriality in China. Washington Government Printing Office,1926.
  • Dirlik, Arif. "Chinese History and the Question of Orientalism." History and Theory :Studies in the Philosophy of History 35, No. 4 (1996): 96-118.
  • Elliott,Mark C. “Manchus as Ethnographic Subject in the Qing”. In Empire, Nation and Beyond, ed.Joseph W.Esherick, Wen-hsin Yeh, and Madeleine Zelin. Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, 2006.
  • Emperor Yong Zheng. Dayi Juemilu (A Record of Rightness to Dispel Confusion). Beijing: China City Publishing House,1999.
  • Fan,Ye. Hou Hanshu (Book of the Later Han).Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,2000.
  • Faure, David. 2000. “The Mackay Treaty of 1902 and Its Impact on Chinese Business.” Asia Pacific Business Review 7(2): 79-92.
  • Fu,Leicheng. Hantang Shilun Ji (The Collected Essays on the History of Han and Tang). Taipei: Linking Publishing Company,1977.
  • Ge Zhaoguang. “The prominence of the ‘China’ consciousness in the Song Dynasty--A distant source of nationalism ideology in modern times.” Jorunal of Lierature, History and Philosophy 1 (2004): 5-12.
  • Gu, Yanwu. Rizhilu jishi (Daily Knowledge Records with Collected Interpretations) Vol. 1. Shanghai: Shanghai Classics Publishing House, 2006.
  • Guo,Songtao. Lundun yu bali riji (London and Paris Diary). Changsha: Yuelu Publishing House, 1984.
  • Hao, Jing. Haowenzhong Lingchuan Wenji (The Collected Words of Hao Jing). Taiyuan: Shanxi People's Publishing House, 2006.
  • He Qinhua & Li Xiuqing. Foreign Law and Chinese Law-the Introspection on the China’s Transplantation of Foreign Law in 20th Century. China Politics and Law University Press, 2003.
  • Huang, Yang. 2007. “Orientalism in the Ancient World: Greek and Roman Images of the Orient from Homer to Virgil.” 125.<http://www.waseda.jp/prj-med_inst/bulletin/bull05/05_15hua.pdf>
  • Jin, Xin and Gao, Jiaqi.“Ouyang Xiu' s Thought of Orthodoxy.” Jorunal of Historiography 2 (2005):33-38.
  • Jiang Mei. “Hua-Yi distinction of Song and consciousness of China”. Sociology of Ethnicity 243 (2017): 25-38.
  • Keeton, George W.“The Progress of Law Reform in China.” Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 19 (1937):197-211.
  • Li,Tao. Xu zizhi tongjian changbian (Extended Continuation to Zizhi Tongjian). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2004.
  • Li, Qicheng. “the Relationship Between Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and Judicial Reform in the Perspective of the Commission on Extraterritoriality.” Modern Law Science 28, No.4 (2006): 26-37.
  • Li, Yang. “United States Court for China: An Alternative Mode for Extraterritoriality.” The Jurist 6 (2015): 156-178.
  • Liang, Tianhong. “The Beiyang Government’s Foreign Policy and the Abolition of Extraterritoriality A Historical Exploration Based on the Extraterritoriality Conference.” Modern Chinese History Studies 03 (2005):83-117.
  • Liang Qichao. Lihongzhang zhuan (The Biography of Li Hongzhang). Beijing: The Eastern Publishing,2009.
  • Yinbingshi heji (The Collected Works of Yibingshi) Vol 1. Shanghai: : China Publishing House, 1941a.
  • Yinbingshi heji (The Collected Works of Yibingshi) Vol 4. Shanghai: : China Publishing House,1941b.
  • Kayaoglu, Turan. “Sovereignty, state-building, and the abolition of extraterritoriality.” DPhil thesis, University of Washington (submitted in May 2005).
  • Michiaki FUJII. “The Analysis of the Discourses of ‘China’ and ‘Hua Yi’ Theory by Japanese Yamazaki Ansai School” Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 12, No. 1 (2015): 193-230.
  • Ouyang,Xiu. Ouyangxiu Quanji (The Completed Works of Ouyang Xiu). Vol.2. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2001.
  • Polo, Marco, and Milton Rugoff. The Travels of Marco Polo. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2004.
  • Qian, Shifu. The Political Institutions in the period of Beiyang Government. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1984.
  • Ruskola, Teemu. Legal Orientalism. Harvard University Press, 2013.
  • Said, Edward W. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books, 1978.
  • Said, Edward W. ”Orientalism Reconsidered”. in Literature, Politics and Theory: Papers from the Essex Conference, 1976-1984, ed. Francis Barker et al. Oxford: Routledge, 2003.
  • Su, Shi. Sushi Wenji (The Collected Works of Su Shi) Vol.2. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1986.
  • Sima,Guang. Zizhi Tongjian(Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2011.
  • Shao, Zhize. “Extraterritoriality in Foreign Concessions and its Relation with the Formulation of Press Law in Late Qing China.” Journalism & Communication 2 (2016):100-128.
  • Shen, Jiaben. ‘Law Reform Minister’s Memorial to the throne regarding Criminal and Civil Procedure Law’. The Eastern Miscellany 3, No.9(1906):198-201.
  • Sun,Xidan. Liji Jijie (Book of Rites with Collective Interpretations). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1989.
  • Toner, Jerry. Homer's Turk: How Classics Shaped Ideas of the East. Harvard University Press, 2013.
  • Wang, David Der-Wei. “Sinophone/Xenophone Studies: Toward a Poetics of Wind, Sound, and Changeability.” Modern Literature of China 34 (2018):1-28.
  • Wang,Fuzhi. Du Tongjian Lun (Essays about Tongjian). In Chuanshan Quanshu (The Complete Works of Wang Fuzhi) Vol.10. Changsha: Hunan Yuelu Publishing House Co., Ltd, 2011a.
  • Chunqiu Shilun (Essays on Chunqiu). In Chuanshan Quanshu (The Complete Works of Wang Fuzhi) Vol.5. Changsha: Hunan Yuelu Publishing House Co., Ltd, 2011b.
  • Wei,Shou. Weshu(Book of Wei). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2018.
  • Wittfogel, Karl August & Feng, Chia-sheng, History of Chinese Society: Liao, 907-1125. Macmillan, 1949.
  • Yang Bojun, Chunqiu zuozhuan zhu (The Commentary of Zuo with Notes). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2009.
  • Young, Mary Buck. “Law and Modern State-Building in Early Republican China: the Supreme Court of Peking (1911-1926).” DPhil thesis, Harvard University (submitted in October 2004).
  • Zhang, Shi-ming, “Further discussion on Abolition of Consular Jurisdiction as the State of Law Modification in Late Qing.” Journal of Renmin University of China 3 (2013):128-137.
  • Xiaohengxiangshi Zhuren. Qingchao yeshi daguan (The Collection of Unofficial History of Qing dynasty). Shijiazhuan:Hebei People’s Press, 1997.
  • Xu,Ke. Qingbai leichao (Anthology of Petty Matters in Qing) Vol 4. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1984.
  • Zhu, Yuanzhang. Huangmin zuxun (the Ancestors’ Precepts of Huang Ming) in Siku Quanshu cunmu congshu Shibu (The History Section of The Book Series of Siku Quanshu Cunmu) Vol.264. Tainan: Solemn Culture Business Co., Ltd.165-189, 1996.
  • Zhu Shunshui. Zhu shunshui ji (The Collected Works of Zhu Shunshui). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1981.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Xiaobin Huo 0000-0001-5953-5497

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Huo, X. (2022). ORIENTALISM AND YI-XIA DISTINCTION: TRACING THE INTERNAL CAUSE OF THE WESTERNIZATION OF CHINESE LAW. Asya Araştırmaları Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(2), 199-216. https://doi.org/10.58640/asyar.1144593


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