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Yıl 2024, , 89 - 102, 26.06.2024


II. Dünya Savaşı’nda İran, İngiltere, Sovyetler Birliği ve ABD tarafından, işgal edildi. İşgal sonrası Sovyetler, İran Azerbaycanı üzerinde nüfuzunu artırıcı birtakım faaliyetlerde bulundu. Bu faaliyetlerin bir sonucu olarak 12 Aralık 1945’te İran Azerbaycanı’nda Azerbaycan Millî Hükümeti (AMH) kuruldu. Bu makalenin kapsamı; II. Dünya Savaşı başından AMH’nin yıkılışına kadar Sovyetlerin İran Azerbaycanı’na yönelik politikalarını oluşturan etkenleri ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmanın ana amacı; AMH’nin kuruluşunda ve yıkılışında Sovyetler Birliği’nin rolünü değerlendirmektir. Çalışmanın tarihî gerçeklere uygun olmasını sağlamak için arşiv belgelerinde özellikle konuyu açıklayıcı metinlere başvuruldu. Birincil kaynakların dışında atıf yapılan eserlerin çoğunlukla arşiv belgelerine dayanılarak yazılmış olmasına dikkat edildi. İran Azerbaycanı, Sovyetler için güney sınırlarının ve Sovyet Azerbaycanı’ndaki petrollerin emniyeti için stratejik öneme sahipti. Savaş bitiminde ABD ve İngiltere önceden varılan anlaşma gereği birliklerini İran’dan çıkarırken Sovyetler Birliği, İran Azerbaycanı üzerindeki emelleri nedeniyle askerini çekmekten kaçındı. Moskova, bu emellerini gerçekleştirmek üzere Sovyet Azerbaycanı Birinci Sekreteri Mir Cafer Bağırov’u görevlendirdi. Azerbaycan Millî Hükümeti, Bağırov’un amacı doğrultusunda tasarlandı ve Stalin tarafından kabul gördü. 1946 yılı baharında ABD ve İngiltere’nin, diplomatik baskısı ile Sovyetler askerî birliklerini İran’dan çıkarmak zorunda kaldı. Azerbaycan Millî Hükümeti, Sovyetlerin askerî birliklerini İran’dan çekmesi ile desteğini kaybetti ve kuruluşundan bir yıl sonra yıkıldı.


  • Amiri, M. S. (2020). “Azerbaijan Democratic Party: Ups and Downs (1945-1946)”. Revista Humanidades. 10 (1), 156-168.
  • Attar, A. (2006). İran’ın Etnik Yapısı. Ankara: Divan Yayıncılık.
  • Azerbaycan Gazetesi. (1324, Şehriver 14 (1945, Eylül 5)). “Fırkamız İşe Başladı”. (1), 1.
  • Baqai, I. (March 1948). “Iran and The Powers”. Pakistan Horizon. 1 (1), 62-73.
  • Beaumont, J. (1981). “Great Britain and The Rights of Neutral Countries: The Case of Iran, 1941”. Journal of Contemporary History. 16 (1), 213-228.
  • Churchill, W. S. (2004). Never Give in! The Best of Winston Churchill’s Speeches. London: Pimlico.
  • Coll 28/109/[‎79r] (157/442), (1942, January 29). Persia. Anglo-Soviet-Persian Treaty of Alliance, 1942. Qatar Digital Library (QDA), (
  • Coll 28/109/[‎82r] (163/442), (1942, January 26). Persia. Anglo-Soviet-Persian Treaty of Alliance, 1942. (QDA).
  • Çeşmazer, M. K. (1986). Azerbaycan Demokratik Partiyası’nın Yaranması ve Faaliyeti (Cenubu Azerbaycan 1945-1946’lı Yıllar). Bakü: Elm.
  • DBTDA (Dışişleri Bakanlığı Türk Diplomatik Arşivi). 501-31455-124448-1. (1939, Eylül 7). İran’daki Almanların Harekâtı.
  • DBTDA 501-31963-130407-10. (1944, Kasım 25). Eski İran Başbakan’ı Sait Tarafından Londra Büyükelçisi’ne Gönderilen Mektup.
  • DBTDA 534-37170- 148366-45. (1946, Mart 11). Amerika ve İngiltere’nin Sovyet Rusya Siyaseti.
  • Ext 3703/41/[‎3r] (5/18), (1941, June 27). Reactions in Middle East (expt. Afghanistan) to Russo-German War. (QDA).
  • Fatemi, F. (1980). The U. S. S. R. in Iran: The Background History of Russian and Anglo-American Conflict in Iran, Its Effects on Iranian Nationalism and The Fall of The Shah. New York: A. S. Barnes.
  • Fawcett, L. L. (1992). Iran and The Cold War: The Azerbaijan Crisis of 1946. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • FRUS/1940/Vol.3/Doc.546, (1940, January 3). Telegram from The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to The Secretary of State. Foreign Relations of The United States (FRUS) Papers, (
  • FRUS/1940/Vol.3/Doc.548, (1940, March 16). Telegram from the Chargé in Iran (Engert) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1940/Vol.3/Doc.552, (1940, May 10). Telegram from the Chargé in Iran (Engert) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1940/Vol.3/Doc.557, (1940, August 9). Telegram from The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1944/Vol.5/Doc.483, (1944, October 2). Telegram from The Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1944/Vol.5/Doc.485, (1944, October 9). Telegram from The Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1944/Vol.5/Doc.490, (1944, October 24). Telegram from The Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1944/Vol.5/Doc.493, (1944, October 25). Telegram from The Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1945/Vol.7/Doc.301, (1946, April 4). Telegram from The Ambassador In Iran (Murray) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1946/Vol.7/Doc.247, (1946, March 5), Telegram from The Secretary of State to The Secretary of State.
  • GAPPOD AzR, f.1,op.89,d.90,ll.4-5. (1945, July 6). Decree of The CC CPSU Politburo to Mir Bagirov CC Secretary of The Communist Party of Azerbaijan. Wilson Center Digital Archive (WCDA), (
  • GAPPOD AzR, f.1,op.89,d.90,ll.9-15, (1945, July 14). Secret Soviet instructions, measures to carry out special assignments throughout Southern Azerbaijan and The northern provinces of Iran. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.[90], (1945 December 5). Telegram to Bagirov from Molotov on National Committee proposal. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.[95], (1945, October 21). Message from Bagirov and Maslennikov to Beria on arming The autonomous movement in Iranian. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.114, (1946, April 05). Memo from a Telegraph Report of Ashurov from Tehran. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.90, (1945, December 23). Message from Bagirov on The Azerbaijani Majlis. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.90., (1945, December 24). Message to Bagirov from Molotov on Advisers for The National Government of Iranian Azerbaijan. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD,f.1,op.89,d.106,(1945, July). Message to Nikolai Aleksandrovich on Strengthen The Friendship between The Peoples of Southern Azerbaijan and The Soviet Union. (WCDA).
  • Harper, B. (2016). The Bridge to Victory:The Iranian Crisis and The Birth of The Cold War, Florida State University Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Florida/ABD.
  • Hasanlı, C. (2006). At The Dawn of The Cold War: The Soviet-American Crisis over Iranian Azerbaijan, 1941-1946. Lanham: Rowman And Littlefield Publishers.
  • İvanov, M. S. (2021). “İkinci Dünya Savaşı Yıllarında İran”, M. S. İvanov İçinde, İran Tarihi: En Eski Çağlardan Yirminci Yüzyıla. İstanbul: Selenge, 370-378.
  • İzvestiya Gazetesi. (1944, Aralık 5). “İran’ın Kuzey Bölgelerinde Seyid-Ziyaeddin Destekçilerinin Terör Faaliyetleri”. 4.
  • İzvestiya Gazetesi. (1944, Aralık 7). “İran’da Kitlesel Gösteriler ve Mitingler”. 3.
  • İzvestiya Gazetesi. (1944, Ekim 29). “Kavtaradze Tahran’da Basın Toplantısında”. 4.
  • Jamalzade, N., & Rahiminia, M. (1398). “Şurevi Herasi ve Nakşe an der Ferayend-e Siyaset-e Harici Pehlevi-ye Devom (شوروی هراسی و نقش آن در فرآیند سیاست خارجی پهلوی دوم)”. Daneşe Siyasi( دانش سیاسی). 15 (1), 29-54.
  • Kuniholm, B. R. (1994). The origins of The Cold War in The Near East. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Pres.
  • Lawson, F. (1989, August). “The Iranian Crisis of 1945-1946 and The Spiral Model of International Conflict”. International Journal of Middle East Studies. 21 (3), 307-326.
  • Lenczowski, G. (1949). Russia and West in Iran, 1918-1948: A Study in Big Power Rivalry. Newyork: Cornell University Press.
  • Memmedov, A. (2007). Baş Tutmamış Çevriliş. Bakü: El-Alliance.
  • Morozova, I. (2005). “Contemporary Azerbaijani Historiography on The Problem of Southern Azerbaijan After”. Iran and The Caucasus. 9 (1), 85-120.
  • Pravda. (1944, Aralık 6). “İran Meclis Kararı”. 4.
  • Rehimli, E. (2009). Mücadele Girdabında Geçen Ömür Seyit Cafer Pişeveri: (Hayatı ve Sosyal-Siyasi Faaliyetleri). Bakü: Nurlar.
  • RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 317, ll. 0005-0013, (1942, April 14). Letter of USSR Ambassador in Iran Cde. Smirnov About Our Relations With The British in Iran. (WCDA).
  • Rossow, R. (1956, Winter). “The Battle of Azerbaijan, 1946”. Middle East Journal. 10 (1), 17-32.
  • Scheid Raine, F. (2010). “Stalin and The Creatin of The Azerbaijan Democratic Party in Iran, 1945”. Cold War History. 2 (1), 1-38.
  • Scheid, F. B. (2000). Stalin, Bagirov and Soviet Policies in Iran, 1939-1946, Yale University Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. New Haven.
  • Şimşir, S. (2010). “İkinci Dünya Savaşı Sonrası Rusya Etkisinde İran’daki Gelişmeler”, V. Sultanlı içinde, Güney Azerbaycan: Tarihi, Siyasi ve Kültürel Düzey (Makaleler Derlemesi). Bakü: Azerneşr Dijital Yayın, 85-92.
  • Tabari, K. (1967). Iran’s Policies Toward The United States During The Anglo-Russian Occupation 1941-1946, Columbia University Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Michigan.
  • The New York Times. (1944, October 31). “Iranian Demand Oil Aid, Tass Says”. 7.
  • Truman, H. S. (1952, April 24). “The President’s News Conference”, (e.t.: 21 Aralık, 2023).
  • Vahidei rad, M. (2019 (1398)). “Taktikha-i Amerika der Kıbal-i Mes’ele-i Neft ve Buhran-ı Azerbaycan Der Devre-i Kavam (1945-1947) تاکتیک های آمریکا در قبال مسئله نفت و بحران آذربایجان در دوره قوام))”, Tarihname-i İran Bâd Az İslam ( تاریخ نامه ایران بعد از اسلام). 20 (10), 117-147.
  • Wilber, D. (1981). Iran Past and Present:From Monarchy to Islamic Republic . Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Yegorova, N. (1996, May). “The Iran Crisis of 1945-46: A View From The Russian Archives”, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Cold War International History Project, Working Paper. 15.

Evaluation of The Role of The Soviet Union in The Establishment and Collapse of The Azerbaijani National Government in Iranian Azerbaijan after World War II

Yıl 2024, , 89 - 102, 26.06.2024


During World War II, Iran was occupied by Britain, the Soviet Union and the USA. After the occupation, the Soviets carried out a number of activities to increase their influence over Iranian Azerbaijan. As a result of these activities, the Azerbaijan National Government (ANG) was established in Iranian Azerbaijan on December 12, 1945. The scope of this article is to reveal the factors that formed the Soviet policies towards Iranian Azerbaijan from the beginning of World War II until the collapse of ANG. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the role of the Soviet Union in the establishment and collapse of ANG. In order to ensure that the study was in line with historical facts, archive documents, especially explanatory texts on the subject, were consulted. Apart from primary sources, care was taken to ensure that the works cited were mostly written based on archive documents. Iranian Azerbaijan was of strategic importance for the Soviets for the security of their southern borders and oil reserves in Soviet Azerbaijan. At the end of the war, while the USA and the UK removed their troops from Iran in accordance with the previously reached agreement, the Soviet Union refrained from withdrawing its troops due to its ambitions for Iranian Azerbaijan. Moscow appointed the First Secretary of Soviet Azerbaijan, Mir Cafer Bagirov, to realize these ambitions. The Azerbaijan National Government was designed in line with Bagirov's aim and was accepted by Stalin. In the spring of 1946, under diplomatic pressure from the USA and England, the Soviets were forced to remove their military units from Iran. The Azerbaijani National Government lost support after the Soviets withdrew their military units from Iran and collapsed a year after its establishment.


  • Amiri, M. S. (2020). “Azerbaijan Democratic Party: Ups and Downs (1945-1946)”. Revista Humanidades. 10 (1), 156-168.
  • Attar, A. (2006). İran’ın Etnik Yapısı. Ankara: Divan Yayıncılık.
  • Azerbaycan Gazetesi. (1324, Şehriver 14 (1945, Eylül 5)). “Fırkamız İşe Başladı”. (1), 1.
  • Baqai, I. (March 1948). “Iran and The Powers”. Pakistan Horizon. 1 (1), 62-73.
  • Beaumont, J. (1981). “Great Britain and The Rights of Neutral Countries: The Case of Iran, 1941”. Journal of Contemporary History. 16 (1), 213-228.
  • Churchill, W. S. (2004). Never Give in! The Best of Winston Churchill’s Speeches. London: Pimlico.
  • Coll 28/109/[‎79r] (157/442), (1942, January 29). Persia. Anglo-Soviet-Persian Treaty of Alliance, 1942. Qatar Digital Library (QDA), (
  • Coll 28/109/[‎82r] (163/442), (1942, January 26). Persia. Anglo-Soviet-Persian Treaty of Alliance, 1942. (QDA).
  • Çeşmazer, M. K. (1986). Azerbaycan Demokratik Partiyası’nın Yaranması ve Faaliyeti (Cenubu Azerbaycan 1945-1946’lı Yıllar). Bakü: Elm.
  • DBTDA (Dışişleri Bakanlığı Türk Diplomatik Arşivi). 501-31455-124448-1. (1939, Eylül 7). İran’daki Almanların Harekâtı.
  • DBTDA 501-31963-130407-10. (1944, Kasım 25). Eski İran Başbakan’ı Sait Tarafından Londra Büyükelçisi’ne Gönderilen Mektup.
  • DBTDA 534-37170- 148366-45. (1946, Mart 11). Amerika ve İngiltere’nin Sovyet Rusya Siyaseti.
  • Ext 3703/41/[‎3r] (5/18), (1941, June 27). Reactions in Middle East (expt. Afghanistan) to Russo-German War. (QDA).
  • Fatemi, F. (1980). The U. S. S. R. in Iran: The Background History of Russian and Anglo-American Conflict in Iran, Its Effects on Iranian Nationalism and The Fall of The Shah. New York: A. S. Barnes.
  • Fawcett, L. L. (1992). Iran and The Cold War: The Azerbaijan Crisis of 1946. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • FRUS/1940/Vol.3/Doc.546, (1940, January 3). Telegram from The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to The Secretary of State. Foreign Relations of The United States (FRUS) Papers, (
  • FRUS/1940/Vol.3/Doc.548, (1940, March 16). Telegram from the Chargé in Iran (Engert) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1940/Vol.3/Doc.552, (1940, May 10). Telegram from the Chargé in Iran (Engert) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1940/Vol.3/Doc.557, (1940, August 9). Telegram from The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1944/Vol.5/Doc.483, (1944, October 2). Telegram from The Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1944/Vol.5/Doc.485, (1944, October 9). Telegram from The Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1944/Vol.5/Doc.490, (1944, October 24). Telegram from The Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1944/Vol.5/Doc.493, (1944, October 25). Telegram from The Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1945/Vol.7/Doc.301, (1946, April 4). Telegram from The Ambassador In Iran (Murray) to The Secretary of State.
  • FRUS/1946/Vol.7/Doc.247, (1946, March 5), Telegram from The Secretary of State to The Secretary of State.
  • GAPPOD AzR, f.1,op.89,d.90,ll.4-5. (1945, July 6). Decree of The CC CPSU Politburo to Mir Bagirov CC Secretary of The Communist Party of Azerbaijan. Wilson Center Digital Archive (WCDA), (
  • GAPPOD AzR, f.1,op.89,d.90,ll.9-15, (1945, July 14). Secret Soviet instructions, measures to carry out special assignments throughout Southern Azerbaijan and The northern provinces of Iran. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.[90], (1945 December 5). Telegram to Bagirov from Molotov on National Committee proposal. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.[95], (1945, October 21). Message from Bagirov and Maslennikov to Beria on arming The autonomous movement in Iranian. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.114, (1946, April 05). Memo from a Telegraph Report of Ashurov from Tehran. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.90, (1945, December 23). Message from Bagirov on The Azerbaijani Majlis. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.90., (1945, December 24). Message to Bagirov from Molotov on Advisers for The National Government of Iranian Azerbaijan. (WCDA).
  • GAPPOD,f.1,op.89,d.106,(1945, July). Message to Nikolai Aleksandrovich on Strengthen The Friendship between The Peoples of Southern Azerbaijan and The Soviet Union. (WCDA).
  • Harper, B. (2016). The Bridge to Victory:The Iranian Crisis and The Birth of The Cold War, Florida State University Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Florida/ABD.
  • Hasanlı, C. (2006). At The Dawn of The Cold War: The Soviet-American Crisis over Iranian Azerbaijan, 1941-1946. Lanham: Rowman And Littlefield Publishers.
  • İvanov, M. S. (2021). “İkinci Dünya Savaşı Yıllarında İran”, M. S. İvanov İçinde, İran Tarihi: En Eski Çağlardan Yirminci Yüzyıla. İstanbul: Selenge, 370-378.
  • İzvestiya Gazetesi. (1944, Aralık 5). “İran’ın Kuzey Bölgelerinde Seyid-Ziyaeddin Destekçilerinin Terör Faaliyetleri”. 4.
  • İzvestiya Gazetesi. (1944, Aralık 7). “İran’da Kitlesel Gösteriler ve Mitingler”. 3.
  • İzvestiya Gazetesi. (1944, Ekim 29). “Kavtaradze Tahran’da Basın Toplantısında”. 4.
  • Jamalzade, N., & Rahiminia, M. (1398). “Şurevi Herasi ve Nakşe an der Ferayend-e Siyaset-e Harici Pehlevi-ye Devom (شوروی هراسی و نقش آن در فرآیند سیاست خارجی پهلوی دوم)”. Daneşe Siyasi( دانش سیاسی). 15 (1), 29-54.
  • Kuniholm, B. R. (1994). The origins of The Cold War in The Near East. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Pres.
  • Lawson, F. (1989, August). “The Iranian Crisis of 1945-1946 and The Spiral Model of International Conflict”. International Journal of Middle East Studies. 21 (3), 307-326.
  • Lenczowski, G. (1949). Russia and West in Iran, 1918-1948: A Study in Big Power Rivalry. Newyork: Cornell University Press.
  • Memmedov, A. (2007). Baş Tutmamış Çevriliş. Bakü: El-Alliance.
  • Morozova, I. (2005). “Contemporary Azerbaijani Historiography on The Problem of Southern Azerbaijan After”. Iran and The Caucasus. 9 (1), 85-120.
  • Pravda. (1944, Aralık 6). “İran Meclis Kararı”. 4.
  • Rehimli, E. (2009). Mücadele Girdabında Geçen Ömür Seyit Cafer Pişeveri: (Hayatı ve Sosyal-Siyasi Faaliyetleri). Bakü: Nurlar.
  • RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 317, ll. 0005-0013, (1942, April 14). Letter of USSR Ambassador in Iran Cde. Smirnov About Our Relations With The British in Iran. (WCDA).
  • Rossow, R. (1956, Winter). “The Battle of Azerbaijan, 1946”. Middle East Journal. 10 (1), 17-32.
  • Scheid Raine, F. (2010). “Stalin and The Creatin of The Azerbaijan Democratic Party in Iran, 1945”. Cold War History. 2 (1), 1-38.
  • Scheid, F. B. (2000). Stalin, Bagirov and Soviet Policies in Iran, 1939-1946, Yale University Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. New Haven.
  • Şimşir, S. (2010). “İkinci Dünya Savaşı Sonrası Rusya Etkisinde İran’daki Gelişmeler”, V. Sultanlı içinde, Güney Azerbaycan: Tarihi, Siyasi ve Kültürel Düzey (Makaleler Derlemesi). Bakü: Azerneşr Dijital Yayın, 85-92.
  • Tabari, K. (1967). Iran’s Policies Toward The United States During The Anglo-Russian Occupation 1941-1946, Columbia University Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Michigan.
  • The New York Times. (1944, October 31). “Iranian Demand Oil Aid, Tass Says”. 7.
  • Truman, H. S. (1952, April 24). “The President’s News Conference”, (e.t.: 21 Aralık, 2023).
  • Vahidei rad, M. (2019 (1398)). “Taktikha-i Amerika der Kıbal-i Mes’ele-i Neft ve Buhran-ı Azerbaycan Der Devre-i Kavam (1945-1947) تاکتیک های آمریکا در قبال مسئله نفت و بحران آذربایجان در دوره قوام))”, Tarihname-i İran Bâd Az İslam ( تاریخ نامه ایران بعد از اسلام). 20 (10), 117-147.
  • Wilber, D. (1981). Iran Past and Present:From Monarchy to Islamic Republic . Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Yegorova, N. (1996, May). “The Iran Crisis of 1945-46: A View From The Russian Archives”, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Cold War International History Project, Working Paper. 15.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Kazım Ökten 0009-0006-8472-2343

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 15 Haziran 2024
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