Relationship between organizational deviance and turnover intentions in hospitality businesses
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1 - Prof. Dr. Hasan Işın Dener Özel Sayısı, 64 - 74, 01.06.2010
Mahmut Demir
Özkan Tütüncü
Organizational deviant behavior is one of the most important workplace issues in the hospitality business. Turnover is also an important issue in such organizations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational deviance and turnover intentions in the hospitality business. Through conducting a face-toface interview, a total of 563 questionnaires were collected. Data analysis includes various statistical tools such as factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. Study findings suggest a positive and strong relationship between deviation variables and turnover intentions. Organizational deviance is also found to affect intentions and organizational goals and activities.
- Applebaum, S.H., Kyle J. D. ve Lay, M. (2005). The Relationship
of Ethical Climate to Deviant Workplace Behavior, Corporate
Governance, 5 (4): 43-55
- Aquino, K., Galperin, B.L. ve Bennett, R.J. (2004). Social Status
And Aggressiveness as Moderators of the Relationship
Between Interactional Justice and Workplace Deviance,
Journal Of Applied Social Psychology, 34 (5): 1001-1029
- Arbak, Y., Şanlı, A. ve Çakar, U. (2004). İşyerinde Sapkın Davranış:
Akademik Personel Üzerinde Yerel Bir Tanım ve Tipoloji
Çalışması, Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4 (1): 5-24
- Ashkanasy, N.M., Ashton-James C.E. ve Jordan, P.J. (2004). Performance
Impacts of Appraisal and Coping With Stress
in Workplace Settings: The Role of Affect And Emotional
Intelligence, Emotional and Physiological Processes and Positive
Intervention Strategies Research in Occupational Stress
and Well Being, 3:1–43
- Baron, R.A. ve Neuman, J.H. (1996). Workplace Violence and
Workplace Aggression: Evidence on Their Relative Frequency
and Potential Causes, Aggressive Behavior, 22:
- Bennett, R.J. ve Robinson, S.L. (2003). The Past, Present, and
Future of Workplace Deviance Research. İçinde J.S. Greenberg
(Editör), Organizational Behavior: The State Of The
Science (ss. 247-282). USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate
- Bies, R.J., Tripp, T.M. ve Kramer, R.M. (1997). At the Breaking
Point: Cognitive and Social Dynamics of Revenge in
Organizations. İçinde R.A. Giacalone, J. Greenberg (Editörler)
Antisocial Behavior in Organizations (ss. 18-36), London:
- Chang, E.M., Chang, E., Daly, J., Hancock, K., Bidewell, J.,
Johnson, A., Lambert, C. ve C. Lambert (2006) The Relationships
Among Workplace Stressors, Coping Methods,
Demographic Characteristics, And Health In Australian
Nurses, Journal of Professional Nursing, 22 (1): 30-38
- De Fruyt, F. Filip De Fruyt, De Clercq, B. J., Miller, J., Rolland,
J.P. Sung-Cheol Jung, Taris, R., Furnham, A., ve A. Van
Hiel (2009). Assessing Personality At Risk In Personnel
Selection and Development, European Journal of Personality,
23: 51–69
- De Muth, J.E. (2006). Basic Statistics and Pharmaceutical Statistical
Applications? New York: Marcel Dekker
- Demir, M. (2002). Konaklama İşletmelerinde İnsan Kaynakları
Kapsamında İşgücü Devir Hızının Analizi Ve Muğla
Bölgesinde Bir Uygulama, (Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi),
İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi SBE
- Demir, M. (2009). Konaklama İşletmelerinde Duygusal Zeka,
Örgütsel Sapma, Çalışma Yaşamı Kalitesi ve İşten Ayrılma
Eğilimi Arasındaki İlişkinin Analizi, (Basılmamış Doktora
Tezi), İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi SBE
- Fox, S. ve Spector, P.E. (1999). A Model of Work Frustration-
Aggression, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, 915-931
- Gaertner, S. (1999) Structural Determinants of Job Satisfaction
and Organizational Commitment in Turnover Models,
Human Resource Management Review, 9 (4): 479-493
- Giacalone, R.A. ve Greenberg, J. (1997). Antisocial Behavior in Organizations
- London: SAGE
- Grasmick, H.G. ve Kobayashi, E. (2002). Workplace Deviance in
Japan: Applying an Extended Model of Deterrence, Deviant
Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 23: 21–43
- Griffin, R.W., O’Leary-Kelly, A. ve Collins, J.M. (1998). Dysfunctional
Behavior in Organizations: Violent and Deviant Behavior
- London: Jai Pres Inc
- Gruys, M.L. ve Sackett, P.R. (2003). Investigating the Dimensionality
of Counterproductive Work Behavior, Internatıonal
Journal of Selectıon and Assessment,11 (1): 30-43
- Gustafson, C. M. (2002), Employee Turnover: A Study of Private
Clubs in the USA, International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management, 14 (3): 106-113
- Hollinger, R.C. ve Clark, J.P. (1982). Formal and Informal Social
Controls of Employee Deviance, The Sociological Quarterly,
23 (3): 333-343
- Keser, A. (2005). Çalışma Yaşamı ile Yaşam Doyumu İlişkisine
Teorik Bakış, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Dergisi
(Prof.Dr. Toker Dereli’ye Armağan): 897-913
- Kinnear, P.R. ve Gray, C.D. (2004). SPSS 12 Made Simple. USA:
Taylor & Francis
- Krausz, M., Koslowsky, M. ve Eiser, A. (1998) Distal And Proximal
Influences on Turnover Intentions and Satisfaction:
Support for a Withdrawal Progression Theory, Journal of
Vocational Behavior, 52: 59-71
- Kwok, C.K., Au, W.T. Ve Ho, J.M.C. (2005). Normative Controls
And Self-Reported Counterproductive Behaviors in The
Workplace in China, Applied Psychology: An International
Review, 54 (4): 456–475
- Langhorn, S. (2004). How Emotional Intelligence Can Improve
Management Performance, International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management, 16 (4): 220-230
- Lawrence, T.B. ve Robinson, S.L. (2007). Ain’t Misbehavin:
Workplace Deviance as Organizational Resistance, Journal
of Management, 33 (3): 378-394
- Liao, H., Joshi, A. ve Chuang, A. (2004). Sticking Out Like A
Sore Thumb: Employee Dissimilarity and Deviance At
Work, Personnel Psychology, 57: 969-1000
- Mantell, M.R. (1994), Ticking Bombs: Defusing Violence In The
Workplace. Burr Ridge III: Irwin Professional Publishing
- Marcus, B. ve H. Schuler (2004). Antecedents of Counterproductive
Behavior at Work: A General Perspective, Journal of
Applied Psychology, 89 (4): 647-660
- Martin, B. (1994). From Turnover to Teamwork. New York: John
Wiley & Sons Inc
- Mitchell, M.L. ve Jolley, J.M. (2009). Research Design Explained
- USA: Cengage Learning
- Moberg, D. J. (1997) On Employee Vice, Business Ethics Quarterly,
7: 41-60
- O’Leary-Kelly, A.M., Griffin, R.W. ve Glew, D.J. (1996). Organization-
Motivated Aggression: A Research Framework,
Academy of Management Review, 21, (1): 225-253
- Özdamar, K. (1999). Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi
- Eskişehir: Kaan Kitabevi
- Özdevecioğlu, M. (2003). Algılanan Örgütsel Adaletin Bireylerarası
Saldırgan Davranışlar Üzerindeki Etkilerinin
Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Erciyes Üniversitesi
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21 (2): 77-96
- Peterson, D.K. (2002). Devıant Workplace Behavior and the
Organization’s Ethical Climate, Journal of Business and
Psychology, 17 (1): 47-61
- Puffer, S.M. (1987). Prosocial Behavior, Noncompliant Behavior,
and Work Performance Among Commission Salespeople,
Journal of Applied Psychology, 72 (4): 615-621
- Robinson, S.L. ve Bennett, R.J. (1995). A Typology Of Deviant
Workplace Behaviors: A Multidimensional Scaling Study,
Academy of Management Journal, 38: 555–572
- Robinson, S.L. ve Greenberg, J. (1998). Employees Behaving
Badly: Dimensions, Determinants And Dilemmas in the
Study of Workplace Deviance, İçinde C.L. Cooper ve
D.M. Rousseau (Editörler) Trends in Organizational Behavior
- New York: John Wiley & Sons
- Rogers, B. (1992). Companies Develop Benefits for Part Timers,
HR Magazine, 37 (5): 89-90
- Caryl E. Rusbult, Farrell, D., Rogers, G., ve A. G. Mainous
(1988). Impact of Exchange Variables on Exit, Voice, Loyalty
and Neglect: an Integrative Model of Responses to
Decline Job Satisfaction, Academy of Management Journal,
31 (2): 599-627
- Sackett, P.R. (2002). The Structure of Counterproductive Work
Behaviors: Dimensionality and Relationships With Facets
Of Job Performance, International Journal of Selection and
Assessment, 10, (1/2): 5–11
- Seçer, H.Ş. ve Seçer, B. (2007). Örgütlerde Üretkenlik Karşıtı İş
Davranışları: Belirleyicileri ve Önlenmesi, TİSK Akademi,
2: 147-175
- Sekaran, U. (2000). Research Methods For Business: A Skill Building
Approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc
- Spector, P.E. ve Fox, S. (2002). An Emotion-Centered Model
Of Voluntary Work Behavior Some Parallels Between
Counterproductive Work Behavior and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior, Human Resource Management Review,
12. 269–292
- Tütüncü, Ö. Ve Demir, M. (2002). Konaklama İşletmelerinde İnsan
Kaynakları Yönetimi ve İşgücü Hareketlerinin Analizi. Ankara:
Turhan Kitabevi
- Vardi, Y. ve Wiener, Y. (1996). Misbehavior in Organizations: A
Motivational Framework, Organization Science, 7, (2): 151- 167
- Wong, C.S. Ve Law, K.S. (2002). The Effects of Leader and Follower
Emotional Intelligence on Performance and Attitude:
an Exploratory Study, The Leadership Quarterly, 13
- Woods, R.H. (1995). Managing Hospitality Human Resources, East
Lansing. MI: Educational Institute of the American Hotel
And Motel Association
- Zapf, D. (1999). Organizational, Work, Group Related and Personal
Causes of Mobbing/Bullying at Work, International
Journal Manpower, 20 (1/2): 70-85.
Ağırlama işletmelerinde örgütsel sapma ile işten ayrılma eğilimi arasındaki ilişki
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1 - Prof. Dr. Hasan Işın Dener Özel Sayısı, 64 - 74, 01.06.2010
Mahmut Demir
Özkan Tütüncü
Örgütsel sapma davranışı, ağırlama işletmelerinde görülen en önemli işyeri sorunlarından birisidir. Diğer yandan işgücü devri de örgütlerde önemli bir sorundur. Bu çalışmanın amacı ağırlama işletmelerinde örgütsel sapma ile işten ayrılma eğilimi arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Literatürde yer alan çalışmalardan yararlanılarak bir anket formu oluşturulmuştur. Yüz yüze görüşme ile anket çalışması yapılmış ve 563 anket formu toplanmıştır. Verilerin yapısal ve yakınsak geçerliliği faktör analizi ile ortaya konmuştur. Daha sonra örgütsel sapma ile işten ayrılma eğilimi arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek için korelasyon analizi yapılmış ve sapma değişkenleri ile işten ayrılma eğilimi arasında pozitif yönlü güçlü bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu sapmaların işten ayrılma eğilimi ile ilişkisi ayrıca regresyon analizinde ortaya konulmuştur. Örgütsel sapma yalnızca işten ayrılma eğilimi üzerinde değil aynı zamanda işten ayrılmanın etkilediği örgütsel amaçları ve faaliyetleri de dolaylı olarak etkilemektedir.
- Applebaum, S.H., Kyle J. D. ve Lay, M. (2005). The Relationship
of Ethical Climate to Deviant Workplace Behavior, Corporate
Governance, 5 (4): 43-55
- Aquino, K., Galperin, B.L. ve Bennett, R.J. (2004). Social Status
And Aggressiveness as Moderators of the Relationship
Between Interactional Justice and Workplace Deviance,
Journal Of Applied Social Psychology, 34 (5): 1001-1029
- Arbak, Y., Şanlı, A. ve Çakar, U. (2004). İşyerinde Sapkın Davranış:
Akademik Personel Üzerinde Yerel Bir Tanım ve Tipoloji
Çalışması, Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4 (1): 5-24
- Ashkanasy, N.M., Ashton-James C.E. ve Jordan, P.J. (2004). Performance
Impacts of Appraisal and Coping With Stress
in Workplace Settings: The Role of Affect And Emotional
Intelligence, Emotional and Physiological Processes and Positive
Intervention Strategies Research in Occupational Stress
and Well Being, 3:1–43
- Baron, R.A. ve Neuman, J.H. (1996). Workplace Violence and
Workplace Aggression: Evidence on Their Relative Frequency
and Potential Causes, Aggressive Behavior, 22:
- Bennett, R.J. ve Robinson, S.L. (2003). The Past, Present, and
Future of Workplace Deviance Research. İçinde J.S. Greenberg
(Editör), Organizational Behavior: The State Of The
Science (ss. 247-282). USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate
- Bies, R.J., Tripp, T.M. ve Kramer, R.M. (1997). At the Breaking
Point: Cognitive and Social Dynamics of Revenge in
Organizations. İçinde R.A. Giacalone, J. Greenberg (Editörler)
Antisocial Behavior in Organizations (ss. 18-36), London:
- Chang, E.M., Chang, E., Daly, J., Hancock, K., Bidewell, J.,
Johnson, A., Lambert, C. ve C. Lambert (2006) The Relationships
Among Workplace Stressors, Coping Methods,
Demographic Characteristics, And Health In Australian
Nurses, Journal of Professional Nursing, 22 (1): 30-38
- De Fruyt, F. Filip De Fruyt, De Clercq, B. J., Miller, J., Rolland,
J.P. Sung-Cheol Jung, Taris, R., Furnham, A., ve A. Van
Hiel (2009). Assessing Personality At Risk In Personnel
Selection and Development, European Journal of Personality,
23: 51–69
- De Muth, J.E. (2006). Basic Statistics and Pharmaceutical Statistical
Applications? New York: Marcel Dekker
- Demir, M. (2002). Konaklama İşletmelerinde İnsan Kaynakları
Kapsamında İşgücü Devir Hızının Analizi Ve Muğla
Bölgesinde Bir Uygulama, (Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi),
İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi SBE
- Demir, M. (2009). Konaklama İşletmelerinde Duygusal Zeka,
Örgütsel Sapma, Çalışma Yaşamı Kalitesi ve İşten Ayrılma
Eğilimi Arasındaki İlişkinin Analizi, (Basılmamış Doktora
Tezi), İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi SBE
- Fox, S. ve Spector, P.E. (1999). A Model of Work Frustration-
Aggression, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, 915-931
- Gaertner, S. (1999) Structural Determinants of Job Satisfaction
and Organizational Commitment in Turnover Models,
Human Resource Management Review, 9 (4): 479-493
- Giacalone, R.A. ve Greenberg, J. (1997). Antisocial Behavior in Organizations
- London: SAGE
- Grasmick, H.G. ve Kobayashi, E. (2002). Workplace Deviance in
Japan: Applying an Extended Model of Deterrence, Deviant
Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 23: 21–43
- Griffin, R.W., O’Leary-Kelly, A. ve Collins, J.M. (1998). Dysfunctional
Behavior in Organizations: Violent and Deviant Behavior
- London: Jai Pres Inc
- Gruys, M.L. ve Sackett, P.R. (2003). Investigating the Dimensionality
of Counterproductive Work Behavior, Internatıonal
Journal of Selectıon and Assessment,11 (1): 30-43
- Gustafson, C. M. (2002), Employee Turnover: A Study of Private
Clubs in the USA, International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management, 14 (3): 106-113
- Hollinger, R.C. ve Clark, J.P. (1982). Formal and Informal Social
Controls of Employee Deviance, The Sociological Quarterly,
23 (3): 333-343
- Keser, A. (2005). Çalışma Yaşamı ile Yaşam Doyumu İlişkisine
Teorik Bakış, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Dergisi
(Prof.Dr. Toker Dereli’ye Armağan): 897-913
- Kinnear, P.R. ve Gray, C.D. (2004). SPSS 12 Made Simple. USA:
Taylor & Francis
- Krausz, M., Koslowsky, M. ve Eiser, A. (1998) Distal And Proximal
Influences on Turnover Intentions and Satisfaction:
Support for a Withdrawal Progression Theory, Journal of
Vocational Behavior, 52: 59-71
- Kwok, C.K., Au, W.T. Ve Ho, J.M.C. (2005). Normative Controls
And Self-Reported Counterproductive Behaviors in The
Workplace in China, Applied Psychology: An International
Review, 54 (4): 456–475
- Langhorn, S. (2004). How Emotional Intelligence Can Improve
Management Performance, International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management, 16 (4): 220-230
- Lawrence, T.B. ve Robinson, S.L. (2007). Ain’t Misbehavin:
Workplace Deviance as Organizational Resistance, Journal
of Management, 33 (3): 378-394
- Liao, H., Joshi, A. ve Chuang, A. (2004). Sticking Out Like A
Sore Thumb: Employee Dissimilarity and Deviance At
Work, Personnel Psychology, 57: 969-1000
- Mantell, M.R. (1994), Ticking Bombs: Defusing Violence In The
Workplace. Burr Ridge III: Irwin Professional Publishing
- Marcus, B. ve H. Schuler (2004). Antecedents of Counterproductive
Behavior at Work: A General Perspective, Journal of
Applied Psychology, 89 (4): 647-660
- Martin, B. (1994). From Turnover to Teamwork. New York: John
Wiley & Sons Inc
- Mitchell, M.L. ve Jolley, J.M. (2009). Research Design Explained
- USA: Cengage Learning
- Moberg, D. J. (1997) On Employee Vice, Business Ethics Quarterly,
7: 41-60
- O’Leary-Kelly, A.M., Griffin, R.W. ve Glew, D.J. (1996). Organization-
Motivated Aggression: A Research Framework,
Academy of Management Review, 21, (1): 225-253
- Özdamar, K. (1999). Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi
- Eskişehir: Kaan Kitabevi
- Özdevecioğlu, M. (2003). Algılanan Örgütsel Adaletin Bireylerarası
Saldırgan Davranışlar Üzerindeki Etkilerinin
Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Erciyes Üniversitesi
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21 (2): 77-96
- Peterson, D.K. (2002). Devıant Workplace Behavior and the
Organization’s Ethical Climate, Journal of Business and
Psychology, 17 (1): 47-61
- Puffer, S.M. (1987). Prosocial Behavior, Noncompliant Behavior,
and Work Performance Among Commission Salespeople,
Journal of Applied Psychology, 72 (4): 615-621
- Robinson, S.L. ve Bennett, R.J. (1995). A Typology Of Deviant
Workplace Behaviors: A Multidimensional Scaling Study,
Academy of Management Journal, 38: 555–572
- Robinson, S.L. ve Greenberg, J. (1998). Employees Behaving
Badly: Dimensions, Determinants And Dilemmas in the
Study of Workplace Deviance, İçinde C.L. Cooper ve
D.M. Rousseau (Editörler) Trends in Organizational Behavior
- New York: John Wiley & Sons
- Rogers, B. (1992). Companies Develop Benefits for Part Timers,
HR Magazine, 37 (5): 89-90
- Caryl E. Rusbult, Farrell, D., Rogers, G., ve A. G. Mainous
(1988). Impact of Exchange Variables on Exit, Voice, Loyalty
and Neglect: an Integrative Model of Responses to
Decline Job Satisfaction, Academy of Management Journal,
31 (2): 599-627
- Sackett, P.R. (2002). The Structure of Counterproductive Work
Behaviors: Dimensionality and Relationships With Facets
Of Job Performance, International Journal of Selection and
Assessment, 10, (1/2): 5–11
- Seçer, H.Ş. ve Seçer, B. (2007). Örgütlerde Üretkenlik Karşıtı İş
Davranışları: Belirleyicileri ve Önlenmesi, TİSK Akademi,
2: 147-175
- Sekaran, U. (2000). Research Methods For Business: A Skill Building
Approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc
- Spector, P.E. ve Fox, S. (2002). An Emotion-Centered Model
Of Voluntary Work Behavior Some Parallels Between
Counterproductive Work Behavior and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior, Human Resource Management Review,
12. 269–292
- Tütüncü, Ö. Ve Demir, M. (2002). Konaklama İşletmelerinde İnsan
Kaynakları Yönetimi ve İşgücü Hareketlerinin Analizi. Ankara:
Turhan Kitabevi
- Vardi, Y. ve Wiener, Y. (1996). Misbehavior in Organizations: A
Motivational Framework, Organization Science, 7, (2): 151- 167
- Wong, C.S. Ve Law, K.S. (2002). The Effects of Leader and Follower
Emotional Intelligence on Performance and Attitude:
an Exploratory Study, The Leadership Quarterly, 13
- Woods, R.H. (1995). Managing Hospitality Human Resources, East
Lansing. MI: Educational Institute of the American Hotel
And Motel Association
- Zapf, D. (1999). Organizational, Work, Group Related and Personal
Causes of Mobbing/Bullying at Work, International
Journal Manpower, 20 (1/2): 70-85.