Değer İnanç Norm Teorisi Temelinde Çevresel Duyarlılık Davranışlarının Ölçümü
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 81 - 93, 14.06.2022
Feriyal Farhadi Andarabi
Azize Hassan
Uluslararası Yavaş Şehir Birliği Bilim Kurulu, iklim değişikliğine ve çevresel sorunların çözülmesine ilişkin hassasiyetini, sunduğu üyelik kriterleri kapsamında bildirmiştir. Bu doğrultuda Türkiye’nin yavaş şehirlerindeki konaklama işletmesi yöneticilerinin işyerinde çevresel duyarlılık davranışları hakkında bilgi edinmek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma amacına ulaşılması için Değer İnanç Norm Teorisi’nden (DİN) yararlanılmıştır. Basit tesadüfî yöntemle 18 yavaş şehirdeki üst ve orta kademe yöneticilerden 265 anket toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde LISREL ve SPSS paket programlarından yararlanılmıştır. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçlarına göre bu örneklemde hesaplanan uygunluk değerlerinin kabul edilebilir aralıklar içerisinde olduğu görülmüştür. Değişkenler arasında bulunan korelasyon katsayıları ve faktör maddelerinin arasında regresyon ağırlıklarının kabul edilebilir değerler kapsamında yer aldığı saptanmıştır. Araştırmanın nedensel zincirinde çevresel sorunların farkındalığıyla, atfedilen sorumlulukları üstlenmeye hazır olma arasındaki korelasyon katsayısı en düşük değeri temsil etmiştir. Çevresel norm ile çevresel duyarlılık davranışları arasında da zayıf ilişki bulunmuştur. Bireylerin proaktif çevresel duyarlılık davranışlarının motive edilmesinde sosyal psikoloji faktörlerinin dikkate alınması gerektiği, bu araştırmanın sonuçlarıyla desteklenmiştir.
Destekleyen Kurum
Bu çalışma, Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Turizm İşletmeciliği Dalında, Prof. Dr. Azize Hassan danışmanlığında yazılan, “Yavaş Şehirlerdeki Konaklama İşletmesi Personelinin Çevresel Duyarlılık Davranışlarının Değer İnanç Norm Teorisi Temelinde Ölçümü” başlıklı doktora tezinden üretilmiştir
- Bohdanowicz, P. ve Zientara, P. (2014). Environmental Performance Assessment Systems in THA Hotel Industry, International Business and Global Economy, 33: 743–755.
- Browne, M. W. ve Cudeck, R. (1993). Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit. İçinde Bollen, K.; Long, J., (Editörler), Testing Structural Equation Models, (ss.136-162), CA: Sage.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2011). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
- Chaney, D. ve Martin, D. (2017). The Role of Shared Values in Understanding Loyalty Over Time: a Longitudinal Study on Music Festivals, Journal of Travel Research, 56 (4): 507–520.
- Choi, H. M., Kim, W. G., Kim, Y. J. ve Agmapisarn, C. (2019). Hotel Environmental Management Initiative (HEMI) Scale Development, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77: 562–572.
- Choi, H., Jangb, J. ve Kandampully, J. (2015). Application of the Extended VBN Theory to Understand Consumers’ Decisions about Green Hotels, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51: 87–95.
- Cittaslow International. (2020). Association,, Erişim tarihi: 23 Kasım 2020.
- Dietz, T., Fitzgerald, A. ve Shwom, R. (2005). Environmental Value, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 30: 335-372.
- Dietz. T. (2020). Yayınlanmamış el notları.
- Dunlap, R. E., Van Liere, K. D., Mertig, A. G. ve Jones, R. E. (2000). Measuring Endorsement of the New Ecological Paradigm: A Revised NEP Scale, Journal of Social Issues, 56 (3): 425-442.
- Han, H. (2015). Travelers’ Pro-Environmental Behavior in a Green Lodging Context: Converging Value-Belief-Norm Theory and the Theory of Planned Behavior, Tourism Management, 47: 164–177.
- Han, H., Hwang, J. ve Lee, M. J. (2017). The Value-Belief-Emotion-Norm Model: Investigating Customers’ Eco-Friendly Behavior, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 34 (5): 590–607.
- Han, H., Olya, H. G. T., Cho, S. ve Kim, W. (2018). Understanding Museum Vacationers’ Eco-Friendly Decision-Making Process: Strengthening the VBN Framework, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26 (6): 855-872.
- Kim, W.G., Li, J., Han, J. S. ve Kim, Y. (2017). The Influence of Recent Hotel Amenities and Green Practices on Guests’ Price Premium and Revisit Intention, Tourism Economics, 23 (3): 577–593.
- Landon, A. C., Woosnam, K. M. ve Boley, B.B. (2018). Modeling the Psychological Antecedents to Tourists’ Pro-Sustainable Behaviors: an Application of the Value-Belief-Norm Model, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26 (6): 957–972.
- Megeirhi, H. A., Woosnam, K. M., Ribeiro, M.A., Ramkissoon, H. ve Denley, T.J. (2020). Employing a Value-Belief-Norm Framework to Gauge Carthage Residents’ Intentions to Support Sustainable Cultural Heritage Tourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28 (9): 1351–1370.
- O’Neill, D. W., Fanning, A. L., Lamb, W.F. ve Steinberger, J. K. (2018). A Good Life for all within Planetary Boundaries, Nature Sustainability, 1: 88–95.
- Olya, H. G. T. ve Akhshik, A. (2019). Tackling the Complexity of the Pro-environmental Behavior Intentions of Visitors to Turtle Sites, Journal of Travel Research, 58 (2): 313–332.
- Raymond, C., Brown, G. ve Robinson, G. (2011). The Influence of Place Attachment and Moral Normative Concerns on The Conservation of Native Vegetation: a Test of Two Behavioral Models, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31: 323–335.
- Schwartz, S. H. (1977). Normative Influence on Altruism. İçinde L. Berkowitz (Editör), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, (ss. 221–279), New York: Academic Press.
- Schwartz, S. H. (1992). Universals in the Content and Structure of Values: Theoretical Advances and Empirical Tests in 20 Countries, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 25: 1-65.
- Steg, L., Dreijerink, L. ve Abrahamse, W. (2005). Factors Influencing the Acceptability of Energy Policies: A Test of VBN Theory, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25 (4): 415–425.
- Stern, P.C., Dietz, T. ve Kalof, L. (1993). Value Orientations, Gender, and Environmental Concern, Environment and Behavior, 25 (3): 322–348.
- Stern, P. C. ve Dietz, T. (1994). The Values Basis of Environmental Concern, Journal of Social Issues, 50 (3): 65-84.
- Stern, P. C., Dietz, T., Abel, T., Guagnano, G. A. ve Kalof, L. (1999). A Value-Belief-Norm Theory of Support for Social Movements: The Case of Environmental Concern, Human Ecology Review, 6 (2): 81–97.
- Stern, P. C. (2000). Toward a Coherent Theory of Environmentally Signifficant Behavior, Journal of Social Issues, 56 (3): 407-424.
- Van Der Linden, S. (2015). Intrinsic Motivation and Pro-environmental Behaviour, Nature Climate Change, 5: 612–613.
- Van der Werff, E. ve Steg, L. (2016). The Psychology of Participation and Interest in Smart Energy Systems: Comparing the Value-Belief-Norm Theory and the Value-identity-Personal Norm Model, Energy Research & Social Science, 22: 107–114.
- Youn, H., Yin, R., Kim, J. H. ve Li, J. (2020). Examining Traditional Restaurant Diners’ Intention: an Application of the VBN Theory, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85 (102360): 1-12.
Measuring Environmentally Sensitive Behavior of Hospitality Managers in Slow Cities on the Basis of the Value Belief Norm Theory
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 81 - 93, 14.06.2022
Feriyal Farhadi Andarabi
Azize Hassan
The International Cittaslow Scientific Committee has announced their concerns regarding climate change and solution of environmental issues within the scope of their membership criteria. Accordingly, it was aimed to gather information about environmental awareness behaviors of hotel managers in slow cities in Turkey. Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) Theory had been used to achieve the objectives of this study. 265 questionnaires were collected from top and mid-level hotel executives from 18 slow cities via simple random sampling method. LISREL and SPSS package programs were used for data analysis. According to the results of confirmatory factor analysis, it was found that the conformity values calculated in this sample were within acceptable ranges. It was also found that the regression weights between the correlation coefficients and the factor items found among the variables were within the acceptable ranges of value. Within the causal chain of this research, the correlation coefficient between the awareness of environmental issues and the readiness for undertaking assigned responsibilities represented the minimum value. A weak relationship was found between environmental norm and environmental awareness behaviors. The results of this study supported the fact that the socio-psychological factors in motivation of individuals’ proactive environmental awareness behaviors should be taken into consideration.
- Bohdanowicz, P. ve Zientara, P. (2014). Environmental Performance Assessment Systems in THA Hotel Industry, International Business and Global Economy, 33: 743–755.
- Browne, M. W. ve Cudeck, R. (1993). Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit. İçinde Bollen, K.; Long, J., (Editörler), Testing Structural Equation Models, (ss.136-162), CA: Sage.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2011). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
- Chaney, D. ve Martin, D. (2017). The Role of Shared Values in Understanding Loyalty Over Time: a Longitudinal Study on Music Festivals, Journal of Travel Research, 56 (4): 507–520.
- Choi, H. M., Kim, W. G., Kim, Y. J. ve Agmapisarn, C. (2019). Hotel Environmental Management Initiative (HEMI) Scale Development, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77: 562–572.
- Choi, H., Jangb, J. ve Kandampully, J. (2015). Application of the Extended VBN Theory to Understand Consumers’ Decisions about Green Hotels, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51: 87–95.
- Cittaslow International. (2020). Association,, Erişim tarihi: 23 Kasım 2020.
- Dietz, T., Fitzgerald, A. ve Shwom, R. (2005). Environmental Value, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 30: 335-372.
- Dietz. T. (2020). Yayınlanmamış el notları.
- Dunlap, R. E., Van Liere, K. D., Mertig, A. G. ve Jones, R. E. (2000). Measuring Endorsement of the New Ecological Paradigm: A Revised NEP Scale, Journal of Social Issues, 56 (3): 425-442.
- Han, H. (2015). Travelers’ Pro-Environmental Behavior in a Green Lodging Context: Converging Value-Belief-Norm Theory and the Theory of Planned Behavior, Tourism Management, 47: 164–177.
- Han, H., Hwang, J. ve Lee, M. J. (2017). The Value-Belief-Emotion-Norm Model: Investigating Customers’ Eco-Friendly Behavior, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 34 (5): 590–607.
- Han, H., Olya, H. G. T., Cho, S. ve Kim, W. (2018). Understanding Museum Vacationers’ Eco-Friendly Decision-Making Process: Strengthening the VBN Framework, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26 (6): 855-872.
- Kim, W.G., Li, J., Han, J. S. ve Kim, Y. (2017). The Influence of Recent Hotel Amenities and Green Practices on Guests’ Price Premium and Revisit Intention, Tourism Economics, 23 (3): 577–593.
- Landon, A. C., Woosnam, K. M. ve Boley, B.B. (2018). Modeling the Psychological Antecedents to Tourists’ Pro-Sustainable Behaviors: an Application of the Value-Belief-Norm Model, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26 (6): 957–972.
- Megeirhi, H. A., Woosnam, K. M., Ribeiro, M.A., Ramkissoon, H. ve Denley, T.J. (2020). Employing a Value-Belief-Norm Framework to Gauge Carthage Residents’ Intentions to Support Sustainable Cultural Heritage Tourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28 (9): 1351–1370.
- O’Neill, D. W., Fanning, A. L., Lamb, W.F. ve Steinberger, J. K. (2018). A Good Life for all within Planetary Boundaries, Nature Sustainability, 1: 88–95.
- Olya, H. G. T. ve Akhshik, A. (2019). Tackling the Complexity of the Pro-environmental Behavior Intentions of Visitors to Turtle Sites, Journal of Travel Research, 58 (2): 313–332.
- Raymond, C., Brown, G. ve Robinson, G. (2011). The Influence of Place Attachment and Moral Normative Concerns on The Conservation of Native Vegetation: a Test of Two Behavioral Models, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31: 323–335.
- Schwartz, S. H. (1977). Normative Influence on Altruism. İçinde L. Berkowitz (Editör), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, (ss. 221–279), New York: Academic Press.
- Schwartz, S. H. (1992). Universals in the Content and Structure of Values: Theoretical Advances and Empirical Tests in 20 Countries, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 25: 1-65.
- Steg, L., Dreijerink, L. ve Abrahamse, W. (2005). Factors Influencing the Acceptability of Energy Policies: A Test of VBN Theory, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25 (4): 415–425.
- Stern, P.C., Dietz, T. ve Kalof, L. (1993). Value Orientations, Gender, and Environmental Concern, Environment and Behavior, 25 (3): 322–348.
- Stern, P. C. ve Dietz, T. (1994). The Values Basis of Environmental Concern, Journal of Social Issues, 50 (3): 65-84.
- Stern, P. C., Dietz, T., Abel, T., Guagnano, G. A. ve Kalof, L. (1999). A Value-Belief-Norm Theory of Support for Social Movements: The Case of Environmental Concern, Human Ecology Review, 6 (2): 81–97.
- Stern, P. C. (2000). Toward a Coherent Theory of Environmentally Signifficant Behavior, Journal of Social Issues, 56 (3): 407-424.
- Van Der Linden, S. (2015). Intrinsic Motivation and Pro-environmental Behaviour, Nature Climate Change, 5: 612–613.
- Van der Werff, E. ve Steg, L. (2016). The Psychology of Participation and Interest in Smart Energy Systems: Comparing the Value-Belief-Norm Theory and the Value-identity-Personal Norm Model, Energy Research & Social Science, 22: 107–114.
- Youn, H., Yin, R., Kim, J. H. ve Li, J. (2020). Examining Traditional Restaurant Diners’ Intention: an Application of the VBN Theory, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85 (102360): 1-12.