Intraartikuler olarak uygulanan hyaluronik asit (HA) ve metil prednisolon asetat (MPA) tedaviJennin
enf1amatuar artritler uzerine olan etkilerini ara$tlrmak iyin deneysel bir yall$ma yaplldl. 40 adet erkek ratm sag
arka diz eklemleri ir:ine 0.2 ml %1'Iik formalin venlerek deneysel artnt olu$turuldu. Ilay veriJmesinden bir hafta
sonra 10 rat oldtJrulerek artritin olu$tugu histopatolojik olarak belirlendi. Kalan 30 rat 3 gruba aynldl. Birinci
gruba 005 ml intraartikuler HA (HA grubu), ikinci gruba 0.05 ml intraartikuler MPA (MPA grubu) verildi.
Uyuncu gruba ise intraartikuler 0.05 ml serum fizyolojik verilerek kontrol grubu Olu$turuldu. Tedaviler artrit
olu§turulduktan sonra 7. Gun, 14. Gun ve 21. gun uygulandl. Uygulanan bu tedavilerin bitiminden 15 gun
sonra rat/ar oldunJldtJ ve alman omekler, histopatolojik olarak incelendi.
YapiJan incelemede; HA tedavisi ile sinovyal dokuda kontrol grubuna gore anlamll iyile$me olmad/gl goruldu
(p>0.05). MPA grubunda ise sinovyal doku iyile§mesi kontrol grubuna gore anlam" olarak yuksek bulundu
(p<0.05). Ancak her iki tedavi grubu kar§/Ia§tmld/gmda MPA ve HA grubu arasmda anlaml/ fark bulunamad/
Enflamatuar artrit tedavisinde intraartikuJer olarak uygulanan MPA'm sinovyal doku iyile§mesinde daha etkili
glbi gorunmesine ragmen, HA'e gore banz bir ustUnlugunun olmad/gl sonucuna vanldl.
Anahtar kefimefer: Deneysel artrit, sinovyal doku, hyaluronik asit, metil prednisolon asetat.
This experimental study was performed to determine the effects of intraarticular hyaluronic acid (HA) and
methyl prednisolone acetate (MPA) in inflammatory arthritis. 0.2 ml1% formaline were injected to the posterior
right knee joints of 40 male rats. One week after the injections, 10 rats were killed and arthritis was determined
histopathologically. The remained 30 rats were divided to three groups. First group received intraarticularly
0.05 ml HA (HA group), second group 0.05 ml MPA (MPA group) and third group 005 ml saline as controls.
The injections were performed at 7., 14. and 21. days after the arthritis. 15 days after the end of these
treatments, rats were killed and sections were examined histopathofogically.
There was no significantly difference in synovial tissue healing between HA and control groups (p>0.05).
Synovial tissue healing was significantly high in MPA group compared to the control group (p<0.05). However
in comparing the two treatment groups (MPA and HA groups) there was not any significant difference
It was concluded that although intraarticular MPA seems more effective on synovial tissue healing in
inflammatory arthritis it has no evident superiority to HA.
Key Words: Expen'mental arthritis, synovial tissue, hyaluronic acid, methyl prednisolone acetate
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Yayımlanma Tarihi | 20 Şubat 2010 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2002 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1 |