Bu yall§ma AtatUrk Oniversitesi'ne bagll Bcden
Egitimi ve Spor YUksek OkuJu ile diger fakUltelerin spar
bolUmlerinde \=e§itli bran§larda aklif olarak spor yapan, 88
klZ ve 231 erkek olmak iizere toplam 319 sporeuda kas
gUcUnun sakallanma tizerindek.i etkisini ve el lercihinin
~por sakatlJklan ile ili§kisini bel irlemek amaclyla yaplldl.
Ogrencilerin bran§l, sakatbk durumu ve el tercihine ait
bilgiler hamlanan bir anket forrnu ile saptandl. Sporcularda
bacak kuvveti ve sirt kuvveti ile sag ve sol el kavrama
kuvvetleri, kali brasyonu ayarJanml§ di namometreler
araclliglyla kaydedildi. (:qitli spor bran~lanl1da sakmlanan
ve sakallanmayan lUm sporcularda bacak kuvvctleri
arasmdaki fark; basketbo1clllar. voleybolcular ve
gLire~yilerde sakatlanmayanlann lehine istatisliksel olarak
anlamlJ bulundll (p<O.OI). Sui kllvvetleri araSlndaki fark
ise flltbolcnlarda. basketboleularda, voJeybolcularda ve
glire§yilerde anlamllydl (p<O.OI). Atletlerde ve giire§yilerde
sag el kuvveti sakallananlar lehine anlamlJ bullluurken;
flllboJcutarda, voleybolcularda, atletlerde ve gUrC§yilerde
ise sol el kuyveti anlamlt bulundu (p<O.OI).
Sonuy olarak bu \=all§mada, bacak kuyveti ve slrt
kuyveti arttlkya sakatlanma riskinin a7.aldlgl, sag ve sol el
kuvyeti arttlkya sakatlanma riskinin de arttlgJ, el tercihiude
ise solaklarm saglaklardan daha fazla sakatlanma riski
ta§ldJgl belirlendi.
Anahtar Kelimclcr: Spor yaralanmalan, kas gUeli,
el tereihi.
This study was carried out to detect the effect of
Lnuscle power on sport inj uries and the relation between
hand preference and sport injuries in 88 girls and 231 boys.
totally 319 students ,\\·ho are actively trained on sport
branches in The Collage of Physical Training and Sports
and sports departments of 1I1e other faculties in Atatiirk
University. A queslionnaire was used to determine the
branch, hand preference and injury conditions of thc
subjects. The power of leg and back and the grip strength
were ;ts$t. sed with dyJ1ilmometers. The power difference at
leg was statistically significant in favour of the SUbjects not
injuried in baskelbalJ, volleyball and wrestling branches
(p<O.OI). The po\ver difference al back was significant in
footballcrs. baskelballers, vo!Jevballers and wrestlers
([><0.0 I). The power of right hand 'was significant in favour
of Injuried snbjecls in athletes and wrestlers (p<O.OI). The
power of lefl hand was signiflcanl in favour of injuried
subjecls in volleyballers, athletes and wrestlers (p<O.OI). It
was concluded that as tile power of the leg and back
increase, the risk or the injury decrease; as the right and left
hand power increase. the risk of the injury increase. It was
also detected that lefl-handed subjects have a tendency to
injuries than right-handed subject..' -
Key Words: Sports injuries, muscle power,
hand- preference.
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 19 Şubat 2010 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2000 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1 |