Atatilrk Universitesi Beden Egilimi ve Spor
YuksekokuJu ogrencilerinden gonullu 25 klz, 50 erkek ile
yapJlanbu <;:all§mada, slcak ve soi'Juk ortamda vapilan 15
dakikallk JSlnma egzersizlerind~n sonraki - reaksiyon
zamanlan ara§tIrlldI. Ogrencilerin reaksiyon zamanlan
QFB 128 OA Q klavyeli bilgisayarla T. L. Davis ve D. Y
Frank'in hazlrJadlgJ basit reaksiyon testi i1e (Reaction
TJme Movemenl V. 320) OI"lHdu.
KJzlarda hem slcak hem de soguk ortamda sag ve sol
larat' reaksiyon sureleri arasmdaki farklar anlamslz
bulundu. Erkeklerde Slcak ortamda anlamslz.soguk ortamda
ise sag laraf lehine anJamlt farldl bulundu (I : 3.84. p :
0.000). Yine erkeklerde hem sag hem de sol larafLa slcak
Ol'tam lehine anlamll farkbllkJar bulundu (SIrayla t: 2.48 ,
P : 0.02 ; t : 4.31 . P : 0.000). Bu sonu<;:lar 1§lglnda slcak
ortamm gorse1 reaksiyon zamanlnl kJsalttJgJ bulundu. Su
ise sJcak ortamm metabolizmayl hlzlandlrmasma, bu
ortamda impu1s ileti hlzlrun artmasma bagll oJabilir.
1n this study performed on 25 female and 50 male
volunteers from Physical Education and Sports College,
AlaUirk University, reaetion times each after a fifteen
-minute -warm up-exercise performed under cold and warm
conditions were tested. The reaction times of the students
were tested by means of simple reaction time movement
test (reaction tlme movement V. 320) prepared by T. L.
DaVIS and D. Y. Frank with a QFB 128 OA keyboard
The reaction time differences between right and Jeft
sides iu girls both in cold and warm conditions were found
to be insignificant.. In male students, It was insignificant
under warm conditions and Significant for the right side
under_ cold condLtlOns ( t: 3.84, p : 0.000). In addition,
sJgmftcant differences were found under wann conditions
for both right and left sides. In males (I : 2.48 , p : 0.02 ; t:
4.31. p: O. respectively). Under the light of these findings,
Jt was observed that warm conditions shorten the visual
reaction tim~. This may occur due to speeding up the
~etabollsm In wann condItion and the increasing of Ihe
Impulse transfer speed.
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 19 Şubat 2010 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2000 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1 |