2. Ahtiainen, J.P., Nyman, K., Huhtaniemi, I., Parviainen, T., Helste, M., Rannikko, A., et al. (2015). Effects of Resistance Training on Testosterone Metabolism in Younger and Older Men. Experimental gerontology, 69, 148-158.
3. Akbaş, S., Pelvan, S.O., Ateş, O. (2011). 100m koşusu sonrası sporcuların kan laktat seviyeleri. Uluslararası Hakemli Akademik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 101-107.
4. Akenhead, R. ve Nassis, G.P. (2016). Trai-ning Load and Player Monitoring in High-Level Football: Current Practice and Percepti-ons. International Journal of Sports Physio-logy and Performance, 11(5), 587-593.
5. Akubat, I., Barrett, S., Sagarra M.L., Abt, G. (2018). The Validity of External: Internal Training Load Ratios in Rested and Fatigued Soccer Players. Sports, 6(2), 44.
6. Beaven, C.M., Gill, N.D., Cook, C.J. (2008). Salivary Testosterone and Cortisol Responses in Professional Rugby Players after Four Resistance Exercise Protocols, The Jour-nal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 22(2), 426-432.
7. Bonnemeier, H., Wiegand, U.K., Brandes, A., Kluge, N., Katus, H.A., Richard, T., et al. (2003) Circadian Profile of Cardiac Autono-mic Nervous Modulation in Healthy Subjects: Differing Effects of Aging and Gender on He-art Rate Variability. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 14(8), 791-799.
8. Borresen, J., ve Lambert, M.I. (2008 Au-tonomic Control of Heart Rate During and af-ter Exercise. Sports medicine, 38(8), 633-646.
9. Borresen, J., Lambert, M.I. (2007). Changes in Heart Rate Recovery in Response to Acute Changes in Training Load. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 101(4), 503-511
10. Brancaccio, P., Maffulli, N., Limongelli, F.M. (2007. Creatine Kinase Monitoring in Sport Medicine. British Medical Bulletin, 81(1), 209-230
11. Buchheit, M. (2014). Monitoring Training Status with HR Measures: Do all Roads lead to Rome? ?. Frontiers in physiology, 5, 73.
12. Budgett, R., Newsholme, E., Lehmann, M., Sharp, C., Jones, D., Jones, T., et al. (2000) Redefining the Overtraining Syndrome as the Unexplained Underperformance Synd-rome. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(1), 67-68
13. Burd, N.A., West, D.W., Staples, A.W., Atherton, P.J., Baker, J.M., Moore, D.R., et al. (2010), Low-Load High Volume Resistan-ce Exercise Stimulates Muscle Protein Synthe-sis more than High-Load Low Volume Resis-tance Exercise in Young Men. PloS one, 5(8), E12033.
15. Cardinale, M. Ve Varley, M.C. (2017). Wearable Training-Monitoring Technology: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(s2), 55
16. Chernozub, A.A. (2013). Peculiarities of Cortisol Level Changes in the Blood of Athle-tes and Untrained Boys in Response to Heavy Power Training Loads. European International Journal of Science and Technology, 2(9), 52-57
17. Cook, C.J., Crewther, B.T., Smith, A.A. (2012). Comparison of Baseline Free Testos-terone and Cortisol Concentrations between Elite and Non‐Elite Female Athletes. American Journal of Human Biology, 24(6), 856-858.
18. Coppalle, S., Rave, G., Ben Abderrah-man, A., Ali, A., Salhi, I., Zouita, S., et al. (2019). Relationship of Pre-Season Training Load with In-Season Biochemical Markers, Injuries and Performance in Professional Soc-cer Players. Frontiers in Physiology, 10, 409
19. Coutts, A., Reaburn, P., Piva, T.J., Murphy, A. (2007). Changes in selected bioc-hemical, muscular strength, power, and endu-rance measures during deliberate overreaching and tapering in rugby league players. Interna-tional journal of sports medicine, 28(02), 116-124.7
20. Cross, M.J., Williams, S., Trewartha, G., Kemp, S.P., Stokes, K.A. (2016). The Influen-ce of In-Season Training Loads on Injury Risk in Professional Rugby Union. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performan-ce, 11(3), 350-355
21. Day, M.L., McGuigan, M.R., Brice, G., Foster, C. (2004). Monitoring Exercise Inten-sity During Resistance Training Using the Ses-sion RPE Scale. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 18(2), 353-358.
22. Djaoui, L., Haddad, M., Chamari, K., Dellal, A. (2017). Monitoring Training Load and Fatigue in Soccer Players with Physiologi-cal Markers. Physiology & Behavior, 181, 86-94.
23. Duclos, M. (2008). A Critical Assessment of Hormonal Methods Used in Monitoring Training Status in Athletes. International SportMed Journal, 9(2), 56-66.
24. Edwards, D.A., Casto, K.V. (2013). Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Competition: Cortisol, Testosterone, and the Dual-Hormone Hypothesis as it Relates to Status among Te-amMates. Hormones and Behavior, 64(1), 153-160.
25. Esco, M.R., Flatt, A.A. (2014). Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Indexes at Rest and Post-Exercise in Athletes: Evaluating the Agreement with Accepted Recommendations. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 13(3), 535.
26. Fink, J., Kikuchi, N., Nakazato, K. (2018). Effects of Rest Intervals and Training Loads on Metabolic Stress and Muscle Hypertrophy. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 38(2), 261-268
27. Fletcher, W.M., Hopkins, F.G. (1907). Lactic Acid in Amphibian Muscle. The Journal of Physiology, 35(4), 247.
28. Foster, C., Florhaug, J.A., Franklin, J., Gottschall, L., Hrovatin, L.A., Parker, S., et al. (2001). A New Approach to Monitoring Exercise Training, J Strength Cond Res. 15(1), 109-115
29. Freitas, C.G., Aoki, M.S., Arruda, A.F., Franciscon, C., Moreira, A. (2016). Monito-ring Salivary Immunoglobulin a Responses to Official and Simulated Matches in Elite Yo-ung Soccer Players. Journal of Human Kine-tics, 53(1), 107-115.
30. Freitas, V.H., Nakamura, F.Y., Miloski, B., Samulski, D., Bara-Filho, M.G. (2014). Sensitivity of physiological and psychological markers to training load intensification in vol-leyball players. Journal of sports science & medicine, 13(3), 571
31. Garet, M., Tournaire, N., Roche, F., Lau-rent, R., Lacour, J.R., Barthelemy, J.C. et al. (2004). Individual Interdependence Between Nocturnal ANS Activity and Performance in Swimmers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36. 2112-2118.
32. Gil-Rey, E., Lezaun, A., Los Arcos, A. (2015). Quantification of the Perceived Trai-ning Load and its Relationship with Changes in Physical Fitness Performance in Junior Soc-cer Players. Journal of sports sciences, 33(20),2125-2132.
33. Gleeson, M., Walsh, N.P. (2012). The BA-SES Expert Statement on Exercise, Immunity, and Infection. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30(3), 321-324.
34. Gomes, R.V., Moreira, A., Lodo, L., No-saka, K., Coutts, A.J., Aoki, M.S. (2013). Mo-nitoring Training Loads, Stress, Immune-Endocrine Responses and Performance in
Tennis Players. Biology of Sport, 30(3), 173.
35. Grandys, M., Majerczak, J., Kulpa, J., Duda, K., Rychlik, U., Zoladz, J.A. (2016). The Importance of the Training-Induced Dec-rease in Basal Cortisol Concentration in the Improvement in Muscular Performance in Humans. Physiological Research, 65(1), 109-120.
36. Hackney, A.C. ve Hooper, D.R. (2019). Low Testosterone: Androgen Deficiency, En-durance Exercise Training, and Competitive Performance. Physiology International, 106(4), 379-389.
İç yük, antrenman veya müsabaka sırasında sporcuların fizyolojik ve psikolojik strese maruz kalmaları sonucu organizmanın vermiş olduğu tepkilerdir. Performansın etkili bir şekilde sürdürülebilmesi için antrenmana verilen tepkiler antrenörler ve/veya uygulayıcılar tarafından sürekli gözlem altında tutulması gerekmektedir. İç yük takibinde birçok değerlendirme yöntemi bulunmaktadır. Bu yöntemler saha ve laboratuvar koşullarında uygulanabilmektedir. Teknolojinin ve spor bilimlerinin hızla gelişmesi ile her geçen gün yeni cihazlar ve fikirler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Eskiden sadece laboratuvar ortamında yapılan uygulamalar, günümüzde bir saat veya telefon uygulaması ile yapılabilecek kadar kolay hale gelmiştir. Bu yenilikler, spor bilimciler ve uygulayıcılara birçok kolaylıklar sağlamaktadır. Takım sporları ve bireysel sporlarda uygulayıcıların bu yöntemleri kullanarak antrenman programlarını dizayn etmeleri gerekmektedir. Özellikle takım sporlarında bireysel farklılıklar olabilmektedir. Aynı antrenman sürecinde sporcular birbirlerinden farklı fizyolojik tepkiler verebilmektedir. Bu farklılıkların antrenmandan elde edilecek verimi düşürebileceği gibi sakatlık ve hastalıklara da sebebiyet verebileceği bilinmektedir. Ayrıca futbol gibi sıkışık müsabaka dönemlerinin olabildiği spor branşlarında bu değerlendirmeler daha da önemli hale gelmektedir. Sonuç olarak bu derlemede, antrenmanda oluşan iç yüklerin oluşumu ve değerlendirmelerinin kapsamlı bir şekilde ele alınarak, spor bilimcilere ve uygulayıcılara katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır.
2. Ahtiainen, J.P., Nyman, K., Huhtaniemi, I., Parviainen, T., Helste, M., Rannikko, A., et al. (2015). Effects of Resistance Training on Testosterone Metabolism in Younger and Older Men. Experimental gerontology, 69, 148-158.
3. Akbaş, S., Pelvan, S.O., Ateş, O. (2011). 100m koşusu sonrası sporcuların kan laktat seviyeleri. Uluslararası Hakemli Akademik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 101-107.
4. Akenhead, R. ve Nassis, G.P. (2016). Trai-ning Load and Player Monitoring in High-Level Football: Current Practice and Percepti-ons. International Journal of Sports Physio-logy and Performance, 11(5), 587-593.
5. Akubat, I., Barrett, S., Sagarra M.L., Abt, G. (2018). The Validity of External: Internal Training Load Ratios in Rested and Fatigued Soccer Players. Sports, 6(2), 44.
6. Beaven, C.M., Gill, N.D., Cook, C.J. (2008). Salivary Testosterone and Cortisol Responses in Professional Rugby Players after Four Resistance Exercise Protocols, The Jour-nal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 22(2), 426-432.
7. Bonnemeier, H., Wiegand, U.K., Brandes, A., Kluge, N., Katus, H.A., Richard, T., et al. (2003) Circadian Profile of Cardiac Autono-mic Nervous Modulation in Healthy Subjects: Differing Effects of Aging and Gender on He-art Rate Variability. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 14(8), 791-799.
8. Borresen, J., ve Lambert, M.I. (2008 Au-tonomic Control of Heart Rate During and af-ter Exercise. Sports medicine, 38(8), 633-646.
9. Borresen, J., Lambert, M.I. (2007). Changes in Heart Rate Recovery in Response to Acute Changes in Training Load. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 101(4), 503-511
10. Brancaccio, P., Maffulli, N., Limongelli, F.M. (2007. Creatine Kinase Monitoring in Sport Medicine. British Medical Bulletin, 81(1), 209-230
11. Buchheit, M. (2014). Monitoring Training Status with HR Measures: Do all Roads lead to Rome? ?. Frontiers in physiology, 5, 73.
12. Budgett, R., Newsholme, E., Lehmann, M., Sharp, C., Jones, D., Jones, T., et al. (2000) Redefining the Overtraining Syndrome as the Unexplained Underperformance Synd-rome. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(1), 67-68
13. Burd, N.A., West, D.W., Staples, A.W., Atherton, P.J., Baker, J.M., Moore, D.R., et al. (2010), Low-Load High Volume Resistan-ce Exercise Stimulates Muscle Protein Synthe-sis more than High-Load Low Volume Resis-tance Exercise in Young Men. PloS one, 5(8), E12033.
15. Cardinale, M. Ve Varley, M.C. (2017). Wearable Training-Monitoring Technology: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(s2), 55
16. Chernozub, A.A. (2013). Peculiarities of Cortisol Level Changes in the Blood of Athle-tes and Untrained Boys in Response to Heavy Power Training Loads. European International Journal of Science and Technology, 2(9), 52-57
17. Cook, C.J., Crewther, B.T., Smith, A.A. (2012). Comparison of Baseline Free Testos-terone and Cortisol Concentrations between Elite and Non‐Elite Female Athletes. American Journal of Human Biology, 24(6), 856-858.
18. Coppalle, S., Rave, G., Ben Abderrah-man, A., Ali, A., Salhi, I., Zouita, S., et al. (2019). Relationship of Pre-Season Training Load with In-Season Biochemical Markers, Injuries and Performance in Professional Soc-cer Players. Frontiers in Physiology, 10, 409
19. Coutts, A., Reaburn, P., Piva, T.J., Murphy, A. (2007). Changes in selected bioc-hemical, muscular strength, power, and endu-rance measures during deliberate overreaching and tapering in rugby league players. Interna-tional journal of sports medicine, 28(02), 116-124.7
20. Cross, M.J., Williams, S., Trewartha, G., Kemp, S.P., Stokes, K.A. (2016). The Influen-ce of In-Season Training Loads on Injury Risk in Professional Rugby Union. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performan-ce, 11(3), 350-355
21. Day, M.L., McGuigan, M.R., Brice, G., Foster, C. (2004). Monitoring Exercise Inten-sity During Resistance Training Using the Ses-sion RPE Scale. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 18(2), 353-358.
22. Djaoui, L., Haddad, M., Chamari, K., Dellal, A. (2017). Monitoring Training Load and Fatigue in Soccer Players with Physiologi-cal Markers. Physiology & Behavior, 181, 86-94.
23. Duclos, M. (2008). A Critical Assessment of Hormonal Methods Used in Monitoring Training Status in Athletes. International SportMed Journal, 9(2), 56-66.
24. Edwards, D.A., Casto, K.V. (2013). Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Competition: Cortisol, Testosterone, and the Dual-Hormone Hypothesis as it Relates to Status among Te-amMates. Hormones and Behavior, 64(1), 153-160.
25. Esco, M.R., Flatt, A.A. (2014). Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Indexes at Rest and Post-Exercise in Athletes: Evaluating the Agreement with Accepted Recommendations. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 13(3), 535.
26. Fink, J., Kikuchi, N., Nakazato, K. (2018). Effects of Rest Intervals and Training Loads on Metabolic Stress and Muscle Hypertrophy. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 38(2), 261-268
27. Fletcher, W.M., Hopkins, F.G. (1907). Lactic Acid in Amphibian Muscle. The Journal of Physiology, 35(4), 247.
28. Foster, C., Florhaug, J.A., Franklin, J., Gottschall, L., Hrovatin, L.A., Parker, S., et al. (2001). A New Approach to Monitoring Exercise Training, J Strength Cond Res. 15(1), 109-115
29. Freitas, C.G., Aoki, M.S., Arruda, A.F., Franciscon, C., Moreira, A. (2016). Monito-ring Salivary Immunoglobulin a Responses to Official and Simulated Matches in Elite Yo-ung Soccer Players. Journal of Human Kine-tics, 53(1), 107-115.
30. Freitas, V.H., Nakamura, F.Y., Miloski, B., Samulski, D., Bara-Filho, M.G. (2014). Sensitivity of physiological and psychological markers to training load intensification in vol-leyball players. Journal of sports science & medicine, 13(3), 571
31. Garet, M., Tournaire, N., Roche, F., Lau-rent, R., Lacour, J.R., Barthelemy, J.C. et al. (2004). Individual Interdependence Between Nocturnal ANS Activity and Performance in Swimmers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36. 2112-2118.
32. Gil-Rey, E., Lezaun, A., Los Arcos, A. (2015). Quantification of the Perceived Trai-ning Load and its Relationship with Changes in Physical Fitness Performance in Junior Soc-cer Players. Journal of sports sciences, 33(20),2125-2132.
33. Gleeson, M., Walsh, N.P. (2012). The BA-SES Expert Statement on Exercise, Immunity, and Infection. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30(3), 321-324.
34. Gomes, R.V., Moreira, A., Lodo, L., No-saka, K., Coutts, A.J., Aoki, M.S. (2013). Mo-nitoring Training Loads, Stress, Immune-Endocrine Responses and Performance in
Tennis Players. Biology of Sport, 30(3), 173.
35. Grandys, M., Majerczak, J., Kulpa, J., Duda, K., Rychlik, U., Zoladz, J.A. (2016). The Importance of the Training-Induced Dec-rease in Basal Cortisol Concentration in the Improvement in Muscular Performance in Humans. Physiological Research, 65(1), 109-120.
36. Hackney, A.C. ve Hooper, D.R. (2019). Low Testosterone: Androgen Deficiency, En-durance Exercise Training, and Competitive Performance. Physiology International, 106(4), 379-389.