AGAOGLU, A, ALAEDDiNOGLU, F.,2005. "Erzurum Sehrinde Mala Karst lslenen Suclar Cografi Bir Yaklastm" Polis Bilirnleri Dergisi Cilt.7, SayJ.!. Syf.l7-41, Ankara.
ATASOY, S., 200 I, "Sur; Onleme ve Denetlemede Cografi Bilgi Sistemlerinin Kullatunu: Sur; Haritalama, Cografi Bilgi Sistemi Destekli Trafik K ", Cografi Bilgi Sistemleri Bilisim Gunleri, Fatih Universitesi, istanbul
BROMLEY, R. NELSON,L, A.,2002. "Alcohol related crime and disorder across urban space and time: evidence from a British city" Geoforum Volum. 33. Page. 239-254. England
BROMLEY, R. THOMAS, C.,1997. "Vehicle Crime in the City Centre Planning for Secure Parking." Town Planning Review. Volum. 68. Page. 257-278. England
CARMICHAEL, F. WARD, R., 2001. "Male Unemployment and Crime in England and Wales" Economic letters Volume.73. Page.lll-li5. England
CLARKE, V. R.; 2002 a, Shoplifting. Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Series. No.1 1. www. Usa.
CLARKE, V. R.; 2002 b, Thefts of and from Cars in Parcing Facilities. ProblemOriented Guides for Police Series. No. 10. www. Usa.
COETZER, c.; 2000, Crime Prevention at Business Complexes. A Case Study at Centurion Centre, Crime Research in South Africa. Vol. 1. No.1
CRAGLIA, .M. HAINING,.R. SIGNORETTA, P., 2001. "Modelling Highintensity Crime Areas in English Cities" Urban Studies. Vol. 38. No.1 1. Page. 1921-1941. England
DURSUN,H., 1997, Sucun Ekonomik Modelleri. DPT Yaymi Ankara
DUTT,.KA NOBLE,.GA SHARMA, KK, 1985. "Variation of the Spatial Patterns of Crime in Ajmer, Indiana" Indian Journal of Criminology. Vol.l3. No.!. Indiana
DUTT,.K.A POMERY, .M. WADWHA, V., 1998. "Large Cities Crime Pattern Changes in India 1971-1991." The National Geographical Journal of India. Vol. 44. Indiana
DUTT,.KA NOBLE,.G.A. SINGH, S.,1979. "Is There a North-Central Subculture of Violence in India". The National Geographical Journal of India. Vol. 25. No.2 Indiana
EGE,.B. HANCI, H. ERTURK, .S., 1992, "Iunir iii Cocuk Suclari Haritasi," Cocuk ve Ergen Psikiyatrisi Bildiriler Kitabi, s 316-322 Izmir,
ENTORF, .H. SPENGLER, H., 2000. "Socioeconomc and Demographic Factors of Crime in Germany?' International Review of law and Economics. Volume.20. Page.75-106.
ERDOGAN, A, DUZGUN, S., 2003. "Mekan ve Sue, Sue Haritalamasi ve Viger Analitik Yaklasunlat" Emniyet Genel Mudurlugu Polis Dergisi. YIL9 SayI.36 s.482-490 Ankara.
ERGiL, D.,l978, " A Soctologtal .\tutiysts of Honor Crimes in Turkey," ODTU Gelisme DergisiStudies in Development. 20 Ankara.
GOKSU, E., 2003. 1929 Dunya Ekonomik Buhran Yillannda izmir ve Sue Cografyasi. izmir Buyuk Sehir Belediyesi Kent Kitaphgi. No.39, izmir.
GRIFFIN, J., 2001. "Intemational Crime Mapping Caveats and Considerations" Crime Mapping News, Vol:3, Issue: 1 Usa.
GYAMFI ,A.J., 2003. "Urban Crime Trends and Patterns in Ghana, The Case of Accra." Journal of Criminal Justice No.31, Page. 13-23.
HAMERMES, S.D.,1999. "Crime and Timing of Work." Journal of Urban Economics No.45. Page.311-320.
HANCI, H. DEMiRCiN, S. COSKUNOL, H. ERTURK, S. YEMisciGiL, A., 1993. "Cocuklartn Oturduklan Bolgelere Gore [zmir jlindeki Cocuk Suclannin Dagilinu ". Ege TIp Dergisi 32. izmir
HANCI, H. OZKEN, B. GULER,T., 1998 Kentte Sucluluk ve Kent Sucu, Yerel . Gundem 21 izmir'in Kentlesme Cevre Go<;; Sorunlan ve Cozum Onerileri, Cilt 1 S.187-197. izmir.
HARRIES,.D.K., 1973. "Spatial Aspects of Violence and Metropolitan Population." The Professional Geographer. Vol. XXV, No. 1. Usa.
HARRIES,.D.K., 1999, Mapping Crime: Principle and Practice (Elektronik Kitap). USA
HERZOG, S.; 2002. "Empirical Analysis of Motor Vehicle Theft in Israel 19901997", British Journal of Crimonology. Vo1ume.42. Page.709-728. England.
i<;Li,T.,1993, Tiirkiye'de Suclular Sosyal Kulturel ve Ekonomik Ozellikleri, Ataturk Kultur Dil ve Tarih Yuksek Kurumu Yayun Sayi 71. Ankara
JOHNSON, c.P., Crime Mapping and Analysis Using GIS, Geomatics Group, CDAC, Pune University Campus, Pune 411007. USA
KARAKAS, E., 1999, "Elazig Sehrinin Gelismesi", FIrat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Cilt.9. Sayr.I. SyLl29-155. Elazig,
KARAKAS, E., 2001, "Elaug Sehir Niifusunda Turizm Egilimi" FIrat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.1 1. Sayi.L Syf. 57-87. Elazrg,
KARAKAS, E, KARADOGAN, S., ARSLAN, H., 2003a."CBS Ortanutula Stu; Haritalama Teknikleri", 1 Polis Bilisirn Sempozyumu s.123-134. Ankara.
KARAKA$, E, KARADOGAN, S, ARSLAN, H., 2003b. "Su9 Arasttrmalaruida CBS Sistetniyle Olusturulan Haritalartn Onemi"; 1 Polis Bilisim Sempozyumu, s.358-362, Ankara.
KARAKA$. E, KARADOGAN, S, ARSLAN, H., 2004. "Su9 Haritalari ve Bilgisayar Teknolojisi" Pamukkale Universitesi Miihendislik Fakiiltesi Miihendislik Bilimleri Dergisi II. Bilgi Teknolojileri Kongresi Ozel Sayrsi. s.37-42. Denizli.
KARAKA$, E., 2004. "ElaZlg Sehrinde Htrstzlik Stu: Dagilts: ve O::.ellikleri" Firat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.l-l. Sayi. 1 s.19-39 Elazig.
KARAKA$, E., 2005a. "Uygulamalt Cografyada SU9 Haritalari I. Veri Kaynaklan" Firat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.l5, Sayl.1,Syf.57-69, Elazrg.
KARAKA$, E.,2005b. "Uygulamali Cografyada SU9 Haritalari II .SUf{ Harita Tipleri" Firat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt.l5, SayI.2. Syf.31-50, Elazig.
KARAKA$, E., 2005c. "SUf{ Haritalamada Alan, Veri ve Amactn Harita Tipine Etkisi', II. Polis Bilisim Sempozyumu s.146-151, Ankara.
KIZMAZ, Z., 2003. "Ekonomik Yapi ve SUf{ Bazi Arasttrma Bilgileri Uzerine Genel Bir Degerlendirme" FIrat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.l3. Sayt. 2 s.270-305 Elazig.
KIZMAZ, Z., 2004. "Ogrenim Diizeyi ve Suc-Okul lliskisi Uzerine Sosyolojikllir Arasttrma " Firat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.14. Sayi. 2 s.291-321 Elazrg.
KIZMAZ, Z., 2005 a. "Din ve Sucluluk.Suc Teorileri Actsuulan Kuramsal Bir Yaklasun" Firat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.l5. Sayi. 1 s.189-217 Elazig.
KIZMAZ, Z., 2005 b. "Kriminolojide Yeni Yonelimier Biaiinlesik SUf{ Kuramlart I." FIrat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.15. Sayi. 2 s.349-379 Elazrg.
KOSKELA, H. PAIN,R.,2000. "Revisiting Fear and Place WOlllens Fear ofAttack and the Built Environment", Geoforum. No.3!. Page.269-280.
LEisMAN, F., 2002. The Weather, Crime and Criminology. publiclectures/ resources/Leishman.pdf . Southampton UK.
MULMAT,H.D. RIENICK, C. MELTON, R. PENNELL, S.; 1998, Targeting Auto Theft with a Regional Task Force and Mapping Technology. San Diego. USA
NELSON,A.L. BROMLEY, R.D.F. THOMAS, i.c., 2001. "Identifying MicroSpatial and Temporal Patterns of Violent Crime and Disorder in Tlic British City Centre". Applied Geography No.21, Page. 249-274.
bZEY. R., 2004, "Insan Davrantslan Hukuk, Giivenlik; SlU; ve Cografya", Emniyet Genel MUdUrlUgU Polis Dergisi. YII.lO. SayI.39. S. 386-393. Ankara..
PRADHAN, M. RAV ALLION, M.,2003. "Who Wants Safer Streets Explaining Concern for Public Safety in Brazil." Journal of Ecenomic Psychology. Volume.24, Page.17-33.
RICH, F. T., 1995, The Use of Computerized Mapping in Crime Control and Prevention Programs. Research in Action, National Enstitute of Justice, Washington Usa.
RICH, F. T., 1999. Problem Solving with Maps. National Enstitute of Justice Journal. October 1999. Usa.
SARAN, N., 1979, "(:ocuk S'l('lulugu ve Parcalannus Aileler", LO. Edebiyat FakUltesi Sosyal Antropoloji ve Etnoloji Dergisi. No.3, S. 25-30, istanbul
SCOTT, J. MESSNER, F. S., 2000 "Crime and Demography Multiple linkages Reciprocal Relations". Annual Reviews Sociology. Vo1ume.26, Page.83106.
SOYASLAN, D., 1998. Kriminoloji (sue ve ceza bilimleri) Ankara Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Yaymlan No.526. Ankara.
T.C. i<;iSLERi BAKANLIGI EMNiYET GENEL MOD., 2002, Sue ve Suclu Profili. Emniyet Genel MUdUrlUgU APK Daire Baskanligr Ankara.
TIESDELL, J., 1998. "City Centre Management and Seifer City Centers Approaches in Coventry and Nottingham" . Cities, Volume 15, No.2. England.
VELASCO, M. BOBA, R., 2000, Manuel of Crime Analysis Map Production. Police Foundation, Community Orient Policing Services. US Department of Justice. Usa.
VENKATESH, S. CURTIS, R. RAMSEY, H. C., 1999. Looking at Crime from Street Level. U.S.A Department of Justice. Usa
VIGNE, N., 1999, "Computerized Mapping as a Tool for Problem Oriented Policing" Crime Mapping News, YoU, Issue: 1 Usa.
WADHWA, V. DUTT, K.A., 2000 "Crime Geography of India a Review of Selected Contributions". National Association of Geographers India. Volume XX. No.2, Page.l24-136.. Indiana
YAVUZER, H.,198!. Psiko-Sosyal Acidan Cocuk Suclulugu. istanbul Universitesi Edebiyat Fakultesi Yay. No.2798. istanbul.
YUK, L., EGAN, 1. E, 1972, "The Geography of Urban Crime: The Spatial Pattern of Serious Crime in the City of Denver". Association of American Geographers. Volume.4. Page. 59-64.Usa.
AGAOGLU, A, ALAEDDiNOGLU, F.,2005. "Erzurum Sehrinde Mala Karst lslenen Suclar Cografi Bir Yaklastm" Polis Bilirnleri Dergisi Cilt.7, SayJ.!. Syf.l7-41, Ankara.
ATASOY, S., 200 I, "Sur; Onleme ve Denetlemede Cografi Bilgi Sistemlerinin Kullatunu: Sur; Haritalama, Cografi Bilgi Sistemi Destekli Trafik K ", Cografi Bilgi Sistemleri Bilisim Gunleri, Fatih Universitesi, istanbul
BROMLEY, R. NELSON,L, A.,2002. "Alcohol related crime and disorder across urban space and time: evidence from a British city" Geoforum Volum. 33. Page. 239-254. England
BROMLEY, R. THOMAS, C.,1997. "Vehicle Crime in the City Centre Planning for Secure Parking." Town Planning Review. Volum. 68. Page. 257-278. England
CARMICHAEL, F. WARD, R., 2001. "Male Unemployment and Crime in England and Wales" Economic letters Volume.73. Page.lll-li5. England
CLARKE, V. R.; 2002 a, Shoplifting. Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Series. No.1 1. www. Usa.
CLARKE, V. R.; 2002 b, Thefts of and from Cars in Parcing Facilities. ProblemOriented Guides for Police Series. No. 10. www. Usa.
COETZER, c.; 2000, Crime Prevention at Business Complexes. A Case Study at Centurion Centre, Crime Research in South Africa. Vol. 1. No.1
CRAGLIA, .M. HAINING,.R. SIGNORETTA, P., 2001. "Modelling Highintensity Crime Areas in English Cities" Urban Studies. Vol. 38. No.1 1. Page. 1921-1941. England
DURSUN,H., 1997, Sucun Ekonomik Modelleri. DPT Yaymi Ankara
DUTT,.KA NOBLE,.GA SHARMA, KK, 1985. "Variation of the Spatial Patterns of Crime in Ajmer, Indiana" Indian Journal of Criminology. Vol.l3. No.!. Indiana
DUTT,.K.A POMERY, .M. WADWHA, V., 1998. "Large Cities Crime Pattern Changes in India 1971-1991." The National Geographical Journal of India. Vol. 44. Indiana
DUTT,.KA NOBLE,.G.A. SINGH, S.,1979. "Is There a North-Central Subculture of Violence in India". The National Geographical Journal of India. Vol. 25. No.2 Indiana
EGE,.B. HANCI, H. ERTURK, .S., 1992, "Iunir iii Cocuk Suclari Haritasi," Cocuk ve Ergen Psikiyatrisi Bildiriler Kitabi, s 316-322 Izmir,
ENTORF, .H. SPENGLER, H., 2000. "Socioeconomc and Demographic Factors of Crime in Germany?' International Review of law and Economics. Volume.20. Page.75-106.
ERDOGAN, A, DUZGUN, S., 2003. "Mekan ve Sue, Sue Haritalamasi ve Viger Analitik Yaklasunlat" Emniyet Genel Mudurlugu Polis Dergisi. YIL9 SayI.36 s.482-490 Ankara.
ERGiL, D.,l978, " A Soctologtal .\tutiysts of Honor Crimes in Turkey," ODTU Gelisme DergisiStudies in Development. 20 Ankara.
GOKSU, E., 2003. 1929 Dunya Ekonomik Buhran Yillannda izmir ve Sue Cografyasi. izmir Buyuk Sehir Belediyesi Kent Kitaphgi. No.39, izmir.
GRIFFIN, J., 2001. "Intemational Crime Mapping Caveats and Considerations" Crime Mapping News, Vol:3, Issue: 1 Usa.
GYAMFI ,A.J., 2003. "Urban Crime Trends and Patterns in Ghana, The Case of Accra." Journal of Criminal Justice No.31, Page. 13-23.
HAMERMES, S.D.,1999. "Crime and Timing of Work." Journal of Urban Economics No.45. Page.311-320.
HANCI, H. DEMiRCiN, S. COSKUNOL, H. ERTURK, S. YEMisciGiL, A., 1993. "Cocuklartn Oturduklan Bolgelere Gore [zmir jlindeki Cocuk Suclannin Dagilinu ". Ege TIp Dergisi 32. izmir
HANCI, H. OZKEN, B. GULER,T., 1998 Kentte Sucluluk ve Kent Sucu, Yerel . Gundem 21 izmir'in Kentlesme Cevre Go<;; Sorunlan ve Cozum Onerileri, Cilt 1 S.187-197. izmir.
HARRIES,.D.K., 1973. "Spatial Aspects of Violence and Metropolitan Population." The Professional Geographer. Vol. XXV, No. 1. Usa.
HARRIES,.D.K., 1999, Mapping Crime: Principle and Practice (Elektronik Kitap). USA
HERZOG, S.; 2002. "Empirical Analysis of Motor Vehicle Theft in Israel 19901997", British Journal of Crimonology. Vo1ume.42. Page.709-728. England.
i<;Li,T.,1993, Tiirkiye'de Suclular Sosyal Kulturel ve Ekonomik Ozellikleri, Ataturk Kultur Dil ve Tarih Yuksek Kurumu Yayun Sayi 71. Ankara
JOHNSON, c.P., Crime Mapping and Analysis Using GIS, Geomatics Group, CDAC, Pune University Campus, Pune 411007. USA
KARAKAS, E., 1999, "Elazig Sehrinin Gelismesi", FIrat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Cilt.9. Sayr.I. SyLl29-155. Elazig,
KARAKAS, E., 2001, "Elaug Sehir Niifusunda Turizm Egilimi" FIrat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.1 1. Sayi.L Syf. 57-87. Elazrg,
KARAKAS, E, KARADOGAN, S., ARSLAN, H., 2003a."CBS Ortanutula Stu; Haritalama Teknikleri", 1 Polis Bilisirn Sempozyumu s.123-134. Ankara.
KARAKA$, E, KARADOGAN, S, ARSLAN, H., 2003b. "Su9 Arasttrmalaruida CBS Sistetniyle Olusturulan Haritalartn Onemi"; 1 Polis Bilisim Sempozyumu, s.358-362, Ankara.
KARAKA$. E, KARADOGAN, S, ARSLAN, H., 2004. "Su9 Haritalari ve Bilgisayar Teknolojisi" Pamukkale Universitesi Miihendislik Fakiiltesi Miihendislik Bilimleri Dergisi II. Bilgi Teknolojileri Kongresi Ozel Sayrsi. s.37-42. Denizli.
KARAKA$, E., 2004. "ElaZlg Sehrinde Htrstzlik Stu: Dagilts: ve O::.ellikleri" Firat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.l-l. Sayi. 1 s.19-39 Elazig.
KARAKA$, E., 2005a. "Uygulamalt Cografyada SU9 Haritalari I. Veri Kaynaklan" Firat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.l5, Sayl.1,Syf.57-69, Elazrg.
KARAKA$, E.,2005b. "Uygulamali Cografyada SU9 Haritalari II .SUf{ Harita Tipleri" Firat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt.l5, SayI.2. Syf.31-50, Elazig.
KARAKA$, E., 2005c. "SUf{ Haritalamada Alan, Veri ve Amactn Harita Tipine Etkisi', II. Polis Bilisim Sempozyumu s.146-151, Ankara.
KIZMAZ, Z., 2003. "Ekonomik Yapi ve SUf{ Bazi Arasttrma Bilgileri Uzerine Genel Bir Degerlendirme" FIrat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.l3. Sayt. 2 s.270-305 Elazig.
KIZMAZ, Z., 2004. "Ogrenim Diizeyi ve Suc-Okul lliskisi Uzerine Sosyolojikllir Arasttrma " Firat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.14. Sayi. 2 s.291-321 Elazrg.
KIZMAZ, Z., 2005 a. "Din ve Sucluluk.Suc Teorileri Actsuulan Kuramsal Bir Yaklasun" Firat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.l5. Sayi. 1 s.189-217 Elazig.
KIZMAZ, Z., 2005 b. "Kriminolojide Yeni Yonelimier Biaiinlesik SUf{ Kuramlart I." FIrat Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt.15. Sayi. 2 s.349-379 Elazrg.
KOSKELA, H. PAIN,R.,2000. "Revisiting Fear and Place WOlllens Fear ofAttack and the Built Environment", Geoforum. No.3!. Page.269-280.
LEisMAN, F., 2002. The Weather, Crime and Criminology. publiclectures/ resources/Leishman.pdf . Southampton UK.
MULMAT,H.D. RIENICK, C. MELTON, R. PENNELL, S.; 1998, Targeting Auto Theft with a Regional Task Force and Mapping Technology. San Diego. USA
NELSON,A.L. BROMLEY, R.D.F. THOMAS, i.c., 2001. "Identifying MicroSpatial and Temporal Patterns of Violent Crime and Disorder in Tlic British City Centre". Applied Geography No.21, Page. 249-274.
bZEY. R., 2004, "Insan Davrantslan Hukuk, Giivenlik; SlU; ve Cografya", Emniyet Genel MUdUrlUgU Polis Dergisi. YII.lO. SayI.39. S. 386-393. Ankara..
PRADHAN, M. RAV ALLION, M.,2003. "Who Wants Safer Streets Explaining Concern for Public Safety in Brazil." Journal of Ecenomic Psychology. Volume.24, Page.17-33.
RICH, F. T., 1995, The Use of Computerized Mapping in Crime Control and Prevention Programs. Research in Action, National Enstitute of Justice, Washington Usa.
RICH, F. T., 1999. Problem Solving with Maps. National Enstitute of Justice Journal. October 1999. Usa.
SARAN, N., 1979, "(:ocuk S'l('lulugu ve Parcalannus Aileler", LO. Edebiyat FakUltesi Sosyal Antropoloji ve Etnoloji Dergisi. No.3, S. 25-30, istanbul
SCOTT, J. MESSNER, F. S., 2000 "Crime and Demography Multiple linkages Reciprocal Relations". Annual Reviews Sociology. Vo1ume.26, Page.83106.
SOYASLAN, D., 1998. Kriminoloji (sue ve ceza bilimleri) Ankara Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Yaymlan No.526. Ankara.
T.C. i<;iSLERi BAKANLIGI EMNiYET GENEL MOD., 2002, Sue ve Suclu Profili. Emniyet Genel MUdUrlUgU APK Daire Baskanligr Ankara.
TIESDELL, J., 1998. "City Centre Management and Seifer City Centers Approaches in Coventry and Nottingham" . Cities, Volume 15, No.2. England.
VELASCO, M. BOBA, R., 2000, Manuel of Crime Analysis Map Production. Police Foundation, Community Orient Policing Services. US Department of Justice. Usa.
VENKATESH, S. CURTIS, R. RAMSEY, H. C., 1999. Looking at Crime from Street Level. U.S.A Department of Justice. Usa
VIGNE, N., 1999, "Computerized Mapping as a Tool for Problem Oriented Policing" Crime Mapping News, YoU, Issue: 1 Usa.
WADHWA, V. DUTT, K.A., 2000 "Crime Geography of India a Review of Selected Contributions". National Association of Geographers India. Volume XX. No.2, Page.l24-136.. Indiana
YAVUZER, H.,198!. Psiko-Sosyal Acidan Cocuk Suclulugu. istanbul Universitesi Edebiyat Fakultesi Yay. No.2798. istanbul.
YUK, L., EGAN, 1. E, 1972, "The Geography of Urban Crime: The Spatial Pattern of Serious Crime in the City of Denver". Association of American Geographers. Volume.4. Page. 59-64.Usa.