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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 144 - 152, 21.05.2015



Günümüzde Avrupa da ve endüstriyel olarak gelişmekte olan bölgelerde her ne kadar dişsizlik oranı ve diş kayıpları son yıllarda azalıyor ve implant tedavi- leri daha popüler tedaviler haline geliyor olsa da önü- müzdeki yıllarda da bölümlü veya tam dişsiz hastalar konvansiyonel prostodontik tedaviye ihtiyaç duyacak- lardır. Yumuşak astar materyalleri maxillofasi yal ve tam protezlerde tutuculuğu arttırmak,  reziduel alve- olar kretlerin ilerlemiş rezorbsiyonlarında ve travmatize destek dokuların tedavisinde hastaya konfor sağlamak amacıyla sıklıkla kullanılırlar. Doku düzenleyiciler ise kuvvet dağılımını dengelemek amacıyla protez iç yüzeyine uygulanırlar. Akrilik rezinlerin, yumuşak astar materyallerinin ve doku düzenleyicilerin zaman içeri- sinde yapılarının bozunmasına ve fonksiyonlarının olumsuz etkilenmesine neden olan en önemli özel- liklerden biride çözünürlük özelliğidir. Bu makalede hareketli protezlerin kaide materyali olan akrilik rezinlerin, yumuşak astar materyallerinin ve doku düzenleyicilerin çözünürlük özellikleri incelenmiştir.

Anahtar kelimeler: Akrilik rezin, Astar materyalleri, Çözünürlük



In recent decades, the prevalence of edentulism and the incidence of tooth loss has decreased in Europe and other industrialized regions; furthermore oral implants are becoming more popular. However in coming decades most patients with complete or partial edentulism will continue to receive conventional prosthodontic treatment. Soft denture relining materials are often used in order to gain retention for maxillofacial and complete dentures, to treat the traumatic supporting tissues to provide the comfort for patients and of improved resorbtion of residual alveolar crets. Tissue conditioners are also used for balancing the distribution of the loads. The solubility property is one of the main reason of the the structure of the acrylic resins, soft relining materials and tissue conditioners. In this article the solubility property of the acrylic resins, soft denture relining materials and tissue conditioners are reviewed.

Key Words: Acrylic resin, Relining materials, Solubility


  • Martori E, Montero RA, Gomis JM, Vinas M, Peraire M. Risk factors for denture related oral mucosal lesions in a geriatric population. J Prosthet Dent 2014;111:273-9.
  • Mancuso DN,Goiato MC, Zuccolotti BCR, Moreno A, dos Santos DM, Pesqueira AA. Effect of thermocycling on hardness, absorption, solubility and colour change of soft liners. Gerodontology 2012;29:215-9.
  • Tacir İH, Meşe A, Güzel KG. Fiber ile güçlendirmenin ve farklı polimerizasyon tekniklerinin, iki farklı protez kaide rezininin su emilim miktarına etkisi. Cumhuriyet Üni Diş Hek Fak Derg 2003;6:94-101.
  • Vallittu PK, Ruyter IE, Ekstrand K. Effect of water storage on the flexural properties of Eglass and silica fiber acrylic resin composite. Int J Prosthodont 1998;11:340-50.
  • Takahashi Y, Chai J, Kawaguchi M. Effect of water sorption on the resistance to plastic deformation of a denture base material relined with four different denture reline materials. Int J Prosthodont 1998;11:49–54.
  • Takahashi Y, Chai J, Kawaguchi M. Equilibrium strengths of denture polymers subjected to long- term water immersion. Int J Prosthodont 1999;12: 348–52.
  • Archadian N, Kawano F, Ohguri T et al. Flexural strength of rebased denture polymers. J Oral Rehabil 2000;27:690–6.
  • Lloyd CH. The fracture toughness of dental composites. The environmental and temperature dependence of the stress intensification factor (KIC). J Oral Rehabil 1982;9:133–8.
  • Finoti LS, Machado AL, Carolina De Andrade Lima Chaves,ACPavarina ,Vergani CE Effect of long- term water immersion on the fracture toughness of denture base and reline resins. Gerodontology 2012;29:858–64.
  • Karaağaçlıoğlu L, Kalıpçılar B, Hasanreisoğlu U. Oda ısısında polimerize olan enjeksiyon su emilimi, çözünürlük ve yüzey özelliklerinin değerlen- dirilmesi. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1988;15:59-63.
  • Karacaer Ö, Yaman DS, Değim GZ. Kompozit rezin materyallerin su emilimi ve çözünürlüğü. Atatürk Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 2001;11:7-10.
  • Nalbant L, Burgaz Y. Enjeksiyon sistemi ve konvansiyonel mufla tekniği ile hazırlanan protez kaide materyallerinin su emme ve çözünürlük oranlarının değerlendirilmesi, A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1990;17:333-7.
  • Miettinen VM, Vallittu PK, Docent DT. Water sorption and solubility of glass fiber-reinforced denture polymethyl methacrylate resin. J Prosthet Dent 1997;77:531-4.
  • Tsuchiya H, Hoshino Y, Tajima K, Takagi N. Leaching and cytotoxicty of formaldehyde and methylmetacrylate from acrylic resin denture base materials. J Prosthet Dent 1994;71:618-24.
  • Rahal JS, Mesquıta MF, Henrıques GEP, Nobılo MAA. Influence of chemical and mechanical polishing on water sorption and solubility of denture base acrylic resins. Braz Dent J 2004;15: 225-30.
  • Lewis BB, Chestner SB. Formaldehyde in dentisty: a review of mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. J Am Dent Assoc 1981;103:429-34.
  • Budtz-Jorgensen E. Preventive Measures and Maintenance Care after Treatment. In: Budtz- Jorgensen E, eds. Prosthodontics for the elderly. In: Chicago;Quintessence Publishing:1999.p.229-57.
  • Chamberlain BB, Bernier SH, Bloem TJ, Razzoog ME. Denture plaque control and inflammation in the edentulous patient. J Prosthet Dent 1985;54:78-81.
  • Dills SS, Olshan AM, Goldner S, Brogdon C. Comparison of the antimicrobial capability of an abrasive paste and chemical-soak denture cleaners. J Prosthet Dent 1988;60:467-70.
  • Palenik CJ, Miller CH. In vitro testing of three denture-cleaning systems. J Prosthet Dent 1984; 51:751-4.
  • Raab FJ, Taylor CA, Bucher JA, Mann BL. Scanning electron microscopic examination of ultrasonic and effervescent methods of surface contaminant removal from complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1991;65:255-8.
  • Nakamoto K, Tamamoto M, Hamada T. Evaluation of denture cleansers with and without enzymes against Candida albicans. J Prosthet Dent 1991;66:792-5.
  • Turgut M, Polat NT, Doğan DÖ, Gürelik GM. Protez Temizleme Preparatlarının Kaide Akrilik Rezinlerinin Su Emilimi ve Çözünürlüğü Üzerine Etkileri. Türkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci 2008;14:137-41
  • Ural Ç, Şanal FA, Cenfiz S. Effect of Different Denture Cleansers on Surface Roughness of Denture Base Materials. Clinical Dentistry and Research 2011;35:14-20.
  • Polat TN, Karacaer O, Tezvergil A, Lassila LV, Vallittu PK. Water sorption, solubility and dimensional changes of denture base polymers reinforced with short glass fibers. J Biomater Appl 2003;17:321-35.
  • Lefebvre CA, Knoernschild KL, Schuster GS. Cytotoxicity of eluates from light-polymerized denture base resins. J Prosthet Dent 1994;72:644- 50.
  • Dhir G, Berzins DW, Dhuru VB et al. Physical properties of denture base resins potentially resistant to Candida adhesion. J Prosthodont 2007;16:465–72.
  • Kerby RE, Knobloch LA, Schricker S et al. Synthesis and evaluation of modified urethane dimethacrylate resins with reduced water sorption and solubility. Dent Mater 2009;25:302-13.
  • Machado AL, Aaron D. Puckett, Larry C. Breeding, Amanda Fucci Wady Carlos Eduardo Vergani. Effect of thermocycling on the flexural and impact strength of urethane-based and high-impact denture base resins. Gerodontology 2012;29:318- 23.
  • Lai CP, Tsai MH, Chen M, Chang HS, Tay HH. Morphology and properties of denture acrylic resins cured by microwave energy and conventional water bath. Dent Mater 2004;20: 133-41.
  • Pfeiffer P, Rosenbauer EU. Residual methyl metacrylate monomer, water sorptıon and solubility of hypoallergenik denture base materials. J Prosthet Dent 2004;92:72-8.
  • Lassıla LVJ, Vallıttu PK. Denture base polymer Alldent Sinomer: mechanical properties, water sorption and release of residual compounds. J Oral Rehabil 2001;28:607-13.
  • Takahashi Y, Chai J, Kawaguchi M. Effect of water sorption on the resistance to plastic deformation of a denture base material relined with four different denture reline materials. Int J Prosthodont 1998; 11:49–54.
  • Pisani MX, Malheiros-Segundo Ade L, Balbino KL, de Souza RF, Paranhos HF, da Silva CH. Oral health related quality of life of edentulous patients after denture relining with a silicone-based soft liner. Gerodontology 2012;29:474–80.
  • Atay A, Saraçlı M, Akyıl Ş, Tukay A, Oruç S. Candida Albicans’in Yumuşak Astar Maddelerine Olan Adezyonunun Modifiye Bir Teknikle İn-vitro Değerlendirilmesi. Hacettepe Diş Hek Fak Derg 2007;31:74-8.
  • Yanıkoğlu N. Yumuşak astar maddeleri ve özellikleri. Atatürk Üniv. Diş Hek Fak Der 2003- 2004;13,14:55-64.
  • Türker ŞB, Şener ID, Buğurman B. Silikon bazlı daimi yumuşak astar materyallerinin renk stabilitesinin in vitro olarak değerlendirilmesi Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2008;18:53-9.
  • Zuluaga DJM, Velandia OCG, Clauija DMR. Denture-related stomatitis managed with tissue conditioner and hard autopolymerising reline material. Gerodontology 2011;28:258–63.
  • Hayakawa I, Keh ES, Morizawa M, Muraoka G, Hirano S. . A new polyisoprene-based light-curing denture soft lining material. J Dent 2003;31:269- 74.
  • Akşit KS, Mandalı G, Gürbüz Ö. Protetik tedavide bir yumuşak astar maddesi; Molloplast-B. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2012;Supplement:5:113-22.
  • Kazanji MNM, Watkinson AC. Soft lining materials: their absorption of, and solubility in, artificial saliva. Br Dent J 1988;165:91-4.
  • Dinçkal Yanıkoğlu N, Yeşil Duymuş Z. Comparative study of water sorption and solubility of soft lining materials in the different solutions. Dent Mater J 2004;23:233-9.
  • Parr GR, Rueggeberg FA. In vitro hardness, water sorption and resin solubility of laboratory- processed and autopolymerized long term resilient denture liners over one year of water storage. J Prosthet Dent 2002;88:139-44.
  • El-Hadary A, Drummond JL. Comparative study of water sorption, solubility, and tensile bond strength of two soft lining materials. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:356–61.
  • Lefebvre CA, Schuster GS, Caughman GB,Caughman WF. Effects of denture base resins on oral epithelial cells. Int J Prosthodont 1991;4: 371–6.
  • Barron DJ, Schuster GS, Caughman GB, Lefebvre CA. Biocompatibility of visible light-polymerized denture base resins. Int J Prosthodont 1993;6: 495–501.
  • Lefebvre CA, Schuster GS. Biocompatibility of visible light-cured resin systems in prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 1994;71:178–85.
  • Dahl JE, Frangou-Polyzois MJ, Gregory L. Polyzois GL. In vitro biocompatibility of denture relining materials. Gerodontology 2006;23;17–22.
  • Tay LY, Herrera DR, Quishida CC, Carloz IZ, Jorge JH. Effect of water storage and heat treatment on the cytotoxicity of soft liners. Gerodontology 2012; 29:275–80.
  • Murata H, Kawamura M, Hamada T, Saleh S, Kresnoadi U, Toki K. Dimensional stability and weight changes of tissue conditioners. J Oral Rehabil. 2001;28:918-23.
  • Pisani MX, daSilva CH, Paranhos HF, Souza RF, Macedo AP. Evaluation of experimental cleanser solution of Ricinus communis: effect on soft denture liner properties. Gerodontology 2012;29: 179–85.
  • Pisani MX, da Silva CH, de Malheiros-Segundo AL, Macedo AP, Paranhos HF. Bond strength and degree of infiltration between acrylic resin/denture liner after immersion in effervescent denture cleanser. J Prosthodont 2009;18:123-9.
  • Mante FK, Mante MO, Petropolous VC. In vitro changes in hardness of sealed resilient lining materials on immersion in various fluids. J Prosthodont 2008;17:384–91.
  • Jin C, Nikawa HS, Makihira T, Hamada T, HM, Murata H. Changes in surface roughness and color stability of denture lining materials caused by denture cleansers. J Oral Rehabil 2003;30:125–30.
  • Sarac¸ D, Sarac¸ YS, Kurt M, Yuzbasioglu E. The of denture cleansers on soft denture liners colored by food colorant solutions. J Prosthodont 2007;16: 185–91.
  • Mancuso DN, Goiato MC, Zuccolotti BCR, Moreno A, Santos DM. Evaluation of hardness and colour change of soft liners after accelerated ageing. Prim Dent Care 2009;16:127–30.
  • Wagner WC, Kawano F, Dootz ER, Koran AIII. Dynamic viscoelastic properties of processed soft denture liners. Part II. Effect ageing. J Prosthet Dent 1995;74:299–304.
  • Polysois GL, Yannikakis SA, Zissis AJ, Demetrious PP. Color changes of denture base materials after disinfection and sterilization immersion. Int J Prosthodont 1997;10:83–9.
  • Oguz S, Mutluay MM, Dogan OM, Bek B. Color change evaluation of denture soft lining materials in coffee and tea. J Dent Mater 2007;26:209–16.
  • Aziz T, Waters M, Jagger R. Development of a new poly(dimethylsiloxane) maxillofacial prosthetic material. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 2003;65:252–61.
  • Graham BS,Jones DW, Sutow EJ. An in vivo and in vitro study of the loss of plasticizer from soft polymer-gel materials. J Dent Res 1991;70:870-3.
  • Hashimoto Y, Tanaka J, Suzuki K, Nakamura M. Cytocompatibility of a tissue conditioner containing vinyl ester as a plasticizer. Dent Mater J 2007;26:785-91.
  • Munksgaard EC. Leaching of plasticizers from temporary denture soft lining materials. Eur J Oral Sci 2004;112:101-4.


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 144 - 152, 21.05.2015


In recent decades, the prevalence of edentulism and the incidence of tooth loss has decreased in Europe and other industrialized regions; furthermore oral implants are becoming more popular. However in coming decades most patients with complete or partial edentulism will continue to receive conventional prosthodontic treatment. Soft denture relining materials are often used in order to gain retention for maxillofacial and complete dentures, to treat the traumatic supporting tissues to provide the comfort for patients and of improved resorbtion of residual alveolar crets. Tissue conditioners are also used for balancing the distribution of the loads. The solubility property is one of the main reason of the the structure of the acrylic resins, soft relining materials and tissue conditioners. In this article the solubility property of the acrylic resins, soft denture relining materials and tissue conditioners are reviewed


  • Martori E, Montero RA, Gomis JM, Vinas M, Peraire M. Risk factors for denture related oral mucosal lesions in a geriatric population. J Prosthet Dent 2014;111:273-9.
  • Mancuso DN,Goiato MC, Zuccolotti BCR, Moreno A, dos Santos DM, Pesqueira AA. Effect of thermocycling on hardness, absorption, solubility and colour change of soft liners. Gerodontology 2012;29:215-9.
  • Tacir İH, Meşe A, Güzel KG. Fiber ile güçlendirmenin ve farklı polimerizasyon tekniklerinin, iki farklı protez kaide rezininin su emilim miktarına etkisi. Cumhuriyet Üni Diş Hek Fak Derg 2003;6:94-101.
  • Vallittu PK, Ruyter IE, Ekstrand K. Effect of water storage on the flexural properties of Eglass and silica fiber acrylic resin composite. Int J Prosthodont 1998;11:340-50.
  • Takahashi Y, Chai J, Kawaguchi M. Effect of water sorption on the resistance to plastic deformation of a denture base material relined with four different denture reline materials. Int J Prosthodont 1998;11:49–54.
  • Takahashi Y, Chai J, Kawaguchi M. Equilibrium strengths of denture polymers subjected to long- term water immersion. Int J Prosthodont 1999;12: 348–52.
  • Archadian N, Kawano F, Ohguri T et al. Flexural strength of rebased denture polymers. J Oral Rehabil 2000;27:690–6.
  • Lloyd CH. The fracture toughness of dental composites. The environmental and temperature dependence of the stress intensification factor (KIC). J Oral Rehabil 1982;9:133–8.
  • Finoti LS, Machado AL, Carolina De Andrade Lima Chaves,ACPavarina ,Vergani CE Effect of long- term water immersion on the fracture toughness of denture base and reline resins. Gerodontology 2012;29:858–64.
  • Karaağaçlıoğlu L, Kalıpçılar B, Hasanreisoğlu U. Oda ısısında polimerize olan enjeksiyon su emilimi, çözünürlük ve yüzey özelliklerinin değerlen- dirilmesi. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1988;15:59-63.
  • Karacaer Ö, Yaman DS, Değim GZ. Kompozit rezin materyallerin su emilimi ve çözünürlüğü. Atatürk Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 2001;11:7-10.
  • Nalbant L, Burgaz Y. Enjeksiyon sistemi ve konvansiyonel mufla tekniği ile hazırlanan protez kaide materyallerinin su emme ve çözünürlük oranlarının değerlendirilmesi, A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1990;17:333-7.
  • Miettinen VM, Vallittu PK, Docent DT. Water sorption and solubility of glass fiber-reinforced denture polymethyl methacrylate resin. J Prosthet Dent 1997;77:531-4.
  • Tsuchiya H, Hoshino Y, Tajima K, Takagi N. Leaching and cytotoxicty of formaldehyde and methylmetacrylate from acrylic resin denture base materials. J Prosthet Dent 1994;71:618-24.
  • Rahal JS, Mesquıta MF, Henrıques GEP, Nobılo MAA. Influence of chemical and mechanical polishing on water sorption and solubility of denture base acrylic resins. Braz Dent J 2004;15: 225-30.
  • Lewis BB, Chestner SB. Formaldehyde in dentisty: a review of mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. J Am Dent Assoc 1981;103:429-34.
  • Budtz-Jorgensen E. Preventive Measures and Maintenance Care after Treatment. In: Budtz- Jorgensen E, eds. Prosthodontics for the elderly. In: Chicago;Quintessence Publishing:1999.p.229-57.
  • Chamberlain BB, Bernier SH, Bloem TJ, Razzoog ME. Denture plaque control and inflammation in the edentulous patient. J Prosthet Dent 1985;54:78-81.
  • Dills SS, Olshan AM, Goldner S, Brogdon C. Comparison of the antimicrobial capability of an abrasive paste and chemical-soak denture cleaners. J Prosthet Dent 1988;60:467-70.
  • Palenik CJ, Miller CH. In vitro testing of three denture-cleaning systems. J Prosthet Dent 1984; 51:751-4.
  • Raab FJ, Taylor CA, Bucher JA, Mann BL. Scanning electron microscopic examination of ultrasonic and effervescent methods of surface contaminant removal from complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1991;65:255-8.
  • Nakamoto K, Tamamoto M, Hamada T. Evaluation of denture cleansers with and without enzymes against Candida albicans. J Prosthet Dent 1991;66:792-5.
  • Turgut M, Polat NT, Doğan DÖ, Gürelik GM. Protez Temizleme Preparatlarının Kaide Akrilik Rezinlerinin Su Emilimi ve Çözünürlüğü Üzerine Etkileri. Türkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci 2008;14:137-41
  • Ural Ç, Şanal FA, Cenfiz S. Effect of Different Denture Cleansers on Surface Roughness of Denture Base Materials. Clinical Dentistry and Research 2011;35:14-20.
  • Polat TN, Karacaer O, Tezvergil A, Lassila LV, Vallittu PK. Water sorption, solubility and dimensional changes of denture base polymers reinforced with short glass fibers. J Biomater Appl 2003;17:321-35.
  • Lefebvre CA, Knoernschild KL, Schuster GS. Cytotoxicity of eluates from light-polymerized denture base resins. J Prosthet Dent 1994;72:644- 50.
  • Dhir G, Berzins DW, Dhuru VB et al. Physical properties of denture base resins potentially resistant to Candida adhesion. J Prosthodont 2007;16:465–72.
  • Kerby RE, Knobloch LA, Schricker S et al. Synthesis and evaluation of modified urethane dimethacrylate resins with reduced water sorption and solubility. Dent Mater 2009;25:302-13.
  • Machado AL, Aaron D. Puckett, Larry C. Breeding, Amanda Fucci Wady Carlos Eduardo Vergani. Effect of thermocycling on the flexural and impact strength of urethane-based and high-impact denture base resins. Gerodontology 2012;29:318- 23.
  • Lai CP, Tsai MH, Chen M, Chang HS, Tay HH. Morphology and properties of denture acrylic resins cured by microwave energy and conventional water bath. Dent Mater 2004;20: 133-41.
  • Pfeiffer P, Rosenbauer EU. Residual methyl metacrylate monomer, water sorptıon and solubility of hypoallergenik denture base materials. J Prosthet Dent 2004;92:72-8.
  • Lassıla LVJ, Vallıttu PK. Denture base polymer Alldent Sinomer: mechanical properties, water sorption and release of residual compounds. J Oral Rehabil 2001;28:607-13.
  • Takahashi Y, Chai J, Kawaguchi M. Effect of water sorption on the resistance to plastic deformation of a denture base material relined with four different denture reline materials. Int J Prosthodont 1998; 11:49–54.
  • Pisani MX, Malheiros-Segundo Ade L, Balbino KL, de Souza RF, Paranhos HF, da Silva CH. Oral health related quality of life of edentulous patients after denture relining with a silicone-based soft liner. Gerodontology 2012;29:474–80.
  • Atay A, Saraçlı M, Akyıl Ş, Tukay A, Oruç S. Candida Albicans’in Yumuşak Astar Maddelerine Olan Adezyonunun Modifiye Bir Teknikle İn-vitro Değerlendirilmesi. Hacettepe Diş Hek Fak Derg 2007;31:74-8.
  • Yanıkoğlu N. Yumuşak astar maddeleri ve özellikleri. Atatürk Üniv. Diş Hek Fak Der 2003- 2004;13,14:55-64.
  • Türker ŞB, Şener ID, Buğurman B. Silikon bazlı daimi yumuşak astar materyallerinin renk stabilitesinin in vitro olarak değerlendirilmesi Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2008;18:53-9.
  • Zuluaga DJM, Velandia OCG, Clauija DMR. Denture-related stomatitis managed with tissue conditioner and hard autopolymerising reline material. Gerodontology 2011;28:258–63.
  • Hayakawa I, Keh ES, Morizawa M, Muraoka G, Hirano S. . A new polyisoprene-based light-curing denture soft lining material. J Dent 2003;31:269- 74.
  • Akşit KS, Mandalı G, Gürbüz Ö. Protetik tedavide bir yumuşak astar maddesi; Molloplast-B. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2012;Supplement:5:113-22.
  • Kazanji MNM, Watkinson AC. Soft lining materials: their absorption of, and solubility in, artificial saliva. Br Dent J 1988;165:91-4.
  • Dinçkal Yanıkoğlu N, Yeşil Duymuş Z. Comparative study of water sorption and solubility of soft lining materials in the different solutions. Dent Mater J 2004;23:233-9.
  • Parr GR, Rueggeberg FA. In vitro hardness, water sorption and resin solubility of laboratory- processed and autopolymerized long term resilient denture liners over one year of water storage. J Prosthet Dent 2002;88:139-44.
  • El-Hadary A, Drummond JL. Comparative study of water sorption, solubility, and tensile bond strength of two soft lining materials. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:356–61.
  • Lefebvre CA, Schuster GS, Caughman GB,Caughman WF. Effects of denture base resins on oral epithelial cells. Int J Prosthodont 1991;4: 371–6.
  • Barron DJ, Schuster GS, Caughman GB, Lefebvre CA. Biocompatibility of visible light-polymerized denture base resins. Int J Prosthodont 1993;6: 495–501.
  • Lefebvre CA, Schuster GS. Biocompatibility of visible light-cured resin systems in prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 1994;71:178–85.
  • Dahl JE, Frangou-Polyzois MJ, Gregory L. Polyzois GL. In vitro biocompatibility of denture relining materials. Gerodontology 2006;23;17–22.
  • Tay LY, Herrera DR, Quishida CC, Carloz IZ, Jorge JH. Effect of water storage and heat treatment on the cytotoxicity of soft liners. Gerodontology 2012; 29:275–80.
  • Murata H, Kawamura M, Hamada T, Saleh S, Kresnoadi U, Toki K. Dimensional stability and weight changes of tissue conditioners. J Oral Rehabil. 2001;28:918-23.
  • Pisani MX, daSilva CH, Paranhos HF, Souza RF, Macedo AP. Evaluation of experimental cleanser solution of Ricinus communis: effect on soft denture liner properties. Gerodontology 2012;29: 179–85.
  • Pisani MX, da Silva CH, de Malheiros-Segundo AL, Macedo AP, Paranhos HF. Bond strength and degree of infiltration between acrylic resin/denture liner after immersion in effervescent denture cleanser. J Prosthodont 2009;18:123-9.
  • Mante FK, Mante MO, Petropolous VC. In vitro changes in hardness of sealed resilient lining materials on immersion in various fluids. J Prosthodont 2008;17:384–91.
  • Jin C, Nikawa HS, Makihira T, Hamada T, HM, Murata H. Changes in surface roughness and color stability of denture lining materials caused by denture cleansers. J Oral Rehabil 2003;30:125–30.
  • Sarac¸ D, Sarac¸ YS, Kurt M, Yuzbasioglu E. The of denture cleansers on soft denture liners colored by food colorant solutions. J Prosthodont 2007;16: 185–91.
  • Mancuso DN, Goiato MC, Zuccolotti BCR, Moreno A, Santos DM. Evaluation of hardness and colour change of soft liners after accelerated ageing. Prim Dent Care 2009;16:127–30.
  • Wagner WC, Kawano F, Dootz ER, Koran AIII. Dynamic viscoelastic properties of processed soft denture liners. Part II. Effect ageing. J Prosthet Dent 1995;74:299–304.
  • Polysois GL, Yannikakis SA, Zissis AJ, Demetrious PP. Color changes of denture base materials after disinfection and sterilization immersion. Int J Prosthodont 1997;10:83–9.
  • Oguz S, Mutluay MM, Dogan OM, Bek B. Color change evaluation of denture soft lining materials in coffee and tea. J Dent Mater 2007;26:209–16.
  • Aziz T, Waters M, Jagger R. Development of a new poly(dimethylsiloxane) maxillofacial prosthetic material. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 2003;65:252–61.
  • Graham BS,Jones DW, Sutow EJ. An in vivo and in vitro study of the loss of plasticizer from soft polymer-gel materials. J Dent Res 1991;70:870-3.
  • Hashimoto Y, Tanaka J, Suzuki K, Nakamura M. Cytocompatibility of a tissue conditioner containing vinyl ester as a plasticizer. Dent Mater J 2007;26:785-91.
  • Munksgaard EC. Leaching of plasticizers from temporary denture soft lining materials. Eur J Oral Sci 2004;112:101-4.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Şener Yamaner, İ., Tutal, Z., & Tuncer, E. (2015). AKRİLİK REZİNLER, YUMUŞAK ASTAR MATERYALLERİ VE DOKU DÜZENLEYİCİLERİN ÇÖZÜNÜRLÜK ÖZELLİKLERİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(1), 144-152.
AMA Şener Yamaner İ, Tutal Z, Tuncer E. AKRİLİK REZİNLER, YUMUŞAK ASTAR MATERYALLERİ VE DOKU DÜZENLEYİCİLERİN ÇÖZÜNÜRLÜK ÖZELLİKLERİ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. Mayıs 2015;25(1):144-152. doi:10.17567/dfd.90886
Chicago Şener Yamaner, İşıl, Zeynep Tutal, ve Erman Tuncer. “AKRİLİK REZİNLER, YUMUŞAK ASTAR MATERYALLERİ VE DOKU DÜZENLEYİCİLERİN ÇÖZÜNÜRLÜK ÖZELLİKLERİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2015): 144-52.
EndNote Şener Yamaner İ, Tutal Z, Tuncer E (01 Mayıs 2015) AKRİLİK REZİNLER, YUMUŞAK ASTAR MATERYALLERİ VE DOKU DÜZENLEYİCİLERİN ÇÖZÜNÜRLÜK ÖZELLİKLERİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25 1 144–152.
IEEE İ. Şener Yamaner, Z. Tutal, ve E. Tuncer, “AKRİLİK REZİNLER, YUMUŞAK ASTAR MATERYALLERİ VE DOKU DÜZENLEYİCİLERİN ÇÖZÜNÜRLÜK ÖZELLİKLERİ”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, c. 25, sy. 1, ss. 144–152, 2015, doi: 10.17567/dfd.90886.
ISNAD Şener Yamaner, İşıl vd. “AKRİLİK REZİNLER, YUMUŞAK ASTAR MATERYALLERİ VE DOKU DÜZENLEYİCİLERİN ÇÖZÜNÜRLÜK ÖZELLİKLERİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 25/1 (Mayıs 2015), 144-152.
MLA Şener Yamaner, İşıl vd. “AKRİLİK REZİNLER, YUMUŞAK ASTAR MATERYALLERİ VE DOKU DÜZENLEYİCİLERİN ÇÖZÜNÜRLÜK ÖZELLİKLERİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 25, sy. 1, 2015, ss. 144-52, doi:10.17567/dfd.90886.

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