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ıso 3382, "Measurcment of reverberation time of rooms with reference to other acoustical parameters", 2003
Jordan, VL "A Group of Objective Acoustical Criteria for Concert Haııs," App. ACOllSt., Vol. 14, pp 253-266 (1981).
Jordan, VL "Auditoria Acoustics : Developments in Recent Years," App. Acoust., Vol. 8, pp. 217135 (1975).
Kuttruff, H. Room Acoustics, 3rd Edition. (Elsevier Applied Science, London and New York,
Marshall, A. H. "A Note on the Importance of Room Cross Section İn Concert Haııs," J. Sound Vib., Vol. 5, pp 100-112 (1967).
Mehta, M. Jonson, J. Rocafort, J. Architectural Acoustics: Principles and Design, (Simon & Schuster, New Jersey, J999), Chap. 10, p 213.
Abdou, A. M. A. "Transient Sound Intensüy Measurements for EvaIuaring the Spatial Information of Sound Fields in Reverberant Enelosures,", (Doktora Tezi, Concordia University, Canada), (1994).
Baran, M. ve Marshall, A. H. "Spatial Impression Due to Early Lateral Reflections in Concert Halis: The Derivation of Physical Measure," J. Sound Vib., Vol. 77(2), pp 211-232 (1981).
Beranek, L. L. Concert Halls and Opera Houses: Music, Acoustics and Architecture, 2nd Edition, (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002)
Cremer, L ve Muller, H. A. Çeviri T.J. Schultz, "Principles and Application of Room Acoustics," App. Science, Vol. I, London, 1982
Everest, Alton. F. Master Handbook of Acoustics 3th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1994
Gade, A. C. "Prediction of Room Acoustical Parameters," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 89, NoA, Pt. 2, p. 1857 (1991)
Gade, A. C. "The Influence of Architectuıral Design on the Acoustics of Concert Haııs," App. Acoust., Vol. 31, pp 207-214 (1990).
Gimenez, A. ve Marin, A. "Analysis and Asessment of Concert Halis," App. Acoust., Vol. 25, pp 235-241 (1988).
ıso 3382, "Measurcment of reverberation time of rooms with reference to other acoustical parameters", 2003
Jordan, VL "A Group of Objective Acoustical Criteria for Concert Haııs," App. ACOllSt., Vol. 14, pp 253-266 (1981).
Jordan, VL "Auditoria Acoustics : Developments in Recent Years," App. Acoust., Vol. 8, pp. 217135 (1975).
Kuttruff, H. Room Acoustics, 3rd Edition. (Elsevier Applied Science, London and New York,
Marshall, A. H. "A Note on the Importance of Room Cross Section İn Concert Haııs," J. Sound Vib., Vol. 5, pp 100-112 (1967).
Mehta, M. Jonson, J. Rocafort, J. Architectural Acoustics: Principles and Design, (Simon & Schuster, New Jersey, J999), Chap. 10, p 213.