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Yıl 2006, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 13 - 24, 18.02.2010


Bu çalışma, karaciğer sirozu olan
hastaların öz-bakım güçlerini belirlemek
amacıyla tanımlayıcı olarak yapılmıştır.
Araştırma, Ege Üniversitesi Gastroenteroloji
Anabilim Dalı Hepatoloji
Polikliniğinde yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın
örneklemi 48 hastadan oluşmuştur.
Araştırma da veri toplama aracı olarak soru
formu ve öz-bakım gücü ölçeği (ESCA)
kullanılmıştır. Veriler değerlendirildiğinde;
hastaların öz-bakım gücü ortalama puanının
en düşük 88, en yüksek 136 olduğu
saptanmıştır. Hastaların öz-bakım gücü
ortalama puanı 109.43’tür. Hastaların
%47.9’unun öz-bakım gücü ortalama puanı,
ortalamanın altındadır. Araştırmadan elde
edilen veriler SPSS paket programında
değerlendirilmiştir; analizlerde sayı ve
yüzdeler, Kruskall WallisVaryans Analizi ve
Mann Whitney U testi kullanılmıştır.


  • Acar A (1994). Karaciger Sirozunun Klinik ve Etyolojik Açidan Degerlendirilmesi. Istanbul Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Iç Hastaliklari Ana Bilim Dali. Uzmanlik Tezi.
  • Aggarwal A, Ong JP, Younossi ZM et al. (2001). Predictors of Mortality And Resource Utilitization In Cirrhotic Patients Admitted To Medical ICU. Chest 119: 1489-1497.
  • Aksöz MK, Yazicioglu N, Ünsal B ve ark. (1995). 325 Karaciger Sirozlu Hastanin Degerlendirilmesi. Atatürk Devlet Hastanesi Gastroenteroloji Klinigi. Türk Journal Gastroenterology 6: 210-211.
  • Anand BS (2001). Drug Treatment of the Complications of Cirrhosis in the Older Adult. Drugs & Aging 18(8): 575-585.
  • Arguedas MR, Fallon MB (2001). Prevention in Liver Disease (Reviews). The American Journal of Medical Sciences 321(2): 145-151.
  • Bakoglu E, Yetkin A (2000). Hipertansiyonlu Hastalarin Öz-Bakim Gücünün Degerlendirilmesi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemsirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 4(1): 41-49.
  • Bardak M (1999). 1998 Verilerine Göre Saglik Istatistikleri, T.C. Saglik Bakanligi Arastirma Planlama ve Koordinasyon Kurum Baskanligi, Ankara.
  • Becker G (2001). Effects of Being Uninsured on Ethnic Minorities Management of Chronic Illness. The West Journal Medicine 175 (1) :19-23.
  • Canobbio M (1996). Cirrhosis .Mosby’s Handbook of Patient Teaching, Mosby-Year Book, USA, 190.
  • Capacaccia R, Farchi G (1988). Mortality from Liver Cirrhosis in Italy. Journal of clinical epidemiology 41(4): 347-57.
  • Chedid A, Mendenhall CL, Gartside P, et al. (2002). Cirrhosis of the Liver. Postgraduate Medicine 109(2).
  • Christensen E, Schlichting P, Fauerholdt L et al. (1984). Prognostic Value of Child-Turcotte Criteria in Medically Treated Cirrhosis. Hepatology 4(3): 430-435.
  • Coskun N, Yalçin M, Bardak M (1996). Hastalik Istatistikleri 1964-1994, Yayin No. 584, T.C. Saglik Bakanligi Arastirma Planlama Koordinasyon Kurulu Baskanligi.
  • Craddock RB, Adams PF, Usui WM et al. (1999). Article 3 True Experimental Research an Intervention to Increase Use and Effectiveness of Self-Care Measures for Breast Cancer Chemotheraphy Patients”. Cancer Nursing 22(4): 312-319.
  • Çolakoglu S, Hafta A, Akkiz H ve ark. (1997). Özefagus Varis Kanamalarinda rken Prognozu Etkileyen Faktörler. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Dergisi 22(1): 39-43.
  • Evers GCM (1993). Validity Testing of The Dutch Translation of The Apprasial of The Self-Care Agency ASA Scale”. International Journal of Nursing Studies 30(4): 331-342.
  • Ferraris VA, Ferraris SP, Harmon RC et al. (2001). Risk Factors For Early Hospital Readmission After Cardiac Operations. J The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 122 (2): 278-286.
  • Geden EA, Isaramalai S, Taylor SG (2001). Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory and Nurse Pratitioner’s Practice in Primary Care Settiings. Nursing Science Quarterly 14(1): 29-33.
  • Giovanni C (1998). Liver Cirrhosis mortality trends in Eastern Europe, 1970-1989. Analyses of age, period and cohort effects and of latency with alcohol consumption. Addiction Biology 3(4): 413-10.
  • Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, Toobert DJ et al. (2000). A Social-Ecologic Approach to Assessing Support For Disease SelfManagement: The Chronic Illness Resources Survey, Journal of Behavior Medicine 23 (6): 559-83.
  • Herold C, Heinz R, Niedobitek G et al. (2001). Quantitative Testing of Liver Function in Patients with Cirrhosis Due to Chronic Hepatitis C to Assess Disease Severity. Liver 21(4): 260-5.
  • Horsburg M (1999). Self-Care of Well Adult Canadians and Adult Canadians with End Stage Renal Disease. International journal of nursing studies 36: 443-453.
  • Johnson CD, Hathaway DK (1996). The Lived Experience of End-Stage Liver Failure And Liver Transplantation. Journal of Transplant Coordination: (NATCO) 6(3): 130-133.
  • Kanwal F, Gralnek IM (2003). Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Part 2- What Is Available? (Review). Evidence-Based Gastroenterology 482: 65-87.
  • Kara B (2001). Öz-Bakim Tanimi ve Kavramsal Yönü. Sendrom 13: 25-28.
  • Kara B, Fesci H (2000). Tip I Diyabet Hastalarinin Öz-Bakim Gücünün Incelenmesi. Sendrom 12(4):28-35.
  • Karter Y (1993). Karaciger Sirozunda Prognoza Etki Eden Faktörler; Bunlarin Çok Degiskenli Olarak Analizleri Sonrasinda Yasam Olasiliklarinin Degerlendirilmesi, Cerrahpasa Tip Fakültesi Iç Hastaliklari Ana Bilim Dali, Uzmanlik Tezi, Istanbul.
  • Küstür S (1986). Karaciger Sirozu Vakalarinin Genel Degerlendirilmesi. Istanbul Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Iç Hastaliklari Ana Bilim Dali, Yayinlanmamis Bilim Uzmanligi Tezi, Istanbul.
  • Kwok T, Lau E, Woo J et al. (1999). Hospital Readmission Among Older Medical Patients in Hong Kong. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London 33 (2): 153-156.
  • Lorensen M (1993). Cross-Cultural Testing of the “Apprasial of Self-Care Agency: ASA Scale” in Norway. International journal of Nursing Studies 30(12): 15-23.
  • Lukkarinen H, Hentinen M (1997). Self-Care Agency and Factors Related to this Agency Among Patients with Coronary Heart Disease”. International journal of Nursing Studies 34(4): 295-304.
  • Marchesini G, Bianchi G, Amodio P et al. (2001). Factors Associated with Poor Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients with Cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 120: 170-178.
  • Marcontonio ER, McKean S, Golffinger M et al. (1999). Factors Associated with Unplanned Hospital Readmission Among Patients 65 Years of Age and Older in a Medicare Managed Care Plan. The American Journal of Medicine 107 (1): 13-17.
  • Mcewen DR (1996). Management of Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver. AORN Journal 64(2): 209-225.
  • Nahcivan N (1994). Geçerlilik ve Güvenirlik Çalismasi: Öz-Bakim Gücü Ölçeginin Türkçeye Uyarlanmasi, Hemsirelik Bülteni 7(33).
  • Orem DE (1991). Nursing: Concepts of Practise, 4th Edt., Mosby Year Book, St.Louis.
  • Pasinlioglu T (1997). “Gebelerin Öz-Bakim Gücü ve Öz-Bakim Gücünü Artirmada Hemsirenin Egitici Rolünün Etkisi”. V. Ulusal Hemsirelik Kongresi Kongre Kitabi, DEÜ Rektörlügü Matbaasi, Izmir 135-149.
  • Pinar R (1995). Diabetes Mellitus’lu Hastalarin Yasam Kalitesi ve Yasam Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Incelenmesi. Yayinlanmamis Doktora Tezi. Istanbul Üniversitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Istanbul.
  • Philbin EF, Dec GW, Jenkins PL et al. (2001). Socioeconomic Status as an Independent Risk Factor for Hospital Readmission for Heart Failure”. The American journal of Cardiology 87(12): 1367-1371.
  • Rimola A, Soto R, Bory F et al. (1984). Reticuloendothelial System Phagocytic Activity in Cirrhosis and Relation to Bacterial Infections and Prognosis. Hepatology 4(1): 53-58.
  • Rosina F, Alaria P, Castelli S et al. (1996). “Effect of Patient Characteristics on Hospital Costs for Cirrhosis: Implications for the Disease-Related Group (DRG) Reimbursement System. The Italian Journal of Gastroenterology 28(7): 401-405.
  • Sayan A, Erci B (2001). Çalisan Kadinlarin Sagligi Gelistirici Tutum ve Davranislari Ile Öz-Bakim Gücü Arasindaki Iliskinin Degerlendirilmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hem sirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 4(2): 11-19.
  • Schwarz KA (2000). Predictors of Early Hospital Readmissions of Older Adults who are Functionally Impaired”. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 26 (6): 29-36.
  • Singh N, Gayowski, Wagener M et al. (1998). Outcome of Patients with Cirrhosis Requiring Intensive Care Unit Support: Prospective Assesment of Predictors of Mortality. Journal Gastroenterology 33: 73-79.
  • Slusher IL (1999). Self-Care Agency and Self-Care Practise of Adolescents, Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 22: 49-58.
  • Ünlü E, Korkmaz ME, Özyilkan Ö ve ark. (1990). Dahiliye Devamli Bakim Ünitesine Kabul Edilen Kronik Karaciger Hastalarinda Prognoz. Gastroenteroloji 1(1): 46-53.
  • Weisinger G, Quittan M, Zimmermann K et al. (2001). Physical Performance and Health-Related Quality of Life in Men on a Liver Transplantation Wating List. Journal of rehabilitation medicine 33: 260-265.
  • Yamashita M (1998). The Exercise of SelfCare Agency Scale. Western Journal of Nursing Research 20(3):370-382.
  • Yazici S (1997). Annelerin Öz-Bakim Gücü, Saglikli Bebeklerin Bakim Sorunlarini Çözme Becerileri ve Süreçte Hemsirenin Egitici Rolünün Etkisi. V. Ulusal Hemsirelik Kongreleri Özet Kitabi, Izmir.
  • Younossi Z, Boparai N, Price LL et al. (2001). Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Liver Disease: The Impact of Type and Severity of Disease. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 96(7): 2199-2205.
  • Yui Hui A, Chan HL, Leung NW et al. (2002). Survival and Prognostic Indicators in Patients After Onset of Hepatic Decompansation. Journal Clinical Gastroenterology 34 (5): 569-572.
  • Zimmerman JE, Wagner DP, Seneff MG et al. (1996). Intensive Care Unit Admissions with Cirrhosis: Risk-Stratifying Patient Groups and Predicting Individual Survival. Hepatology 23(6): 1393-401.
  • Vivien EC, Boore JRP (1995). Self Management of Chronic Illness: implications for nursing, International Journal of Nursing Ntudies 32(6): 628-640.
Yıl 2006, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 13 - 24, 18.02.2010



  • Acar A (1994). Karaciger Sirozunun Klinik ve Etyolojik Açidan Degerlendirilmesi. Istanbul Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Iç Hastaliklari Ana Bilim Dali. Uzmanlik Tezi.
  • Aggarwal A, Ong JP, Younossi ZM et al. (2001). Predictors of Mortality And Resource Utilitization In Cirrhotic Patients Admitted To Medical ICU. Chest 119: 1489-1497.
  • Aksöz MK, Yazicioglu N, Ünsal B ve ark. (1995). 325 Karaciger Sirozlu Hastanin Degerlendirilmesi. Atatürk Devlet Hastanesi Gastroenteroloji Klinigi. Türk Journal Gastroenterology 6: 210-211.
  • Anand BS (2001). Drug Treatment of the Complications of Cirrhosis in the Older Adult. Drugs & Aging 18(8): 575-585.
  • Arguedas MR, Fallon MB (2001). Prevention in Liver Disease (Reviews). The American Journal of Medical Sciences 321(2): 145-151.
  • Bakoglu E, Yetkin A (2000). Hipertansiyonlu Hastalarin Öz-Bakim Gücünün Degerlendirilmesi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemsirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 4(1): 41-49.
  • Bardak M (1999). 1998 Verilerine Göre Saglik Istatistikleri, T.C. Saglik Bakanligi Arastirma Planlama ve Koordinasyon Kurum Baskanligi, Ankara.
  • Becker G (2001). Effects of Being Uninsured on Ethnic Minorities Management of Chronic Illness. The West Journal Medicine 175 (1) :19-23.
  • Canobbio M (1996). Cirrhosis .Mosby’s Handbook of Patient Teaching, Mosby-Year Book, USA, 190.
  • Capacaccia R, Farchi G (1988). Mortality from Liver Cirrhosis in Italy. Journal of clinical epidemiology 41(4): 347-57.
  • Chedid A, Mendenhall CL, Gartside P, et al. (2002). Cirrhosis of the Liver. Postgraduate Medicine 109(2).
  • Christensen E, Schlichting P, Fauerholdt L et al. (1984). Prognostic Value of Child-Turcotte Criteria in Medically Treated Cirrhosis. Hepatology 4(3): 430-435.
  • Coskun N, Yalçin M, Bardak M (1996). Hastalik Istatistikleri 1964-1994, Yayin No. 584, T.C. Saglik Bakanligi Arastirma Planlama Koordinasyon Kurulu Baskanligi.
  • Craddock RB, Adams PF, Usui WM et al. (1999). Article 3 True Experimental Research an Intervention to Increase Use and Effectiveness of Self-Care Measures for Breast Cancer Chemotheraphy Patients”. Cancer Nursing 22(4): 312-319.
  • Çolakoglu S, Hafta A, Akkiz H ve ark. (1997). Özefagus Varis Kanamalarinda rken Prognozu Etkileyen Faktörler. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Dergisi 22(1): 39-43.
  • Evers GCM (1993). Validity Testing of The Dutch Translation of The Apprasial of The Self-Care Agency ASA Scale”. International Journal of Nursing Studies 30(4): 331-342.
  • Ferraris VA, Ferraris SP, Harmon RC et al. (2001). Risk Factors For Early Hospital Readmission After Cardiac Operations. J The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 122 (2): 278-286.
  • Geden EA, Isaramalai S, Taylor SG (2001). Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory and Nurse Pratitioner’s Practice in Primary Care Settiings. Nursing Science Quarterly 14(1): 29-33.
  • Giovanni C (1998). Liver Cirrhosis mortality trends in Eastern Europe, 1970-1989. Analyses of age, period and cohort effects and of latency with alcohol consumption. Addiction Biology 3(4): 413-10.
  • Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, Toobert DJ et al. (2000). A Social-Ecologic Approach to Assessing Support For Disease SelfManagement: The Chronic Illness Resources Survey, Journal of Behavior Medicine 23 (6): 559-83.
  • Herold C, Heinz R, Niedobitek G et al. (2001). Quantitative Testing of Liver Function in Patients with Cirrhosis Due to Chronic Hepatitis C to Assess Disease Severity. Liver 21(4): 260-5.
  • Horsburg M (1999). Self-Care of Well Adult Canadians and Adult Canadians with End Stage Renal Disease. International journal of nursing studies 36: 443-453.
  • Johnson CD, Hathaway DK (1996). The Lived Experience of End-Stage Liver Failure And Liver Transplantation. Journal of Transplant Coordination: (NATCO) 6(3): 130-133.
  • Kanwal F, Gralnek IM (2003). Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Part 2- What Is Available? (Review). Evidence-Based Gastroenterology 482: 65-87.
  • Kara B (2001). Öz-Bakim Tanimi ve Kavramsal Yönü. Sendrom 13: 25-28.
  • Kara B, Fesci H (2000). Tip I Diyabet Hastalarinin Öz-Bakim Gücünün Incelenmesi. Sendrom 12(4):28-35.
  • Karter Y (1993). Karaciger Sirozunda Prognoza Etki Eden Faktörler; Bunlarin Çok Degiskenli Olarak Analizleri Sonrasinda Yasam Olasiliklarinin Degerlendirilmesi, Cerrahpasa Tip Fakültesi Iç Hastaliklari Ana Bilim Dali, Uzmanlik Tezi, Istanbul.
  • Küstür S (1986). Karaciger Sirozu Vakalarinin Genel Degerlendirilmesi. Istanbul Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Iç Hastaliklari Ana Bilim Dali, Yayinlanmamis Bilim Uzmanligi Tezi, Istanbul.
  • Kwok T, Lau E, Woo J et al. (1999). Hospital Readmission Among Older Medical Patients in Hong Kong. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London 33 (2): 153-156.
  • Lorensen M (1993). Cross-Cultural Testing of the “Apprasial of Self-Care Agency: ASA Scale” in Norway. International journal of Nursing Studies 30(12): 15-23.
  • Lukkarinen H, Hentinen M (1997). Self-Care Agency and Factors Related to this Agency Among Patients with Coronary Heart Disease”. International journal of Nursing Studies 34(4): 295-304.
  • Marchesini G, Bianchi G, Amodio P et al. (2001). Factors Associated with Poor Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients with Cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 120: 170-178.
  • Marcontonio ER, McKean S, Golffinger M et al. (1999). Factors Associated with Unplanned Hospital Readmission Among Patients 65 Years of Age and Older in a Medicare Managed Care Plan. The American Journal of Medicine 107 (1): 13-17.
  • Mcewen DR (1996). Management of Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver. AORN Journal 64(2): 209-225.
  • Nahcivan N (1994). Geçerlilik ve Güvenirlik Çalismasi: Öz-Bakim Gücü Ölçeginin Türkçeye Uyarlanmasi, Hemsirelik Bülteni 7(33).
  • Orem DE (1991). Nursing: Concepts of Practise, 4th Edt., Mosby Year Book, St.Louis.
  • Pasinlioglu T (1997). “Gebelerin Öz-Bakim Gücü ve Öz-Bakim Gücünü Artirmada Hemsirenin Egitici Rolünün Etkisi”. V. Ulusal Hemsirelik Kongresi Kongre Kitabi, DEÜ Rektörlügü Matbaasi, Izmir 135-149.
  • Pinar R (1995). Diabetes Mellitus’lu Hastalarin Yasam Kalitesi ve Yasam Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Incelenmesi. Yayinlanmamis Doktora Tezi. Istanbul Üniversitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Istanbul.
  • Philbin EF, Dec GW, Jenkins PL et al. (2001). Socioeconomic Status as an Independent Risk Factor for Hospital Readmission for Heart Failure”. The American journal of Cardiology 87(12): 1367-1371.
  • Rimola A, Soto R, Bory F et al. (1984). Reticuloendothelial System Phagocytic Activity in Cirrhosis and Relation to Bacterial Infections and Prognosis. Hepatology 4(1): 53-58.
  • Rosina F, Alaria P, Castelli S et al. (1996). “Effect of Patient Characteristics on Hospital Costs for Cirrhosis: Implications for the Disease-Related Group (DRG) Reimbursement System. The Italian Journal of Gastroenterology 28(7): 401-405.
  • Sayan A, Erci B (2001). Çalisan Kadinlarin Sagligi Gelistirici Tutum ve Davranislari Ile Öz-Bakim Gücü Arasindaki Iliskinin Degerlendirilmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hem sirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 4(2): 11-19.
  • Schwarz KA (2000). Predictors of Early Hospital Readmissions of Older Adults who are Functionally Impaired”. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 26 (6): 29-36.
  • Singh N, Gayowski, Wagener M et al. (1998). Outcome of Patients with Cirrhosis Requiring Intensive Care Unit Support: Prospective Assesment of Predictors of Mortality. Journal Gastroenterology 33: 73-79.
  • Slusher IL (1999). Self-Care Agency and Self-Care Practise of Adolescents, Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 22: 49-58.
  • Ünlü E, Korkmaz ME, Özyilkan Ö ve ark. (1990). Dahiliye Devamli Bakim Ünitesine Kabul Edilen Kronik Karaciger Hastalarinda Prognoz. Gastroenteroloji 1(1): 46-53.
  • Weisinger G, Quittan M, Zimmermann K et al. (2001). Physical Performance and Health-Related Quality of Life in Men on a Liver Transplantation Wating List. Journal of rehabilitation medicine 33: 260-265.
  • Yamashita M (1998). The Exercise of SelfCare Agency Scale. Western Journal of Nursing Research 20(3):370-382.
  • Yazici S (1997). Annelerin Öz-Bakim Gücü, Saglikli Bebeklerin Bakim Sorunlarini Çözme Becerileri ve Süreçte Hemsirenin Egitici Rolünün Etkisi. V. Ulusal Hemsirelik Kongreleri Özet Kitabi, Izmir.
  • Younossi Z, Boparai N, Price LL et al. (2001). Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Liver Disease: The Impact of Type and Severity of Disease. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 96(7): 2199-2205.
  • Yui Hui A, Chan HL, Leung NW et al. (2002). Survival and Prognostic Indicators in Patients After Onset of Hepatic Decompansation. Journal Clinical Gastroenterology 34 (5): 569-572.
  • Zimmerman JE, Wagner DP, Seneff MG et al. (1996). Intensive Care Unit Admissions with Cirrhosis: Risk-Stratifying Patient Groups and Predicting Individual Survival. Hepatology 23(6): 1393-401.
  • Vivien EC, Boore JRP (1995). Self Management of Chronic Illness: implications for nursing, International Journal of Nursing Ntudies 32(6): 628-640.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil tr; en
Bölüm Makaleler

Dilek Büyükkaya Bu kişi benim

Hatice Fesci Bu kişi benim

Nuran Akdemir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Şubat 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Şubat 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Büyükkaya D, Fesci H, Akdemir N. KARACİĞER SİROZU OLAN HASTALARIN ÖZ-BAKIM GÜÇLERİNİN BELİRLENMESİ. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences. 2010;9(2):13-24.

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