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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 112 - 122, 19.02.2010


Gelişen teknolojiyle birlikte koroner arter by-pass greft ameliyatı sonrası hastanede yatış
süresi kısalmakta ve evde geçirilen iyileşme süreci uzamaktır. Bu durum; hastalara evde bakım
verenlerin gereksinimlerini artırmakta ve sorun yaşamalarına neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle evde
bakım verenlerin problemleri ve gereksinimlerini belirleyip problemleri çözmeye yönelik
çalışmalar yapmak önem kazanmaktadır. Bu derlemede; koroner arter bypass greft ameliyatı
sonrası hastalara bakım verenlerin problemleri ve gereksinimleri ile ilgili literatür incelenerek bu
alanda yapılacak araştırmalara taban oluşturmak ve bakım verenlerin eğitiminde hemşireliğin
önemini vurgulamak amaçlanmıştır.
Konu ile ilgili 35 kaynak derlemeye veri tabanı oluşturmuştur. 35 kaynak içinde doğrudan
bakım verenlerin gereksinimlerine yönelik 19 araştırmaya rastlanmıştır.
19 araştırmanın incelenmesi sonucu elde edilen bulgular; bakım verenlerin fiziksel,
psikolojik ve sosyal alanda sorunlar yaşadığını ve hasta bakımında destek ve eğitime gereksinim
duyduklarını göstermiştir.


  • …Editorial (2003). Cardiovascular nursingholistic outlooks in 21 st century Europe. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2: 1-2.
  • Artinian NT (1991). Stress experience of spouses of patients having coronary artery bypass during hospitalization and 6 weeks after discharge. Heart & Lung 20 (1): 52-59.
  • Artinian NT (1992). Spouse adaptation to mate's CABG surgery: 1-year follow-up. American Journal of Critical Care 1(2): 3642.
  • Artinian NT (1993). Spouses’ perceptions of readiness for discharge after cardiac surgery. Applied Nursing Research 6(2): 80- 88.
  • Artinian NT, Duggan CH (1993). Patterns of concerns and demands experienced by spouses following coronary artery bypass surgery. Clinical Nursing Research 2(3): 278-295.
  • Astedt- Kurki P, Lehti K, Paunonen M et al. (1999). Family member as a hospital patient: sentiments and functioning of the family. International Journal of Nursing Practice 5: 155-163.
  • Bernat J (1997). Smoothing the CABG patients’road to recovery. American Journal of Nursing 97(2): 23-27.
  • Brennan PF, Moore SM, Bjornsdottir G et al. (2001). Heart care: An Internet – based information and support system for patient home recovery after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing 35 (5): 699-708.
  • Buls P (1995). The effects of home visits on anxiety levels of the client with a coronary artery bypass graft and of the family. Home Healthcare Nurse 13 (1): 22-29.
  • Chambers MG, Ryan AA, Connor SL (2001). Exploring the emotional support needs and coping strategies of family carers. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 8 (2): 99-106
  • Davies N (2000). Patients’ and carers’ perceptions of factors influencing recovery after cardiac surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing 32 (2): 318-326.
  • Dracup K, Meleis A, Baker K et al. (1984). Family-focused cardiac rehabilitation: a role supplementation program for cardiac patients and spouses. Nursing Clinics of North America 19(1): 113-124.
  • Der Poel AV, Greeff AP (2003). The influence of coronary bypass graft surgery on the marital relationship and family functioning of the patient. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 29 (1): 61-77.
  • Driscoll A (2000). Managing post – discharge care at home: an analysis of patients’ and their carer’s perceptions of information received during their stay in hospital. Journal of Advanced Nursing 31(5 ): 1165-1173
  • Dunstan JL, Riddle MM (1997). The effects on the patients who has undergone heart surgery. Heart & Lung 26: 289-298.
  • Evangelista LS, Dracup K, Doering L et al. (2002). Emotional well-being of heart failure patients and their caregivers. Journal of Cardiac Failure 8 (5):300-305
  • Gilliss CL (1984). Reducing family stress during and after coronary artery bypass surgery. Nursing Clinics North American 19(1): 103-111.
  • Gillis CL, Neuhaus JM, Hauck WW (1990). Improving family functioning after cardiac surgery: a randomized trial. Heart & Lung 19: 648-654.
  • Gortner SR, Gilliss CL, Shinn JA et al. (1988). Improving recovery following cardiac surgery: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Advanced Nursing 13: 649-661.
  • Hartford K, Wong C, Zakaria D (2002). Randomized controlled trial of a telephone intervention by nurses to provide information and support to patients and their partners after elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery: effects of anxiety. Heart & Lung 31(3):199206.
  • Hill M (1989). Teaching after CABG surgery: a family affair. Critical Care Nurse 9(8):58-59.
  • Horn VE, Fleury J, Moore S (2002). Family interventions during the trajectory of recovery from cardiac event: an integrative literature review. Heart& Lung 31(3):186-98.
  • Jickling JL, Graydon JE (1997). The information needs at time of hospital discharge of male and female patients who have undergone coronary artery bypass grafting: a pilot study. Heart & Lung 26: 350 357.
  • Kneeshaw MF, Considine RM, Jennings J (1999). Mutuality and preparedness of family caregivers for elderly women after bypass surgery. Applied Nursing Research 12(3): 128-135.
  • Knoll SM, Johnson JL (2000). Uncertainty and expectations: taking care of a cardiac surgery patient at home. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 14(3): 64-75.
  • Lenz ER, Perkins S (2000). Coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients and their family member caregivers: Outcomes of a familyfocused staged psychoeducational intervention. Applied Nursing Research 13(3): 142-150.
  • Lukkarinen H, Kyngas H (2003). Experiences of the onset of coronary artery disease in a spouse. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2(3): 189-194.
  • Moore SM (1994). Psychologic distress of patients and their spouses after coronary artery bypass surgery. AACN Clinic Issues Critical Care Nurse 5(1): 59-65.
  • Open-Heart Surgery Statistics tml?identifier=4674 (Retrived March 20, 2007)
  • Rantanen A, Kaunonen M, Astedt-Kurki P et al. (2004). Coronary artery bypass grafting: social support for patients and their significant others. Journal of Clinical Nursing 13: 158-166.
  • Saunders MM (2003). Family caregivers need support with heart failure patients. Holistic Nursing Practice 17 (3):136-142.
  • Sawatzky JE, Fowler-Kerry S (2003). Impact of caregiving: listening to the voice of informal caregivers. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 10: 277-286.
  • Simani-Oren L (2003). The ten commandments of caring for patients after open heart surgery. Home Healthcare Nurse 21(8): 551-556.
  • Stolarik A, Lindsay P, Sherrard H et al. (2000). Determination of the burden of care in families of cardiac surgery patients. Progressive Cardiovascular Nursing 15(1): 410.
  • Theobald K, McMurray A (2004). Coronary artery bypass graft surgery:discharge planning for successful recovery. Journal of Advanced Nursing 47(5): 483-491.
Yıl 2008, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 112 - 122, 19.02.2010



  • …Editorial (2003). Cardiovascular nursingholistic outlooks in 21 st century Europe. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2: 1-2.
  • Artinian NT (1991). Stress experience of spouses of patients having coronary artery bypass during hospitalization and 6 weeks after discharge. Heart & Lung 20 (1): 52-59.
  • Artinian NT (1992). Spouse adaptation to mate's CABG surgery: 1-year follow-up. American Journal of Critical Care 1(2): 3642.
  • Artinian NT (1993). Spouses’ perceptions of readiness for discharge after cardiac surgery. Applied Nursing Research 6(2): 80- 88.
  • Artinian NT, Duggan CH (1993). Patterns of concerns and demands experienced by spouses following coronary artery bypass surgery. Clinical Nursing Research 2(3): 278-295.
  • Astedt- Kurki P, Lehti K, Paunonen M et al. (1999). Family member as a hospital patient: sentiments and functioning of the family. International Journal of Nursing Practice 5: 155-163.
  • Bernat J (1997). Smoothing the CABG patients’road to recovery. American Journal of Nursing 97(2): 23-27.
  • Brennan PF, Moore SM, Bjornsdottir G et al. (2001). Heart care: An Internet – based information and support system for patient home recovery after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing 35 (5): 699-708.
  • Buls P (1995). The effects of home visits on anxiety levels of the client with a coronary artery bypass graft and of the family. Home Healthcare Nurse 13 (1): 22-29.
  • Chambers MG, Ryan AA, Connor SL (2001). Exploring the emotional support needs and coping strategies of family carers. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 8 (2): 99-106
  • Davies N (2000). Patients’ and carers’ perceptions of factors influencing recovery after cardiac surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing 32 (2): 318-326.
  • Dracup K, Meleis A, Baker K et al. (1984). Family-focused cardiac rehabilitation: a role supplementation program for cardiac patients and spouses. Nursing Clinics of North America 19(1): 113-124.
  • Der Poel AV, Greeff AP (2003). The influence of coronary bypass graft surgery on the marital relationship and family functioning of the patient. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 29 (1): 61-77.
  • Driscoll A (2000). Managing post – discharge care at home: an analysis of patients’ and their carer’s perceptions of information received during their stay in hospital. Journal of Advanced Nursing 31(5 ): 1165-1173
  • Dunstan JL, Riddle MM (1997). The effects on the patients who has undergone heart surgery. Heart & Lung 26: 289-298.
  • Evangelista LS, Dracup K, Doering L et al. (2002). Emotional well-being of heart failure patients and their caregivers. Journal of Cardiac Failure 8 (5):300-305
  • Gilliss CL (1984). Reducing family stress during and after coronary artery bypass surgery. Nursing Clinics North American 19(1): 103-111.
  • Gillis CL, Neuhaus JM, Hauck WW (1990). Improving family functioning after cardiac surgery: a randomized trial. Heart & Lung 19: 648-654.
  • Gortner SR, Gilliss CL, Shinn JA et al. (1988). Improving recovery following cardiac surgery: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Advanced Nursing 13: 649-661.
  • Hartford K, Wong C, Zakaria D (2002). Randomized controlled trial of a telephone intervention by nurses to provide information and support to patients and their partners after elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery: effects of anxiety. Heart & Lung 31(3):199206.
  • Hill M (1989). Teaching after CABG surgery: a family affair. Critical Care Nurse 9(8):58-59.
  • Horn VE, Fleury J, Moore S (2002). Family interventions during the trajectory of recovery from cardiac event: an integrative literature review. Heart& Lung 31(3):186-98.
  • Jickling JL, Graydon JE (1997). The information needs at time of hospital discharge of male and female patients who have undergone coronary artery bypass grafting: a pilot study. Heart & Lung 26: 350 357.
  • Kneeshaw MF, Considine RM, Jennings J (1999). Mutuality and preparedness of family caregivers for elderly women after bypass surgery. Applied Nursing Research 12(3): 128-135.
  • Knoll SM, Johnson JL (2000). Uncertainty and expectations: taking care of a cardiac surgery patient at home. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 14(3): 64-75.
  • Lenz ER, Perkins S (2000). Coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients and their family member caregivers: Outcomes of a familyfocused staged psychoeducational intervention. Applied Nursing Research 13(3): 142-150.
  • Lukkarinen H, Kyngas H (2003). Experiences of the onset of coronary artery disease in a spouse. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2(3): 189-194.
  • Moore SM (1994). Psychologic distress of patients and their spouses after coronary artery bypass surgery. AACN Clinic Issues Critical Care Nurse 5(1): 59-65.
  • Open-Heart Surgery Statistics tml?identifier=4674 (Retrived March 20, 2007)
  • Rantanen A, Kaunonen M, Astedt-Kurki P et al. (2004). Coronary artery bypass grafting: social support for patients and their significant others. Journal of Clinical Nursing 13: 158-166.
  • Saunders MM (2003). Family caregivers need support with heart failure patients. Holistic Nursing Practice 17 (3):136-142.
  • Sawatzky JE, Fowler-Kerry S (2003). Impact of caregiving: listening to the voice of informal caregivers. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 10: 277-286.
  • Simani-Oren L (2003). The ten commandments of caring for patients after open heart surgery. Home Healthcare Nurse 21(8): 551-556.
  • Stolarik A, Lindsay P, Sherrard H et al. (2000). Determination of the burden of care in families of cardiac surgery patients. Progressive Cardiovascular Nursing 15(1): 410.
  • Theobald K, McMurray A (2004). Coronary artery bypass graft surgery:discharge planning for successful recovery. Journal of Advanced Nursing 47(5): 483-491.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil tr; en
Bölüm Makaleler

Nazlı Hacıalioğlu Bu kişi benim

Nadiye Özer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Şubat 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Şubat 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Hacıalioğlu N, Özer N. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2010;11(2):112-2.

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