Yıl 2007,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 155 - 183, 27.11.2010
Şükrü Yapraklı
Mustafa Kemal Yılmaz
Çalışanların performanslarını arttırmak için iş stresi ve iş tatmini
yöneticiler tarafından ele alınan konular arasında yer almaktadır. Genel anlamda
iş stresi, çalışanı duygusal, fiziksel açıdan tehdit eden ve çalışma düzenini bozan
iş çevresine gösterilen bireysel tepkidir. İş tatmini, çalışanın yaptığı işin ve elde
ettiklerinin ihtiyaçlarıyla ve kişisel değerleriyle uyuşması sonucu yaşadığı
duygusal durumdur.
Bu araştırmanın amacı; ilaç satış mümessillerinin iş stresi düzeylerinin
iş tatminleri üzerindeki etkisini belirlemektir. Araştırmada ayrıca demografik
özellikler ve firma özellikleri ile iş stresi ve iş tatmini arasındaki ilişkileri tespit
etmek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamını Erzurum’daki ilaç satış mümessilleri
Araştırmada kullanılan ölçekler doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile test edilmiş
ve ölçeklerin geçerli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; ilaç satış
mümessillerinin orta düzeyde iş stresi yaşadıkları tespit edilmiştir. İlaç satış
mümessillerinin genel olarak iş tatminlerinin yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Ayrıca iş tatminini iş stresinin negatif yönde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
- Akgemci, Tahir (2001); “Örgütlerde Stres ve Yönetimi” Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt:15, Sayı: 1-2, ss. 301-309
- Aktaş, Cengiz(2005); “Türkiye’ nin Turizm Gelirini Etkileyen Değişkenler İçin En Uygun Regresyon Denkleminin Belirlenmesi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, Sayı:6 (2), ss.163-174.
- Barutçugil, İsmet (2004); Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Kariyer Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- Beltramini, Richard F., Kenneth R. Evans (1988); “Salesperson Motivation to Perform and Job Satisfaction: A Contest Participant Perspective”, The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management; Aug., 8, ss.35-42.
- Bhuin, Shahid N., Mengüç, Bülent, Borsboom, Rene (2005); “Stressors and Job Outcomes in Sales : A Triphasic Model versus a Liner-Quadratic- İnteractive Model”, Journal of Business Research, Vol, 58, ss.141-150.
- Boles, James S. Johnston, Hair, Mark W. Joseph F. (1997); “Role Stres, Work- Family Conflict and Emotional Exhaustion: Inter-Relationships and Effects on Some Work-Related Consequences”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Volume:17, Issue: 1, ss.17-28.
- Brashear, Thomas G., Lepkowska-White, Elzbieta, Chelariu, Cristian(2003); “An Empirical Test of Antecedents and Conseguences of Salesperson Job Satıifaction Among Polish Retail Salespeople”, Journal of Business Research, Vol: 56, ss.971-982.
- Carmeli, Abraham, Anat Freund (2004); “Work Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: An Empirical Investigation”, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, Fall, Number; 7, ss.289- 309.
- Churchıll, Gılbert A., Jr. Neil M. Ford, Orville C. Walker Jr. (1974); “Measuring The Job Satisfaction of Industrial Salesman”, Journal of Marketing Research, Volume: 11, ss. 252-260.
- Code, Sharon ve Langan-Fox, Janice (2001); “Motivation, Cognitions and Traits: Predicting Occupational Health, Well-Being and Performance”, Stres and Health, Vol:17, ss.159-174
- Deniz, Mehmet (2005); “Bir Tutum Çeşidi Olarak İş Tatmini”, Örgütsel Davranış Boyutlarından Seçmeler, Editör: Mehmet Tikici, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, ss.295-322.
- Fairbrother, Kerry ve James Warn (2003); “Workplace Dimensions, Stres and Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol: 18, No: 1, ss.8-21.
- Futrell, Charles M. (1979); “Measurement of Salespeople’s Job Satisfaction: Converget and Discriminant Validity of Corresponding Indsales and Jod Descriptive Index Scales”, Journal of Marketing Research, Nov. Volume:16, ss. 594-597.
- Gazioğlu, Şaziye, Aysıt Tansel (2002); “Job Satisfaction in Britain:Individual and Job Related Factors”, Economic Research Center Working Papers in Economics, January, ss. 1-11.
- Herried, Charlene, Peterson, Mark, Chang, Donna (1985); “Type A, Occupational Stress and Salesperson Performance”, Journal of Smal Business Management, Vol:23, ss.61-75.
- Homburg, Christian, Ruth M. Stock (2005); “Exploring The Conditions Under Which Salesperson Work Motivation Can Lead To Customer Satisfaction”, Psychology& Marketing, Vol: 22, ss. 393-420.
- Huang, Grant D. Michael Teuerstein, Steven L. Sauter (2002); “Occupational Stres and Work-Related Upper Extremity Disorders: Concepts and Models”, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol: 41, s.298-314.
- Ivancewich, J.M., M. T. Mattason (1996); Organizational Stres and Management, Irwin Pub.
- Jamal, Muhammad (2005); “Short Communication: Personal and Organizational Outcomes Related to Job Stres and Type-A Behavior: A Study of Canadian and Chinese Employees”, Stres and Health, Vol: 21, ss.129-137.
- Kantak, Dona Massey, Charles M. Furtrell, Jeffrey K. Sager (1992); “Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in Sales Force”, The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Volume: 12, Number: 1, ss.1- 7.
- Lawrence, Shelley King (2003); An Examination of the Ralationship Between Job Satisfaction and Intention to Leave Among Specialty Sales Representatives ın a Major Pharmaceutical Organization, Degree Doctor of Philosophy, Capella University.
- Lu, Luo (1999); “Work Motivation, Job Stres and Employee’s Well-being”, Journal of Applied Management Studies, Vol: 8, No:1,ss.61-73.
- Mengüç, Bülent (1996); “Evidence for Turkish Industrial Salespeople, Testing the Applicability of A Conceptual Model for the Effect of Effort on Sales Performance and Job Satisfaction”, European Journal of Marketing, Volume: 30, No:1, ss.35-51.
- Moncrief , William C., Babakuş, Emin, Cravens, David W., Jonston, Mark (1997); “Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Salesperson Job Stress”, Europan Journal of Marketing, Volume: 31, Number: 11/12, ss.786-798.
- Money, R. Bruce, John L. Graham (1999); “Salesperson Performance, Pay and Job Satisfaction: Test of a Model Using Data Collected in the United States and Japan”, Journal of International Business Studies; Volume: 30, Number: 1, ss.154-162
- Montgomery, Daniel Cameron, Jeffrey G. Blodgett, James H. Barnes (1996); “A Model of Financial Securities Salespersons’ Job Stres”, The Journal of Services Marketing, Vol: 10, No: 3, ss. 21-38
- Murphy, Lawrence R.(1995); “Managing Job Stres: An Employees Assistance/Human Resource Management Partnership”, Personel Review, Vol: 24, No: 1, ss.41-50.
- Naktiyok, Atılhan (2002); “Motivasyonel Değerler ve İş Tatmini: Yöneticiler Üzerinde Bir Uygulama”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 16, Sayı: 3-4, ss. 166-195.
- Okpara, John O (2001). “Personal Characteristics as Predictors of Job Satisfaction: An Exploratory Study of IT Managers in A Developing Economy”, Information Technology&People, Volume: 17, Number: 3, ss.327-338.
- Okutan, Mustafa ve Tengilimoğlu, Dilaver (2002); “İş Ortamında Stres ve Stresle Başa Çıkma Yöntemleri: Bir Alan Uygulaması”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, ss. 15-42.
- Oshagbemi, Titus (2003); “Personal Correlates of Job Satisfaction: Empirical Evidence from UK Universities”, International Journal of Social Economics, Volume:30, Number: 12, ss. 1210-1232.
- Pettijohn, Charles, Linda S. Pettijohn, Albert J. Taylor, Bruce D. Keillor (2001); “Are Performance Appraisals a Bureaucratic Exercise or Can They Be Used to Enhance Sales-Force Satisfaction and Commitment”, Psychology&Marketing, Volume: 19, Number: 4, ss. 337-364.
- Rhoads,Gary K., Singh, Jagdip, Goodell, Phillips W.(1994); “The Multiple Dimensions of Role Ambiguity and Their Impact Upon Psychological and Behavioral Ourcomes of Industrial Salespeople”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management; Volume: 14, Number: 3, ss.1- 10
- Roberts, James A. Richard S. Lapidus ve Larwrence B. Chonko (1997); “Salespeople and Stress: The Moderating Role of Locus of Control on Work Stressors and Felt Stress”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol:5, No:3, ss. 93-106.
- Sager, J. K. (1991); “Type A Behavior Pattern (TABP) Among Salespeople and Its Relationship to Job Stres”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Vol: 11, No: 2, ss.1-13.
- Sager, Jeffrey K. ve Phillip H. Wilson (1995); “Clarification of the Meaning of Job Stress in the Context of Sales Force Research”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Vol: 15, No:3, ss.50-67.
- Simintiras, A.C. G.A. Lancaster ve J.M. Cadogan (1994); “Perceptions and Attitudes of Salespeople towards the Overall Sales Job and the Work Itself”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Volume: 9, Number: 7, ss.3- 10
- Sin, Leo Y. M. Oliver H. M. Yau (1995); “The Antecedent and Consequences of Role Stres Among Chinese Salespersons: An Exploratory Study in Hong Kong”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistic, Vol. 7, 1/2, ss.62-75.
- Singh, Jagdip (1998); “Striking a Balance in Boundary-Spanning Positions: An Investigation of Some Unconvetional Influences os Role Stressors and Job Characteristics on Job Outcomes of Salespeople”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 62, No: 3, ss.69-86.
- Spector, Paul E. (1997); Job Satisfaction Application, Assessment, Cause and Consequences, SAGE Publications, Inc., California.
- Taner, John F., Dunn, Jr.Mark G. Chonko, Lawrence B.(1993); “Vertical Exchange and Salesperson Stress”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Vol:13, No:2, ss.27-35.
- Tarlan, Deniz, Özkan Tütüncü (2001); “Konaklama İşletmelerinde Başarım Değerlemesi ve İş Doyumu Analizi”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 3, Sayı: 2, ss.141-154.
- Teas, R Kenneth. (1983); “Supervisior Behavior, Role Stress an Job Satisfaction Industrial Salesperson”, Journal Marketing Research, Feb. , ss.84-96.
- Tubre,Travis C. ve Judith M. Collins (2000); “Jackson and Schuler (1985) Revisited: A Meta-Analysis of the Relationships Between Role Ambiguity, Role Conflict and Performance”, Journal of Management, Vol: 26, No: 1, ss.155-169.
- Tyagi, Pradeep K. (1985); “The Effects on Stressful Organizational Conditions on Salesperson Work Motivation”, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Vol: 13, No: 2, ss. 290-309.
- Walker, Orville C. , Jr. Gilbert A. Chuchıll, Neil M. Ford (1977); “Motivation and Performanc ein Industrial Selling: Present Knowledge and Needed Research”, Journal of Marketing Research, Volume: 14, May., ss.156- 168.
- Yılmaz, Cengiz (2002); “Salesperson Performance and Job Attitudes Revisited: An Extended Model and Effects of Petential Moderators”, European Journal of Marketing, Volume: 36, Number: 11/12, ss.1389-1414.
Yıl 2007,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 155 - 183, 27.11.2010
Şükrü Yapraklı
Mustafa Kemal Yılmaz
- Akgemci, Tahir (2001); “Örgütlerde Stres ve Yönetimi” Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt:15, Sayı: 1-2, ss. 301-309
- Aktaş, Cengiz(2005); “Türkiye’ nin Turizm Gelirini Etkileyen Değişkenler İçin En Uygun Regresyon Denkleminin Belirlenmesi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, Sayı:6 (2), ss.163-174.
- Barutçugil, İsmet (2004); Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Kariyer Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- Beltramini, Richard F., Kenneth R. Evans (1988); “Salesperson Motivation to Perform and Job Satisfaction: A Contest Participant Perspective”, The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management; Aug., 8, ss.35-42.
- Bhuin, Shahid N., Mengüç, Bülent, Borsboom, Rene (2005); “Stressors and Job Outcomes in Sales : A Triphasic Model versus a Liner-Quadratic- İnteractive Model”, Journal of Business Research, Vol, 58, ss.141-150.
- Boles, James S. Johnston, Hair, Mark W. Joseph F. (1997); “Role Stres, Work- Family Conflict and Emotional Exhaustion: Inter-Relationships and Effects on Some Work-Related Consequences”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Volume:17, Issue: 1, ss.17-28.
- Brashear, Thomas G., Lepkowska-White, Elzbieta, Chelariu, Cristian(2003); “An Empirical Test of Antecedents and Conseguences of Salesperson Job Satıifaction Among Polish Retail Salespeople”, Journal of Business Research, Vol: 56, ss.971-982.
- Carmeli, Abraham, Anat Freund (2004); “Work Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: An Empirical Investigation”, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, Fall, Number; 7, ss.289- 309.
- Churchıll, Gılbert A., Jr. Neil M. Ford, Orville C. Walker Jr. (1974); “Measuring The Job Satisfaction of Industrial Salesman”, Journal of Marketing Research, Volume: 11, ss. 252-260.
- Code, Sharon ve Langan-Fox, Janice (2001); “Motivation, Cognitions and Traits: Predicting Occupational Health, Well-Being and Performance”, Stres and Health, Vol:17, ss.159-174
- Deniz, Mehmet (2005); “Bir Tutum Çeşidi Olarak İş Tatmini”, Örgütsel Davranış Boyutlarından Seçmeler, Editör: Mehmet Tikici, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, ss.295-322.
- Fairbrother, Kerry ve James Warn (2003); “Workplace Dimensions, Stres and Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol: 18, No: 1, ss.8-21.
- Futrell, Charles M. (1979); “Measurement of Salespeople’s Job Satisfaction: Converget and Discriminant Validity of Corresponding Indsales and Jod Descriptive Index Scales”, Journal of Marketing Research, Nov. Volume:16, ss. 594-597.
- Gazioğlu, Şaziye, Aysıt Tansel (2002); “Job Satisfaction in Britain:Individual and Job Related Factors”, Economic Research Center Working Papers in Economics, January, ss. 1-11.
- Herried, Charlene, Peterson, Mark, Chang, Donna (1985); “Type A, Occupational Stress and Salesperson Performance”, Journal of Smal Business Management, Vol:23, ss.61-75.
- Homburg, Christian, Ruth M. Stock (2005); “Exploring The Conditions Under Which Salesperson Work Motivation Can Lead To Customer Satisfaction”, Psychology& Marketing, Vol: 22, ss. 393-420.
- Huang, Grant D. Michael Teuerstein, Steven L. Sauter (2002); “Occupational Stres and Work-Related Upper Extremity Disorders: Concepts and Models”, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol: 41, s.298-314.
- Ivancewich, J.M., M. T. Mattason (1996); Organizational Stres and Management, Irwin Pub.
- Jamal, Muhammad (2005); “Short Communication: Personal and Organizational Outcomes Related to Job Stres and Type-A Behavior: A Study of Canadian and Chinese Employees”, Stres and Health, Vol: 21, ss.129-137.
- Kantak, Dona Massey, Charles M. Furtrell, Jeffrey K. Sager (1992); “Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in Sales Force”, The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Volume: 12, Number: 1, ss.1- 7.
- Lawrence, Shelley King (2003); An Examination of the Ralationship Between Job Satisfaction and Intention to Leave Among Specialty Sales Representatives ın a Major Pharmaceutical Organization, Degree Doctor of Philosophy, Capella University.
- Lu, Luo (1999); “Work Motivation, Job Stres and Employee’s Well-being”, Journal of Applied Management Studies, Vol: 8, No:1,ss.61-73.
- Mengüç, Bülent (1996); “Evidence for Turkish Industrial Salespeople, Testing the Applicability of A Conceptual Model for the Effect of Effort on Sales Performance and Job Satisfaction”, European Journal of Marketing, Volume: 30, No:1, ss.35-51.
- Moncrief , William C., Babakuş, Emin, Cravens, David W., Jonston, Mark (1997); “Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Salesperson Job Stress”, Europan Journal of Marketing, Volume: 31, Number: 11/12, ss.786-798.
- Money, R. Bruce, John L. Graham (1999); “Salesperson Performance, Pay and Job Satisfaction: Test of a Model Using Data Collected in the United States and Japan”, Journal of International Business Studies; Volume: 30, Number: 1, ss.154-162
- Montgomery, Daniel Cameron, Jeffrey G. Blodgett, James H. Barnes (1996); “A Model of Financial Securities Salespersons’ Job Stres”, The Journal of Services Marketing, Vol: 10, No: 3, ss. 21-38
- Murphy, Lawrence R.(1995); “Managing Job Stres: An Employees Assistance/Human Resource Management Partnership”, Personel Review, Vol: 24, No: 1, ss.41-50.
- Naktiyok, Atılhan (2002); “Motivasyonel Değerler ve İş Tatmini: Yöneticiler Üzerinde Bir Uygulama”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 16, Sayı: 3-4, ss. 166-195.
- Okpara, John O (2001). “Personal Characteristics as Predictors of Job Satisfaction: An Exploratory Study of IT Managers in A Developing Economy”, Information Technology&People, Volume: 17, Number: 3, ss.327-338.
- Okutan, Mustafa ve Tengilimoğlu, Dilaver (2002); “İş Ortamında Stres ve Stresle Başa Çıkma Yöntemleri: Bir Alan Uygulaması”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, ss. 15-42.
- Oshagbemi, Titus (2003); “Personal Correlates of Job Satisfaction: Empirical Evidence from UK Universities”, International Journal of Social Economics, Volume:30, Number: 12, ss. 1210-1232.
- Pettijohn, Charles, Linda S. Pettijohn, Albert J. Taylor, Bruce D. Keillor (2001); “Are Performance Appraisals a Bureaucratic Exercise or Can They Be Used to Enhance Sales-Force Satisfaction and Commitment”, Psychology&Marketing, Volume: 19, Number: 4, ss. 337-364.
- Rhoads,Gary K., Singh, Jagdip, Goodell, Phillips W.(1994); “The Multiple Dimensions of Role Ambiguity and Their Impact Upon Psychological and Behavioral Ourcomes of Industrial Salespeople”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management; Volume: 14, Number: 3, ss.1- 10
- Roberts, James A. Richard S. Lapidus ve Larwrence B. Chonko (1997); “Salespeople and Stress: The Moderating Role of Locus of Control on Work Stressors and Felt Stress”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol:5, No:3, ss. 93-106.
- Sager, J. K. (1991); “Type A Behavior Pattern (TABP) Among Salespeople and Its Relationship to Job Stres”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Vol: 11, No: 2, ss.1-13.
- Sager, Jeffrey K. ve Phillip H. Wilson (1995); “Clarification of the Meaning of Job Stress in the Context of Sales Force Research”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Vol: 15, No:3, ss.50-67.
- Simintiras, A.C. G.A. Lancaster ve J.M. Cadogan (1994); “Perceptions and Attitudes of Salespeople towards the Overall Sales Job and the Work Itself”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Volume: 9, Number: 7, ss.3- 10
- Sin, Leo Y. M. Oliver H. M. Yau (1995); “The Antecedent and Consequences of Role Stres Among Chinese Salespersons: An Exploratory Study in Hong Kong”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistic, Vol. 7, 1/2, ss.62-75.
- Singh, Jagdip (1998); “Striking a Balance in Boundary-Spanning Positions: An Investigation of Some Unconvetional Influences os Role Stressors and Job Characteristics on Job Outcomes of Salespeople”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 62, No: 3, ss.69-86.
- Spector, Paul E. (1997); Job Satisfaction Application, Assessment, Cause and Consequences, SAGE Publications, Inc., California.
- Taner, John F., Dunn, Jr.Mark G. Chonko, Lawrence B.(1993); “Vertical Exchange and Salesperson Stress”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Vol:13, No:2, ss.27-35.
- Tarlan, Deniz, Özkan Tütüncü (2001); “Konaklama İşletmelerinde Başarım Değerlemesi ve İş Doyumu Analizi”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 3, Sayı: 2, ss.141-154.
- Teas, R Kenneth. (1983); “Supervisior Behavior, Role Stress an Job Satisfaction Industrial Salesperson”, Journal Marketing Research, Feb. , ss.84-96.
- Tubre,Travis C. ve Judith M. Collins (2000); “Jackson and Schuler (1985) Revisited: A Meta-Analysis of the Relationships Between Role Ambiguity, Role Conflict and Performance”, Journal of Management, Vol: 26, No: 1, ss.155-169.
- Tyagi, Pradeep K. (1985); “The Effects on Stressful Organizational Conditions on Salesperson Work Motivation”, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Vol: 13, No: 2, ss. 290-309.
- Walker, Orville C. , Jr. Gilbert A. Chuchıll, Neil M. Ford (1977); “Motivation and Performanc ein Industrial Selling: Present Knowledge and Needed Research”, Journal of Marketing Research, Volume: 14, May., ss.156- 168.
- Yılmaz, Cengiz (2002); “Salesperson Performance and Job Attitudes Revisited: An Extended Model and Effects of Petential Moderators”, European Journal of Marketing, Volume: 36, Number: 11/12, ss.1389-1414.