Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 0 - , 06.04.2015
Selim Eren
Nevriye Ayas
Müfide Eren
The aim of this study is to give an insight into the effects of organizational service orientation on service employees‟ attitudes and behaviours and financial performance. In this context, the study aim to explore relationships between organizational service orientation and employees‟ organizational commitment, team spirit, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviour, and financial performance. To the end, a conceptual research model including nine hypotheses is developed based on the literature review. Hypothesis developed are tested by structural equation modelling with the data collected from a sample of managers and employees of banks operating in different cities of Turkey via a structured questionnaire derived from the literature. Results reveal that service orientation is positively related with all other variables. However, only organizational citizenship behaviour is positively related with financial performance
- Aizzat, Mohd Nasurdin; Noor Hazlina Ahmad; Tan Cheng Ling.(2012) “Human Resource Management Practices, Service Climate and Service- Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Review and Proposed Model”, International Business Management, 6(4), ss. 541- 551.
- Alpkan, Lütfihak; Ercan, Ergün; Çağrı, Bulut; Cengiz, Yılmaz.(2005) “Şirket Girişimciliğinin Şirket Performansına Etkisi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 6(2), ss. 175-189
- Bateman, T.S.; Organ, D.W.(1983) “Job Satisfaction and The Good Soldier: The Relationship Between Affect and Employee “Citizenship”, Academy of Management Journal, 26, ss. 587-595.
- Bhatti, M. I.; Zafarullah, M.; Awan, H. M.; Bukhari, Khuram S.(2011) “Employees‟ Perspective of Organizational Service Quality Orientation”, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 4 (4),ss. 280-294.
- Biong, Harald; Arne Nygaard; Ragnhild, Silkoset.(2010) “The Influence of Retail Management‟s Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment and Performance”, Journal of Business Ethics, 97,ss. 341-363.
- Bolino, M.C.; Turnley W.H. (2003)“Going The Extra Mile: Cultivating and Managing Employee Citizenship Behavior”, Academy of Management Executive, 17, ss.60-71.
- Boyt, Thomas E.; Robert F.Lusch; Drue K.Schuler.(1997) “Fostering Espirit de Corps in Marketing”, Marketing Management, Spring, ss. 21-28
- Boyt, Thomas; Robert, Lusch; Michael, Mejza. (2005)“Theoretical Models of the Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational, Workgroup, and Professional Espirit De Corps”, European Management Journal, 23(6), ss. 682-701.
- Buchanan, Bruce.(1974) “Building Organizational Commitment: The Socialization of Managers in Work Organizations”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 19(4), ss. 533-546.
- Chen, Y.J. (2007)“Relationships Among Service Orientation, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment in The International Tourist Hotel Industry”, Journal of American Academy of Business, 11 (2), ss. 71- 82.
- Chi, Christina G.; Dogan Gursoy.(2009) “Employee Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, and Financial Performance: An Empirical Examination”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(2), ss. 245-253.
- Clague, Christopher. (1977) “Information Costs, Corporate Hierarchies, and Earnings Inequality”, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 67, ss. 81-85.
- Coomber, Billie ve K.Louise Barriball. (2007)“Impact of Job Satisfaction Components On Intention To Leave and Turnover For Hospital-Based Nurses: A Review of The Research Literature”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44, ss. 297-314.
- Dienhart, J.R.; Gregorie, M.B.; Downey, R.G.(1992) “Service Orientation of Restaurant Employees”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 11 (4), ss. 331-346.
- Doğan, Selen; Özge, Demiral.(2007) ”İşletmelerde Personel Güçlendirme Kültürünün Yaratılmasıyla Müşteri Memnuniyetinin Sağlanması”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Karaman İİBF Dergisi, 9(12), ss. 282-303
- Edvarsson,B.; Gustafsson,A.; Ross,I. (2005) “Service Portraits in Service Research:A Critical Review‟‟, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 16, ss. 107-121.
- Gebauer, H. ; Edvardsson, B.; Bjurka, M. (2010) “The Impact of Service Orientation in Corporate Culture on Business Performance in Manufacturing Companies”, Journal of Service Management, 21 (2), ss. 237-259.
- Gheysari, Hamed; Amran Rasli; Mir Hadi Moazen Jamshidi; Parastoo Roghanian; Azam Haghkhah (2012) “Fostering Market Orientation and Service Orientation Culture in Banking Industry “Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2(12), ss. 12617-12625.
- Hill, T.P. (1977) “On Goods and Services‟‟, Review of Income and Wealth, 23, ss.315-338.
- Hoang, T.H.; Hill, S.R. ; Lu, V.N. (2010) “ The influence of service culture on customer service quality: Local vs. Foreign service firms in emerging markets” Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 'Doing more things less', held the the University of Canterbury, P. Ballantine and J. Finsterwalder (eds.), ss.1-11 .
- Kim, W. G., Leong, J. K., Lee, Y. K. (2005) “Effect of Service Orientation on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Intention of Leaving in A Casual Dining Chain Restaurant”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 24 (2), ss. 171-193.
- Kohli, A.K.; B.J.Jaworski. (1990) “Market Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions and Managerial Implications‟‟, Journal of Marketing, Vol.54, April, ss. 1-18.
- Köksal, Onur. (2012) “Sosyal Değişim Teorisi Çerçevesinde Güven ve Algılanan Aidiyet Durumunun Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı ve Saldırgan Davranışlar Üzerine Etkisi”, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kayseri.
- Kuzulugil, Şebnem. (2012) “Kamu Hastaneleri Çalışanlarında İş Tatminini Etkileyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(1), ss. 129-141.
- Lee, Sang M. (1971) “An Empirical Analysis of Organizational Identification”, Academy of Management Journal, 14,ss. 213-226.
- Lee, Y. K, Park, D., Yoo, D. (1999) “The Structural Relationships Between Service Orientation, Mediators, and Business Performance in Korean Hotel Firms”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 4(1),ss. 203- 228.
- Lee, Y. K., Nam, J. H., Park, D. H., Ahlee, K. (2006) “What Factors Influence Customer-Oriented Prosocial Behavior of Customer- Contact Employees?”, Journal of Services Marketing, 20 (4), ss. 251-264.
- Lu, Hong; Alison E.While; K.Louise Barriball. (2005) “Job Satisfaction Among Nurses: A Literature Review”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42, ss. 211-227.
- Lynn, M. L., Lytle, R. S., Bobek, S. (2000) “Service Orientation in Transitional Markets: Does It Matter?”, European Journal of Marketing, 34 (3/4), ss. 279-298.
- Lytle, R. S., Hom, P. W., Mokwa, M. P. (1998) “SERV*OR: A Managerial Measure of Organizational Service Orientation”, Journal of Retailing, 74 (4), ss. 455-489.
- Lytle, R. S., Timmerman J. E. (2006) “Service Orientation and Performance: An Organizational Perspective”, Journal of Services Marketing, 20 (2), ss. 136-147.
- Matovic, Dragan. (2002) “The Competitive Market Structure of the U.S. Lodging Industry and its Impact on the Financial Performance of Hotel Brands”, (Unpublished PhD Thesis) , Virginia Polytechnic Institude and State University.
- Menon, Anil; Sundar G.Bharadwaj; Roy Howell. (1996) “The Quality and Effectiveness of Marketing Strategy: Effects of Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict in Intraorganizational Relationships”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24(4), ss. 299-313.
- Netemeyer, Richard G.; James S.Boles; Darly O.Mckee; Robert McMurrian. (1997) “An Investigation into Antecedents of OCBs in A Personal Selling Context”, Journal of Marketing, 61, July,ss.,85-98.
- O‟Connor, Stephen J.; Richard M.Shewchuk. (1995) “Doing More With Less, And Doing It Nicer: The Role of Service Orientation in Health Care Organizations”, Academy of Management Proceedings, August, ss. 120-124.
- O‟Reilly, Charles; Jennifer, Chatman.(1986) “Organizational Commitment and Psychological Attachment: The Effects of Compliance, Identification, and Internalization on Prosocial Behavior”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3), ss.492-499.
- Oshagbemi, Titus. (2000) “Satisfaction with Co-Workers‟ Behavior”, Employee Relations, 22(1), ss. 88-106.
- Ostrom, A., Bitner, M., Brown, S., Burkhard, K., Goul, M., Smith-Daniels, V.(2010) ” Moving forward and making a difference: Research priorities for the science of service”, Journal of Service Research, 13 (1), ss. 4-36.
- Podsakoff, P.M.; MacKenzie, S.B.; Boomer, W.H. (1996) “A Meta –Analysis of The Relationships Between Kerr and Jermier‟s Substitutes For Leadership and Employee Job Attitudes, Role Perceptions and Performance”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, ss. 380-399.
- Podsakoff, Philip M.(1997) “Impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Performance: A Review and Suggestions For Future Research”, Human Performance, 10(2), ss. 133-151.
- Schneider, B. ; White, S. ; Paul, M. C.(1998) “Linking Service Climate and Customer Perceptions of Service Quality: Test of A Causal Model”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 83 (2), ss. 150-163.
- Schneider, B. ;Davis E.Bowen (1993) .”The Service Organization: Human Resources Management is Crucial”, Organizational Dynamics, 21(4), ss. 39-52.
- Selnes, Fred; Bernard J.Jaworski; Ajay K.Kohli. (1996) “Market Orientation In United States and Scandinavian Companies; A Cross-Cultural Study”, Scandinavion Journal of Management, 12(2), ss. 139-157.
- Sheldon, Mary E.(1971) “Investments and Involvements as Mechanisms Producing Commitment to the Organization”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 16(2), ss. 143-150.
- Siddiqi, Mustaq A.; Sahaf, Musadiq A. (2009) “Customer Orientation of Service Employees and Organizational Performance: Empirical Evidence From Indian Banking”, Decision, 36(2), ss. 133-153.
- Smith, C.A.; Organ, D.W.; Near, J.P. (1983) “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature and Antecedents”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 68, ss. 653-663.
- Tang, T. W. ; Tang, Y. Y. (2012) “Promoting Service- Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in Hotels: The Role of High- Performance Human Resource Practices and Organizational Social Climates”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, ss. 885-895.
- Teng, C.C. ; Barrows, C. (2009) “Service Orientation: Antecedents, Outcomes, and Implications for Hospitality Research and Practice”, The Service Industries Journal, 29(10), ss. 1413-1435.
- Van Dyne, Linn; Jill W.Graham; Richard M.Dienesch.(1994) “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Construct Redefinition, Measurement and Validation”, Academy of Management Journal, 37(4), ss. 765-802.
- Vargo, Stephen L.; Robert F.Lusch. (2004) “Evolving to A New Dominant Logic of Marketing‟‟, Journal of Marketing, 68, ss. 1-17.
- Vargo,Stephen L.; Robert F.Lusch.(2008) ‟‟Service-Dominant Logic: Continuing the Evolution‟‟, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36, ss. 1-10.
- Venkatraman, N.; Vasudevan, Ramanujam. (1986) “Measurement of Business Performance in Strategy Research: A Comparison of Approaches”, Academy of Management Review, 11(4), ss. 801-814.
- Walz, Sandra M.; Brian P.Niehoff.(1996) “Organizational Citizensip Behaviors and Their Effect On Organizational Effectiveness In Limited-Menu Restaurants”, Academy of Management Proceedings, August, ss. 307- 311.
- Worlsfold, Philip.(1999) “HRM, Performance, Commitment and Service Quality The Hotel Industry”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 11(7), ss. 340-348.
- Wright, N. D. ; Pearce, J. W. ; Busbin, J. W.(1997) “Linking Customer Service Orientation to Competitive Performance: Does The Marketing Concept Really Work?”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Fall, ss. 23-34.
- www.tbb.org.tr, erişim tarihi 02.11.2012.
- Yavas, Ugur; Emin, Babakus.(2010) “Relationships Between Organizational Support, Customer Orientation, and Work Outcomes: A Study of Frontline Bank Employees”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 28(3), ss. 222-238.
- Yazıcıoğlu, Yahşi; Samiye Erdoğan (2004) SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- Yoon, S. J., Choi, D. C., Park, J. W. (2007) “Service Orientation: Its Impact on Business Performance in The Medical Service Industry”, The Service Industries Journal, 27 (4), ss. 371-380.
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 0 - , 06.04.2015
Selim Eren
Nevriye Ayas
Müfide Eren
Bu çalışmanın amacı, bankacılık sektöründe hizmet odaklılığın çalışanların tutumları ile finansal performansa etkilerini incelemektir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada, örgütsel hizmet odaklılık ile çalışanların örgütsel bağlılığı, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı, takım ruhu, çalışan memnuniyeti ve finansal performans arasındaki ilişkilerin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak geçmiş çalışmalara bağlı olarak 9 hipotez içeren bir kavramsal araştırma modeli oluşturulmuştur. Oluşturulan hipotezler, literatürden elde edilen ölçüm araçlarından oluşan anket formu aracılığıyla Türkiye’nin çeşitli illerinde faaliyet gösteren bankaların çalışan ve yöneticileriyle bire bir görüşme yapılarak elde edilen veriler kullanılarak yapısal eşitlik modeli ile test edilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen istatistiksel analizler sonucunda hizmet odaklılığın söz konusu değişkenlerin tümü ile pozitif ilişkili olduğu görülmektedir. Buna karşın sadece örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışının finansal performans ile pozitif ilişkili olduğu gözlenmektedir.
- Aizzat, Mohd Nasurdin; Noor Hazlina Ahmad; Tan Cheng Ling.(2012) “Human Resource Management Practices, Service Climate and Service- Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Review and Proposed Model”, International Business Management, 6(4), ss. 541- 551.
- Alpkan, Lütfihak; Ercan, Ergün; Çağrı, Bulut; Cengiz, Yılmaz.(2005) “Şirket Girişimciliğinin Şirket Performansına Etkisi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 6(2), ss. 175-189
- Bateman, T.S.; Organ, D.W.(1983) “Job Satisfaction and The Good Soldier: The Relationship Between Affect and Employee “Citizenship”, Academy of Management Journal, 26, ss. 587-595.
- Bhatti, M. I.; Zafarullah, M.; Awan, H. M.; Bukhari, Khuram S.(2011) “Employees‟ Perspective of Organizational Service Quality Orientation”, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 4 (4),ss. 280-294.
- Biong, Harald; Arne Nygaard; Ragnhild, Silkoset.(2010) “The Influence of Retail Management‟s Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment and Performance”, Journal of Business Ethics, 97,ss. 341-363.
- Bolino, M.C.; Turnley W.H. (2003)“Going The Extra Mile: Cultivating and Managing Employee Citizenship Behavior”, Academy of Management Executive, 17, ss.60-71.
- Boyt, Thomas E.; Robert F.Lusch; Drue K.Schuler.(1997) “Fostering Espirit de Corps in Marketing”, Marketing Management, Spring, ss. 21-28
- Boyt, Thomas; Robert, Lusch; Michael, Mejza. (2005)“Theoretical Models of the Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational, Workgroup, and Professional Espirit De Corps”, European Management Journal, 23(6), ss. 682-701.
- Buchanan, Bruce.(1974) “Building Organizational Commitment: The Socialization of Managers in Work Organizations”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 19(4), ss. 533-546.
- Chen, Y.J. (2007)“Relationships Among Service Orientation, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment in The International Tourist Hotel Industry”, Journal of American Academy of Business, 11 (2), ss. 71- 82.
- Chi, Christina G.; Dogan Gursoy.(2009) “Employee Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, and Financial Performance: An Empirical Examination”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(2), ss. 245-253.
- Clague, Christopher. (1977) “Information Costs, Corporate Hierarchies, and Earnings Inequality”, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 67, ss. 81-85.
- Coomber, Billie ve K.Louise Barriball. (2007)“Impact of Job Satisfaction Components On Intention To Leave and Turnover For Hospital-Based Nurses: A Review of The Research Literature”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44, ss. 297-314.
- Dienhart, J.R.; Gregorie, M.B.; Downey, R.G.(1992) “Service Orientation of Restaurant Employees”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 11 (4), ss. 331-346.
- Doğan, Selen; Özge, Demiral.(2007) ”İşletmelerde Personel Güçlendirme Kültürünün Yaratılmasıyla Müşteri Memnuniyetinin Sağlanması”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Karaman İİBF Dergisi, 9(12), ss. 282-303
- Edvarsson,B.; Gustafsson,A.; Ross,I. (2005) “Service Portraits in Service Research:A Critical Review‟‟, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 16, ss. 107-121.
- Gebauer, H. ; Edvardsson, B.; Bjurka, M. (2010) “The Impact of Service Orientation in Corporate Culture on Business Performance in Manufacturing Companies”, Journal of Service Management, 21 (2), ss. 237-259.
- Gheysari, Hamed; Amran Rasli; Mir Hadi Moazen Jamshidi; Parastoo Roghanian; Azam Haghkhah (2012) “Fostering Market Orientation and Service Orientation Culture in Banking Industry “Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2(12), ss. 12617-12625.
- Hill, T.P. (1977) “On Goods and Services‟‟, Review of Income and Wealth, 23, ss.315-338.
- Hoang, T.H.; Hill, S.R. ; Lu, V.N. (2010) “ The influence of service culture on customer service quality: Local vs. Foreign service firms in emerging markets” Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 'Doing more things less', held the the University of Canterbury, P. Ballantine and J. Finsterwalder (eds.), ss.1-11 .
- Kim, W. G., Leong, J. K., Lee, Y. K. (2005) “Effect of Service Orientation on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Intention of Leaving in A Casual Dining Chain Restaurant”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 24 (2), ss. 171-193.
- Kohli, A.K.; B.J.Jaworski. (1990) “Market Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions and Managerial Implications‟‟, Journal of Marketing, Vol.54, April, ss. 1-18.
- Köksal, Onur. (2012) “Sosyal Değişim Teorisi Çerçevesinde Güven ve Algılanan Aidiyet Durumunun Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı ve Saldırgan Davranışlar Üzerine Etkisi”, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kayseri.
- Kuzulugil, Şebnem. (2012) “Kamu Hastaneleri Çalışanlarında İş Tatminini Etkileyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(1), ss. 129-141.
- Lee, Sang M. (1971) “An Empirical Analysis of Organizational Identification”, Academy of Management Journal, 14,ss. 213-226.
- Lee, Y. K, Park, D., Yoo, D. (1999) “The Structural Relationships Between Service Orientation, Mediators, and Business Performance in Korean Hotel Firms”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 4(1),ss. 203- 228.
- Lee, Y. K., Nam, J. H., Park, D. H., Ahlee, K. (2006) “What Factors Influence Customer-Oriented Prosocial Behavior of Customer- Contact Employees?”, Journal of Services Marketing, 20 (4), ss. 251-264.
- Lu, Hong; Alison E.While; K.Louise Barriball. (2005) “Job Satisfaction Among Nurses: A Literature Review”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42, ss. 211-227.
- Lynn, M. L., Lytle, R. S., Bobek, S. (2000) “Service Orientation in Transitional Markets: Does It Matter?”, European Journal of Marketing, 34 (3/4), ss. 279-298.
- Lytle, R. S., Hom, P. W., Mokwa, M. P. (1998) “SERV*OR: A Managerial Measure of Organizational Service Orientation”, Journal of Retailing, 74 (4), ss. 455-489.
- Lytle, R. S., Timmerman J. E. (2006) “Service Orientation and Performance: An Organizational Perspective”, Journal of Services Marketing, 20 (2), ss. 136-147.
- Matovic, Dragan. (2002) “The Competitive Market Structure of the U.S. Lodging Industry and its Impact on the Financial Performance of Hotel Brands”, (Unpublished PhD Thesis) , Virginia Polytechnic Institude and State University.
- Menon, Anil; Sundar G.Bharadwaj; Roy Howell. (1996) “The Quality and Effectiveness of Marketing Strategy: Effects of Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict in Intraorganizational Relationships”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24(4), ss. 299-313.
- Netemeyer, Richard G.; James S.Boles; Darly O.Mckee; Robert McMurrian. (1997) “An Investigation into Antecedents of OCBs in A Personal Selling Context”, Journal of Marketing, 61, July,ss.,85-98.
- O‟Connor, Stephen J.; Richard M.Shewchuk. (1995) “Doing More With Less, And Doing It Nicer: The Role of Service Orientation in Health Care Organizations”, Academy of Management Proceedings, August, ss. 120-124.
- O‟Reilly, Charles; Jennifer, Chatman.(1986) “Organizational Commitment and Psychological Attachment: The Effects of Compliance, Identification, and Internalization on Prosocial Behavior”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3), ss.492-499.
- Oshagbemi, Titus. (2000) “Satisfaction with Co-Workers‟ Behavior”, Employee Relations, 22(1), ss. 88-106.
- Ostrom, A., Bitner, M., Brown, S., Burkhard, K., Goul, M., Smith-Daniels, V.(2010) ” Moving forward and making a difference: Research priorities for the science of service”, Journal of Service Research, 13 (1), ss. 4-36.
- Podsakoff, P.M.; MacKenzie, S.B.; Boomer, W.H. (1996) “A Meta –Analysis of The Relationships Between Kerr and Jermier‟s Substitutes For Leadership and Employee Job Attitudes, Role Perceptions and Performance”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, ss. 380-399.
- Podsakoff, Philip M.(1997) “Impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Performance: A Review and Suggestions For Future Research”, Human Performance, 10(2), ss. 133-151.
- Schneider, B. ; White, S. ; Paul, M. C.(1998) “Linking Service Climate and Customer Perceptions of Service Quality: Test of A Causal Model”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 83 (2), ss. 150-163.
- Schneider, B. ;Davis E.Bowen (1993) .”The Service Organization: Human Resources Management is Crucial”, Organizational Dynamics, 21(4), ss. 39-52.
- Selnes, Fred; Bernard J.Jaworski; Ajay K.Kohli. (1996) “Market Orientation In United States and Scandinavian Companies; A Cross-Cultural Study”, Scandinavion Journal of Management, 12(2), ss. 139-157.
- Sheldon, Mary E.(1971) “Investments and Involvements as Mechanisms Producing Commitment to the Organization”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 16(2), ss. 143-150.
- Siddiqi, Mustaq A.; Sahaf, Musadiq A. (2009) “Customer Orientation of Service Employees and Organizational Performance: Empirical Evidence From Indian Banking”, Decision, 36(2), ss. 133-153.
- Smith, C.A.; Organ, D.W.; Near, J.P. (1983) “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature and Antecedents”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 68, ss. 653-663.
- Tang, T. W. ; Tang, Y. Y. (2012) “Promoting Service- Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in Hotels: The Role of High- Performance Human Resource Practices and Organizational Social Climates”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, ss. 885-895.
- Teng, C.C. ; Barrows, C. (2009) “Service Orientation: Antecedents, Outcomes, and Implications for Hospitality Research and Practice”, The Service Industries Journal, 29(10), ss. 1413-1435.
- Van Dyne, Linn; Jill W.Graham; Richard M.Dienesch.(1994) “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Construct Redefinition, Measurement and Validation”, Academy of Management Journal, 37(4), ss. 765-802.
- Vargo, Stephen L.; Robert F.Lusch. (2004) “Evolving to A New Dominant Logic of Marketing‟‟, Journal of Marketing, 68, ss. 1-17.
- Vargo,Stephen L.; Robert F.Lusch.(2008) ‟‟Service-Dominant Logic: Continuing the Evolution‟‟, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36, ss. 1-10.
- Venkatraman, N.; Vasudevan, Ramanujam. (1986) “Measurement of Business Performance in Strategy Research: A Comparison of Approaches”, Academy of Management Review, 11(4), ss. 801-814.
- Walz, Sandra M.; Brian P.Niehoff.(1996) “Organizational Citizensip Behaviors and Their Effect On Organizational Effectiveness In Limited-Menu Restaurants”, Academy of Management Proceedings, August, ss. 307- 311.
- Worlsfold, Philip.(1999) “HRM, Performance, Commitment and Service Quality The Hotel Industry”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 11(7), ss. 340-348.
- Wright, N. D. ; Pearce, J. W. ; Busbin, J. W.(1997) “Linking Customer Service Orientation to Competitive Performance: Does The Marketing Concept Really Work?”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Fall, ss. 23-34.
- www.tbb.org.tr, erişim tarihi 02.11.2012.
- Yavas, Ugur; Emin, Babakus.(2010) “Relationships Between Organizational Support, Customer Orientation, and Work Outcomes: A Study of Frontline Bank Employees”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 28(3), ss. 222-238.
- Yazıcıoğlu, Yahşi; Samiye Erdoğan (2004) SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- Yoon, S. J., Choi, D. C., Park, J. W. (2007) “Service Orientation: Its Impact on Business Performance in The Medical Service Industry”, The Service Industries Journal, 27 (4), ss. 371-380.