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Fiscal Institutions: Their Relation with Fiscal Discipline and Power of the Purse

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 4, 1045 - 1063, 25.10.2019


This study examines the impact of fiscal institutions on the fiscal discipline and the power of the purse. Fiscal institutions are classified as fiscal rules, independent fiscal institutions and fiscal councils. According to normative perspective, all fiscal institutions have potential to strengthen fiscal discipline and the power of the purse when they are optimally designed. Fiscal institutions can contribute to the implementation of fiscal policies in a way that will provide economic stability in the short term and fiscal discipline in the long run. Fiscal institutions can consolidate the power of the purse by preventing fiscal decisions against the majority in favor of a particular group. However, there are obstacles to the construction of these institutions and their effective functioning. Social demand and consensus is needed for institutions to develop channels that affect fiscal discipline and to be permanent.


  • Alesina, A. ve Drazen, A. (1991) “Why are Stabilizations Delayed?”, The American Economic Review, 81(5), ss. 1170-1188.
  • Alesina, A. ve Perotti, R. (1996) “Fiscal Discipline and the Budget Process”, The American Economic Review, 86(2), ss. 401-407.
  • Alesina, A. ve Tabellini, G. (1990) “A Positive Theory of Fiscal Deficits and Government Debt”, The Review of Economic Studies, 57(3), ss. 403-414.
  • Alesina, A. ve Tabellini, G. (2007) “Bureaucrats or Politicians? Part I: A Single Policy Task”, The American Economic Review, 97(1), ss. 169-179.
  • Alt, J. E. ve Lowry, R. C. (1994) “Divided Government, Fiscal Institutions, and Budget Deficits: Evidence from the States”, The American Political Science Review, 88(4), ss. 811-828.
  • Ayuso-i-Casals, J., Debrun, X., Kumar, M. S., Moulin, L. ve Turrini, A. (2007) “Beyond the SGP-Features and Effects of EU National-Level Numerical Fiscal Rules”, Economy Policy Panel, Ekim 2007, Lisbon.
  • Barro, R. J. (1979) “On the Determination of the Public Debt”, Journal of Political Economy, 87(5), ss. 940-971.
  • Beetsma, R. W.M.J. ve Debrun, X. (2016) “Fiscal Councils: Rationale and Effectiveness”, IMF Working Paper, No. 86.
  • Buchanan, J. M. ve Tullock, G. (1962) The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundation of Constitutional Democracy, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Buti, M., Martins J. N. ve Turrini, A. (2007) “From Deficits to Debt and Back: Political Incentives under Numerical Fiscal Rules”, CESifo Economic Studies, 53(1), ss. 115-152.
  • Dafflon, B. ve Rossi, S. (1999) “Public Accounting Fudges Towards EMU: A First Emprical Survey and Some Public Choice Considerations”, Public Choice, 101(1-2), ss. 59-84.
  • Debrun, X, Hauner D. ve Kumar, Manmohan S. (2009) “Independent Fiscal Agencies”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 23(1), ss. 44–81.
  • Debrun, X. (2011) “Democratic Accountability, Deficit Bias, and Independent Fiscal Agencies”, IMF Working Paper, No.173.
  • Debrun, X., Epstein, N. ve Symansky, S. (2008) “A New Fiscal Rule: Should Israel “Go Swiss?”, IMF Working Paper, No.06/27.
  • Dessus, S., Sanchez, J. L. D. ve Varoudakis, A. (2013) “Fiscal Rules and Pro-Cyclicality of Public Investment in the West African Economic and Monetary Union”, The Word Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. 6562.
  • Drazen, A. ve Grilli V. (1993) “The Benefit of Crises for Economic Reforms”, The American Economic Review, 83(3), ss. 598-607. European Commission (2014) “Public Finances in EMU”, European Economy, No.9, Brussels.
  • Fatas, A. ve Mihov, I. (2006) “The Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Rules in the US States”, Journal of Public Economics, 90, ss. 101-117.
  • Fölscher, A. (2005) “A Balancing Act: Fiscal Responsibility, Accountability and the Power of the Purse”, Budget Reform Seminar Managing Complexity: From Fragmentation to Co-ordination , 30 Kasım- 2 Aralık, Maputo, Mozambique.
  • Hagemann, R. P. (2010) “Improving Fiscal Performance Through Fiscal Councils”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 829.
  • Hibbs, Jr. D. A. (1977) “Political Parties and Macroeconomic Policy”, The American Political Science Review, 71( 4), ss. 1467-1487.
  • Jensen, H. (1997) “Credibility of Optimal Monetary Delegation,” American Economic Review, 87, ss. 911-20.
  • Koen, V. ve Van den Noord, P. (2005) “Fiscal Gimmickry in Europe: One-off Measures and Creative Accounting”, OECD Economics Department Working Paper, No. 417.
  • Kopits, G. ve Symansky, S. (1998) “Fiscal Policy Rules”, IMF Occasional Paper, No. 162.
  • Kopits, G. (2001) “Fiscal Rules: Useful Policy Framework or Unneccessary Ornament?”, IMF Working Paper, No. 01/145.
  • Kopits, G. (2016) “The Case for an Independent Fiscal Institution in Japan”, IMF Working Paper, No. 156.
  • Krogstrup, S. ve Wyplosz, C. (2006) “A Common Pool Theory of Deficit Bias Correction”, Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper, No. 5866.
  • Lindbeck, A. (1976) “Stabilization Policy in Open Economies with Endogenous Politicians”, American Economic Review, 66, ss. 1- 19.
  • Manasse, P. (2005) “Deficit Limits, Budget Rules and Fiscal Policy”, IMF Working Paper, No. 120.
  • Milesi-Ferretti, G. M. (2003) “Good, Bad or Ugly? On the Effects of Fiscal Rules with Creative Accounting”, Journal of Public Economics, 88, ss. 377-394.
  • Nordhaus, William D. (1975) “The Political Business Cycle”, The Review of Economic Studies, 42(2), ss. 169-180.
  • OECD (2013) Principles for Independent Fiscal Institutions, sed%20IFI%20Principles_EN%20-%2013-Feb-13.pdf (10.04.2018).
  • Persson, T. ve Svensson, L. E. O. (1989) “Why a Stubborn Conservative would Run a Deficit: Policy with Time-Inconsistent Preferences”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 104(2), ss. 325-345.
  • Persson, T. S. Tabellini, G. (2003) The Economic Effect of Constitutions (What do the data say?), MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • Persson, T., Roland, G. ve Tabellini, G. (1997) “Separation of Powers and Political Accountability”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(4), ss. 1163-1202.
  • Persson, T., Roland, G. S. Tabellini, G. (1998) “Towards Micropolitical Foundations of Public Finance”, European Economic Review, 42(3-5), ss. 685-694.
  • Persson, T., Roland, G. S. Tabellini, G. (2000) “Comparative Politics and Public Finance”, Journal of Political Economy, 108(6), ss. 1121-1161.
  • Persson, T., Roland, G. S. Tabellini, G. (2007) “Electoral Rules and Government Spending in Parliamentary Democracies”, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2(2), ss. 155-188.
  • Posen, A. (1995) “Declarations are Note Enough: Financial Sector Sources of Central Bank Independence”, NBER Macroeconomics Annual, No. 10, ss. 253-74.
  • Roubini, N. S. Sachs, J. (1989) “Government Spending and Budget Deficits Industrial Economies”, NBER Working Paper, No. 2919.
  • Schmidt-Hebbel, K. (2012) “Fiscal Policy for Commodity Exporting Countries: Chile’s Experience”, Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries, (Ed.) Arezki, R., Patillo, C.A., Quintyn, M. ve Zhu, M., Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
  • Ter-Minassian (2010) “Preconditions for a Successful Introduction of Structural Fiscal Balance Based Rules in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Framework Paper”, Inter-American Development Bank Discussion Paper, No. IDB-DP-157.
  • Von Hagen, J. ve Eichengreen, Barry (1996) “Federalism, Fiscal Restraints, and European Monetary Union”, The American Economic Review, 86(2), Papers and Proceedings of the Hundredth and Eight Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, SanFransisco, 5-7 Ocak, ss. 134-138.
  • Von Hagen, J. ve Harden, I. J. (1995) “Budget Processes and Commitment to Fiscal Discipline” European Economic Review , 39, ss. 771-779.
  • Von Hagen, J. (2002) “Fiscal Rules, Fiscal Institutions, and Fiscal Performance”, The Economic and Social Review, 33(3), ss. 263-284.
  • Von Hagen, J. (2005) “Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Performance in the EU and Japan”, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies Bank of Japan (IMES), Discussion Paper Series, E-5.
  • Von Hagen, J. (2013) “Scope and Limits of Independent Fiscal Institutions,” Restoring Public Debt Sustainabilty: The Role of Independent Fiscal Institutions (Ed.) Kopits, G., Oxford University Press, ss. 32-53.
  • Von Hagen, J. S. ve Wollf, G. B. (2006) “What Do Deficits Tell Us About Debt? Empirical Evidence on Creative Acconting with Fiscal Rules in the EU”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 30, ss. 3259-3279.
  • Weingast, B. R., Shepsle, K. A. ve Johnsen, C. (1981) “The Political Economy of Benefits and Costs: A Neoclassical Approach to Distributive Politics”, Journal of Political Economy, 89(4), ss. 642-664.
  • Wyplosz, C. (2002) “Fiscal Policy: Institutions vs. Rules”, Hautes Etudes Internationales (HEI) Working Paper, No.3.
  • Wyplosz, C. (2005) “Fiscal Policy: Institutions Versus Rules”, National Institute Economic Review, No. 91, ss. 64-78.
  • Wyplosz, C. (2008) “Fiscal Policy Councils: Unlovable or just unloved?”, Swedish Economic Policy Review, 15, ss. 173-192.
  • Wyplosz, C. (2011) “Fiscal Discipline: Rules Rather Than Institutions”, National Institute Economic Review, No. 217, ss. 19-30.

Mali Kurumlar: Mali Disiplin ve Bütçe Hakkı İle İlişkisi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 4, 1045 - 1063, 25.10.2019


Bu çalışmada mali kurumların mali disiplin ve bütçe hakkı üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Mali kurumlar, mali kurallar, bağımsız mali kuruluşlar ve mali konseyler olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Normatif bir perspektife göre optimal şekilde tasarlandığında tüm mali kurumların mali disiplini sağlama ve bütçe hakkını güçlendirme potansiyeli bulunmaktadır. Mali kurumlar, kısa vadede ekonomik istikrarı, uzun vadede mali disiplini sağlayacak şekilde maliye politikalarının oluşturulmasına katkı sağlayabilir. Belirli bir grup lehine, çoğunluk aleyhine mali kararların alınmasını engelleyerek bütçe hakkını sağlamlaştırabilir. Ancak bu kurumların inşa edilmesinin ve etkin şekilde faaliyet göstermesinin önünde engeller bulunmaktadır. Kurumların mali disiplini etkileme kanalları geliştirmesi ve kalıcı olması için toplumsal talep ve uzlaşı gerekmektedir.


  • Alesina, A. ve Drazen, A. (1991) “Why are Stabilizations Delayed?”, The American Economic Review, 81(5), ss. 1170-1188.
  • Alesina, A. ve Perotti, R. (1996) “Fiscal Discipline and the Budget Process”, The American Economic Review, 86(2), ss. 401-407.
  • Alesina, A. ve Tabellini, G. (1990) “A Positive Theory of Fiscal Deficits and Government Debt”, The Review of Economic Studies, 57(3), ss. 403-414.
  • Alesina, A. ve Tabellini, G. (2007) “Bureaucrats or Politicians? Part I: A Single Policy Task”, The American Economic Review, 97(1), ss. 169-179.
  • Alt, J. E. ve Lowry, R. C. (1994) “Divided Government, Fiscal Institutions, and Budget Deficits: Evidence from the States”, The American Political Science Review, 88(4), ss. 811-828.
  • Ayuso-i-Casals, J., Debrun, X., Kumar, M. S., Moulin, L. ve Turrini, A. (2007) “Beyond the SGP-Features and Effects of EU National-Level Numerical Fiscal Rules”, Economy Policy Panel, Ekim 2007, Lisbon.
  • Barro, R. J. (1979) “On the Determination of the Public Debt”, Journal of Political Economy, 87(5), ss. 940-971.
  • Beetsma, R. W.M.J. ve Debrun, X. (2016) “Fiscal Councils: Rationale and Effectiveness”, IMF Working Paper, No. 86.
  • Buchanan, J. M. ve Tullock, G. (1962) The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundation of Constitutional Democracy, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Buti, M., Martins J. N. ve Turrini, A. (2007) “From Deficits to Debt and Back: Political Incentives under Numerical Fiscal Rules”, CESifo Economic Studies, 53(1), ss. 115-152.
  • Dafflon, B. ve Rossi, S. (1999) “Public Accounting Fudges Towards EMU: A First Emprical Survey and Some Public Choice Considerations”, Public Choice, 101(1-2), ss. 59-84.
  • Debrun, X, Hauner D. ve Kumar, Manmohan S. (2009) “Independent Fiscal Agencies”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 23(1), ss. 44–81.
  • Debrun, X. (2011) “Democratic Accountability, Deficit Bias, and Independent Fiscal Agencies”, IMF Working Paper, No.173.
  • Debrun, X., Epstein, N. ve Symansky, S. (2008) “A New Fiscal Rule: Should Israel “Go Swiss?”, IMF Working Paper, No.06/27.
  • Dessus, S., Sanchez, J. L. D. ve Varoudakis, A. (2013) “Fiscal Rules and Pro-Cyclicality of Public Investment in the West African Economic and Monetary Union”, The Word Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. 6562.
  • Drazen, A. ve Grilli V. (1993) “The Benefit of Crises for Economic Reforms”, The American Economic Review, 83(3), ss. 598-607. European Commission (2014) “Public Finances in EMU”, European Economy, No.9, Brussels.
  • Fatas, A. ve Mihov, I. (2006) “The Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Rules in the US States”, Journal of Public Economics, 90, ss. 101-117.
  • Fölscher, A. (2005) “A Balancing Act: Fiscal Responsibility, Accountability and the Power of the Purse”, Budget Reform Seminar Managing Complexity: From Fragmentation to Co-ordination , 30 Kasım- 2 Aralık, Maputo, Mozambique.
  • Hagemann, R. P. (2010) “Improving Fiscal Performance Through Fiscal Councils”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 829.
  • Hibbs, Jr. D. A. (1977) “Political Parties and Macroeconomic Policy”, The American Political Science Review, 71( 4), ss. 1467-1487.
  • Jensen, H. (1997) “Credibility of Optimal Monetary Delegation,” American Economic Review, 87, ss. 911-20.
  • Koen, V. ve Van den Noord, P. (2005) “Fiscal Gimmickry in Europe: One-off Measures and Creative Accounting”, OECD Economics Department Working Paper, No. 417.
  • Kopits, G. ve Symansky, S. (1998) “Fiscal Policy Rules”, IMF Occasional Paper, No. 162.
  • Kopits, G. (2001) “Fiscal Rules: Useful Policy Framework or Unneccessary Ornament?”, IMF Working Paper, No. 01/145.
  • Kopits, G. (2016) “The Case for an Independent Fiscal Institution in Japan”, IMF Working Paper, No. 156.
  • Krogstrup, S. ve Wyplosz, C. (2006) “A Common Pool Theory of Deficit Bias Correction”, Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper, No. 5866.
  • Lindbeck, A. (1976) “Stabilization Policy in Open Economies with Endogenous Politicians”, American Economic Review, 66, ss. 1- 19.
  • Manasse, P. (2005) “Deficit Limits, Budget Rules and Fiscal Policy”, IMF Working Paper, No. 120.
  • Milesi-Ferretti, G. M. (2003) “Good, Bad or Ugly? On the Effects of Fiscal Rules with Creative Accounting”, Journal of Public Economics, 88, ss. 377-394.
  • Nordhaus, William D. (1975) “The Political Business Cycle”, The Review of Economic Studies, 42(2), ss. 169-180.
  • OECD (2013) Principles for Independent Fiscal Institutions, sed%20IFI%20Principles_EN%20-%2013-Feb-13.pdf (10.04.2018).
  • Persson, T. ve Svensson, L. E. O. (1989) “Why a Stubborn Conservative would Run a Deficit: Policy with Time-Inconsistent Preferences”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 104(2), ss. 325-345.
  • Persson, T. S. Tabellini, G. (2003) The Economic Effect of Constitutions (What do the data say?), MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • Persson, T., Roland, G. ve Tabellini, G. (1997) “Separation of Powers and Political Accountability”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(4), ss. 1163-1202.
  • Persson, T., Roland, G. S. Tabellini, G. (1998) “Towards Micropolitical Foundations of Public Finance”, European Economic Review, 42(3-5), ss. 685-694.
  • Persson, T., Roland, G. S. Tabellini, G. (2000) “Comparative Politics and Public Finance”, Journal of Political Economy, 108(6), ss. 1121-1161.
  • Persson, T., Roland, G. S. Tabellini, G. (2007) “Electoral Rules and Government Spending in Parliamentary Democracies”, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2(2), ss. 155-188.
  • Posen, A. (1995) “Declarations are Note Enough: Financial Sector Sources of Central Bank Independence”, NBER Macroeconomics Annual, No. 10, ss. 253-74.
  • Roubini, N. S. Sachs, J. (1989) “Government Spending and Budget Deficits Industrial Economies”, NBER Working Paper, No. 2919.
  • Schmidt-Hebbel, K. (2012) “Fiscal Policy for Commodity Exporting Countries: Chile’s Experience”, Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries, (Ed.) Arezki, R., Patillo, C.A., Quintyn, M. ve Zhu, M., Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
  • Ter-Minassian (2010) “Preconditions for a Successful Introduction of Structural Fiscal Balance Based Rules in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Framework Paper”, Inter-American Development Bank Discussion Paper, No. IDB-DP-157.
  • Von Hagen, J. ve Eichengreen, Barry (1996) “Federalism, Fiscal Restraints, and European Monetary Union”, The American Economic Review, 86(2), Papers and Proceedings of the Hundredth and Eight Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, SanFransisco, 5-7 Ocak, ss. 134-138.
  • Von Hagen, J. ve Harden, I. J. (1995) “Budget Processes and Commitment to Fiscal Discipline” European Economic Review , 39, ss. 771-779.
  • Von Hagen, J. (2002) “Fiscal Rules, Fiscal Institutions, and Fiscal Performance”, The Economic and Social Review, 33(3), ss. 263-284.
  • Von Hagen, J. (2005) “Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Performance in the EU and Japan”, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies Bank of Japan (IMES), Discussion Paper Series, E-5.
  • Von Hagen, J. (2013) “Scope and Limits of Independent Fiscal Institutions,” Restoring Public Debt Sustainabilty: The Role of Independent Fiscal Institutions (Ed.) Kopits, G., Oxford University Press, ss. 32-53.
  • Von Hagen, J. S. ve Wollf, G. B. (2006) “What Do Deficits Tell Us About Debt? Empirical Evidence on Creative Acconting with Fiscal Rules in the EU”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 30, ss. 3259-3279.
  • Weingast, B. R., Shepsle, K. A. ve Johnsen, C. (1981) “The Political Economy of Benefits and Costs: A Neoclassical Approach to Distributive Politics”, Journal of Political Economy, 89(4), ss. 642-664.
  • Wyplosz, C. (2002) “Fiscal Policy: Institutions vs. Rules”, Hautes Etudes Internationales (HEI) Working Paper, No.3.
  • Wyplosz, C. (2005) “Fiscal Policy: Institutions Versus Rules”, National Institute Economic Review, No. 91, ss. 64-78.
  • Wyplosz, C. (2008) “Fiscal Policy Councils: Unlovable or just unloved?”, Swedish Economic Policy Review, 15, ss. 173-192.
  • Wyplosz, C. (2011) “Fiscal Discipline: Rules Rather Than Institutions”, National Institute Economic Review, No. 217, ss. 19-30.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Tülin Altun

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Altun, T. (2019). Mali Kurumlar: Mali Disiplin ve Bütçe Hakkı İle İlişkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 33(4), 1045-1063.
