Bu ralz$mada ogretmen adaylarmm proje tabanlz ogrenme ralz$malarma ili$kin g0rii.$leri
incelenmi$lir. Ara.$lzmwmn Orneklemini Atatiirk Oniversitesi, Din Kiiltil.rii ve Ahldk
Bilgisi Ogretmenligi Anabilim Dalmda ogrenim goren 49 ogretmen adayz olu$1urmaktadzr. (:alz$mada
Mills ve Woodall (2004) 'zn geli$1irmi$ oldugu ve Bay (2008) tarafindan Ti1rkr;e 'ye r;evrilen
anket formundan yararlanzlmz$lir. Ara$lirma sonucunda "Ogrenme Psikolojisi" dersi kapsamznda
uygulanan proje tabanlz ogrenme yak/Q$zmzna dayalz uygulamalara ili$kin ogre/men adaylarmzn
goril$lerinin gene/de olumlu oldugu ancak, ogrencilere verilecek konutarm ogrencilertn
kapasitelerinin r;Ok altmda ve t;ok Ustii.nde o/rnarnasma Ozen gOsterilmesi gerektigi
sonucuna ula$zlmz$llr. Aynca, proje
hazzrlayan ogrencilere, zaman yOnetirni becerisi kazandwmaya yiinelik On r;alz$malar
verilmesinin Onemi de ortaya t;zkmaktadzr.
Anahtar kelimeler: Proje Tabanlz Ogrenme, Ogretmen Adaylarznzn Goril$leri, Din Kiiltiiril ve Ahlak
Bilgisi Ogretmenligi
An investigation of teacher candidates' opinions toward Project Based Learning. Sample of
the study consisted of 49 students who enrolled in the department of religious morals education at
Atatiirk University. A survey forzn developed by Mills & Woodall translated into Turkish by Bay was
used. In the conclusion of the search have been
found the positive project opinion of the students about the project-based learning. Results of
this study show that, although, teacher candidates' opinions towards Project Based Learning is
positive, students should not taught subjects that are above or below their academic levels.
Furthermore, it is found that preliminary studies on time mCfnilgement skills should be given
to the students who are preparing projects.
Key words: Project Based learning, Teachers Candidate's Opinion, Religious and Morals Teaching