Yapzlan bu ara$lZmzanzn amacz; Mannara Oniversitesi Beden Egitimi ve Spar Yilksek Okulu
lisans ve lisansiJ.sti1 ogrencilerinde marka tercihinde etldli alan ileti$im ara{:larzmn
tii.keticiler Uzerindeki etki diizeylerini ve markalz iirilnleri kullanma durumlarzm ara$lzrmak
amaczyla yapzlmz$lZr.
Ara$lZrmada anket yOntemi kullanzlmz$lzr. Anket, Marmara Oniversitesi Beden Egitimi ve Spor Yuksek
Okulunda lisans, yuksek lisans ve doktora ogrenimi goren 80 bayan ve 170 erkek olmak uzere, 250
ogrenciye uygulanmz§lzr. Uygulamalar sonucunda elde edilen veriler, SPSS paket programznda
degerlendirilmi§tir. Verilerin analizinde ki kare-yuzde ve frekans teknikleri kullanzlmz§IZr.
Bulgular sonucuna gOre; katzlzmczlarzn %54 'il spor iirilnleri dz$mdald iirilnlerde,
marka tercihinde hazen bulunduklarmz, fakat spar UrUnlerinde marka tercihinde %72 'i
oranznda bulunduklarzm belirtikleri ortaya t;zkmz$llr.
Katzhmczlarm, marka tercihine etki eden arat;lara, en fazla etki eden %63 oranznda sosyal
t;evre oldugu ortaya t;zkmi$lzr. Ara$lzrmada %63 oranznda reklamlar,
%62 oranznda spor etkinliklerinin marka tercihinde etkili oldugu ortaya (:zkmz§tzr. Fakat
marka tanztzm ara larmdan, radyonun %73 oranznda marka tercihinde etkisiz oldugu
ortaya pkml$1lr.
Sonu{: olarak, ara tzrma sonucunda ogrencilerin spar iiriinlerinde marka tercihinde etkili o/an
ileti$im arac;lanmn, neler oldugu ortaya c;zkanlmz$ ve bu bilgiler Z$zgznda spar UrUnleri Ureten i
letmelere de Oneriler sunulmu$!Ur.
Anahtar kelimeler: Marka tercihz: iletz$im, spar, tiiketici, iiriin.
This research aims to indicate the use of trademarks and the influence of mass
media on the choice of these trademarks among graduate and post-graduate students.
The qoestionnaire method was applied in the research.!! was carried out on a total of 250 graduate
and post-graduate students in the School of Physical Education and Sports at Marmara University of
which eightywere female and 170 male. The obtained outcomewas evaluated with the SPSS programme.
Square-percentage and frequence techniques were used.
According to the findings %54 of the students occasionaly made a trademark choice in things apart
from sport equipment but this percentage was about %72 when choosing sport equipment.
The most effective influence for the trade mark choice with a percentage of %63 appeared to be the
social environment. Advertisements with a percentage of%63 and sport events with %62 were
influential in the choice. Besides, the radio appeared to be %73 ineffective.
Ultimately, the effective and non-effective means of mass media on the choice of
sport trademarks were indicated and in the light of this information advices to sports
equipment producers were proposed.
Key words: Trademark choice, communication, sports, consumer, product.