Bu ara tzrma; 2009-2010 egitim ogretim yzlznda 7. sznif mufredatznda yer alan cebirsel ifadeler
iinitesinde Offrencilerde gOzlenen hata ve kavram yanzlgzlarzm tespit etmeyi ama9lamaktadzr. Ara
tzrmanm Orneklemini Erzurum il merkezindeld Kiiltilr Kurumu ilkogretim okulunda 7. smiflarda
ogrenim goren ilk donem karne notu 3 'un ilzerinde alan
35 Offrenci olu§tumwktadzr. Bu 35 Offrenci · rastgele se9ilmi§tir. Ara§tzrmamzz betimsel
nitelikte olup veriler ba§arz testi vasztaszyla toplanmz§tzr. Veri toplama aracz olarak
standart bir test bulunmadzgzndan ara tzmzaczlar tarafindan ba arz testi geli tirilmi tir. Bu ba§an
testinin giivenirligi ara§tumaczlar tarafindan Offrencilerin doffrn, yanlz§ ve bo§ yanztlarzndan
yo/a pkarak SPSS-16 bilgisayar paket programmda cronbach-a!fa guvenirlik katsayzsz 0,846 o/arak
tespit edilmi tir. Sonu(:lar ara tzrmaczlar tarafindan deger/endirilmi . hatalara kavram
yanzlgzlarzmn neden olup olmadzgz, ogrencilerle yapzlan mulakatlar sonucu tespit edilmi tir. Bu
hata ve kavram yanz/gzlarznz gidermeye yi:Jnelik Oneriler sunulmu§tur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Cebirsel ijadeler, Kavram Yanzlgzlarz, Matematik Egitimi,
The aim of this study is to determine the errors and misconceptions which were observed in
the unit of algebraic expressions take part in the curriculum of 7'11 grade, in
2009- 2010 education year. 7'' grade 35 students from KU/tiir Kurumu Primary school in
the Erzurum city center took part in the research. Students were chosen randomly from among those
whose average score is above 3 at the end of the first semester. Research is descriptive, data were
collected by the luflp of the achievement test. Achievement test was developed by researchers
,because there is no standardized test found for this study. Cronbach-a/fa reliability factor was
determined as 0,846 by using SPSS computer packet program. Results were evaluated by researchers
and the mistakes were detennined at the end of the interviews as wheth_er they originated result of
misconception or not. Some recommendations are presented to overcome these misconceptions and
Key words: Algebraic Expressions, Misconceptions, Mathematics Educations,