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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 0 - , 23.12.2014


In this study, the effect of sildenafil citrate on some haematological parameters and mineral levels in the early stages of wound healing was investigated.Rats were randomly allocated into three treatment groups consisted of 10 rats in each. Groups were designed as control (group I), diabetic (group II) and diabetic plus sildenafil citrate (group III), respectively. Normal wound care was performed for control and group II. Sildenafil citrate was also administered with normal wound care for group III at 0.7 mg/kg dosage for 3 days via intraperitoneally (i.p.) once a day. Blood samples were collected before and at 1., 2., and., 3. days of after administration. Full blood erythrocyte (RBC), haemoglobin (HG), haematocrit (HCT) values were determined using standard methods; spectrophotometric methods were used for determination of the serum iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) levels. Sildenafil citrate increased the serum mineral levels (i.e. Zn, Cu and Mg), as having favourable impact on diabetic wound healing process. Likewise, it decreased the level of iron mineral, as having an adverse effect on the healing process. In conclusion, it was concluded that sildenafil citrate had a favourable effect on the healing process by shortening the inflammatory period, which is the first period of wound healing process


  • Alimohammad A., Mohammad Ali M., Mahmoud K.,
  • Khadijeh S., 2007. A study of the effect of
  • magnesium hydroxide on the wound healing
  • process in rats. Medical Journal of Islamic
  • World Academy of Sciences, 16, 165-170. Anonymous, 1988: Viagra, Pfizer Inc.,USA. Argren MS., 1990. Studies on zinc in wound healing.
  • Acta Dermato Venereologica, 154, (Suppl), 1- 36. Argren MS., Franzen L., 1990. Influence of zinc
  • deficiency on breaking strength of 3-week-old
  • skin incisions in the rat. Acta Chirurgica
  • Scandinavica, 156, 667-670. Brown LF., Van De Water L., Harvey VS., Duorak HF.,
  • 19 Fibrinogen influx and accumulation of
  • cross-linked fibrin in healing wounds and in
  • tumor stroma. American Journal of Pathology, 130, 455-465. Burns JL., Mancoll JS., Phillips LG., 2003.
  • Impairments to wound healing. Clinics in
  • Plastic Surgery, 30, 47- 56. Çınar A., Tülöbaev A., 2009. Uygulamalı kan fizyolojisi.
  • Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas
  • Üniversitesi Yayınları 118, Ders Kitapları Dizisi 32, Bişkek. Cohen IK., Diege lmann RF., Lindblad WJ., 1992.
  • Wound Healing: Biochemical and Clinical
  • Aspects. W.B. Saunders Co., Toronto, 248-73. Doherty CP., Sarkar MAK., Shakun MS., Ling SC.,
  • Elton RA., Cutting WA., 1998. Zinc and rehabilition from severe
  • protein-energy malnutrition: Higher-dose regimens are
  • associated with increased mortality. The
  • American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 68, 742- 748. Edmonds J., 2007. Nutrition and wound healing:
  • putting theory into practice. British Journal of
  • Community Nursing, 12, 31-44. Fahey TJ., Sadaty A., Jones WG., Barber A., Smoller
  • B., Shires GT., 1991. Diabetes impairs the late
  • inflammatory response to wound healing.
  • Journal of Surgical Research, 50, 308–313. Goodson WH., Hunt TK., 1979. Wound healing and
  • the diabetic patient. The Journal of Surgery,
  • Gynecology and Obstetrics, 149, 600–608. Grieger L., 2009. Nutrition and wound care. Today’s
  • Dietitian, 11, 8-12. Hill J., Landers P., Butcher J., Solnok H., 2008. Are
  • wound care protocols evidence based? Journal
  • of the American Dietetic Association, 108, A29. Hugo NE., Thompson LW., Zook EG., Bennet JE.,
  • 19 Effect of chronic anemia on the tensile
  • strength of healing wounds. Surgery, 66, 741- 745. Jaouhari JT., Lazrek HB., Jana M., 2000. The hypoglycemic activity of Zygophyllum gaetulum extracts in
  • alloxan-induced hyperglycemic
  • Ethnopharmacology, 69, 17-20. Journal of Langemo D., Anderson J., Hanson D., Hunter S.,
  • Thompson P., Posthauer ME., 2006. Nutritional
  • considerations in wound care. Advences in Skin
  • & Wound Care, 19, 297-298. Lansdown AB., Sampson B., Rowe A., 1999. Sequential changes in trace metal, metallothionein
  • concentrations in healing skin wounds. Journal calmodulin
  • of Anatomy, 195, 375-386. Morton S., Roberts DJ., 1993. University of Bristol
  • Unicam AAS Methods, Manual Issue, 2 (05/93). Ord H., 2007. Nutritional support for patients with
  • infected wounds. British Journal of Nursing, 16, 1346-1348. Prakash A., Pandit PN., Sharman LK., 1974. Studies
  • in wound healing in experimental diabetes.
  • International Surgery, 59, 25–28. SAS 1998. SAS Instute Inc, Cary, NC, USA. Stewart AG., Phan LH., Grigoriadis G., 1994.
  • Physiological and pathophysiological roles of
  • nitric oxide. Microsurgery, 15, 693-699. Tas A., Atasoy N., Özbek H., Aslan L., Yüksel H.,
  • Ceylan E., Dağoğlu G., 2003. The effects of
  • sildenafil citrate (Viagra) in the early phase of
  • healing process in open wounds in dogs. Acta
  • Veterinaria Brno, 72, 273–277. Vaxman F., Olender S., Lambert A., Nisand G.,
  • Granier JF., 1996. Can the wound healing process be improved by vitamin supplementation? Experimental study on humans. European Surgical Research, 28, 306– 314. Wenk J., Foitzik A., Achterberg V., Sabiwalsky A.,
  • Dissemond J., Meewes C., Reitz A., Brenneisen P., Wlaschek M., Meyer-Ingold W.,
  • Scharffetter-Kochanek K., 2001. Selective pick
  • up of increased iron by deferoxamine-coupled
  • cellulose abrogates the iron-driven induction
  • of matrix-degrading metalloproteinase 1 and
  • lipid peroxidation in human dermal fibroblasts
  • in vitro: a new dressing concept. Journal of
  • Investigative Dermatology, 116, 833–839. Williams JZ., Barbul A., 2003. Nutrition and wound
  • healing. Surgical Clinics of North America, 83, 571-596. Witt M., Thornton F., 2000. Enhancement of
  • fibroblast collagen synthesis by nitric oxide.
  • Nitric Oxide, 4, 572-582.

Deneysel Olarak Diabet Oluşturulmuş Ratlarda Yara İyileşmesinde Sildenafil Sitratın Bazı Hematolojik Parametrelere ve Mineral Maddelere Etkisi

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 0 - , 23.12.2014


Bu çalışmada sildenafil sitratın yara iyileşmesinin erken dönemlerinde bazı hematolojik parametreler ve mineral maddeler üzerine olan etkisi araştırıldı. Bu amaçla her grupta 10’ar adet rat olacak şekilde üç grup (1. Grup: Kontrol, 2. Grup: Diabet ve 3. Grup: Diabet + Sildenafil Sitrat) oluşturuldu. Birinci ve ikinci gruba normal yara bakımı, üçüncü gruba ise normal yara bakımının yanında 0.7 mg/kg dozunda 3 gün süreyle günde bir kez olmak üzere intraperitonal (i.p.) sildenafil sitrat verildi. Uygulamalara başlamadan önce 1. 2. ve 3. günlerde kan alındı. Tam kanda eritrosit (RBC), hemoglobin (HG), hematokrit (HCT), değerlerine klasik yöntemlerle; serumda demir(Fe), mangan (Mn), bakır (Cu), çinko (Zn), kurşun (Pb), potasyum (K), kalsiyum (Ca) ve magnezyum (Mg) değerlerine ise spektrofotometrik metodla bakıldı. Sildenafil sitrat, diabetli yaralarda iyileşme sürecine olumlu etki eden mineralllerden Zn, Cu ve Mg değerlerini arttırdı. İlk dönemlerde iyileşme sürecine olumsuz etki eden Fe minerali değerlerini düşürdü. Sonuç olarak, bu şekilde yara iyileşmesinin ilk dönemi olan yangısel dönemi kısaltarak, iyileşme sürecine olumlu etki yaptığı kanaatine varıldı. 


  • Alimohammad A., Mohammad Ali M., Mahmoud K.,
  • Khadijeh S., 2007. A study of the effect of
  • magnesium hydroxide on the wound healing
  • process in rats. Medical Journal of Islamic
  • World Academy of Sciences, 16, 165-170. Anonymous, 1988: Viagra, Pfizer Inc.,USA. Argren MS., 1990. Studies on zinc in wound healing.
  • Acta Dermato Venereologica, 154, (Suppl), 1- 36. Argren MS., Franzen L., 1990. Influence of zinc
  • deficiency on breaking strength of 3-week-old
  • skin incisions in the rat. Acta Chirurgica
  • Scandinavica, 156, 667-670. Brown LF., Van De Water L., Harvey VS., Duorak HF.,
  • 19 Fibrinogen influx and accumulation of
  • cross-linked fibrin in healing wounds and in
  • tumor stroma. American Journal of Pathology, 130, 455-465. Burns JL., Mancoll JS., Phillips LG., 2003.
  • Impairments to wound healing. Clinics in
  • Plastic Surgery, 30, 47- 56. Çınar A., Tülöbaev A., 2009. Uygulamalı kan fizyolojisi.
  • Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas
  • Üniversitesi Yayınları 118, Ders Kitapları Dizisi 32, Bişkek. Cohen IK., Diege lmann RF., Lindblad WJ., 1992.
  • Wound Healing: Biochemical and Clinical
  • Aspects. W.B. Saunders Co., Toronto, 248-73. Doherty CP., Sarkar MAK., Shakun MS., Ling SC.,
  • Elton RA., Cutting WA., 1998. Zinc and rehabilition from severe
  • protein-energy malnutrition: Higher-dose regimens are
  • associated with increased mortality. The
  • American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 68, 742- 748. Edmonds J., 2007. Nutrition and wound healing:
  • putting theory into practice. British Journal of
  • Community Nursing, 12, 31-44. Fahey TJ., Sadaty A., Jones WG., Barber A., Smoller
  • B., Shires GT., 1991. Diabetes impairs the late
  • inflammatory response to wound healing.
  • Journal of Surgical Research, 50, 308–313. Goodson WH., Hunt TK., 1979. Wound healing and
  • the diabetic patient. The Journal of Surgery,
  • Gynecology and Obstetrics, 149, 600–608. Grieger L., 2009. Nutrition and wound care. Today’s
  • Dietitian, 11, 8-12. Hill J., Landers P., Butcher J., Solnok H., 2008. Are
  • wound care protocols evidence based? Journal
  • of the American Dietetic Association, 108, A29. Hugo NE., Thompson LW., Zook EG., Bennet JE.,
  • 19 Effect of chronic anemia on the tensile
  • strength of healing wounds. Surgery, 66, 741- 745. Jaouhari JT., Lazrek HB., Jana M., 2000. The hypoglycemic activity of Zygophyllum gaetulum extracts in
  • alloxan-induced hyperglycemic
  • Ethnopharmacology, 69, 17-20. Journal of Langemo D., Anderson J., Hanson D., Hunter S.,
  • Thompson P., Posthauer ME., 2006. Nutritional
  • considerations in wound care. Advences in Skin
  • & Wound Care, 19, 297-298. Lansdown AB., Sampson B., Rowe A., 1999. Sequential changes in trace metal, metallothionein
  • concentrations in healing skin wounds. Journal calmodulin
  • of Anatomy, 195, 375-386. Morton S., Roberts DJ., 1993. University of Bristol
  • Unicam AAS Methods, Manual Issue, 2 (05/93). Ord H., 2007. Nutritional support for patients with
  • infected wounds. British Journal of Nursing, 16, 1346-1348. Prakash A., Pandit PN., Sharman LK., 1974. Studies
  • in wound healing in experimental diabetes.
  • International Surgery, 59, 25–28. SAS 1998. SAS Instute Inc, Cary, NC, USA. Stewart AG., Phan LH., Grigoriadis G., 1994.
  • Physiological and pathophysiological roles of
  • nitric oxide. Microsurgery, 15, 693-699. Tas A., Atasoy N., Özbek H., Aslan L., Yüksel H.,
  • Ceylan E., Dağoğlu G., 2003. The effects of
  • sildenafil citrate (Viagra) in the early phase of
  • healing process in open wounds in dogs. Acta
  • Veterinaria Brno, 72, 273–277. Vaxman F., Olender S., Lambert A., Nisand G.,
  • Granier JF., 1996. Can the wound healing process be improved by vitamin supplementation? Experimental study on humans. European Surgical Research, 28, 306– 314. Wenk J., Foitzik A., Achterberg V., Sabiwalsky A.,
  • Dissemond J., Meewes C., Reitz A., Brenneisen P., Wlaschek M., Meyer-Ingold W.,
  • Scharffetter-Kochanek K., 2001. Selective pick
  • up of increased iron by deferoxamine-coupled
  • cellulose abrogates the iron-driven induction
  • of matrix-degrading metalloproteinase 1 and
  • lipid peroxidation in human dermal fibroblasts
  • in vitro: a new dressing concept. Journal of
  • Investigative Dermatology, 116, 833–839. Williams JZ., Barbul A., 2003. Nutrition and wound
  • healing. Surgical Clinics of North America, 83, 571-596. Witt M., Thornton F., 2000. Enhancement of
  • fibroblast collagen synthesis by nitric oxide.
  • Nitric Oxide, 4, 572-582.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Bahat Comba

Leyla Mis Bu kişi benim

Arzu Comba Bu kişi benim

Ali Çınar Bu kişi benim

Abuzer Taş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Comba, B., Mis, L., Comba, A., Çınar, A., vd. (2014). Deneysel Olarak Diabet Oluşturulmuş Ratlarda Yara İyileşmesinde Sildenafil Sitratın Bazı Hematolojik Parametrelere ve Mineral Maddelere Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(3).
AMA Comba B, Mis L, Comba A, Çınar A, Taş A. Deneysel Olarak Diabet Oluşturulmuş Ratlarda Yara İyileşmesinde Sildenafil Sitratın Bazı Hematolojik Parametrelere ve Mineral Maddelere Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. Aralık 2014;9(3). doi:10.17094/avbd.41816
Chicago Comba, Bahat, Leyla Mis, Arzu Comba, Ali Çınar, ve Abuzer Taş. “Deneysel Olarak Diabet Oluşturulmuş Ratlarda Yara İyileşmesinde Sildenafil Sitratın Bazı Hematolojik Parametrelere Ve Mineral Maddelere Etkisi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 9, sy. 3 (Aralık 2014).
EndNote Comba B, Mis L, Comba A, Çınar A, Taş A (01 Aralık 2014) Deneysel Olarak Diabet Oluşturulmuş Ratlarda Yara İyileşmesinde Sildenafil Sitratın Bazı Hematolojik Parametrelere ve Mineral Maddelere Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 9 3
IEEE B. Comba, L. Mis, A. Comba, A. Çınar, ve A. Taş, “Deneysel Olarak Diabet Oluşturulmuş Ratlarda Yara İyileşmesinde Sildenafil Sitratın Bazı Hematolojik Parametrelere ve Mineral Maddelere Etkisi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 3, 2014, doi: 10.17094/avbd.41816.
ISNAD Comba, Bahat vd. “Deneysel Olarak Diabet Oluşturulmuş Ratlarda Yara İyileşmesinde Sildenafil Sitratın Bazı Hematolojik Parametrelere Ve Mineral Maddelere Etkisi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 9/3 (Aralık 2014).
JAMA Comba B, Mis L, Comba A, Çınar A, Taş A. Deneysel Olarak Diabet Oluşturulmuş Ratlarda Yara İyileşmesinde Sildenafil Sitratın Bazı Hematolojik Parametrelere ve Mineral Maddelere Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2014;9. doi:10.17094/avbd.41816.
MLA Comba, Bahat vd. “Deneysel Olarak Diabet Oluşturulmuş Ratlarda Yara İyileşmesinde Sildenafil Sitratın Bazı Hematolojik Parametrelere Ve Mineral Maddelere Etkisi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 3, 2014, doi:10.17094/avbd.41816.
Vancouver Comba B, Mis L, Comba A, Çınar A, Taş A. Deneysel Olarak Diabet Oluşturulmuş Ratlarda Yara İyileşmesinde Sildenafil Sitratın Bazı Hematolojik Parametrelere ve Mineral Maddelere Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2014;9(3).