Araştırma Makalesi
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The Effect of Different Levels of Inorganic and Organic Copper, Zinc and Manganase on Egg Production and Quality in Laying Hens

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 77 - 87, 20.10.2015


The study was conducted to determine the effects of inorganic and organic copper, zinc and manganese supplementation at both recommended levels by NRC (1994), and at 66% and 33% proportion of those levels in laying hen rations on performance and egg quality in laying hens. In experiment, a total amount of 336 commercial laying Lohmann brown hens at 45 weeks of age was used. All hens were given a second period cage laying hens diet and study was conducted for 150 days. The mineral contents of inorganic groups were supplied using a standard inorganic mineral premix at both levels of NRC recommendations (29 mg Zn as (ZnSO4), 4 mg Cu (CuSO4) and 17 mg Mn as (MnSO4)) and 66% and 33% proportions of those levels. The mineral contents of organic groups were also supplied using an organic mineral premix (BioplexTM) at the same levels and proportions of those inorganic minerals. According to the results of the current study, it was indicated that traditional trace inorganic mineral (Cu, Zn and Mn) supplementation into laying hen diets are more than it is needed and this supplementation level can be reduced; organically complexed trace minerals (Cu, Zn, and Mn) can be used at a much lower concentration than the current recommended levels as inorganic minerals, without a negative impact on performance and egg quality in laying hens


  • Spears JW., 2003. Trace minerals biovailability in ruminants. Journal of Nutrition. 133, 1506 – 1509
  • Spears, J.W. 1996. Organic trace minerals in ruminant nutrition. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 58: 151-163.
  • Ahola JK., Baker DS., Burn PD., Mortimer RG., Enns RM., Whittier JC., Geary TW., Engle TE., 2004. Effect of copper, zinc and manganese supplementation and source on reproduction, mineral status, and performance in grazing beef cattle over a two-years period. Journal of Animal Sciences, 82, 2375-2383.
  • İnal F., Coşkun B., Gulsen N., Kurtoğlu V., 2001. The effects of with drawal of vitamin and trace mineral supplements from layer diets on egg yield and trace mineral composition. British Poultry Sciences, 42, 77-80.
  • Fernandes JIM., Murakami AE., Sakomato MI., Souza LMG., Malaguido A., Martins EN., 2008. Effects
  • supplementation on production performance and qualitty of white layers. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Sciences, 20, 59-65. mineral
  • dietary 6. Aksu T., Özsoy B., Saripinar-Aksu D., Yörük M., Gül M., 2011. The effects of lower levels of organically complexed zinc, copper and manganese in Broiler diets on performance, mineral concentration of tibia and mineral excretion. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 17, 141-146.
  • Saripinar-Aksu D., Aksu T., Özsoy B., Baytok E., 2010. The effects of replacing inorganic with a lower level of organically complexed minerals (Cu, Zn and Mn) in Broiler diets on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense systems. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciencess, 23, 1066-1072.
  • Saripinar-Aksu D., Aksu T., Özsoy B., 2010. The effects of lower supplementation levels of organically complexed minerals (zinc, copper and manganese) versus inorganic forms on hematological and biochemical parameters in Broilers. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 16, 553-559.
  • Hynes MJ., Kelly P., 1995. Biotechnology in the feed industry. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Symposium. Lyons TP. and Jacques KA. eds. Nottingham University Press, Loughborough, Leics, UK., 233-248.
  • Reeves PG., DeMars LC., 2004. Copper deficiency reruces iron absobsiyon and biological in male rats. Journal of Nutrition,134, 1953-1957.
  • Mabe I., Rapp C., Bain MM., Nys Y., 2003. Suplementation of a corn-soybean meal diet with manganese, copper and zinc from organic and inorganic sources improves eggshell quality of laying hens. Poultry Sciences, 82, 1903-1913.
  • NRC., 1994. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9th Edn., National Academy Press, Washington,
  • DC., USA., ISBN-13: 9780309048927, Pages: 155.
  • A.O.A.C., 1984. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 14th edn., Inc., Arlington, Virginia.
  • Van Soest PJ., Robertson JB., Lewis D., 1991. Methods of dietary fiber neutral detergent fiber and non starch polysaccarides in relation to animal nutration. Journalof Dairy Science, 74, 3583-3597.
  • Düzgüneş O., Kesici T., Gürbüz F., 1983. İstatistik Metodları I. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları 861, Ders kitabı, 229.
  • Maciel MP., Saraiva PE., Aguiar EF., Ribeiro PAP., Passos DP., Silva JB., 2010. Effect of using organic microminerals on performance and external quality of eggs of commercial laying hens at the end of laying. Revista Brasileria Zootecnia, 39, 344-348.
  • Macalintal LM., Contor AH., Ao T., Pierce JL., Pescatore AJ., Dawson KA., Ford MJ., King WD., Gillespie HD., 2010. Effect of organic trace mineral sources on production and egg quality of white egg laying hens. Poultry Sciences Association Annual Meeting.
  • Stefanello C., Santos TC., Murakami AE., Martins EN., Carneiro TC., 2014. Productive performance, eggshell quality, and eggshell ultrastructure of laying hens fed diets supplemented with organic trace minerals. Poultry Science, 93, 104-113.
  • Yenice E., Mızrak C., Gültekin M., Atik Z., Tunca M., 2015. Effects of dietary organic or inorganic manganese,
  • supplementation on the performance, egg quality and hatching characteristics of laying breeder hens. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 62, 63-68. and
  • chrome 20. Keshavarz K., 1997. The use of zinc and manganese proteinates on performance and shell quality of laying hens. Altech's Ad. Book. Enclosure Code Egg 1-3 April.
  • Güçlü KB., İşcan MK., 2004. Farklı düzeylerde kalsiyum içeren yumurta tavuğu rasyonuna Eggshell-49 ilavesinin performans, yumurta kalitesi ve bazı kan parametrelerine etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 51, 219-224.
  • Rutz F, Pan EA, Xavier GB, Anciuti MA, 2003. Meeting selenium demands of modern poultry: Responses to SelPlexTM organic selenium in broiler and breeder diets. Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries: Beyond the Storm. Proc. 19th Alltech Ann. Symp. T. P. Lyons and K. A. Jacques, ed. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK 145-161.
  • Ao T., Pierce JL., Power R., Dawson KA., Pescatore AJ., Cantor AH., Ford MJ., 2006. Evaluation of bioplex Zn as an organic zinc sources for chicks. International Journal of Poultry Sciences, 5, 808-811.
  • Li SF., Luo XG., Lu L., Crenshaw TD., Bu YQ., Liu B., Kuang X., Shao GZ., Yu SX., 2005. Bioavailabilityof organic manganase sources in broilers fed high dietary calcium. Animal Feed Sciences and Technology, 124, 703-125.
  • Abdallah AG., El-Hüsseiny OM., Abdel-Latif KO., 2009. Influence of some dietary organic mineral supplementations on broiler performance. International Journal Poultry Sciences, 8, 291- 298.
  • Close WH., 1998. The role of trace mineral proteinates in pig nutrition. İn biotechnology in the feed industry. Proceedings of Alltech's 14th Annual Symposium. Lyons TP., Jacques KA., eds, Nottingham University Press. Nottingham. UK., 349-376.
  • Gheisari AA., Sanei A., Samie A., Gheisari MM., Toghyani M., 2011. Effect of diets supplemented with different levels of manganese, zinc and copper from their organic or inorganic soources on egg production and quality characteristics in laying hens. Biomedical Life Sciences, 142, 555- 571.
  • Yörük MA., Gül M., Hayırlı A., Karaoğlu M., 2004. Laying performance and egg quality of hens supplemented with sodium bicarbonate during the late laying period. International Journal of Poultry Science, 3, 272-278.
  • Rajkumar U., Sharma RP., Rajaravindra KS., Niranjan M., Reddy BLN., Bhattacharya TK., Chatterjee RN., 2009. Effect of genotype and ege on egg quality traints in naked neck ckicken under tropical climate from india. International Journal of Poultry Sciences, 8, 1151-1155.
  • Qiujuan S., Yuming G., Jian L., Tianguo Z., Jinlei W., 2012. Effects of methionine hydroxy analog chelated Cu/Mn/Zn on laying performance, egg quality, enzyme activity and mineral retention of laying hens. Japan Poultry Sciences, 49, 20-25.
  • Şenköylü N., Meriç C., 1989. Yaz sıcaklarında ticari yumurtacı hibrit rasyonlarına vitamin C ve dikalsiyum fosfat ilavesinin yumurta verimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4,1-2.

Yumurta Tavuklarında İnorganik ve Organik Bakır, Çinko, Manganın Farklı Düzeylerinin Yumurta Verim ve Kalitesine Etkileri

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 77 - 87, 20.10.2015


Araştırma, yumurta tavuğu rasyonlarında NRC (National Research Council) (1994) tarafından önerilen düzeyde ve bu düzeyin %66’sı ile %33’ü oranlarında inorganik ve organik bakır, çinko ve mangan kullanılmasının performans ve yumurta kalitesi üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemek amacı ile yürütüldü. Araştırmada toplam 336 adet 45 haftalık yaşta Lohman kahverengi ticari yumurtacı tavuk kullanıldı. Araştırma 150 gün sürdürüldü. İnorganik mineral gruplarının mineral premiksleri, standart bir inorganik premiks kullanılarak NRC’nin bildirdiği düzeylerde sülfat formunda 29 mg Zn (ZnSO4), 4 mg Cu (CuSO4) ve 17 mg (MnSO4) ve bu düzeylerinin sırasıyla %66 ve %33’ü oranında olacak şekilde hazırlandı. Organik mineral gruplarının mineral premiksleri ise inorganik minerallerle aynı seviyelerde ve oranlarda bir organik mineral premiksi (BioplexTM) kullanılarak hazırlandı. Mevcut araştırma sonuçlarına göre, yumurta tavuğu rasyonlarına geleneksel inorganik iz mineral katkısının ihtiyaçtan fazla olduğu ve azaltılabileceği; yine inorganik iz minerallerin yerine organik formlarının çok daha düşük düzeylerinin performans ve yumurta kalitesini etkilemeksizin katılabileceği kanaatine varıldı.


  • Spears JW., 2003. Trace minerals biovailability in ruminants. Journal of Nutrition. 133, 1506 – 1509
  • Spears, J.W. 1996. Organic trace minerals in ruminant nutrition. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 58: 151-163.
  • Ahola JK., Baker DS., Burn PD., Mortimer RG., Enns RM., Whittier JC., Geary TW., Engle TE., 2004. Effect of copper, zinc and manganese supplementation and source on reproduction, mineral status, and performance in grazing beef cattle over a two-years period. Journal of Animal Sciences, 82, 2375-2383.
  • İnal F., Coşkun B., Gulsen N., Kurtoğlu V., 2001. The effects of with drawal of vitamin and trace mineral supplements from layer diets on egg yield and trace mineral composition. British Poultry Sciences, 42, 77-80.
  • Fernandes JIM., Murakami AE., Sakomato MI., Souza LMG., Malaguido A., Martins EN., 2008. Effects
  • supplementation on production performance and qualitty of white layers. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Sciences, 20, 59-65. mineral
  • dietary 6. Aksu T., Özsoy B., Saripinar-Aksu D., Yörük M., Gül M., 2011. The effects of lower levels of organically complexed zinc, copper and manganese in Broiler diets on performance, mineral concentration of tibia and mineral excretion. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 17, 141-146.
  • Saripinar-Aksu D., Aksu T., Özsoy B., Baytok E., 2010. The effects of replacing inorganic with a lower level of organically complexed minerals (Cu, Zn and Mn) in Broiler diets on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense systems. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciencess, 23, 1066-1072.
  • Saripinar-Aksu D., Aksu T., Özsoy B., 2010. The effects of lower supplementation levels of organically complexed minerals (zinc, copper and manganese) versus inorganic forms on hematological and biochemical parameters in Broilers. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 16, 553-559.
  • Hynes MJ., Kelly P., 1995. Biotechnology in the feed industry. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Symposium. Lyons TP. and Jacques KA. eds. Nottingham University Press, Loughborough, Leics, UK., 233-248.
  • Reeves PG., DeMars LC., 2004. Copper deficiency reruces iron absobsiyon and biological in male rats. Journal of Nutrition,134, 1953-1957.
  • Mabe I., Rapp C., Bain MM., Nys Y., 2003. Suplementation of a corn-soybean meal diet with manganese, copper and zinc from organic and inorganic sources improves eggshell quality of laying hens. Poultry Sciences, 82, 1903-1913.
  • NRC., 1994. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9th Edn., National Academy Press, Washington,
  • DC., USA., ISBN-13: 9780309048927, Pages: 155.
  • A.O.A.C., 1984. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 14th edn., Inc., Arlington, Virginia.
  • Van Soest PJ., Robertson JB., Lewis D., 1991. Methods of dietary fiber neutral detergent fiber and non starch polysaccarides in relation to animal nutration. Journalof Dairy Science, 74, 3583-3597.
  • Düzgüneş O., Kesici T., Gürbüz F., 1983. İstatistik Metodları I. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları 861, Ders kitabı, 229.
  • Maciel MP., Saraiva PE., Aguiar EF., Ribeiro PAP., Passos DP., Silva JB., 2010. Effect of using organic microminerals on performance and external quality of eggs of commercial laying hens at the end of laying. Revista Brasileria Zootecnia, 39, 344-348.
  • Macalintal LM., Contor AH., Ao T., Pierce JL., Pescatore AJ., Dawson KA., Ford MJ., King WD., Gillespie HD., 2010. Effect of organic trace mineral sources on production and egg quality of white egg laying hens. Poultry Sciences Association Annual Meeting.
  • Stefanello C., Santos TC., Murakami AE., Martins EN., Carneiro TC., 2014. Productive performance, eggshell quality, and eggshell ultrastructure of laying hens fed diets supplemented with organic trace minerals. Poultry Science, 93, 104-113.
  • Yenice E., Mızrak C., Gültekin M., Atik Z., Tunca M., 2015. Effects of dietary organic or inorganic manganese,
  • supplementation on the performance, egg quality and hatching characteristics of laying breeder hens. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 62, 63-68. and
  • chrome 20. Keshavarz K., 1997. The use of zinc and manganese proteinates on performance and shell quality of laying hens. Altech's Ad. Book. Enclosure Code Egg 1-3 April.
  • Güçlü KB., İşcan MK., 2004. Farklı düzeylerde kalsiyum içeren yumurta tavuğu rasyonuna Eggshell-49 ilavesinin performans, yumurta kalitesi ve bazı kan parametrelerine etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 51, 219-224.
  • Rutz F, Pan EA, Xavier GB, Anciuti MA, 2003. Meeting selenium demands of modern poultry: Responses to SelPlexTM organic selenium in broiler and breeder diets. Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries: Beyond the Storm. Proc. 19th Alltech Ann. Symp. T. P. Lyons and K. A. Jacques, ed. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK 145-161.
  • Ao T., Pierce JL., Power R., Dawson KA., Pescatore AJ., Cantor AH., Ford MJ., 2006. Evaluation of bioplex Zn as an organic zinc sources for chicks. International Journal of Poultry Sciences, 5, 808-811.
  • Li SF., Luo XG., Lu L., Crenshaw TD., Bu YQ., Liu B., Kuang X., Shao GZ., Yu SX., 2005. Bioavailabilityof organic manganase sources in broilers fed high dietary calcium. Animal Feed Sciences and Technology, 124, 703-125.
  • Abdallah AG., El-Hüsseiny OM., Abdel-Latif KO., 2009. Influence of some dietary organic mineral supplementations on broiler performance. International Journal Poultry Sciences, 8, 291- 298.
  • Close WH., 1998. The role of trace mineral proteinates in pig nutrition. İn biotechnology in the feed industry. Proceedings of Alltech's 14th Annual Symposium. Lyons TP., Jacques KA., eds, Nottingham University Press. Nottingham. UK., 349-376.
  • Gheisari AA., Sanei A., Samie A., Gheisari MM., Toghyani M., 2011. Effect of diets supplemented with different levels of manganese, zinc and copper from their organic or inorganic soources on egg production and quality characteristics in laying hens. Biomedical Life Sciences, 142, 555- 571.
  • Yörük MA., Gül M., Hayırlı A., Karaoğlu M., 2004. Laying performance and egg quality of hens supplemented with sodium bicarbonate during the late laying period. International Journal of Poultry Science, 3, 272-278.
  • Rajkumar U., Sharma RP., Rajaravindra KS., Niranjan M., Reddy BLN., Bhattacharya TK., Chatterjee RN., 2009. Effect of genotype and ege on egg quality traints in naked neck ckicken under tropical climate from india. International Journal of Poultry Sciences, 8, 1151-1155.
  • Qiujuan S., Yuming G., Jian L., Tianguo Z., Jinlei W., 2012. Effects of methionine hydroxy analog chelated Cu/Mn/Zn on laying performance, egg quality, enzyme activity and mineral retention of laying hens. Japan Poultry Sciences, 49, 20-25.
  • Şenköylü N., Meriç C., 1989. Yaz sıcaklarında ticari yumurtacı hibrit rasyonlarına vitamin C ve dikalsiyum fosfat ilavesinin yumurta verimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4,1-2.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Feyroz Hira

Mehmet Yörük Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ekim 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Hira, F., & Yörük, M. (2015). Yumurta Tavuklarında İnorganik ve Organik Bakır, Çinko, Manganın Farklı Düzeylerinin Yumurta Verim ve Kalitesine Etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2), 77-87.
AMA Hira F, Yörük M. Yumurta Tavuklarında İnorganik ve Organik Bakır, Çinko, Manganın Farklı Düzeylerinin Yumurta Verim ve Kalitesine Etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. Ekim 2015;10(2):77-87. doi:10.17094/avbd.01827
Chicago Hira, Feyroz, ve Mehmet Yörük. “Yumurta Tavuklarında İnorganik Ve Organik Bakır, Çinko, Manganın Farklı Düzeylerinin Yumurta Verim Ve Kalitesine Etkileri”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 10, sy. 2 (Ekim 2015): 77-87.
EndNote Hira F, Yörük M (01 Ekim 2015) Yumurta Tavuklarında İnorganik ve Organik Bakır, Çinko, Manganın Farklı Düzeylerinin Yumurta Verim ve Kalitesine Etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 10 2 77–87.
IEEE F. Hira ve M. Yörük, “Yumurta Tavuklarında İnorganik ve Organik Bakır, Çinko, Manganın Farklı Düzeylerinin Yumurta Verim ve Kalitesine Etkileri”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 77–87, 2015, doi: 10.17094/avbd.01827.
ISNAD Hira, Feyroz - Yörük, Mehmet. “Yumurta Tavuklarında İnorganik Ve Organik Bakır, Çinko, Manganın Farklı Düzeylerinin Yumurta Verim Ve Kalitesine Etkileri”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 10/2 (Ekim 2015), 77-87.
JAMA Hira F, Yörük M. Yumurta Tavuklarında İnorganik ve Organik Bakır, Çinko, Manganın Farklı Düzeylerinin Yumurta Verim ve Kalitesine Etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;10:77–87.
MLA Hira, Feyroz ve Mehmet Yörük. “Yumurta Tavuklarında İnorganik Ve Organik Bakır, Çinko, Manganın Farklı Düzeylerinin Yumurta Verim Ve Kalitesine Etkileri”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 2, 2015, ss. 77-87, doi:10.17094/avbd.01827.
Vancouver Hira F, Yörük M. Yumurta Tavuklarında İnorganik ve Organik Bakır, Çinko, Manganın Farklı Düzeylerinin Yumurta Verim ve Kalitesine Etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;10(2):77-8.