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Bir Güvercinin (Oriental Roller) Göz Kapağında Tüberküloz Olgusu

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 95 - 100, 26.04.2021


Kanatlı tüberkülozu Mycobacterium avium spp. tarafından oluşturulan pek çok evcil ve yabani kanatlılarda rastlanılan kronik seyirli bir hastalıktır. Bu çalışmanın materyalini Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Cerrahi kliniğine getirilen gözkapağında bir kitle (1,5 x 1,5 x 0,5 cm. ölçülerinde ve 0,88 gr ağırlığında) bulunan üç yaşında Oriental Roller ırkı bir güvercin oluşturdu. Göz kapağı ve çevresinde bulunan bu kitle anestezi altında cerrahi operasyonla total olarak alındı. Alınan kitle sitolojik ve histopatolojik olarak incelendi. Sitolojik incelemede çok sayıda langhans dev hücresi gözlendi. Histopatolojik muayenede ise; merkezinde nekroz, çevresinde çok çekirdekli langhans dev hücreleri, mononükleer hücre infiltrasyonları ve en dıştan fibröz kapsül ile çevrili tüberküllerin varlığı gözlendi. Alınan kesitlerin Ziehl-Neelsen boyama ile boyanmasında, nekrotik kitle içerisinde yoğun asit-fast basili tespit edilerek tüberküloz tanısı konuldu. Tanı sonucu hayvan sahibinin isteği üzerine ötenazi yapıldı. Nekropside iç organlarda herhangi bir patolojik bulguya rastlanmadı. Bu olgu Van yöresinde güvercinlerde bildirilen ilk avian tüberküloz vakasıdır. Van ili göçmen kuşların önemli göç yolları ve uğrak bölgelerinden biri olduğu için bölgede hastalığın görülmesi evcil ve yabani hayvanlar arasında hastalığın yayılmasında önemli bir risk faktörüdür. Bu nedenle konuyla ilgili daha fazla çalışmaların yapılması önerilmektedir.


  • 1. Fulton R., Sanchez S., 2008. Tuberculosis. YM. Saif, HJ. Barnes, JR. Glisson, AM. Fadly, LR. Mcdougald, DE. Swayne. (Eds). In disease of poultry, 12th Ed., 940-951, Blackwel Publishing, Ames: Iowa State Press.
  • 2. Ekebaş G., Atasever A., 2020. Spontaneous tuberculosis cases in two pigeon flocks. Van Vet J, 31, 56-59.
  • 3. Özen H., Karaman M., Dağ S., Karakurt E., Akbulut Y., 2016. A case of tuberculosis in a free-living long-legged buzzard (Buteo Rufinus). Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 22, 473-476.
  • 4. Kul O., Tunca R., Haziroglu R., Diker KS., Karahan S., 2005. An outbreak of avian tuberculosis in peafowl (pavo cristatus) and pheasants (phasianus colchicus) in a zoological aviary in Turkey. Vet Med Praha, 50, 446-450.
  • 5. Saggese MD., Tizard I., Phalen DN., 2008. Mycobacteriosis in naturally infected ring-neck doves (streptopelia risoria): Investigation of the association between feather colour and susceptibility to infection, disease and lesions type. Avian Pathol, 37, 443-450.
  • 6. Dvorska L., Matlova L., Ayele WY., Fischer OA., Amemori T., Weston RT., Alverez J., Beran V., Moravkova M., Pavlik I., 2007. Avian tuberculosis in naturally infected captive water birds of the ardeideae and threskiornithidae families studied by serotyping, IS901 RFLP typing, and virulence for poultry. Vet Microbiol, 119, 366-374.
  • 7. Thoen CO., Karlson AG., 1991. Tuberculosis. Calnek BW., Barnes HJC., Beard W., Reid MW., Yoder HW (Eds), In diseases of poultry, 9th ed., 172-185. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. 8. Kriz P., Slana I., Mrlik V., Moravkova M., Kralova A., Krizova K., Pavlik I., 2010. Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium in domestic pigeons (columba livia f. domestica) diagnosed by direct conventional multiplex PCR: a case report. Vet Med, 55, 87-90.
  • 9. Beytut E., Atabay Hİ., Akça A., 2001.Tuberculosis and sarcosporidiosis in the periorbital location in a hen. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 7, 213-217.
  • 10. Terim Kapakin KA., Sağlam YS., Altun S., 2010. Bir aile işletmesinde yetiştirilen tavuklarda saptanan tüberküloz olguları üzerine patolojik incelemeler. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 5, 141-146.
  • 11. Terim Kapakin KA., Alcigir G., 2009. Bir güvercinde tuberkuloz olgusu. Kakfas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 15, 477-479.
  • 12. Kutsal O., Saglam M., 1988. Güvercinlerde tuberküloz olgularının degerlendirilmesi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, 35, 545-552.
  • 13. Oruç E., Bali AF., 2004. Tuberculosis in a young ostrich. Veterinarium, 1, 23‐26.
  • 14. Özcan K., Beytut E., Aydin F., Tuzcu M., 2001. Tuberculosis in geese (Anser Anser) in Turkey. Avian Dis, 45, 755-759.
  • 15. Schmidt V., Schneider S., Schlomer J., Krautwald- Junghanns ME., Richter E., 2008. Transmission of tuberculosis between men and pet birds: A case report. Avian Pathol, 37, 589-592.
  • 16. Tell LA., Woods L., Cromie RL., 2001. Avian tuberculosis in birds. Rev Sci Tech-off Int Epizoot, 20, 180-203.
  • 17. Tell L., Woods L., Foley J., Needham M., Walker RA., 2003. Model of avian mycobacteriosis: clinical and histopathologic findings in japanese quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) intravenously inoculated with mycobacterium avium. Avian Dis, 47, 433‐443.
  • 18. Hejlicek K., Treml F., 1995. Comparison of the pathogenesis and epizootiologic importance of avian mycobacteriosis in various types of domestic and freeliving syntropic birds. Vet Med- Czech, 40, 187-194.
  • 19. Dhama K., Mahendran M., Tiwari R., Dayal Singh S., Kumar D., Singh S., Sawant PM., 2011. Tuberculosis in birds: Insights into the mycobacterium avium infections. Vet Med Int, 712369, 1-14
  • 20. Dhama K., Mahendran M., Tomar S., 2007. Avian tuberculosis: An overview. Poultry Punch, 24, 38- 52.
  • 21. Mayahi M., Mosavari N., Esmaeilzadeh S., Parvandar Asadollahi K., 2013. Avian tuberculosis in naturally infected lofts of domestic pigeons, isolation, molecular identification and study of necropsy findings. Intern J Appl Res Vet Med, 11, 194-201.
  • 22. Zaidi A., Gupta P., Gupta P., Sharma K., Narang T., Rajwanshi A., 2020. Cytology in the diagnosis of concomitant tuberculosis and leprosy by polymerase chain reaction using cytology scrapings. Cytopathology, ahead of print, 1-3.
  • 23. Eser G., Yildirim S., Sağlam Y., Çelebi D., Yılmaz A., 2020. Koyun pnömonilerinde mannheimia (pasteurella) haemolytica izolasyonu ve patolojik incelemeler. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 15, 122- 129.
  • 24. Kurmi Y., Chaurasia V., Goel A., Joshi D., Kapoor N., 2020. Tuberculosis bacteria analysis in acid fast stained images of sputum smear. Signal Image Video Process, ahead of print 1-9.
  • 25. Al-Issawi SHF., Abbas MS., 2020. Molecular identıfıcatıon of mycobacterıum ısolated from bırds ın Iraq. Plant Arch, 20, 501-507.
  • 26. Gerhold R., Fischer J., 2005. Avian mycobacteriosis in a wild turkey. Avian Dis, 49,164‐166.
  • 27. Hejlicek K., Treml F., 1994. Epizootiology and pathogenesis of avian mycobacteriosis in domestic pigeons (Columba Livia F. Domestica). Vet Med, 39,615-624.
  • 28. Mamo G., 2020. Abattoir-Based prevalence of avian tuberculosis in chicken slaughtered at poultry abattoir in Bishoftu, Central Ethiopia. Ethiop Vet J, 24, 1-14.
  • 29. Salamatian I., Ghaniei A., Mosavari N., Nourani H., Keshavarz R., Eslampanah M., 2020. Outbreak of avian mycobacteriosis in a commercial turkey breeder flock. Avian Pathol, 49, 296-304.
  • 30. Bougiouklis P., Brellou G., Fragkiadaki E., Iordanidis P., Vlemmas I., Georgopoulou I., 2005. Outbreak of avian mycobacteriosis in a flock of two‐year‐old domestic pigeons (Columba Livia F. Domestica). Avian Dis, 49, 442‐445.
  • 31. Gonzalez M., Rodriguez A., Gimeno I., Flores J., Pizarro M., 2002. Outbreak of avian mycobacteriosis in 48‐week‐old commercial layer hen flock. Avian Dis, 46, 1055‐1061.
  • 32. Soler D., Brieva C., Ribon W., 2009. Mycobacteriosis in wild birds: the potential risk of disseminating a little‐known infectious disease. Rev Salud Publica, 11, 134‐144.

The Case of Tuberculosis in the Eyelid of A Pigeon (Oriental Roller)

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 95 - 100, 26.04.2021


Avian tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium avium ssp., is a chronic illness that occurs in many domestic and wild birds. The material of this study was the three years old Oriental Roller pigeon that had a mass (the largest of three large masses of 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 and weighing 0.88 g) on the left eyelid, was brought to the Surgical Clinic of Van Yüzüncü Yıl University. The mass was totally removed by surgical operation under anesthesia. This mass was examined cytologically and histopathologically. A large number of Langhans giant cells were detected in the cytological examination. In histopathological examination, was observed necrosis in the center, multinucleated Langhans giant cells around it, mononuclear cell infiltrates and the presence of tubercles surrounded by a fibrous capsule from the outside. In the staining of these sections with Ziehl-Neelsen, tuberculosis was diagnosed by detecting dense acid-fast bacilli in the necrotic mass. Following the diagnosis, euthanasia was performed depending on the request of the animal owner. No pathological findings were found in the internal organs in the necropsy. This is the first avian tuberculosis case reported in pigeons in Van. Van is the city founded on one of the major migration routes and frequent destinations of migratory birds. Therefore, the appearance of the disease in this region is an important risk factor in spreading between domestic and wild birds. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out further studies on the subject.


  • 1. Fulton R., Sanchez S., 2008. Tuberculosis. YM. Saif, HJ. Barnes, JR. Glisson, AM. Fadly, LR. Mcdougald, DE. Swayne. (Eds). In disease of poultry, 12th Ed., 940-951, Blackwel Publishing, Ames: Iowa State Press.
  • 2. Ekebaş G., Atasever A., 2020. Spontaneous tuberculosis cases in two pigeon flocks. Van Vet J, 31, 56-59.
  • 3. Özen H., Karaman M., Dağ S., Karakurt E., Akbulut Y., 2016. A case of tuberculosis in a free-living long-legged buzzard (Buteo Rufinus). Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 22, 473-476.
  • 4. Kul O., Tunca R., Haziroglu R., Diker KS., Karahan S., 2005. An outbreak of avian tuberculosis in peafowl (pavo cristatus) and pheasants (phasianus colchicus) in a zoological aviary in Turkey. Vet Med Praha, 50, 446-450.
  • 5. Saggese MD., Tizard I., Phalen DN., 2008. Mycobacteriosis in naturally infected ring-neck doves (streptopelia risoria): Investigation of the association between feather colour and susceptibility to infection, disease and lesions type. Avian Pathol, 37, 443-450.
  • 6. Dvorska L., Matlova L., Ayele WY., Fischer OA., Amemori T., Weston RT., Alverez J., Beran V., Moravkova M., Pavlik I., 2007. Avian tuberculosis in naturally infected captive water birds of the ardeideae and threskiornithidae families studied by serotyping, IS901 RFLP typing, and virulence for poultry. Vet Microbiol, 119, 366-374.
  • 7. Thoen CO., Karlson AG., 1991. Tuberculosis. Calnek BW., Barnes HJC., Beard W., Reid MW., Yoder HW (Eds), In diseases of poultry, 9th ed., 172-185. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. 8. Kriz P., Slana I., Mrlik V., Moravkova M., Kralova A., Krizova K., Pavlik I., 2010. Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium in domestic pigeons (columba livia f. domestica) diagnosed by direct conventional multiplex PCR: a case report. Vet Med, 55, 87-90.
  • 9. Beytut E., Atabay Hİ., Akça A., 2001.Tuberculosis and sarcosporidiosis in the periorbital location in a hen. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 7, 213-217.
  • 10. Terim Kapakin KA., Sağlam YS., Altun S., 2010. Bir aile işletmesinde yetiştirilen tavuklarda saptanan tüberküloz olguları üzerine patolojik incelemeler. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 5, 141-146.
  • 11. Terim Kapakin KA., Alcigir G., 2009. Bir güvercinde tuberkuloz olgusu. Kakfas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 15, 477-479.
  • 12. Kutsal O., Saglam M., 1988. Güvercinlerde tuberküloz olgularının degerlendirilmesi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, 35, 545-552.
  • 13. Oruç E., Bali AF., 2004. Tuberculosis in a young ostrich. Veterinarium, 1, 23‐26.
  • 14. Özcan K., Beytut E., Aydin F., Tuzcu M., 2001. Tuberculosis in geese (Anser Anser) in Turkey. Avian Dis, 45, 755-759.
  • 15. Schmidt V., Schneider S., Schlomer J., Krautwald- Junghanns ME., Richter E., 2008. Transmission of tuberculosis between men and pet birds: A case report. Avian Pathol, 37, 589-592.
  • 16. Tell LA., Woods L., Cromie RL., 2001. Avian tuberculosis in birds. Rev Sci Tech-off Int Epizoot, 20, 180-203.
  • 17. Tell L., Woods L., Foley J., Needham M., Walker RA., 2003. Model of avian mycobacteriosis: clinical and histopathologic findings in japanese quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) intravenously inoculated with mycobacterium avium. Avian Dis, 47, 433‐443.
  • 18. Hejlicek K., Treml F., 1995. Comparison of the pathogenesis and epizootiologic importance of avian mycobacteriosis in various types of domestic and freeliving syntropic birds. Vet Med- Czech, 40, 187-194.
  • 19. Dhama K., Mahendran M., Tiwari R., Dayal Singh S., Kumar D., Singh S., Sawant PM., 2011. Tuberculosis in birds: Insights into the mycobacterium avium infections. Vet Med Int, 712369, 1-14
  • 20. Dhama K., Mahendran M., Tomar S., 2007. Avian tuberculosis: An overview. Poultry Punch, 24, 38- 52.
  • 21. Mayahi M., Mosavari N., Esmaeilzadeh S., Parvandar Asadollahi K., 2013. Avian tuberculosis in naturally infected lofts of domestic pigeons, isolation, molecular identification and study of necropsy findings. Intern J Appl Res Vet Med, 11, 194-201.
  • 22. Zaidi A., Gupta P., Gupta P., Sharma K., Narang T., Rajwanshi A., 2020. Cytology in the diagnosis of concomitant tuberculosis and leprosy by polymerase chain reaction using cytology scrapings. Cytopathology, ahead of print, 1-3.
  • 23. Eser G., Yildirim S., Sağlam Y., Çelebi D., Yılmaz A., 2020. Koyun pnömonilerinde mannheimia (pasteurella) haemolytica izolasyonu ve patolojik incelemeler. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 15, 122- 129.
  • 24. Kurmi Y., Chaurasia V., Goel A., Joshi D., Kapoor N., 2020. Tuberculosis bacteria analysis in acid fast stained images of sputum smear. Signal Image Video Process, ahead of print 1-9.
  • 25. Al-Issawi SHF., Abbas MS., 2020. Molecular identıfıcatıon of mycobacterıum ısolated from bırds ın Iraq. Plant Arch, 20, 501-507.
  • 26. Gerhold R., Fischer J., 2005. Avian mycobacteriosis in a wild turkey. Avian Dis, 49,164‐166.
  • 27. Hejlicek K., Treml F., 1994. Epizootiology and pathogenesis of avian mycobacteriosis in domestic pigeons (Columba Livia F. Domestica). Vet Med, 39,615-624.
  • 28. Mamo G., 2020. Abattoir-Based prevalence of avian tuberculosis in chicken slaughtered at poultry abattoir in Bishoftu, Central Ethiopia. Ethiop Vet J, 24, 1-14.
  • 29. Salamatian I., Ghaniei A., Mosavari N., Nourani H., Keshavarz R., Eslampanah M., 2020. Outbreak of avian mycobacteriosis in a commercial turkey breeder flock. Avian Pathol, 49, 296-304.
  • 30. Bougiouklis P., Brellou G., Fragkiadaki E., Iordanidis P., Vlemmas I., Georgopoulou I., 2005. Outbreak of avian mycobacteriosis in a flock of two‐year‐old domestic pigeons (Columba Livia F. Domestica). Avian Dis, 49, 442‐445.
  • 31. Gonzalez M., Rodriguez A., Gimeno I., Flores J., Pizarro M., 2002. Outbreak of avian mycobacteriosis in 48‐week‐old commercial layer hen flock. Avian Dis, 46, 1055‐1061.
  • 32. Soler D., Brieva C., Ribon W., 2009. Mycobacteriosis in wild birds: the potential risk of disseminating a little‐known infectious disease. Rev Salud Publica, 11, 134‐144.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Olgu Sunumu

Serkan Yıldırım 0000-0003-2457-3367

İsmail Alkan

Yavuz Sağlam

Gizem Eser 0000-0002-8330-3095

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldırım, S., Alkan, İ., Sağlam, Y., Eser, G. (2021). Bir Güvercinin (Oriental Roller) Göz Kapağında Tüberküloz Olgusu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(1), 95-100.
AMA Yıldırım S, Alkan İ, Sağlam Y, Eser G. Bir Güvercinin (Oriental Roller) Göz Kapağında Tüberküloz Olgusu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. Nisan 2021;16(1):95-100.
Chicago Yıldırım, Serkan, İsmail Alkan, Yavuz Sağlam, ve Gizem Eser. “Bir Güvercinin (Oriental Roller) Göz Kapağında Tüberküloz Olgusu”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 16, sy. 1 (Nisan 2021): 95-100.
EndNote Yıldırım S, Alkan İ, Sağlam Y, Eser G (01 Nisan 2021) Bir Güvercinin (Oriental Roller) Göz Kapağında Tüberküloz Olgusu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 16 1 95–100.
IEEE S. Yıldırım, İ. Alkan, Y. Sağlam, ve G. Eser, “Bir Güvercinin (Oriental Roller) Göz Kapağında Tüberküloz Olgusu”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 16, sy. 1, ss. 95–100, 2021.
ISNAD Yıldırım, Serkan vd. “Bir Güvercinin (Oriental Roller) Göz Kapağında Tüberküloz Olgusu”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 16/1 (Nisan 2021), 95-100.
JAMA Yıldırım S, Alkan İ, Sağlam Y, Eser G. Bir Güvercinin (Oriental Roller) Göz Kapağında Tüberküloz Olgusu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;16:95–100.
MLA Yıldırım, Serkan vd. “Bir Güvercinin (Oriental Roller) Göz Kapağında Tüberküloz Olgusu”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 16, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 95-100.
Vancouver Yıldırım S, Alkan İ, Sağlam Y, Eser G. Bir Güvercinin (Oriental Roller) Göz Kapağında Tüberküloz Olgusu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;16(1):95-100.