Biyolojik Mücadele Etmenlerinin Uygulanmasında İlaçlama Ünitelerinin Rolü
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 39 Sayı: 1, 151 - 157, 10.01.2011
Bahadır Sayıncı
Saim Bastaban
Doğal kaynaklardan üretilen biyopreparatların uygulanmasında konvansiyonel ilaçlama üniteleri kullanılmaktadır.
Patojen mikroorganizmalar olan biyolojik mücadele etmenlerinin yaşam aktivitelerinde uygulama ünitelerinin önemli bir etkiye
sahip olduğu belirtilmiştir. İlaçlama ekipmanlarında kullanılan meme tipi ve seçilen işletme parametreleri canlı organizmalarda
hidrodinamik strese yol açabilmekte, damla spektrumunda yer alan ince yapılı damlalardan dolayı preparatın taşınma etkinliği
azalabilmekte veya pompa ve karıştırıcıdan dolayı karışımın sıcaklığı artarak canlı aktivitenin azalmasına neden olabilmektedirler.
Bu çalışmada, biyopreparatların yaşam aktivitelerinde ilaçlama ünitelerinin rolü belirtilmiş ve biyolojik etkinliği sınırlayan
etmenler literatür ışığında özetlenmiştir.
- Al-Sarar, A., Hall, F. R., Downer, R. A., 2006. Impact of spray application methodology on the development of resistance to cypermethrin and spinosad by fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith). Pest Management Science, 62: 1023- 1031.
- ASAE Standarts, 1999. Spray Nozzle Classification by Droplet Spectra. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, ASAE S572, AUG99.
- Bateman, R.P, Douro-Kpindou, O. K., Kooyman, C., Lomer, C., Ouambama, Z., 1998. Some observations on the transfer of mycoinsecticide sprays to desert locusts. Crop Protection, 17 (2): 151-158.
- Bode, L. E., Butler, B. J., Pearson, S. L., Bouse, L. F., 1983. Characteristics of the micromax rotary atomizer. Transactions of the ASAE, 24 (4): 999-1004.
- Bozdogan, N. Y., Bayat, A., 2005. Spray deposition and drift potential of an air-assisted atomizer (Turbofan® Sprayhead) in spraying cotton plants. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture & 27th International Conference of CIGR Section IV: The Efficient Use of Electricity Renewable Sources in Agriculture, Sep., İzmir, 27-29.
- Cornish, A., Battersby, N. S., Watkinson, R. J., 1993. Environmental fate of mineral, vegetable and transesterified vegetable oils. Pesticide Science, 37 (2): 173-178.
- Delen, N., Durmuşoğlu, E., Güncan, A., Güngör, N., Turgut, C., Burçak, A., 2005. Türkiye’de pestisit kullanımı, kalıntı ve organizmalarda duyarlılık azalışı sorunları. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği 6. Teknik Kongre, 3-7 Ocak, Ankara, 1-27.
- Ebert, T. A., Taylor, R. A. J., Downer, R. A., Hall, F. R., 1999. Deposition structure and efficacy I: Interaction between deposit size, toxicant concentration and deposition number. Pesticide Science, 55: 783-792.
- Farooq, M., Balachandar, R., Wolf, T., 2001. Assesment of an agricultural spray in a –non-uniform cross-flow. Transactions of the ASAE, 44 (6): 1455-1460.
- Fife, J. P., 2003. Investigation of the Effect of Agricultural Spray Application. Equipment on Damage to Entomopathogenic Nematodes - A Biological Pest Control Agent. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 302 p.
- Fife, J. P., Derksen, R. C., Ozkan, H. E., Grewal, P. S., 2003. Effects of pressure differential on the viability and infectivity of entomopathogenic nematodes. Biological Control, 27: 65-72.
- Fife, J. P., Ozkan, H. E., Derksen, R. C., Grewal, P. S., Krause, P. S., 2005. Viability of a biological pest control agent through hydraulic nozzles. Transactions of the ASAE, 48: 45-54.
- Gan-Mor, S., Matthews, G. A., 2003. Recent developments in sprayers for application of biopesticides-an overview. Biosystems Engineering, 84 (2): 119-125.
- Gökçe, A., Er, M. K., 2002. Entomopatojenik fungus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown&Smith kullanılarak sera beyazsineğinin, vaporariorum Westwood, biyolojik mücadelesi ve sıcaklığın fungusun büyümesine etkisi. Türkiye 5. Biyolojik Mücadele Kongresi Bildirileri, 4-7 Eylül, Erzurum, 345- 352. Trialeurodes
- Güncan, A., Durmuşoğlu, E., 2004. Bitkisel kökenli doğal insektisitler üzerine bir değerlendirme. Hasad (ISSN 1302- 1702), Sayı: 233, 26-32.
- Hoffmann, W. C., Salyani, M., 1996. Spray deposition on citrus canopies under different meteorological conditions. Transactions of the ASAE, 39 (1): 17-32.
- Holland, J. M., Jepson, P. C., Jones, E. C., Turner, C. A., 1997. Comparison of spinning disc atomisers and flat fan pressure nozzles in terms of pesticide deposition and biological efficacy within cereal crops. Crop Protection, 16 (2): 179- 185.
- Kepenekçi, İ., Zeki, C., Özdem, A., Öztürk, G., 2002. Üç entomopatojen nematodun Akdeniz meyve sineği [Ceratitis capitata (Wied) (Diptera: Tephritidae)] pupalarına etkileri. Türkiye 5. Biyolojik Mücadele Kongresi Bildirileri, 4-7 Eylül, Erzurum, 279-286.
- Lączyński, A., Moor, A. D., Dierickx, W., Moens, M., Darius, P., Sonck, B., Ramon, H., 2006. The effect of hdyraulic agitation on the viability of the nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophor. Crop Protection, 25: 1135-1141.
- Lello, E. R., Patel, M. N., Matthews, G. A., Wright, D. J., 1996. Application technology for entomopathogenic nematodes against foliar pests. Crop Protection, 15 (6): 567-574.
- Mason, J. M., Matthews, G. A., Wright, D. J., 1998. Appraisal of spinning disc technology for the application of entomopathogenic nematodes. Crop Protection, 17 (5): 453- 461.
- Mason, J. M., Matthews, G. A., Wright, D. J., 1999. Evaluation of spinning disc technology fort he application og entomopathogenic nematodes against a foliar pest. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 73: 282-288.
- Matthews, G.A., 1979. Pesticide Application Methods. London, New York: Longman, 336 p.
- Navon, A., 2000. Bacillus thuringiensis insecticides in crop protection—reality and prospects. Crop Protection, 19: 669- 676.
- Nilsson, U., Gripwall, E., 1999. Influence of application technique on the viability of the biological control agents Verticillium lecanii and Steinernema feltiae. Crop Protection, 18: 53-59.
- Nuyttens, D., Baetens, K., Schampheleire, M. De, Sonck, B., 2007. Effect of nozzle type, size, and pressure on spray droplet characteristics. Biosystems Engineering, 97 (3): 333-345.
- Parnell, M. A., King, W. J., Jones, K. A., Ketunuti, U., Wetchakit, D., 1999. A comparison of motorised knapsack mistblower, medium volume application, and spinning disk, very low volume application, of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus on cotton in Thailand. Crop Protection, 18: 259-265.
- Piché, M., Panneton, B., Thériault, R., 2000a. Field evaluation of air-assisted boom spraying on broccoli and potato. Transactions of the ASAE, 43 (4): 793-799.
- Piggott, S. J., Clayton, R., Matthews, G. A., Wright, D. J., 2003. Development of a new application apparatus for entomopathogenic nematodes. Pest Management Science, 59, 1344-1348.
- Shapiro, D. I., Gouge, D. H., Piggott, S. J., Fife, J. P., 2006. Application technology and environmental considerations for use of entomopathogenic nematodes in biological control. Biological Control, 38: 124-133.
- Smith, D. B., Askew, S. D., Morris, W. H., Shaw, D. R., Boyette, M., 2000. Droplet size and leaf morphology effects on pesticide spray deposition. Transactions of the ASAE, 43 (2): 255-259.
- Womac, A. R., Mulrooney, J. E., Scott, W. P., 1992. Characteristics of air-assisted and drop-nozzle sprays in cotton. Transactions of the ASAE, 35 (5): 1369-1376.
- Womac, A., Etheridge, R., Seibert, A., Hogan, D., Ray, S., 2001. Sprayer speed and venture-nozzle effects on broadcast application uniformity. Transactions of the ASAE, 44 (6): 1437-1444.
- Wraight, S. P., Ramos, M. E., 2002. Application parameters affecting field efficacy of Beauveria bassiana foliar treatments against Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Biological Control, 23: 164-178.
- Wraight, S. P., Ramos, M. E., 2005. Syngistic interaction between Beauveria bassiana- and Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis- based biopesticides applied against field populations of Colorado potato beetle larvae. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 90: 139-150.
- Yıldırım, E., 2008. Tarımsal Zararlılarla Mücadele Yöntemleri ve İlaçlar. 2. Baskı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 219, Ziraat Fakültesi Ofset Tesisi, Erzurum, 350 s.
- Weeden, C. R., Shelton, A. M., ,Hoffmann, M. P., 2008. Biological Control: A guide to natural enemies in North America. Corneel University. htoc.html (Haziran 2008)
- Zeren, Y., Bayat, A., 1999. Tarımsal Savaş Mekanizasyonu. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Genel Yayın No: 108, Ders Kitapları Yayın No: A-27, 2. Baskı, Adana, 351 s.
- Zhu, H., Dorner, J. W., Rowland, D. L., Derksen, R. C., Ozkan, H. E., 2004. Spray penetration into peanut canopies with hydraulic nozzle tips. Biosystems Engineering, 87 (3): 275- 273.
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 39 Sayı: 1, 151 - 157, 10.01.2011
Bahadır Sayıncı
Saim Bastaban
- Al-Sarar, A., Hall, F. R., Downer, R. A., 2006. Impact of spray application methodology on the development of resistance to cypermethrin and spinosad by fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith). Pest Management Science, 62: 1023- 1031.
- ASAE Standarts, 1999. Spray Nozzle Classification by Droplet Spectra. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, ASAE S572, AUG99.
- Bateman, R.P, Douro-Kpindou, O. K., Kooyman, C., Lomer, C., Ouambama, Z., 1998. Some observations on the transfer of mycoinsecticide sprays to desert locusts. Crop Protection, 17 (2): 151-158.
- Bode, L. E., Butler, B. J., Pearson, S. L., Bouse, L. F., 1983. Characteristics of the micromax rotary atomizer. Transactions of the ASAE, 24 (4): 999-1004.
- Bozdogan, N. Y., Bayat, A., 2005. Spray deposition and drift potential of an air-assisted atomizer (Turbofan® Sprayhead) in spraying cotton plants. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture & 27th International Conference of CIGR Section IV: The Efficient Use of Electricity Renewable Sources in Agriculture, Sep., İzmir, 27-29.
- Cornish, A., Battersby, N. S., Watkinson, R. J., 1993. Environmental fate of mineral, vegetable and transesterified vegetable oils. Pesticide Science, 37 (2): 173-178.
- Delen, N., Durmuşoğlu, E., Güncan, A., Güngör, N., Turgut, C., Burçak, A., 2005. Türkiye’de pestisit kullanımı, kalıntı ve organizmalarda duyarlılık azalışı sorunları. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği 6. Teknik Kongre, 3-7 Ocak, Ankara, 1-27.
- Ebert, T. A., Taylor, R. A. J., Downer, R. A., Hall, F. R., 1999. Deposition structure and efficacy I: Interaction between deposit size, toxicant concentration and deposition number. Pesticide Science, 55: 783-792.
- Farooq, M., Balachandar, R., Wolf, T., 2001. Assesment of an agricultural spray in a –non-uniform cross-flow. Transactions of the ASAE, 44 (6): 1455-1460.
- Fife, J. P., 2003. Investigation of the Effect of Agricultural Spray Application. Equipment on Damage to Entomopathogenic Nematodes - A Biological Pest Control Agent. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 302 p.
- Fife, J. P., Derksen, R. C., Ozkan, H. E., Grewal, P. S., 2003. Effects of pressure differential on the viability and infectivity of entomopathogenic nematodes. Biological Control, 27: 65-72.
- Fife, J. P., Ozkan, H. E., Derksen, R. C., Grewal, P. S., Krause, P. S., 2005. Viability of a biological pest control agent through hydraulic nozzles. Transactions of the ASAE, 48: 45-54.
- Gan-Mor, S., Matthews, G. A., 2003. Recent developments in sprayers for application of biopesticides-an overview. Biosystems Engineering, 84 (2): 119-125.
- Gökçe, A., Er, M. K., 2002. Entomopatojenik fungus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown&Smith kullanılarak sera beyazsineğinin, vaporariorum Westwood, biyolojik mücadelesi ve sıcaklığın fungusun büyümesine etkisi. Türkiye 5. Biyolojik Mücadele Kongresi Bildirileri, 4-7 Eylül, Erzurum, 345- 352. Trialeurodes
- Güncan, A., Durmuşoğlu, E., 2004. Bitkisel kökenli doğal insektisitler üzerine bir değerlendirme. Hasad (ISSN 1302- 1702), Sayı: 233, 26-32.
- Hoffmann, W. C., Salyani, M., 1996. Spray deposition on citrus canopies under different meteorological conditions. Transactions of the ASAE, 39 (1): 17-32.
- Holland, J. M., Jepson, P. C., Jones, E. C., Turner, C. A., 1997. Comparison of spinning disc atomisers and flat fan pressure nozzles in terms of pesticide deposition and biological efficacy within cereal crops. Crop Protection, 16 (2): 179- 185.
- Kepenekçi, İ., Zeki, C., Özdem, A., Öztürk, G., 2002. Üç entomopatojen nematodun Akdeniz meyve sineği [Ceratitis capitata (Wied) (Diptera: Tephritidae)] pupalarına etkileri. Türkiye 5. Biyolojik Mücadele Kongresi Bildirileri, 4-7 Eylül, Erzurum, 279-286.
- Lączyński, A., Moor, A. D., Dierickx, W., Moens, M., Darius, P., Sonck, B., Ramon, H., 2006. The effect of hdyraulic agitation on the viability of the nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophor. Crop Protection, 25: 1135-1141.
- Lello, E. R., Patel, M. N., Matthews, G. A., Wright, D. J., 1996. Application technology for entomopathogenic nematodes against foliar pests. Crop Protection, 15 (6): 567-574.
- Mason, J. M., Matthews, G. A., Wright, D. J., 1998. Appraisal of spinning disc technology for the application of entomopathogenic nematodes. Crop Protection, 17 (5): 453- 461.
- Mason, J. M., Matthews, G. A., Wright, D. J., 1999. Evaluation of spinning disc technology fort he application og entomopathogenic nematodes against a foliar pest. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 73: 282-288.
- Matthews, G.A., 1979. Pesticide Application Methods. London, New York: Longman, 336 p.
- Navon, A., 2000. Bacillus thuringiensis insecticides in crop protection—reality and prospects. Crop Protection, 19: 669- 676.
- Nilsson, U., Gripwall, E., 1999. Influence of application technique on the viability of the biological control agents Verticillium lecanii and Steinernema feltiae. Crop Protection, 18: 53-59.
- Nuyttens, D., Baetens, K., Schampheleire, M. De, Sonck, B., 2007. Effect of nozzle type, size, and pressure on spray droplet characteristics. Biosystems Engineering, 97 (3): 333-345.
- Parnell, M. A., King, W. J., Jones, K. A., Ketunuti, U., Wetchakit, D., 1999. A comparison of motorised knapsack mistblower, medium volume application, and spinning disk, very low volume application, of Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus on cotton in Thailand. Crop Protection, 18: 259-265.
- Piché, M., Panneton, B., Thériault, R., 2000a. Field evaluation of air-assisted boom spraying on broccoli and potato. Transactions of the ASAE, 43 (4): 793-799.
- Piggott, S. J., Clayton, R., Matthews, G. A., Wright, D. J., 2003. Development of a new application apparatus for entomopathogenic nematodes. Pest Management Science, 59, 1344-1348.
- Shapiro, D. I., Gouge, D. H., Piggott, S. J., Fife, J. P., 2006. Application technology and environmental considerations for use of entomopathogenic nematodes in biological control. Biological Control, 38: 124-133.
- Smith, D. B., Askew, S. D., Morris, W. H., Shaw, D. R., Boyette, M., 2000. Droplet size and leaf morphology effects on pesticide spray deposition. Transactions of the ASAE, 43 (2): 255-259.
- Womac, A. R., Mulrooney, J. E., Scott, W. P., 1992. Characteristics of air-assisted and drop-nozzle sprays in cotton. Transactions of the ASAE, 35 (5): 1369-1376.
- Womac, A., Etheridge, R., Seibert, A., Hogan, D., Ray, S., 2001. Sprayer speed and venture-nozzle effects on broadcast application uniformity. Transactions of the ASAE, 44 (6): 1437-1444.
- Wraight, S. P., Ramos, M. E., 2002. Application parameters affecting field efficacy of Beauveria bassiana foliar treatments against Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Biological Control, 23: 164-178.
- Wraight, S. P., Ramos, M. E., 2005. Syngistic interaction between Beauveria bassiana- and Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis- based biopesticides applied against field populations of Colorado potato beetle larvae. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 90: 139-150.
- Yıldırım, E., 2008. Tarımsal Zararlılarla Mücadele Yöntemleri ve İlaçlar. 2. Baskı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 219, Ziraat Fakültesi Ofset Tesisi, Erzurum, 350 s.
- Weeden, C. R., Shelton, A. M., ,Hoffmann, M. P., 2008. Biological Control: A guide to natural enemies in North America. Corneel University. htoc.html (Haziran 2008)
- Zeren, Y., Bayat, A., 1999. Tarımsal Savaş Mekanizasyonu. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Genel Yayın No: 108, Ders Kitapları Yayın No: A-27, 2. Baskı, Adana, 351 s.
- Zhu, H., Dorner, J. W., Rowland, D. L., Derksen, R. C., Ozkan, H. E., 2004. Spray penetration into peanut canopies with hydraulic nozzle tips. Biosystems Engineering, 87 (3): 275- 273.