Bu çalışmada, Elazığ ilinde ziraı yapılarda kullanılan yapı malzemesi, inşaat sistemleri ve yapı elemanları tanıtılmış; işletme avlusu, binaların tertip ve tanzimi, işletme binalarınm mevcut durumları, özellikleri, alan ve hacim bakımından yeterlilikleri, sağlık şartları, işletmelerde mevcut çeşitli binaların maliyetleri ve bina sermayeleri incelenmiştir. Araştırma bölgesi hakkındaki genel bilgiler ve araştırmalardan elde edilen sonuçların ışığı altında mevcut durumun geliştirilmesi ile ilgili hususlar açıklanarak tavsiyelerde bulunulmuş ve araştırma bölgesi için uygun görülen işletme avlusu tertiplerine ait planlar hazırlanmıştır.
A Research on The Existing Conditions Peculiarities and Development Possibilities of The Farm Buildings in
Elazığ Province.
The aim of this research was to
investigate the existing conditions
and pecu1iarities of the buildings in
the agricultural enterprises in Elazığ
province and to give same construction
of them.
For this purpose 24 villages in
mountain, hillside and vaUey locations
were selected. In each of these villages
three agricultural enterprises or farmsteads
low, medium and high. income
families were studied. The data collected
from the village enterprises
were studied under the light of engineering
knowledge related environmental
conditions, efficient space utilization,
for preparing proper plans convenient
for the region. The result obtained from
the study can be summarized as
1. The main materials used in
village buildings in Elazığ are mostly
stone, abode, wood and earth.
2. Tht" foundations of buildings
are generally stone walI. The depth
of foundation is changing between
40-100 cm. The main waııs are constructed
by using stone and adobe.
Thickness of main walls are around
45-60 cm.
3. Buildings investigated generally
have flat roof. Only 0,5 % of them
have gable roof. Earth is used as
roofing materials. Thickness of roofing
material is about 15-20 cm.
4. it can be said that there is no
any orientations of farm buildings
in the farmyard. Most of the enterprises
do not have service yards. Considering
the principles of farmstead
planning three different types of farm
·yard plans are prepared for low
medium and high income faınilies.
5. 25 % of dwellings investigated
have onlyone store others two stores.
Useful space of dwellings investigated
are 47,7 mı, 76,6 m2 and 105,7 m2
for low, medium and high income
families respeetively.
Dimension of windows and doors
are very irregular and smail. As a
result dwellings do not receive sufficient
natural light. Most of the dwellings
investigated do not have toilets
and bathrooms.
6. Useful space of animal shelters
investigated are 31,0 m2 45,7 m2
and 60,6 m2 for low, medium and
high income families respectively. The
useful space at the animal shelters
investigated are larger than needed.
In animal shelters sanitary cond;tions
conceming heat, humidity air circulation
and natural light are not satisfactory.
7. Useful space of shelters and
storages investigated are 21,3 m2
36,6 m2 and 56,8 m2 for low, medium
and high income families respectively.
All enterprises have strow-shed. Useful
of strow-shed are less than needed.
Most of enterprises investigated do
not have shelters for tools and machinery.
8. in the viIlages under investi·
gation in i 968-1969 the cost of different
kinds of buildings vary between
52,60-83,90 TL. for each square meter.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 11 Aralık 2010 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 1971 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4 |
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