ABSTRACT : This study aimed to investigate the effects of individual plant and plot randomizations on the expression of genetic variability for five characters among the generations of a selfing series which have been derived from a cross between V2 and V12 pure breeding varieties of Nicotiana. rustica. A hierarchical analysis of variance performed on the generations of the selfing series for each of the five characters (Plant height in fourth week of growing=H4, Plant height in sixth week of growing = H6, Plant height in seventh week of growing=H7, Lenght of the longest leaf =LL, Width of the widest leaf = LW) detected the absence of any maternal and paternal effects and the presence of genetic differences between families of F3 and F�‡ (purely inbreed) generations in both designs. The means of the F1 generation fell within the parental range for H4, H6 and H7 suggesting absence of heterosis while it fell outside of the parental range for LL and LW suggesting presence of heterosis and non-additive effects. C and D scaling tests suggested the absence of non-allelic interactions for almost all the characters. Bartlett�fs test showed the presence of genotype x micro environmental interactions for almost all the characters. Heritability estimates varied between traits but not between designs. The weighted least squares method was used to estimate parameters from both the first and second-degree statistics. In most cases, simple m, [d], [h] and D, E and Ep (plot effects) models explained the variation adequately. Variance ratio tests showed that within plot variances were significantly smaller than the comparable within family variances of individual randomization for most trials. When tested by model fitting, E and Ep adequately explained the within family variances of F�‡ (fully inbreed) generation. In general the genetic components of variation were not found to be differing critically between the two designs.
Key Words: N. rustica, plot and individual randomization, first and second degree statistics
Tonbekilik Tutunde Genetik ve Cevresel Varyasyonun .ncelenmesinde Tek Bitki ve Parsel Randomizasyonun Kar..la.t.r.lmas.
OZET :Bu cal..mada V2 ve V12 isimli tombekilik tutunden turetilen kendileme generasyonlar.nda 5 de.i.ik karakterin ortaya c.kmas. uzerine tek bitki ve parsel randomizasyonunun etkilerinin ara.t.r.lmas. amaclanm..t.r. H4, H6, H7 , LL ve LW karakterleri icin kendileme generasyonlar.nda yap.lan hiyerar.ik varyans analizleri sonunda anaya ve babaya ba.l. etkilerin olmad..., F3 ve Fƒ¿ generasyonlar.nda aileler aras. genetik farkl.l.klar.n bulundu.u anla..lm..t.r. F1 ortalama de.erleri H4, H6, ve H7 icin ana ve babaya ait de.erlerin aras.nda bulunurken LL ve LW icin ise ana ve baba de.erleri d...nda de.erler vererek heterosisin varl...na i.aret etmi.tir. C ve D skala testleri butun karakterler icin allelik olmayan interaksiyonlar.n olmad...n. gostermi.tir. Barttlet�fs testi ise tum karakterler icin genotip x cevre interaksiyonlar.n.n varl...n. tespit etmi.tir. Dar anlamda kal.t.m dereceleri tahminleri tum karakterler icin farkl. tespit edilmi. ancak randomizasyona ba.l. bir de.i.me olmam..t.r. A..rl.kl. en kucuk kareler yontemi her karakter icin 1. ve 2. derece istatistiklerin tahmininde kullan.lm.., basit eklemeli- dominans model (m, [d], [h]) ortalama komponentlerini yeterince ac.klam..t.r. D ,E ve Ep den olu.an model de varyans komponentlerini yeterince ac.klam..t.r. En uygun model tespitinde E ve Ep , Fƒ¿ generasonunda aile ici varyans. yeterince ac.klam..lard.r. Genel olarak genetik varyans komponentleri her iki randomizasyon modelinde de de.i.memi.tir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Tonbekilik tutun, tek bitki ve parsel randomizasyonu, 1. ve 2. Derece istatistikler
Birincil Dil | en;tr |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 10 Ocak 2011 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2002 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 4 |
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