Doğu Anadolu'da ayrı bir iklim karakieri gös,teren Erzincan
Ov~ında tarımsal gelirin önemli bir kısmı, bölgede yapılan
meyvacılık ve bağcılıktan sağlanmaktadır.Ancak, üzüm ye"
tiştiriciliğinde teknik bilgi noksanlığı sebebiyle beklenen verim
elde edilememektedir.
Bu çalışmada; Doğu Anadolunun müstesna' bir iklim adasını
teşkil eden Erzincan merkez ilçe'sindeki bağcılığın geliş..
tirilmesine ve verimliliği üstün bir ,düzeye ulaştırmada, önemli
üzüm çeşitlerinin tomurcuk yapılarını ve döllenme biyolojilerini
inceliyerek, bağcılık yönünden yapılacak teknik ve kültürel
çalışmalarına ışık tutmak gayesini gütmüştür.
The researoh was carried out
in 1972-1973 lin Hasbahçe vineyard
of Bayırdağ Village / Üzümlü of the
central Town which shows a
typical olimatic region for Yine
growing iliM is oomparably differant
elimate in East AnataHa. The
falIow!hg result\ :Were obtained
from the investigations on the
vaJ1isties werked on viz. Karaerik,
Ağrazakr, Kabuğuyufka, Kirlişerfe
and Hacıtesbihi.
A. The Horal development of
tıhe primer buds of the investigated
varieties were found in nine
phases. Tıhe fallowing differantions
were recorded:
1 - The first initiation starts
from Mıe .basal eyes and advancesto
upper eyes.
2 - Before the morphological
intitiation 4-6 leaf primordium
appear in the buds..
3 - The time for morphological
İntitiation of the varieties
..taken under investigations are
25th. June rol'. Karaerik, Kıirlişerfe
and Hacıtesbihi, 28th. June for
Kabuğuyufka and 3rd. July for
4 - Themorphologtsal initia·
Non happens during the biossim·
ing in the vİnes.
5 - Thefirst bracte deve1op~
ment 'Was found 7-12 days after
the morphologıicalinitiation.
6 - The second dusterprimordium
appears in the .btids 715
days after the 4evelopment of
the fkst duster.
7 - The ıbuds of Karaerik,
Ağrazakı and Kabuğuyufka begin
the winter doıımancy at the end
of the tıhird phase, wthLle ıin Haeıtesbiihi
and K-irlişerfe i~ is at the
first begining of the fourth phase:
8 - In the winter domaney
period even a slow activity was
reeorded in the buds, such as the
formatian of flower primordiums
and the branehing in the eluster
9 - l1he breaking of the Mnter
-darınaney begins three' weeks
before the, bud burst.
10 - The eompletedifferanHatlon
of tılıe dusters and the
reaehness to the sexsue1 maturit)r
of the flowers happen in the
second year 40-50 daysa'fter the
- 11 - The forst f10wer pdmordiums
was recorded in Kirlişerfe
and Hacıtesbihi befol'e the
buds begin 1he winter domaney
and in Karaerik, Ağrazakı and Kabuğuyufka
it was found when
the buds ıbreak the 'winter darmaney.
'Fhese dates for Kirlişerfe,
HaeıtesbJhi, Karaeri~, f\ğrazakı
and Kabuğuyufka are '4th.
Septemıber, 28th. August 6fih. April,
28.th. AprH and 29th March
12 - The eomplete ,development
phases of the sepa!, petal,
starnenand the pistill fallows the
same order.
13 - The completedevelopment
date of the sepal and the
petal is lIst. May for all five
14 - The exact development
of the stamen and pistil happens
in 'the' Stn. of J une.
B. The fallowing results
were -obtained from the investigations
of the fruit f:ullness of
the primer buds depending upan
their lacaHons in ·the varisties
taken under investigations.
1 - The ratio of the sprouting
buds at the basal.portion of
,the canes is -1ower than the apical
2 - In the canes pnıned on
five buds are maximum .froit
fulln;ess .is recorded on the third
buds of Karaerik and Kirlişerfe
on the fourf buds of Ağrazakı, on
the fir.st and third b~ds of Kabuğuyufka
and on the fifth buds of
C. The realized fruitfullness
potenHal in the varieties could be
statistical1y,approved from the
frultfullness potential estiinatioos
done in Autumn and Sprıing.
D. The works aıbout the
pollination biology of the vari~ties
taken under İnvestigations:
1 ..-.- At the same year -in the
blossomd1lJg time 5-9 days. differance
were recorded in. the varieties
from the same region. So
that no problem was seen to prevent
cross pollinatian of the vıarie·
ties in their flowering time.
2 - Dnder Erzincan conditions
1:he volour changing of the
grap.es is arot.md 25th. af August
the rİpeıııİng (for eating) of the
grapes is on' ı ıst. of September.
Accoııding to .the date of the
colour changing of the grapes,
Kir1işerfe and Hacıtesbihi coıild
be classified as earlyand KaraeTik,
Ağrazakı, Kabuğuyufka . as
Iate vadeties.
3 - The pbllens were gennin- ~
ated in % ıd, 15, 20, 25. sugar
oonoentratİons ans differences
were· found 'between their genninatian
percentages. lt was recerded
that the ,pollens from the flow
flower·s of KirIrşeııfe and Hacı
tesbİni varie.ties 'were not germin3ted
in any one of the sugar OOncentrations.
4 - In hemıapheodite v,arieties
(Karaerik, Ağrazakı, Kabuğuyufka)
there found to be statistical
dfufferences lin germlnation
ratios in different sugar ooncentra1İons.
The best germination in
Karaerik was at % 25 :sugar concentratian
(% 42,5) in Ağrazakı
and Kaıbuguyufka was at % 20
sugar concentration (% 50.0).
were record:ed.
5 - In hermapheodite varieHes
(Kıaraerik,~ Ağraza~ı, ~abuı
ğuyufka) a good fer.tilization was
recorded fr.om selfing, so it was
faund ,that for these varietis no
extra pollinaıtion -is necessary.
6 -'In cross br~dirı,g works,
the best male variety for morphoIogioaI
hemıaphecdite and physo10gicaI
female varieties. are Karaerik
for Kirlİşerfe and Ağrazakı
for Hacıtesbihi.
7 - 1:t was fourd that Karaerik,
Ağrazakı, Kirlişerfe and
Hacıtesbihi grape varietes are
incline for partenoçarpy.
8 - The varieties .that we
worked on showed ıdifference
about the shedding of nowers and
sman berrles. AmOlig them only
in Kabuğuyufka v.arietytlhe
flower shedding was max~mum
wdth % 77.
9 - Seedindex compatasion
was dohe between the varieties
and in Hiacıtesbihi aBd Kabuğuyufka
ıseed index Was föuİın at
60 ratio. These two varieties couId
be used at breeding material for
obtaining biger berry crossbreds
However as Hacıtesbihi do not
need castratian in crossbreeding
no a female variety (Morphological
hermaphoodite, physological
female) in practire they have
importance from t'he point of
breeding works.
Birincil Dil | tr;en |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 15 Aralık 2010 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 1974 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4 |
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