Bu araştırma; Alpaslan DevlelOretme Ç1fliğinde yetiştirilen merinos
sürüsünde yapağı gömlek ağırlığı, lüle uzunluğu ve kıf incelikleri
ile yapağılarda bulunan tam mediilla kanallı kıl nisbetlerini tesbit etmek
maksadıyla yapılmışur. .
Merinos sürüsünden, şansa balğı olarak seçilen 50 erğin koyunda
yapağı gömlek ağırlıklarının ortalaması 2,398 kg. olarak bulunmuştur.
Koyunların omuz, kaburga ve but bMgelerine ait numunelerinde
liile uzunlukları bu sıraya göre 6,13 cm.; 6,25 cm.; 6,50 cm. ve genel
ortalama 6,35 cm. olarak saptanmıştır.
Koyunlunn değişik beden bölgelerine göre; kıl inceliklerinin ortalama
değerleri, omuıda 24,67 mikran; kaburgada 25,66 mikron; butta 26,97
mikron ve genelortalama kıl inceliği 25,77 mikron olarak tesbit edilmiştir
Yapağıların kıl ineclikleri ile ~ömlek ağırlıkları arasında istatistik
olarak önemli olmayan bir korelasyon, !üle uzunluğu ile kıl inceliği arasında
negat~f (r= 0,388) değerinde%i ihtimal seviyeSinde önemli bir
korrelasyon bulunmuştur.
Tam kana/l! olan medWlalı kı/lar sadece, 56's den aşağı sortimnalarda
bulunan kaburgu ve but numunelerinde tesbit edilmesire rağmen,
bu kıl/arın nisbeti binde ile ifade edilebilecek kadar az olduğu tesbit
This research was carried out in
order to find shearing wool .weight
staple length, yield, fibre fineness and
the amount ot the main madullated fibres
in the merino breed raised in Alpaslan
1 . The determination of Oeece weigtlı
in wool and sampling
The wool samples for this research
was taken from the ewes that healthy
and over two yeaıs old randomly, The
wool of 5u selected sheep, were sheared
witb machine elipper and their weight
was oetermined by a seale. The averege
shearing weight of wool was found
2,398 kg.
2. Staple length of wool
The wool sampels were randomlytaken
from rib, shoulder and thigh parts
of each sheep in order to determine the
staple legth in wool and 15 staples were
taken from each wool sample.
The staple Jenth of wool samples
were measured by Stoııet-Board and
and taking 5 staples from per !iample.
The taken results were to rib shoulder
and thigh parts ofsheep as fol1ows
6, 13 cm ; 6,25 cm. and 6.50 cm.
3. Yeld of ~ool
The samples about 20 gr. was weighed
in the conditioning room by scale
accurate to 0,01 gr. and their vegatasle
matter was taken out by forceps. Later
on, the samples were put into lebelled
. cotton bags and wetted out according to
the rules of wetting. After drying the
c1ean saınples at 105 oC. their second
weight was also measured.
x: Kamgam sanayiinde kamgarn tipi iplik ve kumaş yapımı için uzun elyaflı orta incelikıe mutecanis
vapa~ar kullanılır (Davasligil, 1960).
The percentage of values according
to Bamard Metod were found as
fol1ows: 62,29 for shoulder; 60,17 ıib;
59,51 thing and general pereentage was
found as 60,92.
4. Fineness of wool
The fibre fineness of the samples
were measured by means of Miero-Projection.
The different fibre finensess
values aceoding to the diffedent parts
of body were detemined as fol1ows:
24,67 mierons for shoumder; 25,66 microns
rib; 26,97 microns thigt.
In ;ıddition, the differenee between
fibre fi~eness and fleece weigth statisticaeally
had a insi~nifieant eorrelation
effect and 'also a nefative eorrelation
about 1% significant effeet between
staple length and fibre fineness was
The full medullated fibres were
only fGund in the samples less than 56'S
belonging to rib and thigt.
The percentage of the madullated
fibres wasfound to be less than thousand
Birincil Dil | tr;en |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 26 Aralık 2010 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 1975 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3 |
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