Bu araştırmada, yerli ve yabancı kaynaklı 22 kültür- çeşitinin Erzurum
Muş, ve Van lokasyonlarında, 2 yılda yetiştirilmiş örneklerinin teknolojik
özellikleri ile Doğu Anadolu koşullarına uygunlukları saptanmış;
kalite faktörlerini etkileyen bazı varyasyon kaynaklarının önemliliği
1971-72 yetişme döneminde Erzurum'dpki kışdonlarından, Muştaki
sarı pas enfeksiyonundan onemli derecede zarar gören kültür çeşitlerine
ait örnek değerleri istastistik hesaplamalara dahil edilmemişlerdir.
Sotü;edilen 3 lokasyon için, gübreli koşullarda lokasyonlar, çeşitler
ve yılların.; yanlız Erzurum koşulları için ise gübrelemenin (N-P) kalite
faktörleri üzerine etki durumu araştırılmıştır. Ana varyasyon kaynakları
yanında, ilgili interiksiYOnlaiın önemlilik dereceleri de ortaya konmuştur.
Araştırmalarımızın sonuçlarına göre, iyi tane verimi, ım verimi
ve ekmek kalitesi gösteren kültür çeşitlerinden Nugaines ve Odeskaya
katkısız ekmek yapımı için; Warrior ve Lancer katkılı ekmek yapımı
için; Bezostaya ve Gage fakir topraklı lokasyonları ile kış donları ve
sçırı pas. enfeksiyonunun görüldüğü yöre/er için tavsiye edilebilecek
özellikte- oldukları saptanmıştır.
The investigation was carried out
to determine the technologic characters,
to find out the adaptation degree
to the eastrn Anatolia conditfons, and
to e~plain th~ impmtance of the enviromental
conditrons which effect
on the quality factors of 22 cultivars
(Burt, Brevor, Wanser, Gaines, Nugaines,
Warrior, 'Bezostaya, Mirenovskaya
Ring, ıroII-E5, Svenno, Odeskaya,
Lancer, B-28lO, Gage, B2172, B-2232,
SD-56-754, B-2973, Saturday, Yayla305,
Köse 20;39). The cultivars samples
were yielded in 1972 and 1973
years from Erzurum, Muş and Van
Vagariance- analysis was applied on
the quality factors values of 14 cultivars
which have advantage from the
standpoint of resistance against te
winter frosts and yellow rust enfection.
The effects of locations; varieties
,'and years on the samples of 14 eultivars
at fertilized condltions were determined
2t 3 locations in two years.
The effect of the fertilization was found
only for 14 cultivars at Erzurum
location conditions in two years.
The quality fectors were given
according to the prüıcipal of 14 %
moİsture basis.
I. Whcat qUaltiy factors averages,
standart deviation and ranges values
Heeloliter weight: 79,48+0,505 (60
16-85,37); 1000 kemal vweight: 26,67
~ 0,532 (13,19-34,49); Kernel hardness:
56,71 ~ 2,78 (4-90) %; Kernel
size: 17,8 ~ 1,817 (1,20-81,64)
% as the ınaterial under the 2,2 mm
sieve ratio; Kernel size 'uniformit
73,39 ~ i,504 (17,16-92,31) %; Grain
ash content: 1,359 ~ 0,178 (1,017.1,
1,799) %; Grain protein content: n,
61 ± 0,294(7,07-17,21) %;
Flour yied: 63,86 ± 0.498 (51,4771,12)
Flou~ colour grade (K-j-M): 1,94
± O,l1Ş (0,21·4,96); Flour protein content:
10,22 -\- 0,329 (4,67-16,28) %;
Zeleny sedimentation value: 34,41 ±
1,786 (4,84-68,94); FaUing' number:
406,80 ± 4,523 (345,0-446,7); Maltose
value: 1,62 ± 0,061 )(0,71-2,86) %;
On farmograph, Water absorbtion
ratid: 60,02 ± 0,526 (50,42-71,97) %;
Dough resistance: 7,68 ± 0,855 (0,848,1)
min.; Dough softening degree:
77,60 ± 3,387 (28-160) BU;
On extensograph, at 135. min.,
for Erzurum, Muş and Van locations
average, respectively; Dough energy:
at ı. year 122,8, 44,5 and 41,2 cm2,
at II. ye~ 87,7, 70,0 and 72,2 cm2 ;
Dough extensibilty: at. i. year 158,
135. a~d 309 mm, at II. year 128, 140
and 122 mm; Dough resistance: at I.
year 320, 175 and BU; at II. year 511,
352 and 401 BU; Ratio number: at i.
ye~r 1,75 , 1,14 ann 2,94 at II. year
4',57,2,83 and 3,51.
On baking tests, for 14 cultivars,
2 locatİons and 2 years at fertilized
conditions, Bread yield: 142,64 (132,6156,5);
Loaf volume yidd: 503,88 (335650);
Neuman baking number:. 153,63
II. Variation of quality factors
The results of variance analys:s
were summarized as follows:
Locational variation is significant
at 0,01 livel for sedimentation vaıuie,
bread yield, loaf volume and Neuman
baking number, and at 0,05 level for
for flour yield.
Varietal difference is significant
at 0,01 level for 1000 kernel weight,
flour yield, flour colour (K,..j-M) ,
and sedimentation value, and at 0,05
level for kernel hardness, wıl;ter absubtion,
bread yield, loaf volume and Neuman
baking number.
Diffel'ence between years are sigsignificant
at 0,01 level for hectoliter
weight, flour yield, flour colour (K-j-M-)
bread yield, ·loaf volume and Neuman
bak.ing number.
Location x varitey interaction is
significant at 0,01 level for nour colour
(K-j-M), sedimentetion value and do- .
ugh resistance, and at 0,01 level for
water absorbtion.
Location x year interaction İs significimt
at 0,01 level for hectoliter
weight, 1000 kernel weight, kemtl ordness,
kernel size, kemeL.size ~iformity,
grain ash, grain protein, nour colur
(K-j-M-), nour protein, sedimentatioD.
value, maItose value, dough resistancea
and dougb .softening degree, and at
0,05 level for Neuman baking number.
Variety x year. interaction is sig- .
nificant at 0,01 level for kernel size,
maltose value end dough resistance,
arı.d at 0,05 level for water absorbtion.
, For Erzurum location's ferti1ized
and non fertilized conditions; effect
of fertilization is significant at 0,01
level for flour colour' (K-j-M), and
at 0,05 level fir sedimentation value.
Fertilizatjon x variety interaction
is significamt at 0,01 level ror only
kernel hardness. Fertilization x yeaI'
interaction is significant at 0,01 level
for kernel hardness, grain ash, maltose,
Consequently; High temperature
and lowrelative moisture content of
1972-73 growth year increased the pro~
tein content but caused to decrease the
loaf volume for Muş location,. High
geographic character, cool summer
and lower relatvive moisture of Erzurum
location, generaly provided very feine
protein and baking quality. Volcanic
and poor soils of Van location waz
i caused lower protein content and poor
bread quality.
From same kinds of cultivars v-o
hich gave nigh grain 'yield, ftour yield
and baking quality; Nugaines and O
deskaya should be advise to production
nonsuplement breadmaking, Warrior
and Lancer could be advise to produvce
suplİement breadmaking, Bezostaya and
Gage cou1d be advise for poor soilsand
locatiofiS where winter frost and yel10w
rust disease at high possibility, Odeskaya
and B-281O could be advise for the
ecologies which have very high temperature
and low relative moısture at growth
Birincil Dil | tr;en |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 28 Aralık 2010 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 1977 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2-3 |
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