Çimlenme ve Erken Fide Gelişim Aşamasında Bazı F1 Ayçiçeği Melezlerinin Temel Bileşenler Analizi
Yıl 2011,
Cilt: 42 Sayı: 2, 103 - 109, 20.02.2013
Hossein Tabrizi
Esin Şahin
Kamil Haliloğlu
Kamil Haliloğlu
Ayçiçeği ıslah programlarında morfolojik, fizyolojik ve biyokimyasal veriler üzerinden üstün hibritlerin seçilmesi ve ıslah
materyallerinin genetik çeşitliliğinin belirlenmesi oldukça önemlidir. Biplot diagramlar yoluyla genotiplerin gruplandırılmasında ve
genetik çeşitliliğinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan, temel bileşenler analizi çok değişkenli istatistik metotlarından birisidir. Çimlenme ve
erken fide gelişim aşamasında olan bazı F1 ayçiçeği hibritlerinde, temel bileşenler analizini uygulamak için tamamen tesadüfi blok
denemesi 3 tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuştur. Bitki materyalleri, 6 erkek restorer hattın 18 erkek kısır dişi hatla bir North Carolina Design I
planında melezlenmesi ile oluşturulmuş 18 tek melez ayçiçeği hibrit setinden oluşmaktadır. İki bileşen, orjinal verilerin değişkenliğinin
% 80.93’ünü oluşturmaktadır. Birinci bileşende tohum canlılık indeksi (SVI) en yüksek ağırlığa sahip iken ikinci bileşen daha çok
sürgün/kök oranı (SHRR) ile ilişkilidir. Biplot diagramına göre bileşenler ile 3 farklı grup oluşturulmuştur.
- Anonymous. 2010. www.agron.agri-jahad.ir.
- Arshad, M., Khan, M.A, Jadoon, S., Mohmand, AS. 2010. Factor analysis in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to investigate desirable hybrids. Pak. J. Bot. 42 (6): 4393-4402.
- De la Vega, AJ., Chapman, SC. 2001. Genotype by environment interaction and indirect selection for yield in sunflower:: II. Three-mode principal component analysis of oil and biomass yield across environments in Argentina. Field Crops Research 72 (1): 39-50.
- Dong, G., Liu, G., Li, K. 2007. Studying genetic diversity in the core germplasm of confectionary sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in China based on AFLP and morphological analysis. Russian Journal of Genetics 43 (6): 627-635.
- Ghafari, M. 2004. Use of principle component analysis method for selection of superior three way cross hybrids in sunflower. Seed and Plant Improvment Journal 19 (4): 513-527.
- Ghaffari, M., Farrokhi, I., Mirzapour, M. 2011. Combining ability and gene action for agronomic traits and oil content in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) using F1 hybrids. Crop breeding journal 1 (1): 75-87.
- Kroonenberg, P. 1995. Introduction to biplots for G × E tables. Department of Mathematics, Research Report 51.
- Maruthi Sankar, G., Narasimha Murthy, D., Vanaja, M., Raghuram Reddy, P. 1999. A multiple selection index for selecting sunflower genotypes using principal component analysis. Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development 14 (2): 93-103.
- Maruthi Sankar, GR., M. V, Maruthi, V., Reddy, PR., Murthy, DN. 2004. Selection of consistent plant traits for sunflower growth using principal component analysis. Helia 27 (41): 113-122.
- Mohammadi, SA. 2003. Analysis of genetic diversity in crop plants salient statistical tools and considerations. Crop science 43 (4): 1235.
- Putt, E., editor. 1997. Early History of Sunflower: American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wis. (USA).
- Statgraphics. 2007. Statgraphics. Version 15.2.11: Stat Point Inc.
- Tabrizi, HZ. 2009. Estimation of genetic diversity of sunflower single cross hybrids using principle components analysis. Research Journal of Biological Sciences 4 (9): 978-981.
- Tersac, M., Vares, D., Vincourt, P. 1993. Combining-groups in cultivated sunflower populations (Helianthus annuus L.) and their relationships with the country of origin. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 87 (5): 603-608.
Yıl 2011,
Cilt: 42 Sayı: 2, 103 - 109, 20.02.2013
Hossein Tabrizi
Esin Şahin
Kamil Haliloğlu
Kamil Haliloğlu
- Anonymous. 2010. www.agron.agri-jahad.ir.
- Arshad, M., Khan, M.A, Jadoon, S., Mohmand, AS. 2010. Factor analysis in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to investigate desirable hybrids. Pak. J. Bot. 42 (6): 4393-4402.
- De la Vega, AJ., Chapman, SC. 2001. Genotype by environment interaction and indirect selection for yield in sunflower:: II. Three-mode principal component analysis of oil and biomass yield across environments in Argentina. Field Crops Research 72 (1): 39-50.
- Dong, G., Liu, G., Li, K. 2007. Studying genetic diversity in the core germplasm of confectionary sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in China based on AFLP and morphological analysis. Russian Journal of Genetics 43 (6): 627-635.
- Ghafari, M. 2004. Use of principle component analysis method for selection of superior three way cross hybrids in sunflower. Seed and Plant Improvment Journal 19 (4): 513-527.
- Ghaffari, M., Farrokhi, I., Mirzapour, M. 2011. Combining ability and gene action for agronomic traits and oil content in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) using F1 hybrids. Crop breeding journal 1 (1): 75-87.
- Kroonenberg, P. 1995. Introduction to biplots for G × E tables. Department of Mathematics, Research Report 51.
- Maruthi Sankar, G., Narasimha Murthy, D., Vanaja, M., Raghuram Reddy, P. 1999. A multiple selection index for selecting sunflower genotypes using principal component analysis. Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development 14 (2): 93-103.
- Maruthi Sankar, GR., M. V, Maruthi, V., Reddy, PR., Murthy, DN. 2004. Selection of consistent plant traits for sunflower growth using principal component analysis. Helia 27 (41): 113-122.
- Mohammadi, SA. 2003. Analysis of genetic diversity in crop plants salient statistical tools and considerations. Crop science 43 (4): 1235.
- Putt, E., editor. 1997. Early History of Sunflower: American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wis. (USA).
- Statgraphics. 2007. Statgraphics. Version 15.2.11: Stat Point Inc.
- Tabrizi, HZ. 2009. Estimation of genetic diversity of sunflower single cross hybrids using principle components analysis. Research Journal of Biological Sciences 4 (9): 978-981.
- Tersac, M., Vares, D., Vincourt, P. 1993. Combining-groups in cultivated sunflower populations (Helianthus annuus L.) and their relationships with the country of origin. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 87 (5): 603-608.