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The Influence of Mother’s Communication Skills on 5-6 age Group Children Communication Skills

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 13, 351 - 381, 26.12.2017


purpose of this study is to examine the predictive effect of mother's
communication skills on children's communication skills in 5-6 year-old
children. In the study, 436 boys and 426 girls between 5-6 years total of 862
children and mother participated who are educated in kindergartens and
kindergartens belonging to the public and private sectors in the districts of
Antalya province center, Manavgat, Finike and Alanya in 2015-2016 academic
year.The research was prepared according to the relational screening model. The
data of the study were collected through the Personal Information Form, the
Parent-Child Communication Assessment Tool and the Communication Skills
Questionnaire for Children 5-6 years old. In the analysis of the data were used
descriptive statistics and path analysis model with observed variables.
According to the results of the research, it has been found that mother's
communication has a significant and positive predictive effect between
communication, listening, nonverbal communication, message and empathy
sub-dimensions and child's communication in active communication, considering
others in communication, following rules in communication.


  • AİNSWORTH, Mary D. Salter, et al., 1978, Patterns Of Attachment: A Psychological Study Of The Strange Situation, Psychology Press, Brighton.
  • ALLERHAND, Melvin, 1960, “Psychological Assessment Of The Nonverbal Child”, Monographs Of The Society For Research İn Child Development, 25(3), 49-57.
  • ARABACI, Nalan, 2011, "Anne Baba Çocuk İletişimini Değerlendirme Aracı’nın (ABÇİDA) Geliştirilmesi Ve Anne Baba Çocuk İletişiminin Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi." Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • AXLİNE, Virginia, 1969, Play Therapy, Ballantyne Books, New York.
  • BARNETT, Mark, KİNG, Laura M., HOWARD, Jeffrey A. & DİNO, Geri A., 1980, “Empathy İn Young Children: Relation To Parents' Empathy, Affection, And Emphasis On The Feelings Of Others”, Developmental Psychology, 16(3), 243-244.
  • BAYRAM, Nuran, 2013, Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş Amos Uygulamaları (2.Baskı), Ezgi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • BERK, Laura, 2014, Development Through The Lifespan(6th Edition), Pearson Education, India.
  • BLACK, Betty, & LOGAN, Arliss, 1995, “Links Between Communication Patterns İn Mother□Child, Father□Child, And Child□Peer İnteractions And Children's Social Status”, Child development, 66(1), 255-271.
  • BRODY, Gene & STONEMAN, Zolinda, 1981, “Parental Nonverbal Behavior Within The Family Context”, Family Relations, 30(2), 187-190.
  • BRODY, Gene, & ZİMMERMAN, Barry, 1975, “The Effects Of Modeling And Classroom Organization On The Personal Space Of Third And Fourth Grade Children”, American Educational Research Journal, 12(2), 157-168.
  • BRUNNER, Jerome, 1983, Child’s Talk: Learning To Use Language, Norton, New York.
  • BYRNE, Barbara M., 2010, Structural Equation Modeling with Amos: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming, Routledge, New York.
  • CAROLYN, Meggitt & WALKER, Jessica, 2014, An Introduction to Child Care and Education, Hodder & Stoughton, London.
  • CLARK, Alison & MOSS, Peter, 2005, Beyond Listening: Children’s Perspectives on Early Childhood Services, Policy Press, Bristol.
  • CRİSTOFARO, Tonia & TAMİS-LEMONDA, Catherine, 2012, “Mother- child Conversations at 36 Months and at Pre-kindergarten: Relations to Children's School Readiness”, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 12(1), 68-97.
  • ÇOKLUK, Ömay, SEKERCİOGLU, Güçlü, & BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Şener, 2014, Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli İstatistik (3.Baskı), Pegem Akademi, Ankara.
  • DANZİGER, Kurt, 1976, Interpersonal Communication, Pergamon, New York.
  • DUKES, Chris, 2007, Developing Pre-School Communication and Language, Paul Chapman, London. DUNHİLL, Ally, ELLİOTT, Barbara, & SHAW, Angela, 2009, Effective Communication and Engagement with Children and Young People, Their Families and Carers, Learning Matters Ltd., Exeter.
  • ENSOR, Rosie, & HUGHES, Claire, 2008, “Content or Connectedness? Mother-Child Talk and Early Social Understanding”, Child Development, 79(1), 201-216.
  • ERDOĞAN, Özel, & ZELYURT, Hikmet, 2016, “Anne Baba Eğitiminin Aile Çocuk İlişkilerine Etkisi”, Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 16(36), 9-34.
  • FOGEL, Alan, 1993, Developing Through Relationships: Origins Of Communication, Self And Culture, Harvester Wheatsheaf, London.
  • GANDER, Mary J., 1995, Çocuk ve Ergen Gelişimi, İmge Yay., Ankara. HAİR, Joseph F, BLACK, William C., BABİN, Barry J. & ANDERSON, Rolph E., 2014, Multivariate Data Analysis, (7th Edition), Pearson Education, Saddle River.
  • HARRİST, Amanda W., PETİT, Gregory S., DODGE, Kenneth A. & BATES, John E., 1994, “Dyadic Synchrony in Mother-Child Interaction: Relation with Children's Subsequent Kindergarten Adjustment”, Family Relations, 43(4), 417-424.
  • JOHNSON, Steven, 2007, The IT Professional's Business and Communications Guide: A Real-World Approach to Comp TIA A+ Soft Skills, Wiley, Indianapolis.
  • KAİL Robert V., 2016, Children and Their Development, Pearson Education, İndia.
  • KARASAR, Niyazi, 2005, Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi: Kavramlar-İlkeler Teknikler, (15.Baskı), Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • KLİNE, Rex, 2015, Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, Guilford Publications, New York.
  • KNOTT, Gladys, 1979, “Nonverbal Communication During Early Childhood”, Theory Into Practice, 18(4), 226-233.
  • KOCHANSKA, Grazyna, 1997, “Mutually Responsive Orientation Between Mothers and Their Young Children: Implications for Early Socialization”, Child Development, 68(1), 94-112.
  • KOPROWSKA, Juliet, 2008, Communication and İnterpersonal Skills in Social Work (2th Edition), Sage, London.
  • LAİRD, Robert D., PETİT, Gregory S., MİZE, Jacquelyn, BROWN, E. Glyn & LİNDSEY, Eric,1994, “Mother-child conversations about peers: Contributions to competence”, Family Relations, 43(4), 425- 432.
  • LAMBERT, Veronica, LONG, Tony, & KELLEHER, Deirdre, 2012, Communication Skills For Children's Nurses, McGraw-Hill Education, Maidenhead.
  • LESLİE, Julian C. & BLACKMAN,Derek E. eds., 2000, Experimental and applied analysis of human behavior, Context Press, Reno.
  • LEVETOWN, Marcia, 2008, “Communicating with Children and Families: from Everyday Interactions to Skill in Conveying Distressing Information”, Pediatrics, 121(5), e1441-e1460.
  • MALATESTA, Carol Zander, et al., 1986, Emotion Socialization And Expressive Development İn Preterm And Full-Term İnfants." Child Development, p.316-330.
  • MEGGİTT, Carolyn., & WALKER, Jessica, 2014, Child Care and Education (5th Edition), Hodder Education, Abingdon.
  • MEYDAN, Cem, & ŞEŞEN, Harun, 2011, Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi AMOS Uygulamaları, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • OATES, John, GRAYSON, Andrew & WOOD, Clare, 2005, Psychological Development and Early Childhood, Blackwell, Malden.
  • ÖNDER, Alev, DAĞAL, Asude B. ve ŞALLI, Duygu, 2015, 5-6 Yaş çocukları için iletişim becerileri ölçeği geçerlik- güvenirlik çalışması", Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırma Dergisi, 4, 1-13.
  • PEARSON, RaeAnne M. & PİLLOW, Bradford H., 2016, “Mother–Child Conversation and Children's Social Understanding During Middle Childhood”, The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 177(4), 103-121.
  • PECCHİONİ, Loretta, WRİGHT, Kevin , & NUSSBAUM, Jon. F., 2006, Life-Span Communication, Routledge, New York.
  • PEMBECİOĞLU, Nilüfer, 2006, İletişim ve Çocuk, Ebabil Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • PLUMMER, Deborah, 2011, Helping Children to Improve Their Communication Skills: Therapeutic Activities for Teachers, Parents, and Therapists, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London.
  • RAYKOV, Tenko, & MARCOULİDES, George. A., 2008, An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis, Routledge, New York.
  • ROBİNSON, Maria, 2011, Understanding Behaviour and Development In Early Childhood: A Guide to Theory and Practice, Routledge, London.
  • SAMEROFF, Arnold J., 1993, Models Of Development Anddevelopmental Risk. In C. H. Zeanah, Jr. (Ed.),Handbook Of İnfant Mental Health, Guilford Press, New York.
  • SCHERMELLEH-ENGEL, Karin, MOOSBRUGGER, Helfried & MÜLLER, Hans, 2003, “Evaluating The Fit of Structural Equation Models: Tests of Significance and Descriptive Goodness-Of-Fit Measures”, Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2), 23-74.
  • SCHMİDT, Wilfred H., & HORE, Terence, 1970, “Some Nonverbal Aspects of Communication Between Mother and Preschool Child”, Child Development, 41(3), 889-896.
  • SNOW, Catherine & FERGUSON, Charles. (eds), 1977, Talking to Children: Language Input and Acquisition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • STEVENSON, Marguerite. B., VER HOEVE, J. N., ROACH, M. A., & LEAVİTT, L. A., 1986, “The Beginning of Conversation: Early Patterns of Mother-İnfant Vocal Responsiveness”, Infant Behavior and Development, 9(4), 423-440.
  • STRAYER, Janet, & ROBERTS, William, 1989, “Children's Empathy and Role Taking: Child and Parental Factors, and Relations to Prosocial Behavior”, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 10(2), 227-239.
  • STRAYER, Janet, & ROBERTS, William, 2004, “Children's Anger, Emotional Expressiveness, and Empathy: Relations with Parents’ Empathy, Emotional Expressiveness, and Parenting Practices”, Social Development, 13(2), 229-254.
  • TEMİZ, Gülay, & ÇAĞDAŞ, Aysel, 2015, “Anne Çocuk İletişim Becerileri Eğitiminin Çocukların Duyguları Tanıma Becerilerine Etkisi”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 17(1), 87-105.
  • TEZEL-ŞAHİN, Fatma & CEVHER Fatma Nilgün, 2006, “Aile-Çocuk İletişimi”, 3. Uluslararası Çocuk ve İletişim Kongresi, İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi, İstanbul.
  • TONG, Lian, SHİNOHARA, Ryoji, SUGİSAWA, Yuka, TANAKA, Emiko, YATO, Yuko, YAMAKAWA, Noriko & ANME, Tokie, 2012, “Early Development of Empathy in Toddlers: Effects of Daily Parent–Child Interaction and Home□Rearing Environment”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(10), 2457-2478.
  • VANGELİSTİ, Anita, 2004, Routledge Handbook of Family Communication, Routledge, New York.
  • VERÍSSİMO, Manuela, BLİCHARSKİ, Terasa, & STRAYER, F. Francis, 2012, “Stylistic Diversity in Children’s Communication with Mothers at 30 Months” Early Child Development and Care, 182(5), 571-589.
  • WHO, 1997, Improving Mother/Child Interaction To Promote Better Psychosocial Development İn Children.
  • YALÇIN, Hatice, 2013, “Anne-Çocuk İletişimi Eğitiminin Etkileri”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (28), 179-194.
  • ZESKİND, Philip, 1983, “Cross-cultural Differences in Maternal Perceptions of Cries of Low- and High-risk Infants”, Child Development, 54(5), 1119-1128.
  • ZESKİND, Philip. S., 2005, “Impact of the Cry of the Infant at Risk on Psychosocial Development”, Tremblay RE, Barr RG, Peters RDeV, eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development, 1-7.

Annelerin Çocuklarına Yönelik İletişim Becerilerinin 5-6 Yaş Grubu Çocuklarının İletişim Becerileri Üzerindeki Yordayıcı Etkisi

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 13, 351 - 381, 26.12.2017


araştırma, annelerin çocuklarına yönelik iletişim becerilerinin 5-
6 yaş grubu
çocuklarının iletişim becerileri üzerindeki yordayıcı etkisi incelenmiştir.
Araştırmaya, 2015-2016 eğitim-öğretim yılında Antalya il merkezi, Manavgat,
Finike, Alanya ilçelerinde bulunan kamu ve özel sektörlere ait anaokulu ve
anasınıflarında eğitim gören 5-6 yaş grubu
436’sı erkek, 426’sı kız olmak üzere 862 çocuk ve anne katılmıştır.
Araştırma ilişkisel tarama modeline göre hazırlanmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri
Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Anne-Baba-Çocuk İletişimini Değerlendirme Aracı ve 5-6 Yaş
Okul Öncesi Çocukları İçin İletişim Becerileri Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır.
Araştırmada verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistikler ve gözlenen
değişkenlerle yol analizi modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucuna göre
annenin iletişiminin konuşma, dinleme, sözsüz iletişim, mesaj ve empati alt
boyutları ile çocuğun iletişiminin aktif iletişimde bulunma, iletişimde
diğerlerini dikkate alma, iletişimde kurallara uyma, karşısındakine olumlu
tepki gösterme alt boyutları arasında anlamlı düzeyde ve pozitif yönde bir
yordayıcı etkiye sahip olduğu


  • AİNSWORTH, Mary D. Salter, et al., 1978, Patterns Of Attachment: A Psychological Study Of The Strange Situation, Psychology Press, Brighton.
  • ALLERHAND, Melvin, 1960, “Psychological Assessment Of The Nonverbal Child”, Monographs Of The Society For Research İn Child Development, 25(3), 49-57.
  • ARABACI, Nalan, 2011, "Anne Baba Çocuk İletişimini Değerlendirme Aracı’nın (ABÇİDA) Geliştirilmesi Ve Anne Baba Çocuk İletişiminin Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi." Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • AXLİNE, Virginia, 1969, Play Therapy, Ballantyne Books, New York.
  • BARNETT, Mark, KİNG, Laura M., HOWARD, Jeffrey A. & DİNO, Geri A., 1980, “Empathy İn Young Children: Relation To Parents' Empathy, Affection, And Emphasis On The Feelings Of Others”, Developmental Psychology, 16(3), 243-244.
  • BAYRAM, Nuran, 2013, Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş Amos Uygulamaları (2.Baskı), Ezgi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • BERK, Laura, 2014, Development Through The Lifespan(6th Edition), Pearson Education, India.
  • BLACK, Betty, & LOGAN, Arliss, 1995, “Links Between Communication Patterns İn Mother□Child, Father□Child, And Child□Peer İnteractions And Children's Social Status”, Child development, 66(1), 255-271.
  • BRODY, Gene & STONEMAN, Zolinda, 1981, “Parental Nonverbal Behavior Within The Family Context”, Family Relations, 30(2), 187-190.
  • BRODY, Gene, & ZİMMERMAN, Barry, 1975, “The Effects Of Modeling And Classroom Organization On The Personal Space Of Third And Fourth Grade Children”, American Educational Research Journal, 12(2), 157-168.
  • BRUNNER, Jerome, 1983, Child’s Talk: Learning To Use Language, Norton, New York.
  • BYRNE, Barbara M., 2010, Structural Equation Modeling with Amos: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming, Routledge, New York.
  • CAROLYN, Meggitt & WALKER, Jessica, 2014, An Introduction to Child Care and Education, Hodder & Stoughton, London.
  • CLARK, Alison & MOSS, Peter, 2005, Beyond Listening: Children’s Perspectives on Early Childhood Services, Policy Press, Bristol.
  • CRİSTOFARO, Tonia & TAMİS-LEMONDA, Catherine, 2012, “Mother- child Conversations at 36 Months and at Pre-kindergarten: Relations to Children's School Readiness”, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 12(1), 68-97.
  • ÇOKLUK, Ömay, SEKERCİOGLU, Güçlü, & BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Şener, 2014, Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli İstatistik (3.Baskı), Pegem Akademi, Ankara.
  • DANZİGER, Kurt, 1976, Interpersonal Communication, Pergamon, New York.
  • DUKES, Chris, 2007, Developing Pre-School Communication and Language, Paul Chapman, London. DUNHİLL, Ally, ELLİOTT, Barbara, & SHAW, Angela, 2009, Effective Communication and Engagement with Children and Young People, Their Families and Carers, Learning Matters Ltd., Exeter.
  • ENSOR, Rosie, & HUGHES, Claire, 2008, “Content or Connectedness? Mother-Child Talk and Early Social Understanding”, Child Development, 79(1), 201-216.
  • ERDOĞAN, Özel, & ZELYURT, Hikmet, 2016, “Anne Baba Eğitiminin Aile Çocuk İlişkilerine Etkisi”, Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 16(36), 9-34.
  • FOGEL, Alan, 1993, Developing Through Relationships: Origins Of Communication, Self And Culture, Harvester Wheatsheaf, London.
  • GANDER, Mary J., 1995, Çocuk ve Ergen Gelişimi, İmge Yay., Ankara. HAİR, Joseph F, BLACK, William C., BABİN, Barry J. & ANDERSON, Rolph E., 2014, Multivariate Data Analysis, (7th Edition), Pearson Education, Saddle River.
  • HARRİST, Amanda W., PETİT, Gregory S., DODGE, Kenneth A. & BATES, John E., 1994, “Dyadic Synchrony in Mother-Child Interaction: Relation with Children's Subsequent Kindergarten Adjustment”, Family Relations, 43(4), 417-424.
  • JOHNSON, Steven, 2007, The IT Professional's Business and Communications Guide: A Real-World Approach to Comp TIA A+ Soft Skills, Wiley, Indianapolis.
  • KAİL Robert V., 2016, Children and Their Development, Pearson Education, İndia.
  • KARASAR, Niyazi, 2005, Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi: Kavramlar-İlkeler Teknikler, (15.Baskı), Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • KLİNE, Rex, 2015, Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, Guilford Publications, New York.
  • KNOTT, Gladys, 1979, “Nonverbal Communication During Early Childhood”, Theory Into Practice, 18(4), 226-233.
  • KOCHANSKA, Grazyna, 1997, “Mutually Responsive Orientation Between Mothers and Their Young Children: Implications for Early Socialization”, Child Development, 68(1), 94-112.
  • KOPROWSKA, Juliet, 2008, Communication and İnterpersonal Skills in Social Work (2th Edition), Sage, London.
  • LAİRD, Robert D., PETİT, Gregory S., MİZE, Jacquelyn, BROWN, E. Glyn & LİNDSEY, Eric,1994, “Mother-child conversations about peers: Contributions to competence”, Family Relations, 43(4), 425- 432.
  • LAMBERT, Veronica, LONG, Tony, & KELLEHER, Deirdre, 2012, Communication Skills For Children's Nurses, McGraw-Hill Education, Maidenhead.
  • LESLİE, Julian C. & BLACKMAN,Derek E. eds., 2000, Experimental and applied analysis of human behavior, Context Press, Reno.
  • LEVETOWN, Marcia, 2008, “Communicating with Children and Families: from Everyday Interactions to Skill in Conveying Distressing Information”, Pediatrics, 121(5), e1441-e1460.
  • MALATESTA, Carol Zander, et al., 1986, Emotion Socialization And Expressive Development İn Preterm And Full-Term İnfants." Child Development, p.316-330.
  • MEGGİTT, Carolyn., & WALKER, Jessica, 2014, Child Care and Education (5th Edition), Hodder Education, Abingdon.
  • MEYDAN, Cem, & ŞEŞEN, Harun, 2011, Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi AMOS Uygulamaları, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • OATES, John, GRAYSON, Andrew & WOOD, Clare, 2005, Psychological Development and Early Childhood, Blackwell, Malden.
  • ÖNDER, Alev, DAĞAL, Asude B. ve ŞALLI, Duygu, 2015, 5-6 Yaş çocukları için iletişim becerileri ölçeği geçerlik- güvenirlik çalışması", Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırma Dergisi, 4, 1-13.
  • PEARSON, RaeAnne M. & PİLLOW, Bradford H., 2016, “Mother–Child Conversation and Children's Social Understanding During Middle Childhood”, The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 177(4), 103-121.
  • PECCHİONİ, Loretta, WRİGHT, Kevin , & NUSSBAUM, Jon. F., 2006, Life-Span Communication, Routledge, New York.
  • PEMBECİOĞLU, Nilüfer, 2006, İletişim ve Çocuk, Ebabil Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • PLUMMER, Deborah, 2011, Helping Children to Improve Their Communication Skills: Therapeutic Activities for Teachers, Parents, and Therapists, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London.
  • RAYKOV, Tenko, & MARCOULİDES, George. A., 2008, An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis, Routledge, New York.
  • ROBİNSON, Maria, 2011, Understanding Behaviour and Development In Early Childhood: A Guide to Theory and Practice, Routledge, London.
  • SAMEROFF, Arnold J., 1993, Models Of Development Anddevelopmental Risk. In C. H. Zeanah, Jr. (Ed.),Handbook Of İnfant Mental Health, Guilford Press, New York.
  • SCHERMELLEH-ENGEL, Karin, MOOSBRUGGER, Helfried & MÜLLER, Hans, 2003, “Evaluating The Fit of Structural Equation Models: Tests of Significance and Descriptive Goodness-Of-Fit Measures”, Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2), 23-74.
  • SCHMİDT, Wilfred H., & HORE, Terence, 1970, “Some Nonverbal Aspects of Communication Between Mother and Preschool Child”, Child Development, 41(3), 889-896.
  • SNOW, Catherine & FERGUSON, Charles. (eds), 1977, Talking to Children: Language Input and Acquisition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • STEVENSON, Marguerite. B., VER HOEVE, J. N., ROACH, M. A., & LEAVİTT, L. A., 1986, “The Beginning of Conversation: Early Patterns of Mother-İnfant Vocal Responsiveness”, Infant Behavior and Development, 9(4), 423-440.
  • STRAYER, Janet, & ROBERTS, William, 1989, “Children's Empathy and Role Taking: Child and Parental Factors, and Relations to Prosocial Behavior”, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 10(2), 227-239.
  • STRAYER, Janet, & ROBERTS, William, 2004, “Children's Anger, Emotional Expressiveness, and Empathy: Relations with Parents’ Empathy, Emotional Expressiveness, and Parenting Practices”, Social Development, 13(2), 229-254.
  • TEMİZ, Gülay, & ÇAĞDAŞ, Aysel, 2015, “Anne Çocuk İletişim Becerileri Eğitiminin Çocukların Duyguları Tanıma Becerilerine Etkisi”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 17(1), 87-105.
  • TEZEL-ŞAHİN, Fatma & CEVHER Fatma Nilgün, 2006, “Aile-Çocuk İletişimi”, 3. Uluslararası Çocuk ve İletişim Kongresi, İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi, İstanbul.
  • TONG, Lian, SHİNOHARA, Ryoji, SUGİSAWA, Yuka, TANAKA, Emiko, YATO, Yuko, YAMAKAWA, Noriko & ANME, Tokie, 2012, “Early Development of Empathy in Toddlers: Effects of Daily Parent–Child Interaction and Home□Rearing Environment”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(10), 2457-2478.
  • VANGELİSTİ, Anita, 2004, Routledge Handbook of Family Communication, Routledge, New York.
  • VERÍSSİMO, Manuela, BLİCHARSKİ, Terasa, & STRAYER, F. Francis, 2012, “Stylistic Diversity in Children’s Communication with Mothers at 30 Months” Early Child Development and Care, 182(5), 571-589.
  • WHO, 1997, Improving Mother/Child Interaction To Promote Better Psychosocial Development İn Children.
  • YALÇIN, Hatice, 2013, “Anne-Çocuk İletişimi Eğitiminin Etkileri”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (28), 179-194.
  • ZESKİND, Philip, 1983, “Cross-cultural Differences in Maternal Perceptions of Cries of Low- and High-risk Infants”, Child Development, 54(5), 1119-1128.
  • ZESKİND, Philip. S., 2005, “Impact of the Cry of the Infant at Risk on Psychosocial Development”, Tremblay RE, Barr RG, Peters RDeV, eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development, 1-7.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Şaban Höl Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3586-3781

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 13

Kaynak Göster

APA Höl, Ş. (2017). Annelerin Çocuklarına Yönelik İletişim Becerilerinin 5-6 Yaş Grubu Çocuklarının İletişim Becerileri Üzerindeki Yordayıcı Etkisi. Akademik Tarih Ve Düşünce Dergisi, 4(13), 351-381.

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