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Canopic Vessels in the Ancient Egyptian Mummification Tradition

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 6, 2582 - 2602, 23.01.2024


The phenomenon of death has been one of the greatest fears of human beings throughout their lives. Because the thought that human beings will disappear one day has always occupied their minds and they have been in various searches throughout history to reach eternal life. It is thought that the mummification technique emerged based on the idea that life continues after death. As a matter of fact, it is known that mummification was also practiced by the Ancient Egyptian civilization, which had a polytheistic religious structure. Because in Ancient Egyptian society, the belief that the soul can come back if the body is intact is dominant. In this context, it is known that in Egyptian society, before the body of the deceased was embalmed as a whole, internal organs such as lungs, liver, intestines and stomach were removed and subjected to various procedures. Then, depending on the status of the deceased, they were placed in four vessels called “Kanopic”, which were specially shaped from wood, stone, clay, basalt or alabaster. On these vessels are the figures of the protective gods named “Sons of Horus”, the falcon-headed god. According to the belief, each of these god figures is thought to protect an organ until the day of resurrection. As a matter of fact, it is observed that these vessels were placed in chests, which were mostly made of wood with six sleds, and placed next to the deceased in the grave.


  • Bianucci, R., Habicht, M.E., Buckley, S., Fletcher, J., Seiler, R., Öhrström, L.M., Vassilika, E., Böni, T., Rühli, F. J. (2015). Shedding New Light on the 18th Synasty Mummies of the Royal Architect Kha and His Spouse Merit. PLoS ONE, 10 (7), 1-21.
  • Brewer, D. J., Teeter, E.(2007). Mısır ve Mısırlılar (Çev. N. Uzan). Arkadaş Yayınları
  • Brier, B. (2001). A Thoroggly Modern Mummy. Archaeology, 54 (1), 44-50.
  • Budge, E.W. (1893). The Mummy Chapters on Egyptian Funereal Archaeology. Cambridge at the University Press.
  • David, R. (2003). Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt. Facts on File.
  • Dodson, A. (1994). The Canopic Equipment of the Kings of Egypt. Kegan Paul International.
  • Eppenberger, P.E., Cavka, M., Habicht, M.E., Galassi, F.M., Rühli, F. (2018). Radiological Findings in Ancient Egyptian Canopic Jars: Comparing Three Standard Clinical Imaging Modalities (X-Rays, CT and MRI). European Radiology Experimental, 2 (12), 1-9.
  • Ferguson, R.J. (2016). The Ancient Egyptian Concept of Maat: Reflections on Social Justice and Natural Order. Centre for East-West Cultural&Economic Studies, (15), Bond University, 2-91.
  • Galassi, F.M., Habicht M.E., et al, (2017). The Canopic Jar Project: Interdisciplinary Analysis of Ancient Mummified Viscera. CIPEG Journal, (1), 75-79.
  • Goldstein, S.M. (1990). Egyptian and Near Eastern Art. Bulletin, New Series, 19(4), 1-52.
  • Hassaan, G.A. (2018). Mechanical Engineering in Ancient Egypt, Part 76: Alabaster Products Inscription. International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology, 6 (10), 12-23.
  • Habicht, M.E., Senti, S. et al., (2016). The Scientific Value of Ancient Egyptian Canopic Jars for Medical and Egyptological Research. Shemu The Egyptian Society of South Africa, 20 (3) 1-4.
  • Hammad, M.B., Gerges, M.A. (2019). Maiherpri’s Canopic Chest (CG24005) and Jars (CG.24006) from the Cairo Museum, A Full Publication. Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality, 16 (1), 1-11.
  • Herodotos, (1991). Herodot Tarihi. Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Ikram, S. (2003). Death and Burial in Ancient Egypt. Pearson.
  • Iorwerth, E., Edwards, S. (1976). Treasures of Tutankhamun: National Gallery of Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  • İnan, A. (1992). Eski Mısır Tarih ve Medeniyeti. Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • John, J.A. (2010). Journey Through Eternity: Egyptian Funeral Art. California State University Dominguez Hiils, Degree Master o Arts.
  • Kuhrt, A. (2013). Eskiçağ’da Yakındoğu (MÖ 3000-330) (C. I). (Çev. D. Şendil). Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Laemmel, S. (2015). Clay Canopic Jars: An Example from TT23 and Its Typological and Historical Context. And the Earth ıs Joyous, Essays in Honour of Galina A. Belova, (Eds. S. V. Ivanov-E.G. Tolmacheva), CES RAS, 153-175.
  • Memiş, E. (2009). Eskiçağ Medeniyetleri Tarihi. Ekin Yayınevi.
  • Mieroop, M. Van De. (2019). Eski Mısır Tarihi. (Çev. A. Oğuz Bozkurt), Homer Kitabevi.
  • Ouda, A M. (2012).The Canopic Box of “NS-‘ᴈ-RWD” (BM EA 8539). The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 98, 127-138.
  • Öhrström, L., Tekin, A., et al.(2020). Experimental Mummification-In the Tracks of the Ancient Egyptians. Forensic Clinical Anatomy, 1-12.
  • Rigault, P. (2015). The Canopic Chest of Khakheperreseneb/Iy – Louvre E 17108. The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC) Contributions on Archaeology, Art, Religion, and Written Sources, 1, 325-331.
  • Senti, S., Habıcht, M.E., et al.(2018). Egyptian Canopic Jars at the Crossroad of Medicine and Archaeology: Overview of 100 Years of Research and Future Scientific Expectations. Pathabiology, 85, 267-275.
  • Shaw, I. (2000). The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press.
  • Smith, G. E. (1914). Egyptian Mummies. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 1 (3), 183-196.
  • Vegia, P. (2012). Studying Mummies and Human Remains: Some Current Developments and Issues. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 98 (2), 1-21.
  • Yılmaz, C., Kılıç, Y. (2020). Eski Yakındoğu Diplomasi Dönemi: Amarna Çağı ve Arşivi. Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 7 (2), 882-912.

Eski Mısır Mumyalama Geleneğinde Kanopik Kaplar

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 6, 2582 - 2602, 23.01.2024


Ölüm olgusu, insanoğlunun yaşamı boyunca en büyük korkularından birisi olmuştur. Zira insanoğlunun bir gün yok olup gideceği düşüncesi zihnini hep meşgul etmekle birlikte sonsuz yaşama ulaşmak için tarih boyunca çeşitli arayışlar içerisine girmiştir. Ölümden sonra hayatın devamı ettiği düşüncesinden hareketle mumyalama tekniğinin ortaya çıktığı düşünülmektedir. Nitekim mumyalamanın çok tanrılı bir dini yapıya sahip olan Eski Mısır uygarlığı tarafından da uygulandığı bilinmektedir. Zira Eski Mısır toplumunda ruhun beden sağlamsa geri gelebileceği inancı hakimdir. Bu bağlamda Mısır toplumunda ölen kimsenin vücudunun bütün olarak mumyalanmasından önce akciğer, karaciğer, bağırsaklar ve mide gibi iç organların çıkarılarak çeşitli işlemlere tabi tutulduğu bilinmektedir. Akabinde ölünün statüsüne göre özel olarak ahşap, taş, kil, bazalt veya kaymaktaşından şekillendirilen “Kanopik” adı verilen dört adet kap içerisine yerleştirildiği görülmektedir. Söz konusu kapların üzerinde Şahin başlı tanrı “Horus’un Oğulları” isimli koruyucu tanrı figürleri yer almaktadır. İnanç gereği bu tanrı figürlerinin her biri bir organı yeniden diriliş gününe kadar koruduğu düşünülmektedir. Nitekim bu kapların, çoğunlukla ahşaptan imal edilen ve altı kızaklı olan sandıklar içerisine yerleştirilerek mezarda ölünün yanına konulduğu gözlenmektedir.


  • Bianucci, R., Habicht, M.E., Buckley, S., Fletcher, J., Seiler, R., Öhrström, L.M., Vassilika, E., Böni, T., Rühli, F. J. (2015). Shedding New Light on the 18th Synasty Mummies of the Royal Architect Kha and His Spouse Merit. PLoS ONE, 10 (7), 1-21.
  • Brewer, D. J., Teeter, E.(2007). Mısır ve Mısırlılar (Çev. N. Uzan). Arkadaş Yayınları
  • Brier, B. (2001). A Thoroggly Modern Mummy. Archaeology, 54 (1), 44-50.
  • Budge, E.W. (1893). The Mummy Chapters on Egyptian Funereal Archaeology. Cambridge at the University Press.
  • David, R. (2003). Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt. Facts on File.
  • Dodson, A. (1994). The Canopic Equipment of the Kings of Egypt. Kegan Paul International.
  • Eppenberger, P.E., Cavka, M., Habicht, M.E., Galassi, F.M., Rühli, F. (2018). Radiological Findings in Ancient Egyptian Canopic Jars: Comparing Three Standard Clinical Imaging Modalities (X-Rays, CT and MRI). European Radiology Experimental, 2 (12), 1-9.
  • Ferguson, R.J. (2016). The Ancient Egyptian Concept of Maat: Reflections on Social Justice and Natural Order. Centre for East-West Cultural&Economic Studies, (15), Bond University, 2-91.
  • Galassi, F.M., Habicht M.E., et al, (2017). The Canopic Jar Project: Interdisciplinary Analysis of Ancient Mummified Viscera. CIPEG Journal, (1), 75-79.
  • Goldstein, S.M. (1990). Egyptian and Near Eastern Art. Bulletin, New Series, 19(4), 1-52.
  • Hassaan, G.A. (2018). Mechanical Engineering in Ancient Egypt, Part 76: Alabaster Products Inscription. International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology, 6 (10), 12-23.
  • Habicht, M.E., Senti, S. et al., (2016). The Scientific Value of Ancient Egyptian Canopic Jars for Medical and Egyptological Research. Shemu The Egyptian Society of South Africa, 20 (3) 1-4.
  • Hammad, M.B., Gerges, M.A. (2019). Maiherpri’s Canopic Chest (CG24005) and Jars (CG.24006) from the Cairo Museum, A Full Publication. Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality, 16 (1), 1-11.
  • Herodotos, (1991). Herodot Tarihi. Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Ikram, S. (2003). Death and Burial in Ancient Egypt. Pearson.
  • Iorwerth, E., Edwards, S. (1976). Treasures of Tutankhamun: National Gallery of Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  • İnan, A. (1992). Eski Mısır Tarih ve Medeniyeti. Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • John, J.A. (2010). Journey Through Eternity: Egyptian Funeral Art. California State University Dominguez Hiils, Degree Master o Arts.
  • Kuhrt, A. (2013). Eskiçağ’da Yakındoğu (MÖ 3000-330) (C. I). (Çev. D. Şendil). Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Laemmel, S. (2015). Clay Canopic Jars: An Example from TT23 and Its Typological and Historical Context. And the Earth ıs Joyous, Essays in Honour of Galina A. Belova, (Eds. S. V. Ivanov-E.G. Tolmacheva), CES RAS, 153-175.
  • Memiş, E. (2009). Eskiçağ Medeniyetleri Tarihi. Ekin Yayınevi.
  • Mieroop, M. Van De. (2019). Eski Mısır Tarihi. (Çev. A. Oğuz Bozkurt), Homer Kitabevi.
  • Ouda, A M. (2012).The Canopic Box of “NS-‘ᴈ-RWD” (BM EA 8539). The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 98, 127-138.
  • Öhrström, L., Tekin, A., et al.(2020). Experimental Mummification-In the Tracks of the Ancient Egyptians. Forensic Clinical Anatomy, 1-12.
  • Rigault, P. (2015). The Canopic Chest of Khakheperreseneb/Iy – Louvre E 17108. The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC) Contributions on Archaeology, Art, Religion, and Written Sources, 1, 325-331.
  • Senti, S., Habıcht, M.E., et al.(2018). Egyptian Canopic Jars at the Crossroad of Medicine and Archaeology: Overview of 100 Years of Research and Future Scientific Expectations. Pathabiology, 85, 267-275.
  • Shaw, I. (2000). The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press.
  • Smith, G. E. (1914). Egyptian Mummies. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 1 (3), 183-196.
  • Vegia, P. (2012). Studying Mummies and Human Remains: Some Current Developments and Issues. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 98 (2), 1-21.
  • Yılmaz, C., Kılıç, Y. (2020). Eski Yakındoğu Diplomasi Dönemi: Amarna Çağı ve Arşivi. Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 7 (2), 882-912.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Arkeoloji (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Hacı Ören 0000-0003-1679-5576

Aysel Ateş 0000-0001-6301-8345

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 12 Ocak 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Ocak 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 12 Ocak 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Ören, H., & Ateş, A. (2024). Eski Mısır Mumyalama Geleneğinde Kanopik Kaplar. Akademik Tarih Ve Düşünce Dergisi, 10(6), 2582-2602.

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