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The Main Stages of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict and the Consequences of the Conflict

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 63 - 72, 02.04.2024


The South Caucasus region has always been an important player in regional geopolitics, closely connected with the national interests and security of Russia, Iran, and Turkiye. Its significance increased significantly after the Soviet Union's collapse. The region is a strategically vital transport hub, where communication and trade routes from East to West (the ancient Silk Road) and from South to North intersect. However, ongoing conflicts between Georgia, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia, as well as between Azerbaijan and Armenia, have hindered the region's economic development. These conflicts have partially blocked the region, which has crucially impacted its political development. The most dangerous conflict is between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. In 2020, Azerbaijan regained control of seven regions around Karabakh, which were occupied by Armenians during the first Armenian-Azerbaijani war in the early 1990s. In 2023, during a one-day special operation, Azerbaijan established full control over the territory of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region. The Azerbaijani army's victorious military operations have changed the balance of forces, opening up new opportunities for strengthening peace and developing economic, political, and cultural cooperation between the countries of the region. This paper examines how the Armenian-Azerbaijani confrontation impacted on the geopolitical situation in the South Caucasian region. The official and historical documentation as well as diplomatic reports and media outlets analyzed for these purposes. The comparative-descriptive method was applied to analyze the sources.


  • Audrey, L. Altstadt and Menon R., (2016, April 12). Unfrozen Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh: Why Violence Persists. Foreign Affairs.
  • Avdaliani, E. (2022). New World Order and Small Regions. The Case of South Caucasus. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Aydın, M. (2020). Towards the transformation of Asia’s geopolitics: Eurasian Heartland-Eastern Europe, the Trans-Caucasus, and Central Asia in (Eds. Ç. Erhan and E. Akdemir),. Geopolitics and Strategy. Eskişehir: Anadolu University. pp. 78-113.
  • Azərbaycan ilə Türkiyə arasında müttəfiqlik münasibətləri haqqında Şuşa bəyannaməsi imzalanıb, 2021, 15 iyun,
  • Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti, Ermənistan Respublikasının baş naziri və Rusiya Federasiyasının Prezidentinin Bəyanatı. 10 Noyabr 2020.
  • Balayev, A., Mirzə, R. (2000). 20 Yanvar hadisələri. Sənədlər, mövqelər, şərhlər (1990–2000). Bakı-Çaşıoğlu.
  • Branch A.B. (2018). Armenia and the South Caucasus: A New Security Environment. Connections, 17 (2), Spring, 47-60.
  • Broers, L. (2006). The limits of Leadership: Elities and societies in the Nagorny Karabakh peace process. Conciliation Resources.
  • Cornell, S. E. (2006). The Wider Black Sea Region: An Emerging Hub in European Security. Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program.
  • de Waal, T. (2021, September 27). The Nagorny Karabakh conflict in its fourth decade. Centre for European Policy Studies.
  • de Wall, T. A (2012). Broken Region: The Persistent Failure of Integration Projects in the South Caucasus. Europe-Asia Studies, 64 (9), 1709-1723.
  • Efendiyev, O. (2006). Vooruzhennyye konflikty i voyennyye prestupleniya na Tsentral'nom Kavkaze. Mezhdunarodno-provoovoy aspekt. Kavkaz.
  • Ergun, A. (2020). Azerbaijani Turkish Relations: Special, Exceptional and Privileged. Baku Dialogues, 4 (2), 52-64.
  • Freizer, S. (2015). The Rwenty years after the Nagorny Karabakh ceasefire: an opportunity to move towards more inclusive conflict resolution. Caucasus Survey, 1 (2), 109–122.
  • Hill, F., Kirişçi, K. & Moffitt, M. (2015). Armenia and Turkey: From Normalization to Reconciliation. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 13 (4), 127-138.
  • Hunter, Sh. (2016). The new geopolitics of the South Caucasus. Prospect for regional cooperation and conflict resolution. Report of a conference sponsored by Carnegie Corporation of New York Held at the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding Georgetown University School of Foreign Service October 28.
  • Ismailov, E. (2003). Vlast' i narod. Poststalinizm i Azerbaydzhan. 1945–1953. Adiloglu. Kakachia, K. (2012, July 23). Can Russia Win the Ideological Battle in Georgia?. PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 67.
  • Kapanadze, S. (2014). Turkish trade with Abkhazia: An apple of discord for Georgia”, Turkish Policy Quarterly, 13 (3), 55-68.
  • Köçərli, T. (2002). Qarabağ, Yalan və həqiqət. İrşad.
  • Kvyatkevich, P. (2009). Nu vot. Azerbaydzhan: rozhdeniye respubliki. Vidav Adam Marshalek. O razgranichenii territoriy NKAO i Kurdistanskoy avtonomii. Gosudarstvennyy Arkhiv Azerbaydzhanskoy Respubliki, str.379, str.40s, delo 198, t.117.
  • Pompeyev, YU. (1992). Krovavyy omut Karabakha. Azerbadzhan.
  • Qasımlı, M. (2016). Ermənistanın sovetləşdirilməsindən Azərbaycan ərazilərinin işğalınadək erməni iddiaları: tarix olduğu kimi (1921-1994-cü illər). Elmin inkişafı Fondu.
  • Qasımlı, M. (2015). Azərbaycan Respublikasının xarici siyasıti (1991-2003-cü illər). Mütərcim.
  • Sadiyev, S., Nasirov, E., Iskandarov, Kh., Simons, G. (2021). South Caucasus and a ‘New Great Game’: the communication of competition in securitized international relations. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 29 (2), 282-294.
  • Samkharadze, N. (2022). 3+ 3 Minus One: Georgia’s South Caucasian Challenges and Prospects. Georgian Institute of Politics Policy Brief, (37).
  • Sobytiya vokrug NKAO v krivom zerkale samozvantsev. Sbornik materialov (1989). Karaagach.
  • Tomas, di V. (2008). Qarabağ: Ermənistan və Azərbaycan sülh və savaş yollarında. İlag MMC.

The Main Stages of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict and the Consequences of the Conflict

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 63 - 72, 02.04.2024


The South Caucasus region has always been an important player in regional geopolitics, closely connected with the national interests and security of Russia, Iran, and Turkiye. Its significance increased significantly after the Soviet Union's collapse. The region is a strategically vital transport hub, where communication and trade routes from East to West (the ancient Silk Road) and from South to North intersect. However, ongoing conflicts between Georgia, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia, as well as between Azerbaijan and Armenia, have hindered the region's economic development. These conflicts have partially blocked the region, which has crucially impacted its political development. The most dangerous conflict is between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. In 2020, Azerbaijan regained control of seven regions around Karabakh, which were occupied by Armenians during the first Armenian-Azerbaijani war in the early 1990s. In 2023, during a one-day special operation, Azerbaijan established full control over the territory of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region. The Azerbaijani army's victorious military operations have changed the balance of forces, opening up new opportunities for strengthening peace and developing economic, political, and cultural cooperation between the countries of the region. This paper examines how the Armenian-Azerbaijani confrontation impacted on the geopolitical situation in the South Caucasian region. The official and historical documentation as well as diplomatic reports and media outlets analyzed for these purposes. The comparative-descriptive method was applied to analyze the sources.


  • Audrey, L. Altstadt and Menon R., (2016, April 12). Unfrozen Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh: Why Violence Persists. Foreign Affairs.
  • Avdaliani, E. (2022). New World Order and Small Regions. The Case of South Caucasus. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Aydın, M. (2020). Towards the transformation of Asia’s geopolitics: Eurasian Heartland-Eastern Europe, the Trans-Caucasus, and Central Asia in (Eds. Ç. Erhan and E. Akdemir),. Geopolitics and Strategy. Eskişehir: Anadolu University. pp. 78-113.
  • Azərbaycan ilə Türkiyə arasında müttəfiqlik münasibətləri haqqında Şuşa bəyannaməsi imzalanıb, 2021, 15 iyun,
  • Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti, Ermənistan Respublikasının baş naziri və Rusiya Federasiyasının Prezidentinin Bəyanatı. 10 Noyabr 2020.
  • Balayev, A., Mirzə, R. (2000). 20 Yanvar hadisələri. Sənədlər, mövqelər, şərhlər (1990–2000). Bakı-Çaşıoğlu.
  • Branch A.B. (2018). Armenia and the South Caucasus: A New Security Environment. Connections, 17 (2), Spring, 47-60.
  • Broers, L. (2006). The limits of Leadership: Elities and societies in the Nagorny Karabakh peace process. Conciliation Resources.
  • Cornell, S. E. (2006). The Wider Black Sea Region: An Emerging Hub in European Security. Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program.
  • de Waal, T. (2021, September 27). The Nagorny Karabakh conflict in its fourth decade. Centre for European Policy Studies.
  • de Wall, T. A (2012). Broken Region: The Persistent Failure of Integration Projects in the South Caucasus. Europe-Asia Studies, 64 (9), 1709-1723.
  • Efendiyev, O. (2006). Vooruzhennyye konflikty i voyennyye prestupleniya na Tsentral'nom Kavkaze. Mezhdunarodno-provoovoy aspekt. Kavkaz.
  • Ergun, A. (2020). Azerbaijani Turkish Relations: Special, Exceptional and Privileged. Baku Dialogues, 4 (2), 52-64.
  • Freizer, S. (2015). The Rwenty years after the Nagorny Karabakh ceasefire: an opportunity to move towards more inclusive conflict resolution. Caucasus Survey, 1 (2), 109–122.
  • Hill, F., Kirişçi, K. & Moffitt, M. (2015). Armenia and Turkey: From Normalization to Reconciliation. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 13 (4), 127-138.
  • Hunter, Sh. (2016). The new geopolitics of the South Caucasus. Prospect for regional cooperation and conflict resolution. Report of a conference sponsored by Carnegie Corporation of New York Held at the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding Georgetown University School of Foreign Service October 28.
  • Ismailov, E. (2003). Vlast' i narod. Poststalinizm i Azerbaydzhan. 1945–1953. Adiloglu. Kakachia, K. (2012, July 23). Can Russia Win the Ideological Battle in Georgia?. PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 67.
  • Kapanadze, S. (2014). Turkish trade with Abkhazia: An apple of discord for Georgia”, Turkish Policy Quarterly, 13 (3), 55-68.
  • Köçərli, T. (2002). Qarabağ, Yalan və həqiqət. İrşad.
  • Kvyatkevich, P. (2009). Nu vot. Azerbaydzhan: rozhdeniye respubliki. Vidav Adam Marshalek. O razgranichenii territoriy NKAO i Kurdistanskoy avtonomii. Gosudarstvennyy Arkhiv Azerbaydzhanskoy Respubliki, str.379, str.40s, delo 198, t.117.
  • Pompeyev, YU. (1992). Krovavyy omut Karabakha. Azerbadzhan.
  • Qasımlı, M. (2016). Ermənistanın sovetləşdirilməsindən Azərbaycan ərazilərinin işğalınadək erməni iddiaları: tarix olduğu kimi (1921-1994-cü illər). Elmin inkişafı Fondu.
  • Qasımlı, M. (2015). Azərbaycan Respublikasının xarici siyasıti (1991-2003-cü illər). Mütərcim.
  • Sadiyev, S., Nasirov, E., Iskandarov, Kh., Simons, G. (2021). South Caucasus and a ‘New Great Game’: the communication of competition in securitized international relations. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 29 (2), 282-294.
  • Samkharadze, N. (2022). 3+ 3 Minus One: Georgia’s South Caucasian Challenges and Prospects. Georgian Institute of Politics Policy Brief, (37).
  • Sobytiya vokrug NKAO v krivom zerkale samozvantsev. Sbornik materialov (1989). Karaagach.
  • Tomas, di V. (2008). Qarabağ: Ermənistan və Azərbaycan sülh və savaş yollarında. İlag MMC.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Türk Halkları ve Toplulukları
Bölüm Makaleler

Hatice Abbaslı Bu kişi benim 0009-0003-7499-3631

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 21 Şubat 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 20 Ocak 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Abbaslı, H. (2024). The Main Stages of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict and the Consequences of the Conflict. Akademik Tarih Ve Düşünce Dergisi, 11(1), 63-72.

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