İleri yaşlarda görülen kalsifiye skleral dejenerasyonlarla karakterize senil skleral plak Skleromalazi ile karıştırılabilir. Çalışmada bir olguda optik koherens tomografik görüntülerle skleral plak değerlendirildi
Referans6.Lyall DA, Srinivasan S. Scleral perforation secondary to a spontaneously dehisced senile scleral plaque: clinical features and management. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2010; 38:533-4.
Referans8.Beck M, Schlatter B, Wolf S, Zinkernagel MS. Senile scleral plaques imaged with enhanced depth optical coherence tomography. ActaOphthalmol 2015;93:e188-92.
Referans9.Horowitz S, Damasceno N, Damasceno E. Prevalence and factor sassociated with scleral hyaline plaque: clinical study of older adults in South eastern Brazil.ClinOphthalmol. 2015;9:1187-93.
Referans10.Moseley I. Spots before the eyes: a prevalence and clinico radiological study of senile scleral plaques. ClinRadiol 2000;55:198-206.
Referans11.Scroggs MW, Klintworth GK. Senilescleralplaques: a histo pathologic study using energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis. Human Pathology 1991;22: 557-62.
Senile Scleral Plaque Evaluation With Optical Coherence Tomography
Referans6.Lyall DA, Srinivasan S. Scleral perforation secondary to a spontaneously dehisced senile scleral plaque: clinical features and management. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2010; 38:533-4.
Referans8.Beck M, Schlatter B, Wolf S, Zinkernagel MS. Senile scleral plaques imaged with enhanced depth optical coherence tomography. ActaOphthalmol 2015;93:e188-92.
Referans9.Horowitz S, Damasceno N, Damasceno E. Prevalence and factor sassociated with scleral hyaline plaque: clinical study of older adults in South eastern Brazil.ClinOphthalmol. 2015;9:1187-93.
Referans10.Moseley I. Spots before the eyes: a prevalence and clinico radiological study of senile scleral plaques. ClinRadiol 2000;55:198-206.
Referans11.Scroggs MW, Klintworth GK. Senilescleralplaques: a histo pathologic study using energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis. Human Pathology 1991;22: 557-62.
Turgut, B., Erdogan, H., Okur, E., Erşan, İ. (2023). Senile Scleral Plaque Evaluation With Optical Coherence Tomography. Tıp Fakültesi Klinikleri Dergisi, 5(2-3), 93-96.