The Analysis of Perceived Leisure Satisfaction in Elders’ Leisure Participation According to Demographic Factors.
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 54 - 70, 15.02.2019
Tuba Sevil
Kerem Yıldırım Şimşek
In the study, it is aimed to
determine dimensions of perceived leisure satisfaction resulting from leisure activity
participations of elders’ and investigate differentiations in the perceived
satisfaction of elders according to demographic factors. The survey which
includes leisure satisfaction scale with 608 participants in 60 years of age
and beyond the age of 60 groups is applied. Leisure satisfaction scale consists
six dimensions. However, the study determines three dimensions which are
social, aesthetic and psychological related to leisure satisfaction. It is
determined that elders have different leisure satisfaction according to demographic
specifications. Gender factor is not significant in all sub dimensions of
leisure satisfaction. It is determined that differentiations in education and
age factors are especially important. Results of the study propose leisure
programs in order to maintain better leisure satisfaction and research
suggestions regarding investigations of the factors which increase perceived
leisure satisfaction of elders.
- Beard J.G., Ragheb, M.G. (1980). Measuring leisure satisfaction, Journal of leisure Research, 12(1), 20-33.
- Brajša-Žganec, A., Merkaš, M., Šverko, I. (2011). Quality of life and leisure activities: How do leisure activities contribute to subjective well-being?, Social Indicators Research, 102(1), 81-91.
- Broughton K., Brent B. A. (2007). Leisure satisfaction of older adults, Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 31(1), 1-18.
- Caldwell L. L. (2005). Leisure and health: Why is leisure therapeutic?, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 33(1), 7-26.
- Chiang L. M. (2010). The development of a leisure and life satisfaction scale for outpatient (LLSSCP) Leisure Activity Programs In Iowa, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Northern Iowa.
- Chun S., Lee Y., Kim B., Heo J. (2012). The contribiton of leisure participation and leisure satisfaction to stress related growths, Leisure Sciences. 34(5), 436-449.
- Dülger İ. (2012). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Yaşlılığın Değişen Görünümü, Değişen Politikaları ve Gelişen Aktif Yaşlanma Kavramı, Kuşaklararası Dayanışma ve Aktif Yaşlanma Sempozyumu, Ankara Üniversitesi, 20-21 Mart, 31-49.
- Edginton C.R., DeGraaf D.G., Dieser R.B., Edgington S.R. (2005). Leisure and Life Satisfaction Foundation Perspectives, Edition, NewYork, McGraw-Hill.Erdoğan İ. (2003). Pozitivist metodoloji: bilimsel araştırma tasarımı, istatiksel yöntemler, analiz ve yorum. Ankara: Erk Yay.
- Gabriel Z., Bowling, A. (2004). Quality of life from the perspectives of older people. Ageing and Society, 24(05), 675-691.
- Gagliardi C., Spazzafumo L., Marcellini F., Mollenkopf H., Ruopilla I., Tacken M., Szemann Z. (2007). The outdoor mobility and leisure activities of older people in five European countries, Ageing and Soceity, 27(5), 683-700.
- Guinn B. (1999). Leisure behavior motivation and the life satisfaction of retired persons. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 23(4), 13-20.
- Heung R. S, Yuendoke A. J. (2012). Leisure and Older People: A Concept Analysis, and Implications for Nursing, Aging Society Journal, 1(2),55-63.
- Hribernik J., Mussap A. J. (2010). Research note: Leisure satisfaction and subjective wellbeing. Annals of Leisure Research, 13(4), 701-708.
- Huang C. Y., Carleton B. (2003). The relationships among leisure participation, leisure satisfaction, and life satisfaction of college students in Taiwan, Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 1(2), 129-132.
- Kao Chin-Hsung. (1992). A model of leisure satisfaction, unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University, Graduate Faculty.
- Koeneman M. A., Chinapaw M. J. M., Verheijden M. W., Van Tilburg T. G., Visser M., Deeg D. J. H., Hopman-Rock M. (2012). Do Major Life Events Influence Physical Activity among Older Adults: The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9, 147.
- Konak A., Çiğdem Y. (2005). Yaşlılık olgusu: Sivas Huzurevi Örneği, C.Ü.Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi ,29(1), 23-63.
- Lapa T. Y. (2013). Life satisfaction, leisure satisfaction and perceived freedom of park recreation participants, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1985-1993
- Lemler R.S. (1998). Therapeutic Recreation Services and Native American Clients:A qualitative study, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The university of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Liang J., Yamashita T., Brown J. S. (2013). Leisure Satisfaction and Quality of Life in China, Japan, and South Korea: A Comparative Study Using AsiaBarometer 2006, Journal of Happiness Studies, 14(3), 753-769.
- Lu L., Kao S. F. (2009). Direct and indirect effects of personality traits on leisure satisfaction: Evidence from a national probability sample in Taiwan. Social Behavior and Personality, 37(2), 191-192.
- Matsouka L.M., Bebetsos E.,Trigonis I., Simakis S. (2010). The Effects of an Outdoor Exercise Program on Mood Status among Elderly, World Leisure Journal, 52(1), 34-40.
- McGuinn K., Mosher-Ashley P. (2001). Participation in recreational activities and its effect on perception of life satisfaction in residential settings, Activites, Adaptaion And Aging, 25(1), 77-86.
- Misra R., McKean M. (2000). College students' academic stress and its relation to their anxiety, time management, and leisure satisfaction, American Journal of Health Studies, 16(1), 41-51.
- Ölüç F. (2007). Edirne Kentsel Kesimde Yaşlılarda Sağlıkla İlintili Yaşam Kalitesi, Uzmanlık Tezi, Trakya Üni., Edirne.
- Peterson C., Gunn S. (1984). Therapeutic Recreation Program Design, Second Edition, Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc.
- Sasidharan V., Payne L., Smith E., Godbey G. (2006). Older adults physical activity participation and perceptions of wellbeing: examining the role of social support for leisure, Managing Leisure, 11(3), 164-185.
- Siegenthaler K. L., O'Dell I. (2000). Leisure attitude, leisure satisfaction, and perceived freedom in leisure within family dyads, Leisure Sciences, 22(4), 281-296.
- Sneegas J. J. (1989).The Releationship of Perceived Social Competence to Leisure Participation, Leisure satisfaction and life Satisfaction in Older Adults, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Urbana.
- Spiers A., Walker G.J. (2008). The Effects of Ethnicity and Leisure Satisfaction on Happiness, Peacefulness, and Quality of Life, Leisure Sciences, 31(1), 84-99.
- Şener A. (2002). Yaşlılık, Yaşam Doyumu ve Boş Zaman Faaliyetleri, Hacettepe Üni., Ankara.
- Warr P., Butcher V., Robertson I. (2004). Activity and psychological well-being in older people, Aging & Mental Health, 8(2), 172-183.
- WHO (2015), World Health Organization, World Report on Ageing and Health.
- Wu C. H. (2010). The relationships among leisure participation, leisure satisfaction, and emotional intelligence among elementary school teachers in Northern Taiwan, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Incarnate World, School of Graduate Studies.
Yaşlıların Boş Zaman Aktivitelerine Katılımlarında Algıladıkları Boş Zaman Tatmininin Demografik Özelliklere Göre Analizi
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 54 - 70, 15.02.2019
Tuba Sevil
Kerem Yıldırım Şimşek
Çalışmada, ülkemizdeki yaşlıların
rekreasyon amaçlı boş zaman katılımlarının algıladıkları boş zaman tatmini ile
ilgili boyutların belirlenmesi ve yaşlıların tatmin algılarının demografik
özelliklere göre nasıl farklılık gösterebileceği araştırılmıştır. Eskişehir
ilinde yaşayan 60 yaş ve üstü yaş gruplarında yer alan 608 katılımcıya, Boş
Zaman Tatmini Ölçeği kullanılarak oluşturulan anket uygulanmıştır. Boş zaman
tatmini ölçeğinde toplam altı tatmin boyutu bulunmaktadır. Çalışmada sosyal, estetik
ve psikolojik tatmin boyutları olmak üzere üç boyut ile boş zaman tatmini
arasında ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada demografik özelliklere göre yaşlıların
boş zaman tatmin algılamalarında anlamlı farklılıklar olduğu görülmüştür. Boş zaman tatmininin tüm alt boyutlarında cinsiyet
faktörünün önemli olmadığı, özellikle eğitim ve yaş değişkenlerindeki
farklılıkların ön plana çıktığı saptanmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara
bağlı olarak ülkemizdeki yaşlıların boş zaman tatminlerini iyileştirmeye
yönelik programların oluşturulması ve yaşlıların tatmin algılarını yükseltecek
faktörlerin incelenmesi ile ilgili araştırma önerileri sunulmuştur.
- Beard J.G., Ragheb, M.G. (1980). Measuring leisure satisfaction, Journal of leisure Research, 12(1), 20-33.
- Brajša-Žganec, A., Merkaš, M., Šverko, I. (2011). Quality of life and leisure activities: How do leisure activities contribute to subjective well-being?, Social Indicators Research, 102(1), 81-91.
- Broughton K., Brent B. A. (2007). Leisure satisfaction of older adults, Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 31(1), 1-18.
- Caldwell L. L. (2005). Leisure and health: Why is leisure therapeutic?, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 33(1), 7-26.
- Chiang L. M. (2010). The development of a leisure and life satisfaction scale for outpatient (LLSSCP) Leisure Activity Programs In Iowa, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Northern Iowa.
- Chun S., Lee Y., Kim B., Heo J. (2012). The contribiton of leisure participation and leisure satisfaction to stress related growths, Leisure Sciences. 34(5), 436-449.
- Dülger İ. (2012). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Yaşlılığın Değişen Görünümü, Değişen Politikaları ve Gelişen Aktif Yaşlanma Kavramı, Kuşaklararası Dayanışma ve Aktif Yaşlanma Sempozyumu, Ankara Üniversitesi, 20-21 Mart, 31-49.
- Edginton C.R., DeGraaf D.G., Dieser R.B., Edgington S.R. (2005). Leisure and Life Satisfaction Foundation Perspectives, Edition, NewYork, McGraw-Hill.Erdoğan İ. (2003). Pozitivist metodoloji: bilimsel araştırma tasarımı, istatiksel yöntemler, analiz ve yorum. Ankara: Erk Yay.
- Gabriel Z., Bowling, A. (2004). Quality of life from the perspectives of older people. Ageing and Society, 24(05), 675-691.
- Gagliardi C., Spazzafumo L., Marcellini F., Mollenkopf H., Ruopilla I., Tacken M., Szemann Z. (2007). The outdoor mobility and leisure activities of older people in five European countries, Ageing and Soceity, 27(5), 683-700.
- Guinn B. (1999). Leisure behavior motivation and the life satisfaction of retired persons. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 23(4), 13-20.
- Heung R. S, Yuendoke A. J. (2012). Leisure and Older People: A Concept Analysis, and Implications for Nursing, Aging Society Journal, 1(2),55-63.
- Hribernik J., Mussap A. J. (2010). Research note: Leisure satisfaction and subjective wellbeing. Annals of Leisure Research, 13(4), 701-708.
- Huang C. Y., Carleton B. (2003). The relationships among leisure participation, leisure satisfaction, and life satisfaction of college students in Taiwan, Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 1(2), 129-132.
- Kao Chin-Hsung. (1992). A model of leisure satisfaction, unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University, Graduate Faculty.
- Koeneman M. A., Chinapaw M. J. M., Verheijden M. W., Van Tilburg T. G., Visser M., Deeg D. J. H., Hopman-Rock M. (2012). Do Major Life Events Influence Physical Activity among Older Adults: The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9, 147.
- Konak A., Çiğdem Y. (2005). Yaşlılık olgusu: Sivas Huzurevi Örneği, C.Ü.Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi ,29(1), 23-63.
- Lapa T. Y. (2013). Life satisfaction, leisure satisfaction and perceived freedom of park recreation participants, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1985-1993
- Lemler R.S. (1998). Therapeutic Recreation Services and Native American Clients:A qualitative study, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The university of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Liang J., Yamashita T., Brown J. S. (2013). Leisure Satisfaction and Quality of Life in China, Japan, and South Korea: A Comparative Study Using AsiaBarometer 2006, Journal of Happiness Studies, 14(3), 753-769.
- Lu L., Kao S. F. (2009). Direct and indirect effects of personality traits on leisure satisfaction: Evidence from a national probability sample in Taiwan. Social Behavior and Personality, 37(2), 191-192.
- Matsouka L.M., Bebetsos E.,Trigonis I., Simakis S. (2010). The Effects of an Outdoor Exercise Program on Mood Status among Elderly, World Leisure Journal, 52(1), 34-40.
- McGuinn K., Mosher-Ashley P. (2001). Participation in recreational activities and its effect on perception of life satisfaction in residential settings, Activites, Adaptaion And Aging, 25(1), 77-86.
- Misra R., McKean M. (2000). College students' academic stress and its relation to their anxiety, time management, and leisure satisfaction, American Journal of Health Studies, 16(1), 41-51.
- Ölüç F. (2007). Edirne Kentsel Kesimde Yaşlılarda Sağlıkla İlintili Yaşam Kalitesi, Uzmanlık Tezi, Trakya Üni., Edirne.
- Peterson C., Gunn S. (1984). Therapeutic Recreation Program Design, Second Edition, Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc.
- Sasidharan V., Payne L., Smith E., Godbey G. (2006). Older adults physical activity participation and perceptions of wellbeing: examining the role of social support for leisure, Managing Leisure, 11(3), 164-185.
- Siegenthaler K. L., O'Dell I. (2000). Leisure attitude, leisure satisfaction, and perceived freedom in leisure within family dyads, Leisure Sciences, 22(4), 281-296.
- Sneegas J. J. (1989).The Releationship of Perceived Social Competence to Leisure Participation, Leisure satisfaction and life Satisfaction in Older Adults, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Urbana.
- Spiers A., Walker G.J. (2008). The Effects of Ethnicity and Leisure Satisfaction on Happiness, Peacefulness, and Quality of Life, Leisure Sciences, 31(1), 84-99.
- Şener A. (2002). Yaşlılık, Yaşam Doyumu ve Boş Zaman Faaliyetleri, Hacettepe Üni., Ankara.
- Warr P., Butcher V., Robertson I. (2004). Activity and psychological well-being in older people, Aging & Mental Health, 8(2), 172-183.
- WHO (2015), World Health Organization, World Report on Ageing and Health.
- Wu C. H. (2010). The relationships among leisure participation, leisure satisfaction, and emotional intelligence among elementary school teachers in Northern Taiwan, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Incarnate World, School of Graduate Studies.