Batı ve Güneybatı Anadolu’nun paleocoğrafya ve jeoarkeolojisinde santorini (thera) küllerinin önemi
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 15 - 37, 01.04.2016
Serdar Vardar
Ertuğ Öner
Tephra örnekleri kronostratigrafik yorumlarda kılavuz bir katmandır ve paleocoğrafya ile jeomorfoloji değerlendirmelerinde farklı bölgelere ait morfolojik birimlerin korelasyonlarında bilimsel katkılar sağlamaktadır. Volkanik küller, püskürme zamanlarına ait kapladıkları rölyefi çok iyi yansıttıkları için genel bir rölyef korelasyonunu mümkün kılmaktadır. Santorini volkanının patlamasına ait küller ve dağılış özelikleri Batı Anadolu paleocoğrafyası ve jeoarkeolojisi için hem kronolojik bir referanstır hem de belirli bir dönemin morfolojik özeliklerini yansıtmaktadır. Bunun yanında volkanik küllerin kıyı bölgelerindeki tsunami etkileri ve izleri de paleocoğrafya- jeoarkeoloji araştırmaları için önemlidir. Bu çalışmada Eşen ovası, Bayraklı (Symirna) antik kenti ve Gölcük gölü (Ödemiş-İzmir) sondajlarından alınan volkanik küllerin element analizleri sonucunda Santorini’nin (Thera) Minoan patlamasına (GÖ 1650) ait olduğu belirlenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları Batı Anadolu’da daha önce yapılmış diğer çalışmaların sonuçları ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Bu bilgilerin yardımı ile küllerin Batı ve Güneybatı Anadolu’daki dağılışı üzerine değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Eldeki analiz-bulgular paleocoğrafya ve jeoarkeolojik değerlendirmelerinde kullanılmış ve tephra örneklerinin analizlerinin bu çalışmalara katkısı üzerinde durulmuştur
- Akurgal, E., 1950. Bayraklı, Erster Vorlaufger Bericht über die Auusgrabungen in Alt-Symrina, DTCF Band VIII No.1, Ankara.
- Akurgal, E.. 1987. Anadolu Uygarlıkları, Net Turistik Yay. San. ve Ticaret Şirketi.
- Antonopoulos, J. 1992. “The Great Minoan Eruption of Thera Volcano and the Ensuing Tsunami in the Greek Archipelago”, Natural Hazards 5, 153-168.
- Barton M, Huijsmans J P P, 1986. Post-caldera dacites from the Santorini volcanic complex, Aegean Sea, Greece: an example of the eruption of lavas of near-constant composition over a 2,200 year period. Contr Mineral Petr, 94: 495
- Bennet, J., Galaty, M. 1997. “Ancient Greece: Recent Developments in Aegean Archaeology
- Beverley N. Goodman-Tchernov, Hendrik W. Dey, Eduard G. Reinhardt, Flody McCOy, Yossi Mart 2009. Tsunami waves generated by the Santorini eruption reached Eastern Mediterranean shores, Geology, American Geology Society, v. no. 10 p. 943-946.
- Bruins, H. J., van der Plicht, J., MacGillivray, J. A. 2009. “The Minoan Santorini Eruption And Tsunami Deposits In
- Palaikastro (Crete): Dating By Geology, Archaeology, 14c, And Egyptian Chronology”, Radiocarbon, 51 (2), 397– Cherubini P., Humbel T., Beeckman H., Gartner H., Mannes D., Pearson C., Schoch W., Tognetti R., Lev-Yadun S., 2014.
- The olive-branch dating of the Santorini eruption. Antiquity publications LTD., Antiquity 88, 267-291. Derin Z., Batmaz. 2004. Bornova-Kemalpaşa (İzmir) Arkeolojik Envanteri 2003. TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi 2. S.75
- Dominey-Howes, D. T. M., Papadopoulos, G. A., Dawson, A. G. 2000. “Geological and Historical Investigation of the 1650
- Mt. Columbo (Thera Island) Eruption and Tsunami, Aegean Sea, Greece”, Natural Hazards, 21, 83–96. Dominey-Howes, D. 2002. “Documentary and Geological Records of Tsunamis in the Aegean Sea Region of Greece and their Potential Value to Risk Assessment and Disaster Management”, Natural Hazards, 25, 195–224.
- Driessen J., Macdonald C., 1997. The troubled island: Minoan Crete before and after the Santorini eruption. Liège: Aegaeum 17.
- Druitt T H, Francaviglia V, 1992. Caldera formation on Santorini and the physiography of the islands in the late Bronze age. Bull Volc, 54: 484-493
- Dunn, S. E. 2002. The chronology of the Aegean late bronze age with special reference to the Minoan eruption of Thera,
- Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses. Düvenci, Y. R. 2013. Bağlararası’nda Santorini Külleri (Çeşme Bağlararası’nda 4600 yıl öncesine ait tarihi kalıntılar)” Bütün Dünya 2000, 16 (185), 55-58.
- Eastwood, W.J., Pearce, N. J. G., Westgate, J. A., Perkins, W. T. 1998. “Recognition of Santorini (Minoan) Tephra in Lake
- Sediments from Gölhisar Gölü, Southwest Turkey by Laser Ablation ICP-MS,” JAS 25, 677-687. Eastwood, W.J., Pearce, N. J. G., Westgate, J. A., Perkins, W. T., Lamb, H.F., Roberts, N. 1999. “Geochemistry of Santorini tephra in lake sediments from Southwest Turkey”, Global and Planetary Change, 21, 17–29.
- Eastwood, W. J., Tibby, J., Roberts, N., Birks, H. J. B., Lamb, H. F. 2002. “The environmental impact of the Minoan eruption of Santorini (Thera): statistical analysis of palaeoecological data from Gölhisar, southwest Turkey”, The Holocene, 12 (4), 431-444.
- Écochard, É., Fouache, É., Kuzucuoğlu, C., Carcaud, N., Ekmekçi, M., Ulusoy, İ., Çiner, A., Des Courtils, J. 2009.
- “Reconstitution paléogéographique des dynamiques paysagères Durant l’Holocène autour de Xanthos et Létôon dans l’ancienne Lycie (Turquie) : premiers résultats”, Norois, 213 (4), 59-71. Ecochard, E. 2012. Approche géoarchéologique et valorisation du patrimoine géomorphologique autour du Létôon (plaine de Xanthos, Turquie). Université Paris Est Créteil, Thèse.
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Importance of the tephra of Santorini (Thera) in the paleogeography and
geoarchaeology of the western and southwestern Anatoliae
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 15 - 37, 01.04.2016
Serdar Vardar
Ertuğ Öner
Tephra samples is a guide layer in chronostratigraphic interpretations and in paleogeographic geomorphologic evolutions provide scientific contributions to correlations of morphological units beloning to different regions. Volcanic ashes enable the overall relief correlations because of their well reflecting surface that they cover belong the eruption time. Features of Santorini tephra and its distribution is both chronological referance and important indicator because of reflecting the morphological features of a particular period for Western Anatolian paleogeography and geoarchaeology. Besides that, paleogeographical effects of tephras, tsunami effects in coastal regions and its terraces are also important for paleogeography-geoarchaeology reserach. In this research, element analysis of volcanic ashes obtained from drillings in Eşen plain, Bayraklı (Symirna) ancient city ve Gölcük lake (Ödemiş-İzmir) indicates that the tephras belong to Santorini Minoan eruption (1650 BP). Results of analysis corelate with other research that is done before. Element analysis of tephra is associated with the outcomes of research previously done in Western Anatolia. According to these data, interpretations on distribution of Minoan Tephra were carried out. Analysis and findings are used in paleogeograpical and geoarchaeological interpretations and the contribution of the analysis of tephra samples to these works are emphasized
- Akurgal, E., 1950. Bayraklı, Erster Vorlaufger Bericht über die Auusgrabungen in Alt-Symrina, DTCF Band VIII No.1, Ankara.
- Akurgal, E.. 1987. Anadolu Uygarlıkları, Net Turistik Yay. San. ve Ticaret Şirketi.
- Antonopoulos, J. 1992. “The Great Minoan Eruption of Thera Volcano and the Ensuing Tsunami in the Greek Archipelago”, Natural Hazards 5, 153-168.
- Barton M, Huijsmans J P P, 1986. Post-caldera dacites from the Santorini volcanic complex, Aegean Sea, Greece: an example of the eruption of lavas of near-constant composition over a 2,200 year period. Contr Mineral Petr, 94: 495
- Bennet, J., Galaty, M. 1997. “Ancient Greece: Recent Developments in Aegean Archaeology
- Beverley N. Goodman-Tchernov, Hendrik W. Dey, Eduard G. Reinhardt, Flody McCOy, Yossi Mart 2009. Tsunami waves generated by the Santorini eruption reached Eastern Mediterranean shores, Geology, American Geology Society, v. no. 10 p. 943-946.
- Bruins, H. J., van der Plicht, J., MacGillivray, J. A. 2009. “The Minoan Santorini Eruption And Tsunami Deposits In
- Palaikastro (Crete): Dating By Geology, Archaeology, 14c, And Egyptian Chronology”, Radiocarbon, 51 (2), 397– Cherubini P., Humbel T., Beeckman H., Gartner H., Mannes D., Pearson C., Schoch W., Tognetti R., Lev-Yadun S., 2014.
- The olive-branch dating of the Santorini eruption. Antiquity publications LTD., Antiquity 88, 267-291. Derin Z., Batmaz. 2004. Bornova-Kemalpaşa (İzmir) Arkeolojik Envanteri 2003. TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi 2. S.75
- Dominey-Howes, D. T. M., Papadopoulos, G. A., Dawson, A. G. 2000. “Geological and Historical Investigation of the 1650
- Mt. Columbo (Thera Island) Eruption and Tsunami, Aegean Sea, Greece”, Natural Hazards, 21, 83–96. Dominey-Howes, D. 2002. “Documentary and Geological Records of Tsunamis in the Aegean Sea Region of Greece and their Potential Value to Risk Assessment and Disaster Management”, Natural Hazards, 25, 195–224.
- Driessen J., Macdonald C., 1997. The troubled island: Minoan Crete before and after the Santorini eruption. Liège: Aegaeum 17.
- Druitt T H, Francaviglia V, 1992. Caldera formation on Santorini and the physiography of the islands in the late Bronze age. Bull Volc, 54: 484-493
- Dunn, S. E. 2002. The chronology of the Aegean late bronze age with special reference to the Minoan eruption of Thera,
- Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses. Düvenci, Y. R. 2013. Bağlararası’nda Santorini Külleri (Çeşme Bağlararası’nda 4600 yıl öncesine ait tarihi kalıntılar)” Bütün Dünya 2000, 16 (185), 55-58.
- Eastwood, W.J., Pearce, N. J. G., Westgate, J. A., Perkins, W. T. 1998. “Recognition of Santorini (Minoan) Tephra in Lake
- Sediments from Gölhisar Gölü, Southwest Turkey by Laser Ablation ICP-MS,” JAS 25, 677-687. Eastwood, W.J., Pearce, N. J. G., Westgate, J. A., Perkins, W. T., Lamb, H.F., Roberts, N. 1999. “Geochemistry of Santorini tephra in lake sediments from Southwest Turkey”, Global and Planetary Change, 21, 17–29.
- Eastwood, W. J., Tibby, J., Roberts, N., Birks, H. J. B., Lamb, H. F. 2002. “The environmental impact of the Minoan eruption of Santorini (Thera): statistical analysis of palaeoecological data from Gölhisar, southwest Turkey”, The Holocene, 12 (4), 431-444.
- Écochard, É., Fouache, É., Kuzucuoğlu, C., Carcaud, N., Ekmekçi, M., Ulusoy, İ., Çiner, A., Des Courtils, J. 2009.
- “Reconstitution paléogéographique des dynamiques paysagères Durant l’Holocène autour de Xanthos et Létôon dans l’ancienne Lycie (Turquie) : premiers résultats”, Norois, 213 (4), 59-71. Ecochard, E. 2012. Approche géoarchéologique et valorisation du patrimoine géomorphologique autour du Létôon (plaine de Xanthos, Turquie). Université Paris Est Créteil, Thèse.
- Ercan, T., 1980. “Akdeniz ve Ege Denizindeki Pliyo-Kuvaterner ada yayı volkanizması”, Jeomorfoloji dergisi, 9, 37-59.
- Fouache, E., Ecochard, E., Kuzucuoğlu, C., Carcaud, N., Ekmekçi, M., Ulusoy, İ., Robert, V., Çiner A., Des Courtils, J. “Palaeogeographical reconstruction and management challenges of an archaeological site listed by UNESCO: the case of the Letoon shrine in the Xanthos Plain (Turkey)”, Quaestiones Geographicae, 31 (1), 37-49. Francalanci, L., Vougioukalakis, G.E., Perini, G., Manetti, P. 2005. “A West-East Traverse along the magmatism of the South Aegean volcanic arc in the light of volcanological, chemical and isotope data”, Developments In Volcanology, , 65-111.
- Friedman, G. M. 2005. “Tephras, Tsunamis, and Modern Carbonate Beachrock, Carbonates and Evaporites”, 20 (2), 2005, 106.
- Friedrich W L, 2000. Fire in the Sea, The Santorini Volcano: Natural History and the Legend of Atlantis. London:
- Cambridge Univ Press, 258 p Friedrich, W. L., Kromer, B., Friedrich, M., Heinemeier, J., Pfeiffer, T., Talamo, S. 2006. “Santorini Eruption Radiocarbon
- Dated to 1627–1600 B.C.”, Science, 312, 548.
- Friedrich, W. L., Heinemeier, J. 2009. The Minoan eruption of Santorini radiocarbon dated to 1613 ± 13 BC - geological and stratigraphic considerations. 57-63. Time’s Up Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini, Monographs of the Danish
- Institute at Athens Volume 10, Editor: Hallager, E., Athens: Aarhus University Press. Friedrich, W. L. 2013. “The Minoan Eruption of Santorini around 1613 B.C. and its consequences”, Tagungen des
- Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle, 9, 37-48. Galanopoulos A. G., Bacon E., 1969. Atlantis:Truth Behind the Legend. Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd; First Edition edition, pages.
- Goodman-Tchernov, B. N., Dey, H. W., Reinhardt, E. G., McCoy, F., Mart, Y. 2009. “Tsunami waves generated by the Santorini eruption reached Eastern Mediterranean shores”, Geology, 37, 943-946.
- Hamann, Y., Wulf, S., Ersoy, O., Ehrmann, W., Aydar, E., Schmiedl, G. 2010. “First evidence of a distal early Holocene ash layer in Eastern Mediterranean deep-sea sediments derived from the Anatolian volcanic province”, Quaternary Research 73, 497–506.
- Heiken G, McCoy F, 1984. Caldera development during the Minoan eruption, Thira, Cyclades Greece. J Geophys Res, 89: 8462
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